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India is out to damage Pakistan water interest on Kabul river.

Its not the matter of if or but or, if we can. Its a strategic issue which has already been addressed. If you been more attentive to the posts earlier, you wouldnt have embarrassed yourself like you just did now.

yeah.. i am the one embarrassing myself whining all day on India and laying wild claims that we will do that.. we will nuke you.. we will cut their water.. we will stop your ships to chabahar and all the crap claims, but in reality nothing... sir please continue the same mindset.. it is beneficial to India.
yeah.. i am the one embarrassing myself whining all day on India and laying wild claims that we will do that.. we will nuke you.. we will cut their water.. we will stop your ships to chabahar and all the crap claims, but in reality nothing... sir please continue the same mindset.. it is beneficial to India.

As we say in English, we will cross the bridge when we come to it.

We will nuke you when you yourself ask for it. That situation hasn't arrived yet.
We will divert the waters if our waters are stopped. That situation hasnt arrived yet.
We will screw up Chabahar if and when it becomes a national security risk of us. That situation hasnt arrived yet.

Its good to let your adversary know the consequences if our national interests are challenged. It is good to flex the muscles then actually have to use it. Deterrence is the word I am looking for. In normal circumstances, a wise enemy will get the message, but since we are dealing with the morons, we just have to keep on reminding, sending the messages across.
As we say in English, we will cross the bridge when we come to it.

We will nuke you when you yourself ask for it. That situation hasn't arrived yet.
We will divert the waters if our waters are stopped. That situation hasnt arrived yet.
We will screw up Chabahar if and when it becomes a national security risk of us. That situation hasnt arrived yet.

Its good to let your adversary know the consequences if our national interests are challenged. It is good to flex the muscles then actually have to use it. Deterrence is the word I am looking for. In normal circumstances, a wise enemy will get the message, but since we are dealing with the morons, we just have to keep on reminding, sending the messages across.

This kind of false confidence is the one that screwed you in 71, kargil war... but its ok.. i dont have to care..

in my point of view water related problems are because of us , no one is to be blamed other than us , we haven't done much in this regard , and if things go the same way we will build dams and improve canals and solve our issues with India and Afghanistan only when we will be facing avute shortage before that neither the government will do anything nor the people ,

Sir when every country is working on dams and hydro power projects all around pakistan, be it India or china or afghanistan or Iran, the government of pakistan had its priorities elsewhere.... you buy LNG from Qatar at a premium price... your government wouldn't construct your part of IP pipeline... there is a lot to be corrected.
This kind of false confidence is the one that screwed you in 71, kargil war... but its ok.. i dont have to care..

This self confidence made us to wipe the floor in 1948 and wrestle the land size of Switzerland from India and named it Azad (free) Kashmir, its the same confidence with which we fought 1965 and later came inside your controlled territory kargil to spank you in your own playing feild. 71 was a mutiny, not really a war as per say.
This self confidence made us to wipe the floor in 1948 and wrestle the land size of Switzerland from India and named it Azad (free) Kashmir, its the same confidence with which we fought 1965 and later came inside your controlled territory kargil to spank you in your own playing feild. 71 was a mutiny, not really a war as per say.
In 1948 the Indians intervened only after the Maharaja acceded untill then your lashjars were having a free run. As soon as the IA intervened all went tai tai phiss so the term wrestled is wrong to use here. In 65 you started the war like fools and instead of capturing Kashmir ended up saving Lahore. The whole world laughs at it still now. The objective was fatah over Kashmir which went on to become difa of Lahore. In 99 we requested your Givt take back the bodies like any other honorable army and begged you guys to award Sher Khan with Nushan e Haider and only than u guys accepted they were yiur soldiers, it was so childish!! And 71 is another story.
In 1948 the Indians intervened only after the Maharaja acceded untill then your lashjars were having a free run. As soon as the IA intervened all went tai tai phiss so the term wrestled is wrong to use here. In 65 you started the war like fools and instead of capturing Kashmir ended up saving Lahore. The whole world laughs at it still now. The objective was fatah over Kashmir which went on to become difa of Lahore. In 99 we requested your Givt take back the bodies like any other honorable army and begged you guys to award Sher Khan with Nushan e Haider and only than u guys accepted they were yiur soldiers, it was so childish!! And 71 is another story.

