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India: Israel's Next Major Military Ally?

Oh for PHuccccckkkkkks sake.
India is just a buyer of Israeli made weapons, and Israel just a seller. They provide us some intel on terrorist activities, their companies invest in water-management and we do JV's in case of a few military applications which is mostly them making the tech and us producing (aka license producing).
Thats it.
There is nothing more to it. All this India-Israel 'friendship' is only in the heads of a few deluded Indians.

That's what you think ! ;)

F*** appeasement. India as a nation needs Israel as an ally. AND vice versa.

Isreaeli controlled and self claimed territory.

did u read the post u were replying to ?
Isreaeli controlled and self claimed territory.
israel has roughly 20 percent arab population which includes palestine. Majority of arabs are muslims, so the best figure is 20 percent muslim.

Bro you should read about history of Israel-India friendship
Since you have presumably read it, why don't you tell me. What can India provide to Israel that its other partners like U.S, Germany etc. cannot provide. Don't say market.
What can India provide to Israel other than money (by buying stuff).

a whole lot more than what you and I think, mate. There is a reason they have a shystem bulit out of qualified trained personnel..

look at it this this way...Israel and India faces the exact single biggest problem. it would be stupid to imagine IA can't teach a thing or two about CT to any other army. for that matter, Kashmir police can't teach some to any god damned police force on earth.

broaden your thoughts, you will see pieces fall into their respective places.
Both India and Israel starts with I which have common enemy Islam which starts with I as well. I am sure they are Ally made in heaven.

Idiot! India has more muslims than your litlle country.
What can India provide to Israel other than money (by buying stuff).
Support in UN, safe heaven for Israeli navy ships in the Indian Ocean, joint training opportunities, intelligence coordination, satellite launching platform much closer to the Equator, inter-mediation vs. third parties, commercial opportunities [that may involve Indian manufacturers and Israeli technologies] vs. third parties, e.t.c.
Support in UN, safe heaven for Israeli navy ships in the Indian Ocean, joint training opportunities, intelligence coordination, satellite launching platform much closer to the Equator, inter-mediation vs. third parties, commercial opportunities [that may involve Indian manufacturers and Israeli technologies] vs. third parties, e.t.c.

Support in UN

safe heaven for Israeli navy ships in the Indian Ocean
IN ships don't need any safe haven while traveling in international waters,

joint training opportunities

intelligence coordination

satellite launching platform much closer to the Equator
PSLV is used only because its cheap,

inter-mediation vs. third parties
Once again, Useless, unless you mean Bangladesh or Nepal,

commercial opportunities [that may involve Indian manufacturers and Israeli technologies] vs. third parties
Nothing much special here, commercial opportunities's merit is judged by profitability, which is quite fickle.

I don't deny that Israel and India can co-operate in a vast variety of fields, and we do, but that wouldn't translate to any alliance/bromance which some people in India dream it up to be. It's the same thing with the Russians. Israel's major/real ally will always be the USA and India will continue to remain non-aligned. Full Stop.
Israel must have offered some TOT for Spike unlike Americans for Javelin :D
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