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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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No, we are only against invaders like Ghaznavi, Bakhtiayar Khilji or kings like Aurangzeb. You will still see thousands of Hindus flocking to Ajmer Sharif Dargah and Dargah of Nizamuddin Aulia or feeling proud about Taj Mahal. We never disowned Urdu language which was absorbed as a language of music/poetry by Bollywood.

I never claimed that all Indians are like this, but there is a segment of Indians who continue to hold Indian Muslims hostage to the past. Like I wrote, there have been plenty of posts on this forum itself.

The fight within India is between the rising Hindutva crowd and the secular majority. How it unfolds will continue to have a major impact on the condition of India's Muslims.


You guys can play fancy word games on this forum, but the fact is that the past is used to perpetuate mistrust, division and discrimination.

Many Indians on this forum keep telling us that Islam is a "foreign" concept forced in by invaders. How can you possibly promote communal harmony and accept your fellow citizens as equals when, in the same breath, you tell them their religion is an alien curse that must be purged to return to the purity of Hindu-stan?

communal harmony will come when people keep their faith as his personal matter rather than any political, social bargaining chip.
many of our ancestors must have been converted to Islam by force, it was a question of life and death so nobody can blame them. what happened in that era is happened we can't really reverse. today any Indian is free to change his faith, law is there to make sure that it is not out of fear or bribery but because of true belief..
This post sums up the reason why Muslims in North India (where Mughal rule was strongest) still face discrimination compared to South India. Now some might say that this is just one individual, but we have seen this sentiment repeated over and over by many Indians, in one form or another.

The behavior of Muslims (and I don't mean only Indian Muslims) has not encouraged reconciliation on this front.

We can go in details but no other converts to any religion (like even Pakistani Christians) link their conversion to a different religion to a new nationality/loyalty/identity.
The behavior of Muslims (and I don't mean only Indian Muslims) has not encouraged reconciliation on this front.

We can go in details but no other converts to any religion (like even Pakistani Christians) link their conversion to a different religion to a new nationality/loyalty/identity.

So now you are questioning the loyalty of Indian Muslims?

Good going!
Muslims must also introspect. they must become entrepreneurial. they must come out of their isolation.I see many muslims tend to keep among themselves, though that is not the case.

I have many muslim, christian, atheist, wiccan friends. such human contact is very valuable. it gives you a more real view of things, more real than defence.pk or politicians.

over time muslims have been seen as invaders, looters, pillagers, destroyers. you cant have a great vibe in a country which you have violated. Indians can forgive everything even slavery, but the destruction of temples. Now I dont want to get into Babri Masjid, there is just one misfit case.Muslim kings and invaders have destroyed scores of Jain, Hindu and Buddhist temples, not to mention monasteries, universities, and the like.

That is the interesting reason why the average hindu dislikes the british less than the muslim sultanate. they enslaved and probably did more harm, but the muslims came as a threat to our way of life, our soul, our culture.

had the muslims not destroyed numerous places of worship, and it is interesting that most of them where not even 'hindu'... they were jain and buddhist mostly...i think if they had not done that, there would be a lot more goodwill towards muslims in the average hindu mind.

even now the average hindu doesnt 'hate' the average muslim.

Some good points.

The great thing about our great Dharmic religion and values is that despite this barbarism by that barbaric uncivilized invader fil.th, we gave full rights to every citizen despite severe provocation of the two nation theory and the resultant ethnic cleansing by the other side.

We didn't choose to become a Hindu version of Pakistan. We didn't make the non Dharmic people officially second class citizens, even if some of them came as barbaric invaders.

Now about the local native converts (the vast majority of Muslims in the subcontinent), they should have never identified with that barbaric fil.th. Some of them do and we have only contempt for them. Conversion doesn't make you Arabs or Persians or anything, only second class wannbes if you try that.

We don't kill our apostates, we think they can still find the divine. Anyone who identifies with Bin Qasim or Gazani rather than Raja Dahir or Prithviraj or Shivaji Maharaj is not going to get our respect, only contempt.
The majority of them are Dalit converts, so socio economic conditions will be same.

The India Dalits are also doing far better than Pakistani Muislims.

You as a Muhajir are looked down upon and held in racial contempt in Pakistan. No point denying.

If your Arab ancestors ever married a local Muslim, even you likely have a bit of Dalit blood. No shame in admitting that.

Or they never married a local convert at all?

Can any Indian member answer this question to me plz ?

If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?
Muslims in India have a much higher total fertility rate (TFR) compared to that of other religious communities in the country.[7] Because of higher birthrates and an influx of migrants from neighboring Bangladesh, the percentage of Muslims in India has risen from about 8% in 1951 to 13.6% in 2001.[8] The Muslim population growth rate is higher by more than 10% of the total growth compared to that of Hindus.[9] Muslim percentage is expected to grow from 14.6% in 2010 to 15.9% in 2030.[4]
Demographers have put forward several factors behind high birthrates among Muslims in India. According to sociologists Roger and Patricia Jeffery, socio-economic conditions rather than religious determinism is the main reason for higher Muslim birthrates. Indian Muslims are poorer and less educated compared to their Hindu counterparts.[10] However, other sociologists point out that religious factors can explain high Muslim birthrates. Surveys indicate that Muslims in India have been relatively less willing to adopt family planning measures and that Muslim girls get married at a much younger age compared to Hindu girls.[11] According to Paul Kurtz, Muslims in India are much more resistant to modern contraceptive measures compared to Hindus and as a consequence, the decline in fertility rate among Hindu women is much higher compared to that of Muslim women.[7][12]
According to a high level committee appointed by the Prime Minister of India in 2006, by the end of the 21st century India's Muslim population will reach 320 to 340 million people (or 18% of India's total projected population).[13] Swapan Dasgupta, a prominent Indian journalist, has raised concerns that the higher Muslim population growth rate in India could adversely affect the country's social harmony.[14]

Very big family size is one of the main reason .. more children less resources between them, Even in my old neighborhood none of Hindu family had more than 2 children and in Muslim families none of them had less than 3 couple of them had 5-6.. Hindu families were able to send their children to better school were Muslim families were not .. simple reason .. every thing starts from here..
Some them still believes .. more in number means they are more powerful
Can you answer my post thx.

Can any Indian member answer this question to me plz ?

If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?
Can you answer my post thx.

Can any Indian member answer this question to me plz ?

If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?

None, because caste system has been abolished under Indian constitution.
There is a issue why Muslims in South India do better for example in states like Kerala compared to North Indian states like UP, Bihar that is a pressing issue which must be resolved.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Why do Indian Muslims lag behind?

My friend can you answer me the question ??

If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?

If caste system is abolished when was it done ??? and plz provide me the source ???
My friend can you answer me the question ??

If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?

If caste system is abolished when was it done ??? and plz provide me the source ???

Caste system is man made concept like they had in UK, France anyone can convert like and many whites, blacks have done so to Hinduism.
Caste system is man made concept like they had in UK, France you can convert like many whites, blacks have done to Hinduism

That did not answer my question!!! I have been watching this forums for a while so i know Hinduism is based on caste system --

My question is simple ?? If any of the indian muslims want to convert back to dharmic fold, what caste would they be ?

See the simple reason is you cannot presuade 200 plus million people to convert back to Hinduism without even telling them what caste they are going to be in ? there could be many muslims who would like to convert back to their roots but they need to know what they are getting into, don't they ?
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