Son, we went inside Kashmir to confront the Indian Army not Raja personal body gaurds. Ofcourse Azad Kashmir was wrestled from Indian Army had it not Nehru running to UN with his wet lunge, internationalizing the Kashmir war, begging for seizefire, even Sri Nagar would have been over run.

Even if your narrative is true, so who is the don ? we started the war, and ofcourse Lahore is literally on border so if you guys wanted to open another front, how did it went? you got MAULED.

Kargil, we came, we spank, and once we were statisfied, we went back inside our territory, while still holding the strategic points in Kargil. During all this, there was a shortage of coffins inside India.
Son, we went inside Kashmir to confront the Indian Army not Raja personal body gaurds. Ofcourse Azad Kashmir was wrestled from Indian Army had it not Nehru running to UN with his wet lunge, internationalizing the Kashmir war, begging for seizefire, even Sri Nagar would have been over run.

Even if your narrative is true, so who is the don ? we started the war, and ofcourse Lahore is literally on border so if you guys wanted to open another front, how did it went? you got MAULED.

Kargil, we came, we spank, and once we were statisfied, we went back inside our territory, while still holding the strategic points in Kargil. During all this, there was a shortage of coffins inside India.
Maybe u forget tgat even backnin 48 ykur army was never involved in the first place instead they had sent in warlords from the NWFP with the Army backing them. The initial plan was to show to the world that it was an indigenous movement by the Kashmiri people . But instead the Kashmiris reported to India that there were Pakistanis in the valley . Isn't it curious thatbonce the IA was airlifted into Srinagar all your progress came to a standstill? Its not about the loction od Lahore but the will power, wisdom and capability of the IA which needs to be acknowledged. The Kargil was anither fiasco where time and again the Pakistanis confer that the op itself was well thoughtbout but they never imagined that India would retaliate so severly "kyonki humare paas to aatmi hathyar hai na!!!??"
Here are some sources, Pakistani ofcourse:
I think the forum has taken a different direction then it should be in, this association should not be viewed as India conspiriing to halt any water flow to Pakistan by building strategic dam on the river Kabul. According to international treaties Afghanistan holds all the right to build dam and generate electricity and probably sell it to Pakistan on subsidized rate which should not affect in Pakistan in return, similarly Pakistan hold every rights of the world to address their own issues related to scarcity or what so ever.
Maybe u forget tgat even backnin 48 ykur army was never involved in the first place instead they had sent in warlords from the NWFP with the Army backing them. The initial plan was to show to the world that it was an indigenous movement by the Kashmiri people . But instead the Kashmiris reported to India that there were Pakistanis in the valley . Isn't it curious thatbonce the IA was airlifted into Srinagar all your progress came to a standstill? Its not about the loction od Lahore but the will power, wisdom and capability of the IA which needs to be acknowledged. The Kargil was anither fiasco where time and again the Pakistanis confer that the op itself was well thoughtbout but they never imagined that India would retaliate so severly "kyonki humare paas to aatmi hathyar hai na!!!??"
Here are some sources, Pakistani ofcourse:

Shouldnt it be of shame to you that ordinary Pakistani citizens beat the sh|t out of you in 1948 war if it was not our regular Army? TBH, 1948 we didnt have a proper standing army, but despite of our shortcomings we freed a big chunk of Kashmir territory which in itself speaks volume. 1948 and Kargil got one thing in common, India running to its western sugardaddies to stop the conflict and try to put pressure on Pakistan from western civilization. On its own, India is nothing.

