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India maintains presence in South China Sea

This numbers cannot mean a whole. And why can it prevent VN-India strengthen cooperation?
Did you know that now India is helping VN training in information technology, English ...?

So it seems that my data is accepted.
Why can it prevent VN-India to strengthen cooperation? No, it can not and should not.
Did I know that now India is helping VN training in information tech or English? Yes, I know.

Shut up your mouth! you poor Vietnam just ask us for help in military, and begging us to invest in oil and IT, where is your gratitude?

Please show us some pictures to prove that India is rich, or even richer than Vietnam. One pictures worth thousands words.
If you want to see how Vietnamese look at India, just go to some professional websites, like otofun.net (for travel pictures), daumaytoaxe.com (for India railways pictures C)
No, I am not Sino-Vietnamese or Hoa.

For most indicators related to human development, yes.

GDP per capita (2011): Vietnam 1374, India 1389
(roughly the same)
Life expectancy: Vietnamese 74, Indian 65
Literacy rate: Vietnam 94%, India 75% (official figure)
Global hunger index: Vietnam rank 3, India rank 67 (wiki)
Child mortality rate: Vietnam rank 93, India rank 150, even lower than Bangladesh, Nepal or Madagascar (wiki source)
For other indicators, you can educate yourselves from various sources.
so what....???

No, I am not Sino-Vietnamese or Hoa.

For most indicators related to human development, yes.

GDP per capita (2011): Vietnam 1374, India 1389
(roughly the same)
Life expectancy: Vietnamese 74, Indian 65
Literacy rate: Vietnam 94%, India 75% (official figure)
Global hunger index: Vietnam rank 3, India rank 67 (wiki)
Child mortality rate: Vietnam rank 93, India rank 150, even lower than Bangladesh, Nepal or Madagascar (wiki source)
For other indicators, you can educate yourselves from various sources.
so what???
can some vietnamese member provide some statistics polling about how the vietnamese majority view on china and on India?
statistics worth thousands words.
Please show us some pictures to prove that India is rich, or even richer than Vietnam. One pictures worth thousands words.
If you want to see how Vietnamese look at India, just go to some professional websites, like otofun.net (for travel pictures), daumaytoaxe.com (for India railways pictures C)

A few pictures can show a rich or poor country? What a fool.

Professional websites? Funny.
It's just one of many social forums.

China's high-speed train crash: Interrogating the Party | The Economist
So it seems that my data is accepted.
Why can it prevent VN-India to strengthen cooperation? No, it can not and should not.
Did I know that now India is helping VN training in information tech or English? Yes, I know.

Please show us some pictures to prove that India is rich, or even richer than Vietnam. One pictures worth thousands words.
If you want to see how Vietnamese look at India, just go to some professional websites, like otofun.net (for travel pictures), daumaytoaxe.com (for India railways pictures C)

There is no shame in being Chinese. You should be proud of your own ethnicity rather than masquerading as some one you are not. I know it is a curse to be Chinese, you do have my condolences on that count - but we must play the hand that life deals us - it was your fate that you are Chinese. I know you would rather be a leper in Calcutta than a millionaire in Shanghai - at least the Calcuttan is free and leprosy is curable. But there is no cure for being Chinese.

So it seems that my data is accepted.
Why can it prevent VN-India to strengthen cooperation? No, it can not and should not.
Did I know that now India is helping VN training in information tech or English? Yes, I know.

Please show us some pictures to prove that India is rich, or even richer than Vietnam. One pictures worth thousands words.
If you want to see how Vietnamese look at India, just go to some professional websites, like otofun.net (for travel pictures), daumaytoaxe.com (for India railways pictures C)

There is no shame in being Chinese. You should be proud of your own ethnicity rather than masquerading as some one you are not. I know it is a curse to be Chinese, you do have my condolences on that count - but we must play the hand that life deals us - it was your fate that you are Chinese. I know you would rather be a leper in Calcutta than a millionaire in Shanghai - at least the Calcuttan is free and leprosy is curable. But there is no cure for being Chinese.
When a viet tell some truth about India, Indian members here got crazy:lol:
Yes, I agree that the Chinese here are arrogant, but I can accept that, because they deserve to be arrogant, at least for now, like I can accept the arrogance of the American or the German. I do not like the US with their countless wars, as well as the crime they have done in Vietnam, but I think they are still most powerfull force in this world and they also contributed much to this world. Chinese and German deserves to be arrogant, for the same reasons.

But Indian, what do you contribute to this world. Frankly, most hungry people, most illiterate people, most under-5 child mortality, most malnourished children etc. India is even behind their neighbours, like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan or Maldives, which are already at the very low ranking of the world.

Why should any nation be arrogant?

Shut up your mouth! you poor Vietnam just ask us for help in military, and begging us to invest in oil and IT, where is your gratitude?

Let us not insult all Vietnamese nationality here, because one Vietnamese chap has a difference of opinion.

Vietnamese don't owe us any gratitude, Indo-Vietnamese cooperation is based on mutual benefit, its not one sided.
India navy is the most powerful naval force in Asia. We have three aircraft carrier.

One is over 50 years old and was scheduled to be retired 10 years ago.
Another still is in Russia, not commission yet.
Another still being build.

So it turn out that India only has 1 50 year old AC. You need to stop assuming weapons under development or purchased as ones inducted.
Hehee, lots of false flager in this thread, but pls remembr that PDF is just a forum only, you can't twist the Trust that: VietNam-India are best friends
One 50 year old carrier is enough to contain a country that cripples infront of a blind man.
No, I am not Sino-Vietnamese or Hoa.

For most indicators related to human development, yes.

GDP per capita (2011): Vietnam 1374, India 1389
(roughly the same)
Life expectancy: Vietnamese 74, Indian 65
Literacy rate: Vietnam 94%, India 75% (official figure)
Global hunger index: Vietnam rank 3, India rank 67 (wiki)
Child mortality rate: Vietnam rank 93, India rank 150, even lower than Bangladesh, Nepal or Madagascar (wiki source)
For other indicators, you can educate yourselves from various sources.

How about GDP and global clout ? yes less than vietnam and your master china.

The sheer number of educated and rich people in india is more than 10 times that of vietnam...similarly trade, economics.

Normal Vietnamese would understand our strength and weakness, but i dont expect you, nor do i care.

All the poor illiterate people you speak of , reside in India, our nation. We will take care of them, please dont burn your ego filled, arrogant head over such trivial matter that does not concern your nation, which we dont even know.
Its nice to have more friends. But if Vietnam is counting on getting weapons from India, don't count on it. India needs to import practically everything from the west or Russia. If Vietnam wants any weapons, better off get it from the Russia or Europe. Does Vietnam have good relationship with European countries such as France and Germany recently? Those are more worthwhile relationships to develop.
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