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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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I cannot agree with this. Many Indian Muslims are comfortable with the idea that their ancestors followed Dharmic traditions, and they themselves co-exist comfortably with Dharma.

The best example is our former President.

We forget that past very easily though history tends to repeat itself.

The history says in the 1946 elections Muslim League won 95% of reserved seats for Muslims around india defeating the congress back muslim candidates on the creation of Pakistan plank .

I've nothing but love affection for individual Muslims who are normal human beings like me , muslim as a community tend to be very intolerant and bigoted toward who consider as non Muslims . I'm not saying non Muslims are completely tolerant ,but the scale is down compared to muslims . Muslim state enact laws that render people of other religions 2nd class citizens.
muslim as a community tend to be very intolerant and bigoted

When you treat others as a "community" you are only reinforcing their sense of being a "community".

Deal with individuals as individuals. (That doesn't mean you should be blind to the influence of misguided ideologies.)
We forget that past very easily though history tends to repeat itself.

The history says in the 1946 elections Muslim League won 95% of reserved seats for Muslims around india defeating the congress back muslim candidates on the creation of Pakistan plank .

I've nothing but love affection for individual Muslims who are normal human beings like me , muslim as a community tend to be very intolerant and bigoted toward who consider as non Muslims . I'm not saying non Muslims are completely tolerant ,but the scale is down compared to muslims . Muslim state enact laws that render people of other religions 2nd class citizens.

deleted ,,,, ... .
First someone was generalizing about "Indian Muslims" and now about "North Indian Muslims".

We should think only in terms of individuals. There are good and bad people in every group.

South Indian Muslims better educated and better off when compared to that of North.Moreover South Indian doesn't carry the baggage of partition.
Wow the thread was about why indian muslims lag behind ?

And the answer is that they well most of them in northen india carried a baggage of guilt , prejudice & supiriorty complex with them some carry even to this day , there ulema wanted musilms to be powerful not by increasing education & skills but simply by indulging in unhealthy population growth & becoming a vote bank & by preaching them not to essimilate with the hindu population but after watching pakistan's growth pattern most of the younger generation has started defying these ulemas & we can see more & more muslims going for higher education but still alarge part remains in the clutes of these mullahs

Now owr pakistani friends beleve that India wants Pakistan to merge with it or Indians are obssesed with pakistan well they are wrong cause we Indians are happy that we separated & dont want to indulge with Pakistan but geopolitics & pakistan's revenge politics dosent leave us & Pakistan & pakistnies have a neusence value as you can never be fuuly confident that they wont do anything stupid & thats priciesly why we have to invest so much on owr western frontier

Had India been undivided we would have been almost in the same state as most of the pakistanies are ..without proper food , education & health not much different than beruit cause muslims can never live peacfully with any non muslims

You can see the same in britain aswell where muslims get the same as hindus & sikhs but instead of teaching there kids & being a responsible minority most of them indulge in raping young girls , terrorist activities & all saughts of crimes now i hope some muslims might get an answer why they lag behind hindus , sikhs & other minorieties even when all atarted there journey together whether it is India , UK , USA or any part of the world.......

Muslims serously need to ask it from themselfs..as they say its never too late..Thanks
Its funny to see so many Pakistanis worried about Indian Muslims.
It is a fact that Muslims in India are far happier and enjoy a high standard of life compared to people of Pakistan (who are living in deep poverty and looming danger).
Its high time that Pakistanis start researching about their own future
Its funny to see so many Pakistanis worried about Indian Muslims.
It is a fact that Muslims in India are far happier and enjoy a high standard of life compared to people of Pakistan (who are living in deep poverty and looming danger).
Its high time that Pakistanis start researching about their own future

It's funny & sad to see you saying same thing again and again to prove your loyalty for India.
It's funny & sad to see you saying same thing again and again to prove your loyalty for India.

I am happy that people from my native Bihari community never opted for Pakistan and they are in much much better condition in India. We don't need lessons from Pakistan when they themselves made people fool in the name of golden future in the name of a Muslim State.

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This post sums up the reason why Muslims in North India (where Mughal rule was strongest) still face discrimination compared to South India. Now some might say that this is just one individual, but we have seen this sentiment repeated over and over by many Indians, in one form or another.

over time muslims have been seen as invaders, looters, pillagers, destroyers. you cant have a great vibe in a country which you have violated. Indians can forgive everything even slavery, but the destruction of temples. Now I dont want to get into Babri Masjid, there is just one misfit case.Muslim kings and invaders have destroyed scores of Jain, Hindu and Buddhist temples, not to mention monasteries, universities, and the like.

That is the interesting reason why the average hindu dislikes the british less than the muslim sultanate. they enslaved and probably did more harm, but the muslims came as a threat to our way of life, our soul, our culture.

had the muslims not destroyed numerous places of worship, and it is interesting that most of them where not even 'hindu'... they were jain and buddhist mostly...i think if they had not done that, there would be a lot more goodwill towards muslims in the average hindu mind.

even now the average hindu doesnt 'hate' the average muslim.
This post sums up the reason why Muslims in North India (where Mughal rule was strongest) still face discrimination compared to South India. Now some might say that this is just one individual, but we have seen this sentiment repeated over and over by many Indians, in one form or another.

No sir...your assertions are wrong..he is talking about the barbarians who did wrongful things with you people also.
No sir...your assertions are wrong..he is talking about the barbarians who did wrongful things with you people also.

You guys can play fancy word games on this forum, but the fact is that the past is used to perpetuate mistrust, division and discrimination.

if they had not done that, there would be a lot more goodwill towards muslims in the average hindu mind.

Many Indians on this forum keep telling us that Islam is a "foreign" concept forced in by invaders. How can you possibly promote communal harmony and accept your fellow citizens as equals when, in the same breath, you tell them their religion is an alien curse that must be purged to return to the purity of Hindu-stan?
Many Indians on this forum keep telling us that Islam is a "foreign" concept forced in by invaders. How can you possibly promote communal harmony and accept your fellow citizens as equals when, in the same breath, you tell them their religion is an alien curse that must be purged to return to the purity of Hindu-stan?

No, we are only against invaders like Ghaznavi, Bakhtiayar Khilji or kings like Aurangzeb. You will still see thousands of Hindus flocking to Ajmer Sharif Dargah and Dargah of Nizamuddin Aulia or feeling proud about Taj Mahal. We never disowned Urdu language which was absorbed as a language of music/poetry by Bollywood.

But still I know Pakistanis themselves failed people like Muhajirs, Biharis, Bengalis, Shias in the name of 2 nation theory, so they need not to advice us on same. We don't need to learn what is secularism from a community who themselves don't know the meaning of the same.
You guys can play fancy word games on this forum, but the fact is that the past is used to perpetuate mistrust, division and discrimination.

Many Indians on this forum keep telling us that Islam is a "foreign" concept forced in by invaders. How can you possibly promote communal harmony and accept your fellow citizens as equals when, in the same breath, you tell them their religion is an alien curse that must be purged to return to the purity of Hindu-stan?

Chill man & have a

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