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India is out to damage Pakistan water interest on Kabul river.

All we have to do is cut the supply of water from the Kunar river as it is the biggest river that falls into the Kabul river and more than 70% of it's water will dry up, also send back those millions of haramkhor Afghanis living in Pakistan, it would be a fitting reply to these threats and provocation.

I was wondering if India build 1000+ dams on river and single earthquake brake them all and all indians gonna flush out in to the arabian sea :nana: :yay:. After this world will get some piece.
I was wondering if India build 1000+ dams on river and single earthquake brake them all and all indians gonna flush out in to the arabian sea :nana: :yay:. After this world will get some piece.

Sir...., i request you to maintain the same mindset.. Do not change even if someone forces you... pakistan will reach greater heights with such a mentality... please continue.
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Pakistani politicians and other Elite have a long-term plan to solve all problems facing ''them"(couldn't care less for Pakistan or people of Pakistan) they have moved their immediate family members and most of the money out of Pakistan, when the drought hit it will not affect them as they will drink imported water. Average Pakistani on the street will pay the price.

Unfortunately, average Pakistani is divided between religious or language lines, so they keep the filth (that shouldn't be even chosen to clean toilets), because he or she will look after them and protect their language or religious believes.

So, it isn't India out to damage Pakistan, it's Pakistanis themselves, India is doing what's best for her, Pakistan is doing what's best for her elites and other nations.
Precisely my point -- Pakistan refused to even collaborate on them and somehow involving India in what Pakistan considers a strategic threat is not going to further antagonize the GHQ and Pakistanis. What is the wisdom in that?

Are these projects worth the harm the GHQ can cause?

Ask the same question on a broader level, has the 2 billion dollars in investment by India outweighed the Taliban policy of Pakistan and GHQ? If not than the afghan policy has been to take one dollar at the expense of 10? Where is the wisdom in that? Extend this further to the 4 billion Pakistan has received from the International community for the Afghan refugees -- what has been the actual cost borne by Pakistan?

If we want to cut off our nose to spite our face -- at least we should be honest about it.

Grand Bargain :- Look Ashraf Ghani put his cards on the table with significant political risks and GHQ knows it very well. He wanted a genuine settlement i.e addressing Pakistani concerns for some sort of grand bargain to move beyond current hostilities.

Flip side :-
On the flip side how bad can it get for the Afghans, the GHQ sponsored proxies have been killing Afghans for the last 15 years, yes they can shut all routes egressing from Afghanistan via Pakistan and send back the Afghan refugees ( which it has been using as a leverage ) and in the end it will push the Afghans towards India and others even further culminating in two permanent enemies for Pakistan and a generational hartered.

Mutual pain :- I think Afghanistan can survive all this albeit with significant pain but if GHQ is not coming to its sense despite significant outreach then there is a saying in Afghanistan let me try translate it " If you can't escape an evil, then better face it"
This is the scenario where Afghans who are used to pain will continue feeling it but in the meantime will make sure that Pakistan feels that much as well.

Lose - Lose outcome :- This as you see as a lose-lose outcome for both of us with no winners in the end. GHQ must get its head out of the sand and work with Ashraf Ghani, he carries no historical baggage and can genuinely answer Pakistani concerns.

Remember we are not naive to be part of the India-Pakistan rivalry because it will hurt us but I would most of the GHQ policies make Afghans seek alternative means of safeguarding its interests and India is one of those that answers it.


Yes Bacha Baaz Drug addicted afghanis surely put fear of God into us Daal Khoars :rofl::rofl:.

First you Ghosht Khoar afghanis should make ghosht afforable to yourself then talk to us as daal khoars. I wonder what you afghanis would call Indian for their diet :rofl:


I dont know why Pakistanis are overreacting. Let the Indians invest as in the End Pakistan Pakistan can cut off half the supply of kabul river by building dams over Mstuj/Kunar river which orignates from chitral and contributes almost 60-70% to Kabul river. There is a reason Afghanis never touched this river s in the end the will be sitting on empty dams if Pakistan reciprocates their move. Also according to international law no country can build permanent dams over a river which flows down stream to another country. They can only build run of the river dams which can only generate electricity.

Let us try to keep it civil here!

Afghanistan and Pakistan must use international treaties to negotiate the use of these waters and once these dams are built to mutually benefit from it.

All we have to do is cut the supply of water from the Kunar river as it is the biggest river that falls into the Kabul river and more than 70% of it's water will dry up, also send back those millions of haramkhor Afghanis living in Pakistan, it would be a fitting reply to these threats and provocation.


We are already Building Dam on that River so i gues at least our policy maker foresaw this move by indians.