Lastly, dont link Sethi and Christina, they are baboons, pseudo intellectual. Hardly anyone take notice of these scumbags in Pakistan.
Pakistan is already building a dam on the Kunar River, but they start complaining when Afghans plan to make a dam of their own?
Shouldnt it be of shame to you that ordinary Pakistani citizens beat the sh|t out of you in 1948 war if it was not our regular Army? TBH, 1948 we didnt have a proper standing army, but despite of our shortcomings we freed a big chunk of Kashmir territory which in itself speaks volume. 1948 and Kargil got one thing in common, India running to its western sugardaddies to stop the conflict and try to put pressure on Pakistan from western civilization. On its own, India is nothing.

Lastly, dont link Sethi and Christina, they are baboons, pseudo intellectual. Hardly anyone take notice of these scumbags in Pakistan.
Mate atleast dont lie to yourself!! Everyone other than the ones who lie are liars to u. It was Pakistan who hoped that the US would help get them a ceasefire in 99 and then the Pakistanis could hold their positions on the peaks forever, when this did not happen your current pm was sent running to the US by your then Army chief and later president. And what are u saying that u didnt have an army in 48?? Wasn't the Bristish IA rationed between India and Pakistan? In effect you are saying that you had Generals and Field Marshalls but no army to command!!?? And even if a speck of it were to be true, who goes to a war without an Army !!??:woot::woot::woot: And out of whom did the civilians beat the shit out of?? The IA??
Firstly, they were military backed, armed and trained civilians and not like some random people were picked up from Ram Bagh and sent to fight in Kashmir!!
Secondly, all they did was kill and rape ordinary Kashmiris on their way to Srinagar cause dude pls understand this, there was no one to stop them in the first place. As soon as the IA went to the valley these lashkars had their arses beaten badly and there was a ceasefire owing to UN intervention which I concede was owing to Nehru's actions cause he wasn't naive enough to let a newly independent nation be dragged into a full fledged and more importantly a long duration war. Dont be self delusional man. Accept the truth, you went to war with India after 62 on the hioes that the Chines would once again open an Eastern front oblivious to the fact that their far advanced army had already got a tste of Indian kadha from the then ragtag ill equipped IA and would never repeat the mistake, instead they advised u to not to do such a thing, accept this like a man. And the shame is not ours but yours that you have to use nonstate actors and "so called" civilians to fight your war instead of your army. Now I don't want to say anything about your army cause that could get me banned. But do you really belive whatever you have written?? Cause if u do its good for us.

Lastly, when the 7th fleet of the US came to your rescue in 71 our 'Genuine' Field Marshall had only one thing to say and that was we would fight the Pakistanis and the Americans at the same time. What happened then? Mate its not a unipolar world anymore, you say that we are nothing on our own but the fact is that we are a country which has great relations with Russia, Iran and the US at the same time, its called diplomacy AMD soft power projection. We were always on our own and the world came to our rescue for their own interests unlike Pakistan. i am sometimes amused when Generals on your news channels say with great pride , "Humme US ki koi zarurat nahi, abb humare pass China hai" and then literally come out with songs like "Pak Chin dosti zindabad":rofl::rofl::rofl: Who does that mate?? Its downright embarrassing if nothing else. Pakistan always had a boyfriend, earlier the British who gave you Pakistan while we fought them , then the Americans and now you have the Chinese.
Mate atleast dont lie to yourself!! Everyone other than the ones who lie are liars to u. It was Pakistan who hoped that the US would help get them a ceasefire in 99 and then the Pakistanis could hold their positions on the peaks forever, when this did not happen your current pm was sent running to the US by your then Army chief and later president. And what are u saying that u didnt have an army in 48?? Wasn't the Bristish IA rationed between India and Pakistan? In effect you are saying that you had Generals and Field Marshalls but no army to command!!?? And even if a speck of it were to be true, who goes to a war without an Army !!??:woot::woot::woot: And out of whom did the civilians beat the shit out of?? The IA??
Firstly, they were military backed, armed and trained civilians and not like some random people were picked up from Ram Bagh and sent to fight in Kashmir!!
Secondly, all they did was kill and rape ordinary Kashmiris on their way to Srinagar cause dude pls understand this, there was no one to stop them in the first place. As soon as the IA went to the valley these lashkars had their arses beaten badly and there was a ceasefire owing to UN intervention which I concede was owing to Nehru's actions cause he wasn't naive enough to let a newly independent nation be dragged into a full fledged and more importantly a long duration war. Dont be self delusional man. Accept the truth, you went to war with India after 62 on the hioes that the Chines would once again open an Eastern front oblivious to the fact that their far advanced army had already got a tste of Indian kadha from the then ragtag ill equipped IA and would never repeat the mistake, instead they advised u to not to do such a thing, accept this like a man. And the shame is not ours but yours that you have to use nonstate actors and "so called" civilians to fight your war instead of your army. Now I don't want to say anything about your army cause that could get me banned. But do you really belive whatever you have written?? Cause if u do its good for us.

