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India, Israel unite against Pakistan

Friendship made in heaven. Jews and Hindus are two sides of the same coin. I hope they support India to give Pakistan an excuse to support Hamas and Hizbullah.
Whats earlier? it was a question.. why do you think there is doubt?

We support the Palestinian cause just as we maintain good relationship with Israel. :p:

Imagine two of your best friends going through a messy divorce. Each side would have a mouthful to say about the "atrocities" of the other side. They both would want you to be on their side and speak out against the other party. But, you should know better than to put your nose into a messy divorce. It can never end up good for you. The best you can do is to encourage both of them to settle the differences among themselves.

India has been practicing a careful balancing act to manage its relationships between opposite pairs - US - Russia, Israel - Iran, China - Japan etc. Same happens in case of Israel-Palestine. :)
LOL we are shivering. One kills and occupies Palestinian territory. The other does the same in Kashmir. Two ugly allies who share the same principles. Not a surprise that both cherish each other,
Against a country which kills Baloch's and occupies their territory. The majority kill Shia's. Parliament declares one religion cannot call itself muslim. You so called protectors of Islam & Muslims. Apne girebaan mein jhaankh ke dekho. Tumhare mulk mein sabse zyaada musalmaan marte hain aur maare jaate hain.

We don't need to unite against anyone to take care of Pak if push comes to shove.
Friendship made in heaven. Jews and Hindus are two sides of the same coin. I hope they support India to give Pakistan an excuse to support Hamas and Hizbullah.

No wonder that Hamas and Hezbollah are too successful against Israel. :)
Friendship made in heaven. Jews and Hindus are two sides of the same coin. I hope they support India to give Pakistan an excuse to support Hamas and Hizbullah.
Hamas & Hezbollah :omghaha:. They are regularly smashed to smithereens by Israelis.

It's not about Jews & Hindus you ill-informed fly-by-night analyst. It's India & Israel.
Indians are stupid , that they think anyone who sell them anything becomes their Chaddi friend and they can poison them against Pakistan .. maybe its just inferiority complex and lack of Confidence of their own Army to take care of Pakistan that why always running like headless chicken to everywhere ..
Like u throw up pak china frandship...uh!
India, Israel unite against Pakistan
Home / Today's Paper / Top Story / India, Israel unite against Pakistan
November 16, 2016
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Modi accuses Islamabad of spreading terrorism

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday accused Pakistan of being the “origin and spread” of terrorism and said India and Israel had agreed on the need for the international community to act with a resolve against terror networks and the states that harboured them.

The remarks came as India and Israel on Tuesday decided to further broaden their already close defence partnership and intensify cooperation in combating radicalisation and extremism.

“We recognise that terrorism is a global challenge, knows no boundaries and has extensive links with other forms of organised crimes.“Regrettably, one of the countries of its origin and spread is in India’s neighbourhood,” said Modi in his media statement after holding talks with visiting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

“We agreed that the international community must act with resolve and determination against terror networks and states that harbour them,” added Modi.He sought Israel’s help in containing terrorism and extremism from Pakistan. “President Rivlin and I deeply value our strong and growing partnership to secure our societies. Our people are constantly threatened by forces of terrorism and extremism,” he said.

“We noted the strength of our growing defence partnership. And agreed on the need to make it more broad-based through production and manufacturing partnerships,” he said.Modi added that the Israeli president had also assured support for India’s UN Security Council permanent membership.

He also asked Israel to invest in India for high-technology manufacturing and in the services sectors.“We have identified water management and conservation, and collaboration in scientific research and development as two areas of priority engagement. We both agreed that the current trajectory of the Indian economy opens up many promising opportunities for Israeli companies,” he said.

