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India maintains presence in South China Sea

when I came to this forum, there was an Indian thought VN was trying to convince India to protect VN against China in SCS(east sea), so he wanted India to withdraw from SCS(east sea) to reduce the tension between India-China , and I explaned to him that:" VN only need to have a good relationship and good bussiness with India , VN is strong enough to protect itself ! ".

Now, I think most of Indian here know that VN was the third most powerful millitary on earth during 80s, that why we defeated China easily in 1979. Most of Indian here respect our army power , dude.

China maybe a serious problem with many countries, but China is just Weak and powerless nation to VN, we can defeat China any time we want, all we care is just the power of USA. US is far more dangerous than China bcz if US impose an oil embargo to VN, Vn will be in big trouble.

To break US's embargo, we need to learn alot from Indian Navy, so once day, we can unify the whole ASEAN region and fully control Malacca strait, so won't scare of US any more, that's why, learning from Indian navy is very improtant . Rumors in China's website said : VN is going to buy P-28 from India.

LOL at retard viet post country with no nuke is stronger than country with nukes??????:rofl: what you been smoking man? or is it the side effect of agent orange:rofl:

LOL I wonder does you face blush (face turns red) when you say such corny and obvious words. Such insidious comment by a devious Viet!

Nothing devious in his post at all just outdated propagandar with side effect of agent orange kicked in:rofl:
the first one. ist chinese 054, just google 525 054.
the last photo is p15a kolkata.

I guess Indians brag about their weapons so much that they need to post a Chinese ship and claim it as Chinese ships. When they brag about Bombay taking over Shanghai, do they post a picture of Shanghai and claim it to be Bombay?

when I came to this forum, there was an Indian thought VN was trying to convince India to protect VN against China in SCS(east sea), so he wanted India to withdraw from SCS(east sea) to reduce the tension between India-China , and I explaned to him that:" VN only need to have a good relationship and good bussiness with India , VN is strong enough to protect itself ! ".

Now, I think most of Indian here know that VN was the third most powerful millitary on earth during 80s, that why we defeated China easily in 1979. Most of Indian here respect our army power , dude.

China maybe a serious problem with many countries, but China is just Weak and powerless nation to VN, we can defeat China any time we want, all we care is just the power of USA. US is far more dangerous than China bcz if US impose an oil embargo to VN, Vn will be in big trouble.

To break US's embargo, we need to learn alot from Indian Navy, so once day, we can unify the whole ASEAN region and fully control Malacca strait, so won't scare of US any more, that's why, learning from Indian navy is very improtant . Rumors in China's website said : VN is going to buy P-28 from India.


If Vietnam has to buy weapons from India to protect itself against China, then Vietnam is indeed very weak. Why buy antique technology from India if you can get it directly from Russia. Even India is rejecting its own planes and tanks and opt for Russian and Western weapons. Don't get Indian rejects to fight against China or you will lose badly.
nd Western weapons. Don't get Indian rejects to fight against China or you will lose badly.
LOL at retard viet post country with no nuke is stronger than country with nukes??????:rofl: what you been smoking man? or is it the side effect of agent orange:rofl:
Hehe, then why didn't you use Nuke when we attacked to your territory during VN-CN war and killed uncountable number of Chinese in Laos-Camb-China ?? what made you scared of ?? our nuke capable Shaddock ??
In May another major flare-up occurred with fightingthat month reaching an intensity unparalleled since theFebruary-March 1979 border war. On May 5th-6th,Chinese local forces, operating in regimental strength,attacked and occupied a narrow strip of the frontier,containing hill 400, in Cao Loc district, Lang Sonprovince, and also occupied a number of strategic hills(numbered 1800a, 1800b, 1688 and 1059) in Vi Xuyendistrict, Ha Tuyen province. As before, China