Lastly, when the 7th fleet of the US came to your rescue in 71 our 'Genuine' Field Marshall had only one thing to say and that was we would fight the Pakistanis and the Americans at the same time. What happened then? Mate its not a unipolar world anymore, you say that we are nothing on our own but the fact is that we are a country which has great relations with Russia, Iran and the US at the same time, its called diplomacy AMD soft power projection. We were always on our own and the world came to our rescue for their own interests unlike Pakistan. i am sometimes amused when Generals on your news channels say with great pride , "Humme US ki koi zarurat nahi, abb humare pass China hai" and then literally come out with songs like "Pak Chin dosti zindabad":rofl::rofl::rofl: Who does that mate?? Its downright embarrassing if nothing else. Pakistan always had a boyfriend, earlier the British who gave you Pakistan while we fought them , then the Americans and now you have the Chinese.

Pakistan hoping for US to get ceasefire in 99? What you are smoking my friend? It was "India friendly" Nawaz Shareef who went to Washignton after desparate calls from Vajpaee to Clinton to save his and India arse in Kargil. It was Nawaz betrail which cost him government and was close to be hanged. Militarlity however, it was a big shock and awe operation from Pakistan which still run the scares on Indian state till this date.

In 1948 we didnt have a proper army, hell, we got independace only in 1947 and we had some rag tag equipment handed over to us as the partition arrangement of which mostly never arrived in Pakistan. We had to utilize whatever was available during that war, including our armed north western Pakthoon civilians which fought alongside Pakistani army regulars. By going Indian logic, a new born state will somehow muster up resources to train and arm its civilians to fght India, all in the matter of one year or less, when it didnt even have enough resources for its own armed forces. This logic may work inside India, in your Bollywood but in outside world, its is laughed at. Now put your thinking cap on, if Pakistan was desperate or in dire straits in 1948 war, shouldnt it be looking out for cease fire? Pakistan never bothered, and the fact the Nehru went running to UN for ceasefire, is the obvious sign as to who was getting spanked :) .

With regards to your war with China, whole world know how they handed your backside on platter to you. Now dont let your bravado and emotions cloud your logic here. Its a known fact that Kennedy send a letter to Ayub Khan not to take advantage of India's desparate situation on eastern front with China and he promised to resolved the Kashmir issue politically which ofcourse never happen. Its all documented. Enlighten yourself. Your arse is always saved by your sugardaddies in western civilization when push come to shove as they take you as a bulwark against "Islamic" Pakistan. That randi rona against China is a pretext, hoogwash, and we know it.
Pakistan hoping for US to get ceasefire in 99? What you are smoking my friend? It was "India friendly" Nawaz Shareef who went to Washignton after desparate calls from Vajpaee to Clinton to save his and India arse in Kargil. It was Nawaz betrail which cost him government and was close to be hanged. Militarlity however, it was a big shock and awe operation from Pakistan which still run the scares on Indian state till this date.