This river provides 60-70% contribution to Kabul river. It is being built on the main upstream so we can essentially block water flow whenever we want if afghanis get out of line

Grand Bargain :- Look Ashraf Ghani put his cards on the table with significant political risks and GHQ knows it very well. He wanted a genuine settlement i.e addressing Pakistani concerns for some sort of grand bargain to move beyond current hostilities.

Flip side :-
On the flip side how bad can it get for the Afghans, the GHQ sponsored proxies have been killing Afghans for the last 15 years, yes they can shut all routes egressing from Afghanistan via Pakistan and send back the Afghan refugees ( which it has been using as a leverage ) and in the end it will push the Afghans towards India and others even further culminating in two permanent enemies for Pakistan and a generational hartered.

Mutual pain :- I think Afghanistan can survive all this albeit with significant pain but if GHQ is not coming to its sense despite significant outreach then there is a saying in Afghanistan let me try translate it " If you can't escape an evil, then better face it"
This is the scenario where Afghans who are used to pain will continue feeling it but in the meantime will make sure that Pakistan feels that much as well.

Lose - Lose outcome :- This as you see as a lose-lose outcome for both of us with no winners in the end. GHQ must get its head out of the sand and work with Ashraf Ghani, he carries no historical baggage and can genuinely answer Pakistani concerns.

Remember we are not naive to be part of the India-Pakistan rivalry because it will hurt us but I would most of the GHQ policies make Afghans seek alternative means of safeguarding its interests and India is one of those that answers it.


Let us try to keep it civil here!

Afghanistan and Pakistan must use international treaties to negotiate the use of these waters and once these dams are built to mutually benefit from it.


This article describes this issue very well and Pakistan is already building dams in chitral bcz the negotiations over treaty didnt yeild anything so pakistan decided to build dams and divert water in order to meet shortages that will be caused by blockage of water caused by dams on Kabul river

According to article
The average annual flow of Kabul River is about 21 billion cubic meters (BCM). Kunar River, with a major contribution of 75pc in Kabul flows, draws more than 60pc of water from the Chitral area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
What % of drainage basin of Kunar is in Pakistan?

A river does not take all its water from its source of origin. It picks up water as it flow downstream; so even if Kunar originates in Pakistan, Pakistan could not control water flow in Kunar for the portion of drainage basin that lies in Afghanistan.

We can compensate our water shortage by diverting the Kunar river flow within our lands, stopping it to enter Afghan soil. If that makes sense! I think this has been conveyed to Afghan side, if the things come to that.
According to article
The average annual flow of Kabul River is about 21 billion cubic meters (BCM). Kunar River, with a major contribution of 75pc in Kabul flows, draws more than 60pc of water from the Chitral area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

So why all the fuss about Afghans building some dams on their side, since you guys have figured it out already on how to stop waters. The negative force is strong with you ;)
So why all the fuss about Afghans building some dams on their side, since you guys have figured it out already on how to stop waters. The negative force is strong with you ;)

We are already building a dam on the kunar river as mentioned by @smuhs1 and secondly take your namak haram people and get out of our lands.
in my point of view water related problems are because of us , no one is to be blamed other than us , we haven't done much in this regard , and if things go the same way we will build dams and improve canals and solve our issues with India and Afghanistan only when we will be facing avute shortage before that neither the government will do anything nor the people ,
We can compensate our water shortage by diverting the Kunar river flow within our lands, stopping it to enter Afghan soil. If that makes sense! I think this has been conveyed to Afghan side, if the things come to that.

well... you can compensate.. but the question is... "Will you" or "Can you" ??

i guess its a big NO ... you ain't got money to buy jets and make nukes... 45% budget goes to debt servicing... while 860 billion PKR goes to military, a paltry 80 billion PKR is allottted for education.. that explains your priorities... and guess what.. is there any mention of any budget allocation to dams ?? i dont think so...

but yeah.. you can claim anything... you can compensate water shortage... the problem is these claims will be seen even after a decade.. nothing different..

at the most you might beg the chinese to build a dam along CPEC and pay 18% interest to them on the loan amount... lol... pathetic that you guys talk big...
well... you can compensate.. but the question is... "Will you" or "Can you" ??

i guess its a big NO ... you ain't got money to buy jets and make nukes... 45% budget goes to debt servicing... while 860 billion PKR goes to military, a paltry 80 billion PKR is allottted for education.. that explains your priorities... and guess what.. is there any mention of any budget allocation to dams ?? i dont think so...

but yeah.. you can claim anything... you can compensate water shortage... the problem is these claims will be seen even after a decade.. nothing different..

at the most you might beg the chinese to build a dam along CPEC and pay 18% interest to them on the loan amount... lol... pathetic that you guys talk big...

Its not the matter of if or but or, if we can. Its a strategic issue which has already been addressed. If you been more attentive to the posts earlier, you wouldnt have embarrassed yourself like you just did now.

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