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India maintains presence in South China Sea

Sorry for saying that you never work with Indian.
I also have my experiences like you in working with Indian in Korea. Indian always say very politely "sorry sir, excuse me, sir"... etc. In overall, I find that Indian are polite, may be too polite, but inefficient. Working with Chinese bring totally different experiences. They are cold, a little bit arrogant, saying little, but in overall, they are very hard-working and efficient, not unlike German or Korean which I worked with. In this aspect, I find that Indian are much like Indonesian or Fillipinos.

I am not lying. You may find that some Indian governments opposed US involvement in the Vietnam war, but their voice was very weak. In addition, not all Indian government supported Vietnam, because there are always pro-US element in the goverment. Remember, they are a weak multi-party system, unlike western europe or the US and do not have a rigid line for external affairs. They danced between the US and the Soviet Union. In fact, I doubt if you can recall any material aid from India, other from some lip service.
I dont expect u to read the entire article. Just go to page 6. Hating India is ur choice but atleast argue with some logic.

Sorry for saying that you never work with Indian.
I also have my experiences like you in working with Indian in Korea. Indian always say very politely "sorry sir, excuse me, sir"... etc. In overall, I find that Indian are polite, may be too polite, but inefficient. Working with Chinese bring totally different experiences. They are cold, a little bit arrogant, saying little, but in overall, they are very hard-working and efficient, not unlike German or Korean which I worked with. In this aspect, I find that Indian are much like Indonesian or Fillipinos.
So, you don't like Indian just bcz of their" inefficiency' ?? Dude, lots of VNese are lazy , trouble makers and can't compare with Chinese workers too.
I am not lying. You may find that some Indian governments opposed US involvement in the Vietnam war, but their voice was very weak. In addition, not all Indian government supported Vietnam, because there are always pro-US element in the goverment. Remember, they are a weak multi-party system, unlike western europe or the US and do not have a rigid line for external affairs. They danced between the US and the Soviet Union. In fact, I doubt if you can recall any material aid from India, other from some lip service.
anyone who don't wanna invade VN will be good friend, and India never think she will attack or imposing sanction VN once day . That's all we need from our friend already.
We did not scare of US navy in Vietnam war, when we was at the primitive level of navy.

Thailand have aircraft carrier long times ago. But I do not think they are something to reckon with.

India navy is possibly the most powerful naval force in South Asia. Not asia. The arrogance hides the inferior complex.
Yes, I agree that the Chinese here are arrogant, but I can accept that, because they deserve to be arrogant, at least for now, like I can accept the arrogance of the American or the German. I do not like the US with their countless wars, as well as the crime they have done in Vietnam, but I think they are still most powerfull force in this world and they also contributed much to this world. Chinese and German deserves to be arrogant, for the same reasons.

But Indian, what do you contribute to this world. Frankly, most hungry people, most illiterate people, most under-5 child mortality, most malnourished children etc. India is even behind their neighbours, like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan or Maldives, which are already at the very low ranking of the world.
Vietnamese got a taste of indian backstabbing! indians ran away so fast right after China started spanking the Philippines, just like 1962!

So, you don't like Indian just bcz of their" inefficiency' ?? Dude, lots of VNese are lazy , trouble makers and can't compare with Chinese workers too.

anyone who don't wanna invade VN will be good friend, and India never think she will attack or imposing sanction VN once day . That's all we need from our friend already.

Now you understand me. To be good friend with India or any other country, it OK to me, no doubt. But India (not only these forumers), even their government want to see Vietnam as their "little brother", which i find it disgusting. I hope our country is little brother to no one, but if it have to, the "big brother" to us to fight against China can only be either the US or Russia, certainly not a backward and soft country like India.
Before, they danced between the Soviet Union and the US, now they are dancing between Russia, China and the US (Russia provides them weapons, China is their biggest trading partner, US is their big brother). In the future conflict between China and Vietnam, which I hope never come, India will sell us as soon as China pays them some money, because they are scared of China much more than us, despite of all modern imported weapon. A coward friend is much more dangerous than a strong enemy, that is my opinion.
Now you understand me. To be good friend with India or any other country, it OK to me, no doubt. But India (not only these forumers), even their government want to see Vietnam as their "little brother", which i find it disgusting. I hope our country is little brother to no one, but if it have to, the "big brother" to us to fight against China can only be either the US or Russia, certainly not a backward and soft country like India.
Before, they danced between the Soviet Union and the US, now they danced between Russia, China and the US (Russia provide them weapons, China is their biggest trading partner, US is their big brother). In the future conflict between China and Vietnam, which I hope never come, India will sell us as soon as China pays them some money, because they are scared of China much more than us, despite of all modern imported weapon. A coward friend is much more dangerous than a strong enemy, that is my opinion.
You correctly observe the true nature of indians. Don't forget, when you eat delicious pho, the indians burn with hate.