In 1948 we didnt have a proper army, hell, we got independace only in 1947 and we had some rag tag equipment handed over to us as the partition arrangement of which mostly never arrived in Pakistan. We had to utilize whatever was available during that war, including our armed north western Pakthoon civilians which fought alongside Pakistani army regulars. By going Indian logic, a new born state will somehow muster up resources to train and arm its civilians to fght India, all in the matter of one year or less, when it didnt even have enough resources for its own armed forces. This logic may work inside India, in your Bollywood but in outside world, its is laughed at. Now put your thinking cap on, if Pakistan was desperate or in dire straits in 1948 war, shouldnt it be looking out for cease fire? Pakistan never bothered, and the fact the Nehru went running to UN for ceasefire, is the obvious sign as to who was getting spanked :) .

With regards to your war with China, whole world know how they handed your backside on platter to you. Now dont let your bravado and emotions cloud your logic here. Its a known fact that Kennedy send a letter to Ayub Khan not to take advantage of India's desparate situation on eastern front with China and he promised to resolved the Kashmir issue politically which ofcourse never happen. Its all documented. Enlighten yourself. Your arse is always saved by your sugardaddies in western civilization when push come to shove as they take you as a bulwark against "Islamic" Pakistan. That randi rona against China is a pretext, hoogwash, and we know it.
Why di you think then the Chinese never tried a single misadventure against India after 62!!?? They wanted Arunachal right?? Is itvtheirs? No. Then why go to war in the first place. I do not watch Bollywood movies mate. Hence I dont know what they arevall about nowadays, its you guys who are diehard fans of those crappy movies. You know what happened in 99? The US literally threatened India that th Pakistanis would go Nuclear if we continue our beating and the Pakistanis anticipated that the way things were going we might cross the loc. I dont know from where you get your info. Here's what Wikipedia has to say aboutvthe war in 99. Now Pakistanis usually dismiss anything which is not in their favor as a lie. If You have similar sentiments about the below piece than I urge You to kindly change it to suite your narrative and see what Wikipedia would have to say.
Pakistan was criticised by other countries for instigating the war, as its paramilitary forces andinsurgents crossed the Line of Control.Pakistan's primary diplomatic response, one ofplausible deniability linking the incursion to what it officially termed as "Kashmiri freedom fighters", was in the end not successful. Veteran analysts argued that the battle was fought at heights where only seasoned troops could survive, so poorly equipped "freedom fighters" would neither have the ability nor the wherewithal to seize land and defend it. Moreover, while the army had initially denied the involvement of its troops in the intrusion, two soldiers were awarded the Nishan-E-Haider (Pakistan's highest military honour). Another 90 soldiers were also given gallantry awards, most of themposthumously, confirming Pakistan's role in the episode. India also released taped phone conversations between the Army Chief and a senior Pakistani general where the latter is recorded saying: "the scruff of [the militants] necks is in our hands",although Pakistan dismissed it as a "total fabrication". Concurrently, Pakistan made several contradicting statements, confirming its role in Kargil, when it defended the incursions saying that the LOC itself was disputed.[91] Pakistan also attempted to internationalize the Kashmir issue, by linking the crisis in Kargil to the larger Kashmir conflict but, such a diplomatic stance found few backers on the world stage.

As the Indian counter-attacks picked up momentum, Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif flew to meet U.S. President Bill Clinton on July 4 to obtain support from the United States. Clinton rebuked Sharif, however, and asked him to use his contacts to rein in the militants and withdraw Pakistani soldiers from Indian territory. Clinton would later reveal in his autobiographythat "Sharif's moves were perplexing" since the Indian Prime Minister had travelled to Lahore to promote bilateral talks aimed at resolving the Kashmir problem and "by crossing the Line of Control, Pakistan had wrecked the [bilateral] talks".[93] On the other hand, he applauded Indian restraint for not crossing the LoC and escalating the conflict into an all-out war.

G8 nations supported India and condemned the Pakistani violation of the LOC at the Colognesummit. The European Union also opposed Pakistan's violation of the LOC. China, a long-time ally of Pakistan, insisted on a pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions along the LOC and settling border issues peacefully. Other organisations like the ASEAN Regional Forum too supported India's stand on the inviolability of the LOC.

