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Featured India made sure Pakistan stays on FATF grey list: Indian foreign minister

what is wrong with you, if I may ask (at the risk of being charged with insultin a member/trolling/provocation/flaming/post of no value et cetera)?

America is the FATF, it tells other members to vote the way it wants otherwise they too have to suffer the wrath https://defence.pk/pdf/goto/post?id=13136978 it coerces by bribery if that fails it punishes.

America can influence. You make it sound like the Europeans, Japanese are all dummies

You have the following countries to speak for you:
GCC, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia
America can influence. You make it sound like the Europeans, Japanese are all dummies
not dummies you pajeet in disguise, but tribute paying satellites for the foreseeable future. do recall what it did to japan not too long ago when it got a little too advanced/too big for its boots? America cut it down to size (just like it is now trying with China).
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not dummies you pajeet in disguise, but tribute paying satellites for the foreseeable future. do recall what it did to japan when it got a little too advanced/too big for its boots? America cut it down to size (just like it is now trying with China).

how come none of these countries hold a candle for Pakistan ?

GCC, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia
how come none of these countries hold a candle for Pakistan ?

GCC, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia
can you write this in simpler English please? I am no English bakwas PhD holder like you bharatis
can you write this in simpler English please?

all these countries are FATF members
GCC, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia

how come they do not stand up for Pakistan in the FATF ?
all these countries are FATF members
GCC, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia

how come they do not stand up for Pakistan in the FATF ?
other than China and currently perhaps Hong Kong, which of them is not under the oppression of the American empire?

Turkey? ever seen them murderous Turks killing in the Mid-East at the behest/on behalf of America?
Russia? Pakistanis killed the life out of them in Afghanistan (albeit with a whole lot of help from UK and US, both with men and matériel )

oh what is the fucking point in going on to explain more. you being a Pajeet will move the goalpost each and every time the other side looks likely to score a point
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other than China and currently perhaps Hong Kong, which of them is not under the oppression of the American empire?

Turkey? ever seen them Turks killing in Mid-East at the behest/on behalf of America?
Russia? Pakistanis killed the life out of them in Afghanistan (albeit with help from UK and US, both men and matériel )

oh what is the fucking point in going on to explain more. you being a Pajeet will move the goalpost each and every time the other side looks likely to score a point

maybe you have to look in the mirror before spouting off at others
maybe you have to look in the mirror before spouting off at others
looked, did not see a street-shitter nor his advanced bullshitting brother/cousin the pajeet. good-bye!
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other than China and currently perhaps Hong Kong, which of them is not under the oppression of the American empire?
Ironic because China voted against us during the first plenary when it was decided to put us on the Grey list.

Also the recent US statement is interesting coming on the backdrop of the Indian statement and that too the opposite of it, they lauded Pakistan for their progress which at least is a good change of tone. Perhaps signaling that an exit may come in the next meet, but that is speculation.
So its proved that Pakistan lacks competence in international lawfare. It also shows India can damage Pakistan in ways we dont even appreciate.

Pakistan need to work on this. Pakistan media and its politicians are damaging Pakistan for their self interest. They cant distinguish between state and politics. Media is full of shit journalists who cant even analyze a simple issue and start commenting on it without considering damage they do to country.

Politicians do the same. They make heavy sounding statements at sensitive issue like 'kidnapping' of Afghan ambassador daughter to score political point against the political government without considering the damage it can do to the country.

And it seems like our army is not even equipped with weapons to fight this war. The weapons of media and politics are in the hands of our enemies. I m talking about our own media and politicians who are used by our enemies to create such propaganda against us.

Virtually impossible. India enjoys all benefits of being in the Western camp. This has little to do with competence, but more with preferential treatment.
India had openly claimed that it would try for this outcome at FATF. This thread seems to propagate that a secret plan was hatched which has been exposed now.

Pakistan was put in the grey list for extremely poor financial regulations against money laundering. It has made good progress but there are few areas that are yet to be addressed.
India provided enough material evidence to the FATF regarding the same and ensured that Pakistan wouldn’t come out of the grey list till it acted on all the observations. It was openly claimed by India before the plenary meeting of the FATF.

While extending Pakistan’s status in the grey list even the FATF accepted the good work. It has been even accepted by the US now. That’s a good sign and if Pakistan tackles the objections then it might come out of the grey list.
Just keep up the good work and ensure that all the FATF observations are addressed in letter and spirit.

Meanwhile stop making news out of non-news. India had openly claimed about what is being claimed as a sinister and a secret plan.
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Indian FM claimed that India played a role in keeping Pakistan in the grey list. Why is this being seen as a sinister plan and a conspiracy against Pakistan?

Pakistan was put in the grey list for extremely poor financial regulations against money laundering. It has made good progress but there are few areas that are yet to be addressed.
India provided enough material evidence to regarding the same and ensured that Pakistan wouldn’t come out of the grey list till it acted on all the observations. It was openly claimed by India before the plenary meeting of the FATF.

While extending Pakistan’s status in the grey list even the FATF accepted the good work. It has been even accepted by the US.
Just keep up the good work and ensure that all the FATF observations are addressed and Pakistan would come out of the grey list.
Blaming India and west is easier. :crazy_pilot:
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