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Featured India made sure Pakistan stays on FATF grey list: Indian foreign minister

LOL weren't these the same Indians that were bluffing with the FATF black list? Why are the Indians now taking pride in the FATF grey list?

They are satisfying their ego after being badly hurt in Afghanistan. They wanted to take Pakistan into blacklist but Indians badly failed. Keeping Pakistan in Grey is someone else's interest and at the moment they don't want to go beyond this.
They are satisfying their ego after being badly hurt in Afghanistan. They wanted to take Pakistan into blacklist but Indians badly failed. Keeping Pakistan in Grey is someone else's interest and at the moment they don't want to go beyond this.
Pak usually comes up with an alternative "reality" every time towels are thrown at her! Few examples:
  • Afganistan has been trying to nip Pak at the bud (with the help of India if course) since 1946! Now, what's the situation in Afganistan?
  • The USA/India etc. wanted to finish off Pak once and for all! Now, who's fighting back?
  • They thought Pak could never be a nuclear power! Now, who's got the thermo nukes?
  • Etc.
Thank you India for acknowledging the fact that FATF is used as a political tool through lobby and influence instead of FATF independently working. Pakistan already stated the fact that FATF is exploited through lobbying with 1st 2irld countries.

Why the bravado statement was required? Well the heavy investment in Afghanistan is lost and so India lost an anti Pakistan ground forever. The bruised ego, dented repute and growing concern at home along with demoralization of strategic planning requires some diverting propaganda and superiority articles.
the biggest exporter of terrorism if india in subcontinent, history is ripe with it.
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan..

One thing i am realizing, India will never leave Pakistan alone, Pakistan or India, either one has to eventually subjugate other nation for this drama to eventually stop.
WHen you say yes to US Aid, OBL operation, Yes to ALOC and GLOC.... Have settled families of ministers and generals in US, what stops you from saying yes?

Don't tell me we are standing on own own feet now??...

Soon we will be and we are getting there and in next 5 years things will change for the better.
the biggest exporter of terrorism if india in subcontinent, history is ripe with it.
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan..

One thing i am realizing, India will never leave Pakistan alone, Pakistan or India, either one has to eventually subjugate other nation for this drama to eventually stop.

Its cheaper to do damage to your enemy by using terrorism tool as opponent economy goes down and then buying power for weapons suffer subsequently. India will avoid direct war as it will cost India dearly so they will only use fart meter.
most of western institutions including FATF are for blackmailing only .
So its proved that Pakistan lacks competence in international lawfare. It also shows India can damage Pakistan in ways we dont even appreciate.

Pakistan need to work on this. Pakistan media and its politicians are damaging Pakistan for their self interest. They cant distinguish between state and politics. Media is full of shit journalists who cant even analyze a simple issue and start commenting on it without considering damage they do to country.

Politicians do the same. They make heavy sounding statements at sensitive issue like 'kidnapping' of Afghan ambassador daughter to score political point against the political government without considering the damage it can do to the country.

And it seems like our army is not even equipped with weapons to fight this war. The weapons of media and politics are in the hands of our enemies. I m talking about our own media and politicians who are used by our enemies to create such propaganda against us.
BUT the million-dollar question that remains to be answered is will Pakistan always remains on Back-Foot as a passive-aggressive state with no on-ground actions against its enemies? Or it will(ever) take the fight to the enemy's land and make them pay for the blood of our people?

Although I have very little faith in the latter but still hope for it.
Of course everyone knows, but India is just taking the pie alone its not just them but America as well, cause if US wants Pakistan will be out of FATF within a day, and all that crying of Indians will be thrown into garbage.
India spilled the beans because

Pakistan seeks FATF action against India for 'sponsoring terrorism'

Alright. Yes. We did it. Now your turn. All the best Pakistan!
India is a full member of FATF. To obtain membership one need to put your financial system in order which India did. Beside all member country undergo inspection every two years. India`s inspection was put on hold due to pandemic. There is nothing new in it.

the above Pakistani minister is unaware (still), how does one end up in FATF list. India put hard work in putting terrorist list in UN watch list. It followed up with tracking trails of money from Pakistan to this terrorist groups, which is why Pakistan was put up on FATF watchlist. FATF work on proofs and reports based on evidence. I doubt it will even pay attention to some unknown minister from Pakistan.
Grey or Black list, Economic or Political or Simply Black Mail, FATF is holding us Back, a big hinderance in making international deals.
After so many failures they are desperate to show some success and this is the only one they could come with.
Should we send a copy of this to Gen Bajwa and Imran khan? I mean at one side we are willing to use nukes if someone does economic terrorism against Pakistan and at another hand we are doling out peace deals to India who is consistently doing everything to harm Pakistan.
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