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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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Just Point it out where I bash Hindu.. Hindustan , Isn't it name of your nation, why feeling bashed If I just used it? Biharis ,Muhajir! Man I don't think any other Pakistani member told you that, But Here In Karachi Mostly We care about religion instead of Ethnicity during marraiges, So You can Easily find people who are Half Muhajir and Half Sindhi, Half Pathan and Half Punjabi.. :lol: Thats why any Ethnic Tension won't benefit to a common person, Its a political stunt , SOme times few sectarian groups use ethnicity to achieve there target without getting in trouble ... Com'on Its happened in india too, Only difference is that political parties are using religons instead of ethinicity to achieve their targets.. Its a basic rule of Chess.

Still the death tolls are too high.
Assuming you are not a troll.

It's okay bro, I know you have to say these kind of things when you live in India. If you didn't, some extremist hindu (backed by a certain party) migh target you or your community. If I was in your position I would curse pakistan every morning and afternoon too, just to keep my family safe.

and if u dont curse pak and instead ask them to play in ipl...this is what happens to u :lol:
many ppl use sachar committee report to highlight status of muslims in india but they do not discuss 2 points in sachar committee which are:-

1) muslims have lowest ratio of graduates among all communities in india.
2) muslims are leaders in small scale industries in india. they own most of small scale industries.
Yea! Not current Muslim Indian community wants to migrate , they want their rights in India thats wat I'm talking about.

Why? If they want they can move to Pakistan and get their 'rights'..bud sadly no Indian Muslims wants to do it.
...assuming it was not a cheapshot.

I wonder why then are pakistanis leaving the land of Milk and Honey and flocking EU and even India for asylum.

Really you want to play the immigration card?
You must be living in lala land to think Indians don't migrate to the west.
I won't be too harsh with you because I know you don't live in reality and making fun of you will be too easy
Muslims will always remain an alien minority to india and whenever wherever their number their power increases they will demand for implementation of foreign Islamic culture and even for creation of more Islamic state like pakistan.

This is the unpalatable truth for secular minded Indians who ironically forgets the inherent danger posed to Secularism with rise of power of the Muslim minority in any secular society as the concept secularism is anathema to the muslims.

I cannot agree with this. Many Indian Muslims are comfortable with the idea that their ancestors followed Dharmic traditions, and they themselves co-exist comfortably with Dharma.

The best example is our former President.
I cannot agree with this. Many Indian Muslims are comfortable with the idea that their ancestors followed Dharmic traditions, and they themselves co-exist comfortably with Dharma.

The best example is our former President.

If you are referring to Dr. Kalam then I have to say South Indian Muslims (except those of Hyderabad) think and act differently when compared to those of North.
I didn't mean to express my throughts in fear of any extremist its comes out from heart and towards love for my country .
yes there are extremist but dont take them as a whole hindu community , 90% of my friends are hindus dude we share a great relationship irrespect to which religion we belong , India there is no Bull **** 2 nation theory like u have in pak.the only prob with u guyz are u cannot seen us living with peace and harmony which is widely existing in india and still progressing ALHAMDULILLAH .

down with green media for such baseless news----

Jai hind
If you are referring to Dr. Kalam then I have to say South Indian Muslims (except those of Hyderabad) think and act differently when compared to those of North.

First someone was generalizing about "Indian Muslims" and now about "North Indian Muslims".

We should think only in terms of individuals. There are good and bad people in every group.
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