justified its actions by alleging that it wasresponding to Vietnamese-instigated border incidentsduring the first quarter of the year.Vietnam responded by counter-attacking and intrudinginto Chinese territory. On May 5th-6th, Vietnameseforces raided the Fakashan area, Guangxi province. Thefollowing day, one Vietnamese company attacked Mengdongcommune, Malipo county, Yunnan province.
Thayer, The Sino-Vietnamese Border War, 1986-87
faithfulguy said:
If Vietnam has to buy weapons from India to protect itself against China, then Vietnam is indeed very weak. Why buy antique technology from India if you can get it directly from Russia. Even India is rejecting its own planes and tanks and opt for Russian and Western weapons. Don't get Indian rejects to fight against China or you will lose badly.
nd Western weapons. Don't get Indian rejects to fight against China or you will lose badly.
hehe, prove to the World that PLAN and TW navy know how to fight in real Naval combat first . All knew that our amry even defeated US's seven fleet in VN war when PLAN stil scared stiff when seeing US's seven fleet.
As if Vietnam were the boss of US 7th fleet. Just look at PH to find out how much US will do for it's ally...
As if Vietnam were the boss of US 7th fleet. Just look at PH to find out how much US will do for it's ally...
Hehe, look at yourselves in the mirror first, who's controlling the largest part in Spratly ?? Do we need any foreign help to control that area ?? Or it's China bow down and begged for US's support inorder to rob 7 VN shoals in 1988
VN may sell your illegal islands of Nansha back to China or to US. Either way can save your live in a war.
Im sure you are young and never work with Indian. I did. I believe in IQ and the importance of IQ to the future of our country. With IQ = 99,5 for Vietnamese, we do not need the help from a nation with IQ = 82. They can not help themselves, how can they help us.

What did India help us during the war? Nothing. At the time of Vietnam war against the US, they are the leader in Non-Alliance Bloc, actually the puppet of the US. I respect any country who stand up against the US, like Iran or North Korea, although I may not like their political system. But India have always been the darling of the West. I am sure they supported the US during Vietnam war. If you do not believe me, just recall any anti-war protest or any aid or any industrial plant they gave us during the war, if you can.

About India racism: They are racist towards black people, but they look up to East Asian. They even like Nazi Germany, because Germany call themselves Aryan race, and Indian ancestors are also called Aryan people. That is the mentality of Indian.

Sorry for saying that you never work with Indian.
I also have my experiences like you in working with Indian in Korea. Indian always say very politely "sorry sir, excuse me, sir"... etc. In overall, I find that Indian are polite, may be too polite, but inefficient. Working with Chinese bring totally different experiences. They are cold, a little bit arrogant, saying little, but in overall, they are very hard-working and efficient, not unlike German or Korean which I worked with. In this aspect, I find that Indian are much like Indonesian or Fillipinos.

I am not lying. You may find that some Indian governments opposed US involvement in the Vietnam war, but their voice was very weak. In addition, not all Indian government supported Vietnam, because there are always pro-US element in the goverment. Remember, they are a weak multi-party system, unlike western europe or the US and do not have a rigid line for external affairs. They danced between the US and the Soviet Union. In fact, I doubt if you can recall any material aid from India, other from some lip service.

As I understand, it seems you are trying to convince us, Vietnamese, that VN should not strengthen ties with India?
But all the reasons you quoted are not convincing. There is not any reason to the grudge Vietnamese with India. There is no reason to prevent the VN-India strengthen strategy partnership, not only in the South china Sea, but in all the areas that each side have strengths.
It seems essence of your problem are personal grudges. Sorry, weren't while you working with Indian peers in Korea, they have ever reported one of your bad habits with your boss?
Don't think only you have experience working with Indian friends.

I still suspect you are a Chinaman, because the Vietnamese don't have the habit of swanky IQ like you. It seems like a habit of the Chinese members...
As I stated before, Vietnam should buy weapons directly from Russia and Europe. Not India.



During the visit to India of VN President Truong Tan Sang in October last year, he has offered India to sell BrahMos missiles for VN, and the Indian Government has agreed to sell the first batch to VN 15 missiles, will be delivered this year.
We will use the BrahMos missiles to equip the Su-30MK2V to protect the territorial waters and the islands of VN in South China Sea.

Why do you suggest we should not buy India's weapons, including great missiles BrahMos ?
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