Faced with growing international pressure, Sharif managed to pull back the remaining soldiers from Indian territory. The joint statement issued by Clinton and Sharif conveyed the need to respect the Line of Control and resume bilateral talks as the best forum to resolve all disputes.

Refer to the part in block letters. Please dont say that Clinton said such things in his biography since India asked him to. That would not be surprising though given the quality of news on your media like Hiw India pays Hollywood to cat their actors and make movies about India. As far as Nehru going to UN is concerned it had two fold strategy. One was to stop the war and I concede that as a proud Indian with nothing to hide since from day 1 our objective has been education and development rather than deriving thrills by trying to realize the sayings of our Holy books. But the real objective was to legitimize our claim on the entire valley. That's the reason why we have the UNSC resolution on Kashmir in the first place cayse bith the countries had overlapping claims over Kashmir. Do you relly think that if we made up our minds to beat your arse in 48 you could have saved your behind?? Do you know Hiw many face off we have with the PLA every year in Arunachal Pradesh, below is a video of How the Indo Tibetan Border Police and not even the IA treat the Chinese PLA, the samebPLA whom u guys look up to as your Messiah?? But not a single bullet is fired by either side. Pakistanis would come up with illogical arguements like China is mercuful :rofl:and they just wanted to teach us a lesson in 62 and then they had pity and all such downright laughable trash.
Watch 10:00 onwards and look how they are abusing the PLA regulars
Here's another one. The Indians tell the Chinesebthis is not your bloddy area.
Here's a video where the Chinese and the Indian countetparts share a smoke even whike there's a confrontation going on
And even in 62 if guys would have opened a second front the outcome would have been the same as 48, 65 , 71 and 99 pal. Pakistanis were neither Indian nir Chinese even then. Maybe your general knew better and did not even send in a few of those strategic assets aka non state actors. LOL
Instead of crying likes babies of what India and Afghanistan are doing.
We should better built our own dams for our own good.

They are doing what's in their interest. What is stopping us to do some thing serious in terms of dams construction.
ham ny to kalabagh dam ka masla hamasha kay liay dafna dia hay. enemy is not just around us but inside us.
Why di you think then the Chinese never tried a single misadventure against India after 62!!?? They wanted Arunachal right?? Is itvtheirs? No. Then why go to war in the first place. I do not watch Bollywood movies mate. Hence I dont know what they arevall about nowadays, its you guys who are diehard fans of those crappy movies. You know what happened in 99? The US literally threatened India that th Pakistanis would go Nuclear if we continue our beating and the Pakistanis anticipated that the way things were going we might cross the loc. I dont know from where you get your info. Here's what Wikipedia has to say aboutvthe war in 99. Now Pakistanis usually dismiss anything which is not in their favor as a lie. If You have similar sentiments about the below piece than I urge You to kindly change it to suite your narrative and see what Wikipedia would have to say.
Pakistan was criticised by other countries for instigating the war, as its paramilitary forces andinsurgents crossed the Line of Control.Pakistan's primary diplomatic response, one ofplausible deniability linking the incursion to what it officially termed as "Kashmiri freedom fighters", was in the end not successful. Veteran analysts argued that the battle was fought at heights where only seasoned troops could survive, so poorly equipped "freedom fighters" would neither have the ability nor the wherewithal to seize land and defend it. Moreover, while the army had initially denied the involvement of its troops in the intrusion, two soldiers were awarded the Nishan-E-Haider (Pakistan's highest military honour). Another 90 soldiers were also given gallantry awards, most of themposthumously, confirming Pakistan's role in the episode. India also released taped phone conversations between the Army Chief and a senior Pakistani general where the latter is recorded saying: "the scruff of [the militants] necks is in our hands",although Pakistan dismissed it as a "total fabrication". Concurrently, Pakistan made several contradicting statements, confirming its role in Kargil, when it defended the incursions saying that the LOC itself was disputed.[91] Pakistan also attempted to internationalize the Kashmir issue, by linking the crisis in Kargil to the larger Kashmir conflict but, such a diplomatic stance found few backers on the world stage.