I don't know about the people, but VN Govt is not interested in India at the moment, but yes some chap in Philo govt considered India as counter weight to China, according to wikileaks.

This is the most sensible realistic and down to earth post unfortunately the rest of delusional indians , viets and a couple of pinoys believed the opposite.

He sounds exactly like a Chinese who were 3 decades ago starving to deaths and now gone crazy after seeing wealth. Otherwise we all are third world countries and we surely know our reality.

True but still better than people continue to starve to death in india till this day.
Now you understand me. To be good friend with India or any other country, it OK to me, no doubt. But India (not only these forumers), even their government want to see Vietnam as their "little brother", which i find it disgusting. I hope our country is little brother to no one, but if it have to, the "big brother" to us to fight against China can only be either the US or Russia, certainly not a backward and soft country like India.
Before, they danced between the Soviet Union and the US, now they are dancing between Russia, China and the US (Russia provides them weapons, China is their biggest trading partner, US is their big brother). In the future conflict between China and Vietnam, which I hope never come, India will sell us as soon as China pays them some money, because they are scared of China much more than us, despite of all modern imported weapon. A coward friend is much more dangerous than a strong enemy, that is my opinion.

So in you opinion, you will feel safe only if India joins some military bloc with US or ally with Russia or Say yes to china everytime ?

Are you a vietnamese at all ? Where is your pride in standing up on your own?

Now I think India has more balls than Vietnam, we dont bend our backs to anyone understand? We try to do businese with everyone whether military or civilian.
So in you opinion, you will feel safe only if India joins some military bloc with US or ally with Russia or Say yes to china everytime ?

Are you a vietnamese at all ? Where is your pride in standing up on your own?

Now I think India has more balls than Vietnam, we dont bend our backs to anyone understand? We try to do businese with everyone whether military or civilian.

you are talking cr@P here please try to umderstand , what he is saying is vietnam can fight china on her own they dont need india helps ,and if anything is it very dangerous to trust a coward backstabbing country like india ( recent withdrew from oil blocks is a good example) is it better to face a strong china in a war alone than trust india to help in that war.
@ajaxpaul, dont be trapped by him.just look at his previos post, u will realize his level of knowledge.when u reply to him he gets energised and posts another crap. then he runs away when finds it difficult to counter.
you are talking cr@P here please try to umderstand , what he is saying is vietnam can fight china on her own they dont need india helps ,and if anything is it very dangerous to trust a coward backstabbing country like india ( recent withdrew from oil blocks is a good example) is it better to face a strong china in a war alone than trust india to help in that war.

Ok my bad, let vietnam fight china alone.
I've said many times that cooperating with a coward country like india is even worse than cooperating with Italy in WWII.
All they can do is drag your legs and being a traitor as they usually do.
I've said many times that cooperating with a coward country like india is even worse than cooperating with Italy in WWII.
All they can do is drag your legs and being a traitor as they usually do.

yes very true imagine when in a war with china and part of your plan is for india to send an infantry to counter china and cut off her supplier line in the northeast and that infantry didnt turn up even though india promised they will LOL

First: Many Chinese here call VNese(including you) is monkey , so tell me what do you think if someone call your parents is monkey ?? still Respect them ???

Second: India always help VietNam a lot from Vn war untill now , VN has two great friend are Russia and India, but some racist Russian skinheads even kill VNese when I never heard racist Indian kill VNese, so if you feel Indian is arrogant, then you're stupid .

Dont play the innocent troll you are the most banned member in this thread continue changing your id is the norm for viet trolls here as for insulting viets we just return the flavour that s all
I've said many times that cooperating with a coward country like india is even worse than cooperating with Italy in WWII.
All they can do is drag your legs and being a traitor as they usually do.

India is independent state. You are living north-east China, in Manchukuo. It's better for you, if you are Manchu in ethnic, thinking about independence of Manchukuo than spamming here on PDF.


Flag of Manchukuo communist. Do you know the mane Gao Gang, he was leader of Manchu people ?


Flag of Manchuria.

Manchukuo map.

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