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India is using Afganistan to destabilize Pakistan-Afghan minister

He accepted? He will me more than willing to celebrate it.
Care to translate the piece?
We got to smoke the Indians out of their holes. They are clearly plotting anti-Pakistan activity and are using Afghan territory to do so. RAW has established terror camps and are sending suicide bombers into Pakistan to achieve their nefarious goals. This is quite clearly an act of war which shouldn't be taken lightly. We should at the very least retaliate and settle the score. Indians must pay for every suicide attack against Pakistan. This mustn't go unpunished.
I told you guys about this earlier. Everyone knows how notorious the RAW is. If you still believe Indian agencies are peaceful spiritual item numbers, then wait and everything will be exposed later on.
I know its indians but cannot say for sure, Afgans are not angel either
Indians must pay for every suicide attack against Pakistan. This mustn't go unpunished.

The same way how Indians want to punish Pakistan for every single death of Mumbai attack?

This is not going to help any of us, The only way at least to cool down is to have a stable Civil administration free from military in Pakistan. (I think most of the times India issue played a key role in their politics and military uses this to throw out politicians )
S2- and solomon plz have a look, u always speaks for indians, now there is a prove, now go n say that this Afghan minister is also ISI sposored

this is also en evidence or inclination towrds CIA of bieng involved in Pakistan`s destablisation, as S2 contradics all the time. slowly or steadly things will shore up, and then These guys will have to pay back.

plus this is going on long before mumbai stuff, so do not bring in ur pathetic argument.

this is surely the first voice (formal from Afghan), but not the last, they are putting alot of money(S2 said, $100,000,00 or something) to keep these people mouth shut to reveal anything plus sponsor and train the terririost. but couldt keep this guy quite :enjoy: :victory::victory::victory:

No ISI but Raw :pop::pop::pop:
Its govt official in front of media accepted, because of bad law and order condition, India is taking advantage and involve in anti-Pakistan activities from Afghan land.

Straight from the horses mouth! :tup:

We should sxploit this opportunity and take the issue as high as the UN to close those socalled consulates near our border. We should also summon Afghan Ambasador and demand explanation.
Ehsanullah Aryanzai is reportedly the name of the guy who has spoken this. I tried searching his name on google and this was the only entry which has made his name visible on the internet. I am trying to establish this guy's background who exacly is he?

Any clues guys. Has someone heard something from him before this?
Sorry for double / triple post

From some actually credible source:

Although Pakistan faces an 'existential' threat from terrorists within its borders, many of its leaders are still hung up on India as that country's principal enemy, the chief of United States Central Command has informed the US Congress.

This observation was made by Army General David Petraeus, who was addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee to sell President Barack Obama's [Images] comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, which he unveiled last week. Petraeus feels that not only do Pakistan's leaders consider India as the principal threat, but believe these terrorist groups can be used against India as a potential strategic asset.

"The Pakistan state faces a rising -- indeed, an existential -- threat from extremists such as al Qaeda and other transnational terrorist organisation, which have developed in safe havens and support bases in ungoverned spaces in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border regions," the United States Central Command head said.

Petraeus bemoaned, "Many Pakistani leaders remain focused on India as Pakistan's principal threat, and some may even continue to regard Islamist extremist groups as a potential strategic asset against India."

Even though he did not name Pakistan or Iran, he cautioned that, "Some countries in the AOR (area of operation) play a dangerous game of allowing or accepting extremist networks and terrorist facilitators to operate from or through their territory, believing that their own people and governments will be immune from the threat."

Petraeus also defended the Obama administration's strategy in considering Afghanistan and Pakistan jointly in its fight against terrorism, although Washington clearly recognises the clear differences between the two nations, and the funds and troops levels requested by the administration will be applied in different ways.

"Although the additional resources will be applied in different ways on either side of the border, Afghanistan and Pakistan comprise a single theater that requires comprehensive 'whole-of-governments' approaches that are closely coordinated," he said.

Petraeus said that Pakistan requires particular and specialised handling, which is quite different from that of Afghanistan, and pointed out that democratic institutions in that country 'are fragile'. He added that Pakistan has suffered significant losses in civilian and military lives in its operations against the extremists.

Al Qaeda [Images] and the Taliban [Images] had established safe areas in the Federally Administered Tribal Area and North West Frontier Province areas, said Petraeus, adding that they "not only contribute to the deterioration of security in eastern and southern Afghanistan, they also pose an ever more serious threat to Pakistan's very existence."