Referring to growing collaboration between the two countries, particularly in defence sector, Rivlin said his country was ready to “Make in India and Make with India”.“We stand together in defending our people and our values,” Rivlin said.The two sides inked two pacts to strengthen cooperation in agriculture and water resources management sectors.
stupid report, he never specifically mentioned pakistan.
How can you even compare pak-us relations with that of israel? Pakistan cannot and will not attack any US navy ships like israel (USS liberty) and than expect US to give it billions of dollars in aid and millitary equipments.i can go on and on about how israel is favoured by the US in united nations and all its misadventures whereas pakistan can only dream of US doing the same for it. Please try to look at a broad prespective rathar than comparing everything with a narrow mind and you will get the idea about how israel is leading technologically.

Plus do you really want me to explain to you how the zionist state is using bharat?
Forget about attacking US navy....they can't even shoot down damn US drone violating their sovereignty....
Pathetic ******** trying to garner support from who ever they can.

Listen up bhartis, when we face you in war we will come by ourselves and obliterate your Hindu rashtra. Count on it you pathetic pansies. You call Pakistan a terrorist country, but when it comes down to war, we we will strike terror in your hearts.

Unlike Aurangzeb, we will give no quarter to you bhartis. There will be no such thing as mercy. This time we will rid the world of evil.

So you docile little Indians can kiss your diwalis goodbye.
Israel didn't give this statement. It is Modi who is jumping and whining about Pakistan, just the way he did at BRICS summit. Israel has nothing to do in this region, and isn't stupid to issue statement against Pakistan. It is already under immense pressure from Iranian and Russian presence in the region, no sane country would add another enemy unnecessarily. Modi is feeling the pain of punishment being inflicted by Pakistan at LOC.
pakistan is the last islamic nation with a nuke.......israel will complete its mission in good time :)

look at the middle east now....

iran ....iraq...libya......and all those who wanted a nuke are either dead...changed...or pacified...

pakistan is the only one left for israel...
What makes the Hindu government sat in New Delhi believe that a Zionist government will actually live at peace with a nation that worships idols? This is not an attack on anyone's faith but Israel does not even consider their closest allies Christians as choses people of God. The Israelis will stab you in the back as they believe their Messiah returns.
Forget about attacking US navy....they can't even shoot down damn US drone violating their sovereignty....

Drones flew from within Pakistan from Shamsi Airbase, with permission from security establishment to take out targets. They killed top wanted terrorists wanted in Pakistan including the likes of Baitullah and Hakimullah Mehsud and IMU chief Tahir Yuldashev. Last time Israeli manufactured Indian drone tried to come in to Pak, here was the result in 2002.



Having diplomatic relations with Israel is in Pakistan's interest. Although they won't be exactly friends but Israel will cherish an Islamic country as a partner and Pakistan can then milk them to a certain extent in US then

Our interest is to see Israel cease to exist.

We too are enemies and have fought wars and keep on killing each other on daily basis, you have diplomatic relations with somebody who broke your country but not with someone with whom you have nothing to do whatsoever?

LOL you didn't "break" our country, I love how you keep piggybacking on 1971 and exaggerate what happened.

pakistan is the last islamic nation with a nuke.......israel will complete its mission in good time :)

look at the middle east now....

iran ....iraq...libya......and all those who wanted a nuke are either dead...changed...or pacified...

pakistan is the only one left for israel...

If they touch us, they cease to exist. It's that simple. And don't think we won't take India down with us too.
pakistan is the last islamic nation with a nuke.......israel will complete its mission in good time :)

look at the middle east now....

iran ....iraq...libya......and all those who wanted a nuke are either dead...changed...or pacified...

pakistan is the only one left for israel...
Israel is waiting for its Messiah who will come. His name will be Dajjal the cursed. However the bloodline of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) shall also rise and unite a determined strong army to fight agaisnt the supporters of the false messiah in Israel! Doomsday awaits and we are fast approaching. Israel wanted to sabotage Pakistan's nuclear programme in the 90s by using India when Pakistan was vulnerable. It stopped in its ambition and so did India. Both got cold feet and this time hyperthermia will set in if they go ahea with their plan.
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