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India maintains presence in South China Sea

Its nice to have more friends. But if Vietnam is counting on getting weapons from India, don't count on it. India needs to import practically everything from the west or Russia. If Vietnam wants any weapons, better off get it from the Russia or Europe. Does Vietnam have good relationship with European countries such as France and Germany recently? Those are more worthwhile relationships to develop.

Indian presence in SCS is for business, not to show off weapons.
Its nice to have more friends. But if Vietnam is counting on getting weapons from India, don't count on it. India needs to import practically everything from the west or Russia. If Vietnam wants any weapons, better off get it from the Russia or Europe. Does Vietnam have good relationship with European countries such as France and Germany recently? Those are more worthwhile relationships to develop.
Dude, we have a Huge arsenal stored in Russia now, we can't bring all home bcz it will create an Arms race in the region, we also can buy Russian weapon on Credit too, so we're armed to the teeth now.

Indian's presence is good for Both, India have a chance to flex her muscle to China , we have more friends. We just don't wanna fight alone under sanction like when attaking Pol Pot just bcz people thought we invaded Cambodia. So, when we attack Taiwan-China in SCS(east sea), every one will not misunderstand that we're doing the Bad things
Dude, we have a Huge arsenal stored in Russia now, we can't bring all home bcz it will create an Arms race in the region, we also can buy Russian weapon on Credit too, so we're armed to the teeth now.

Indian's presence is good for Both, India have a chance to flex her muscle to China , we have more friends. We just don't wanna fight alone under sanction like when attaking Pol Pot just bcz people thought we invaded Cambodia. So, when we attack Taiwan-China in SCS(east sea), every one will not misunderstand that we're doing the Bad things

vietnam wanna attack China and ROC in SCS? good, come on, we wait for the opportunity for too long time
vietnam wanna attack China and ROC in SCS? good, come on, we wait for the opportunity for too long time
Hehe, we fired already, why are you still waiting ?? If you're scared, then it'd better to return all isl back to VN before you get another lesson after 1979 :coffee:
Itu Aba Island, Vietnamese boats opened fire on the provocative Taiwan military fired warning shots
Posted about 38 days ago | 0 comment

Core Tip: Taiwan’s “newsletter” said the March 22 and 26, the Vietnamese armed patrol boats, twice close to Itu Aba Island, the Taiwan sea patrol boats expelled were the other firing provocative, The Taiwan side then fired warning shots. Taiwan defenders of the Pacific Island state of emergency immediately ready returned fire.
Itu Aba Island, Vietnamese boats opened fire on the provocative Taiwan military fired warning shots | Inside China
vietnam wanna attack China and ROC in SCS? good, come on, we wait for the opportunity for too long time

Yeah put on your boxing gloves and wait for eternity...Nobody is interested in you.
Hehe, we fired already, why are you still waiting ?? If you're scared, then it'd better to return all isl back to VN before you get another lesson after 1979 :coffee:

Making friends with India also let you viets have big mouth too:lol: welcome to India-VN loser country alliance :rofl:
Please ignore him, our Indian friends. In Vietnam there are quite a lot of Vietnamese origin were foreigners. They do not represent the majority of Viets.
The vast majority of Vietnamese people now support the VN government's policy strengthen traditional friendly relations with India.
Anywhere there are also people uneducated.

dont lie vietnamese look down on indians
No, I am not Sino-Vietnamese or Hoa.

For most indicators related to human development, yes.

GDP per capita (2011): Vietnam 1374, India 1389
(roughly the same)
Life expectancy: Vietnamese 74, Indian 65
Literacy rate: Vietnam 94%, India 75% (official figure)
Global hunger index: Vietnam rank 3, India rank 67 (wiki)
Child mortality rate: Vietnam rank 93, India rank 150, even lower than Bangladesh, Nepal or Madagascar (wiki source)
For other indicators, you can educate yourselves from various sources.

well said and in 5 years time vietnam can protect india when her economy getting better with china help

I can sense something burning, and it isn't dim sum :lol:

We'll continue to support our Vietnamese friends, regardless what the bully of the north says and does.

Look through some old threads you will see some viets said india talk talk and only talk , every one look down on vietnam and india because we are poor go check it out mate

what i m telling you guys is the reality what you guys doing is believe in fantasy
Its nice to have more friends. But if Vietnam is counting on getting weapons from India, don't count on it. India needs to import practically everything from the west or Russia. If Vietnam wants any weapons, better off get it from the Russia or Europe. Does Vietnam have good relationship with European countries such as France and Germany recently? Those are more worthwhile relationships to develop.

Brahmos is a stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. Brahmos is good enough to defend our sea. We are going to discuss with Holland for some warships purchasing and technology transferring and to be build in Vietnam with license.

well said and in 5 years time vietnam can protect india when her economy getting better with china help

Look through some old threads you will see some viets said india talk talk and only talk , every one look down on vietnam and india because we are poor go check it out mate

what i m telling you guys is the reality what you guys doing is believe in fantasy

Only one "Viet" said that, and I'm pretty damn sure he comes from your neck of the woods.

Cooperation between our two countries is friendly. I wouldn't understand why a "Viet" would oppose it. We maintain friendly relations, both have strategic goals, plus have a common bully which everyone knows who. :azn:
Please ignore him, our Indian friends. In Vietnam there are quite a lot of Vietnamese origin were foreigners. They do not represent the majority of Viets.
The vast majority of Vietnamese people now support the VN government's policy strengthen traditional friendly relations with India.
Anywhere there are also people uneducated.

arhhhhhhh so sweet suddenly a few viettrolls opinions represent a majority views of people of vietnam :rofl: but the funny thing is these always living in fantacy land indians believe in themLMAO .These retard viets cry and whine here and their government couldnt dare to utter a word, believe in these trolls here you can believe anything:lol: btw these vietrolls always said thing like majority of vietnamese this and that what a load of bullshit

Only one "Viet" said that, and I'm pretty damn sure he comes from your neck of the woods.

Cooperation between our two countries is friendly. I wouldn't understand why a "Viet" would oppose it. We maintain friendly relations, both have strategic goals, plus have a common bully which everyone knows who. :azn:

did i say they dont want your cooperation? if you guys believe that viettroll said majority of vietnamese like you guys why cant you believe another viet troll said they look down on you guys????
I find Indian actions provocative but it suits us as it will encourage China not to allow them into the SCO
So it seems that my data is accepted.
Why can it prevent VN-India to strengthen cooperation? No, it can not and should not.
Did I know that now India is helping VN training in information tech or English? Yes, I know.

Please show us some pictures to prove that India is rich, or even richer than Vietnam. One pictures worth thousands words.
If you want to see how Vietnamese look at India, just go to some professional websites, like otofun.net (for travel pictures), daumaytoaxe.com (for India railways pictures C)

Don't lying. The peoples there call you: Bọn khựa.
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