"It is in Pakistan that al Qaeda senior leadership and other transnational extremist elements are located. Operations there are imperative, and we need to provide the support and assistance to the Pakistani military that can enable them to confront the extremists who pose a truly existential threat to their country," he said.

Navy Admiral Eric T Olson, the commander of the US Special Operations Command, also appearing before the Committee with Petraeus, warned of the 'increasingly dire' situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said that President's Obama's comprehensive strategy was the right one because it "includes a clear focus on al Qaeda as the enemy, and that a whole-of-government approach is directed."

"Our units have been conducting both counterterrorism and counterinsurgency for several years," he said, and added, "We will continue to provide our broad capabilities to our fullest capacity in order to meet the needs of our elected and appointed civilian leaders and our military operational commanders."

Olson said that even though al Qaeda has suffered significant losses in Afghanistan and Pakistan, its "surviving leaders have proven adept at hiding, communicating, and inspiring."

Operating from remote bases in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, al Qaeda remained "a draw for local and foreign fighters who subscribe to its extremist ideology and criminality," he said.

Meanwhile, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, who was one of the architects of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy that she co-chaired with Bruce Riedel, acknowledged that for the strategy to be successful it is imperative that Pakistan "must move to dismantle the safe havens on its territory and defeat the terror and insurgent networks within its borders."

Flournoy told the lawmakers that doing this is "absolutely critical to the security and stability of that nuclear armed state."

Indicating that the US will conduct its own operations when actionable evidence is found, Flournoy asserted, "We have learned in the past, at too high a price, the danger of allowing al Qaeda and its extremist supporters to have safe havens and access to resources to plan their attacks."

"This is why we have troops in Afghanistan and why we are going to heavily engage and intensify our efforts in Pakistan," she said.

Making it clear that the US will persuade Pakistan to rid itself of its paranoia of India as the principal threat, Flournoy said, Washington would "encourage and enable it to shift its focus from conventional war preparations to counterinsurgency and counterterrorism preparations."

'Pak still considers India as its enemy'
finally I discovered who this guy is. He works for Ariana Television Network | A Window for a Better Tomorrow Ariana TV Network. Kindly visit the official website to judge the merit of this Guy. A communication network that uses google adsense and they too are displaying Public service Ads.

He is Afghan Government Advisor currently on visit to Pakistan with the jirga.

I have already posted the news in English. Following is the link.


Mods please merge the threads.
... Looks like G-20 Summit has recognized India as a Key Strategic Ally in Afghanistan to bring about the peace and its backed by United states and as per Man Mohan Singh's statement, India will stay in Afghanistan.
This could be true that India helping terrorists in Balochistan,But what else you can expect from a intelligence Agency of your enemy ? I think ISI also does the same work here in India.

Balochistan is an important area for India.Not only for India for USA too.Gwadar port is very important for Pakistan .This is very important to destabilize this place for USA so that China cannot have access to energy resources in Middle east.India also shares the same concern.Israel would definitely try to "neutralize" your nuclear weapon ,So its important for Israel too. Why not Mossad , RAW and CIA can join hands? India obviously has more access to these Areas. USA cannot stay there if Pakistan has a stable peaceful governance.

This is very important for USA to encircle China and Russia . ( I think USA would have definitely put a thought if Pak allows Russia to access the port ). Balochistan is rich with natural resources and still Pakistani politicians not aware of this and fighting to score their disputes .

Its very important for India to keep full Kashmir as its the only chance that can make Pakistan to completely depend on India (Indus) and prove the superiority in its region.India gets more advantage by breaking Balochistan from Pakistan as it can block China from accessing Arabic Sea.

This is my personal opinion that Pakistan's foreign policy is messed up. Its highly depend on USA .It has used China to play against India. Now, Pakistan cannot go against USA or China,But USA would definitely do anything to contain China.It may be very dangerous and very difficult for Pakistan to "play safe" .

I think India has played a very intelligent role by having good alliance with Russia and not ruining relationship China further and trying to have Friendship with USA and Israel too.

I would say Pakistan government should wake up and stop blind support to US, Focus more on developing relationship with all countries with out getting deep into their any of their alliance (Being Russian ally, India is not playing any major role in SCO , which makes it to have good relationship with USA).Develop the economy to avoid dependence on any country. Try to bring peace by stop supporting any kind of terrorists. Make Gwadar to be accessible to all the countries including India.Have a good relationship with Iran.
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