As the Indian counter-attacks picked up momentum, Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif flew to meet U.S. President Bill Clinton on July 4 to obtain support from the United States. Clinton rebuked Sharif, however, and asked him to use his contacts to rein in the militants and withdraw Pakistani soldiers from Indian territory. Clinton would later reveal in his autobiographythat "Sharif's moves were perplexing" since the Indian Prime Minister had travelled to Lahore to promote bilateral talks aimed at resolving the Kashmir problem and "by crossing the Line of Control, Pakistan had wrecked the [bilateral] talks".[93] On the other hand, he applauded Indian restraint for not crossing the LoC and escalating the conflict into an all-out war.

G8 nations supported India and condemned the Pakistani violation of the LOC at the Colognesummit. The European Union also opposed Pakistan's violation of the LOC. China, a long-time ally of Pakistan, insisted on a pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions along the LOC and settling border issues peacefully. Other organisations like the ASEAN Regional Forum too supported India's stand on the inviolability of the LOC.

Faced with growing international pressure, Sharif managed to pull back the remaining soldiers from Indian territory. The joint statement issued by Clinton and Sharif conveyed the need to respect the Line of Control and resume bilateral talks as the best forum to resolve all disputes.

Refer to the part in block letters. Please dont say that Clinton said such things in his biography since India asked him to. That would not be surprising though given the quality of news on your media like Hiw India pays Hollywood to cat their actors and make movies about India. As far as Nehru going to UN is concerned it had two fold strategy. One was to stop the war and I concede that as a proud Indian with nothing to hide since from day 1 our objective has been education and development rather than deriving thrills by trying to realize the sayings of our Holy books. But the real objective was to legitimize our claim on the entire valley. That's the reason why we have the UNSC resolution on Kashmir in the first place cayse bith the countries had overlapping claims over Kashmir. Do you relly think that if we made up our minds to beat your arse in 48 you could have saved your behind?? Do you know Hiw many face off we have with the PLA every year in Arunachal Pradesh, below is a video of How the Indo Tibetan Border Police and not even the IA treat the Chinese PLA, the samebPLA whom u guys look up to as your Messiah?? But not a single bullet is fired by either side. Pakistanis would come up with illogical arguements like China is mercuful :rofl:and they just wanted to teach us a lesson in 62 and then they had pity and all such downright laughable trash.
Watch 10:00 onwards and look how they are abusing the PLA regulars
Here's another one. The Indians tell the Chinesebthis is not your bloddy area.
Here's a video where the Chinese and the Indian countetparts share a smoke even whike there's a confrontation going on
And even in 62 if guys would have opened a second front the outcome would have been the same as 48, 65 , 71 and 99 pal. Pakistanis were neither Indian nir Chinese even then. Maybe your general knew better and did not even send in a few of those strategic assets aka non state actors. LOL

First of all, that 62 war was instigated by India on the wishes of the yanks. You lot have been providing the yanks plenty of resources for intellegence gathering on China and this has been happeneing for a very long time, when when you were supposidly in Soviet camp. When you lot started the war, Chinese retaliated and handed your back side on platter, this is a known and well established FACT. Your bravado wont change a bit :)

Chinese are focused on the economy but if someone will challange them like you did back in 62, will find its worth, just like you did. As for Pakistan, its a known and documented fact that kennedy wrote a letter to Ayub not to open Kashmir front when you lot were getting doggy style by Chinese on eastern front. I dont have to repeat myself here. Nothing to do with you lot. Its only when the yanks like usual didnt kept their words about resolving Kashmir politically, 1965 war happened. So tell me. does anyone gives a monkey about India and its so called power in Pakistan?

Once you find a better source other the wiki then perhaps we can disucss things further.

With regards to Chinese, ah well. this is what happened I think last year I guess!


1,000 Chinese Soldiers Cross India's Border as Xi Jinping Visits Region



Now that what you call BADMASHI.. LOL

ooo you gullible Indians. :)
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