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India is out to damage Pakistan water interest on Kabul river.

Instead of crying likes babies of what India and Afghanistan are doing.
We should better built our own dams for our own good.

They are doing what's in their interest. What is stopping us to do some thing serious in terms of dams construction.
That is the question.
Total insanity..Pakistan is not developing Infra and instead blaming other countries for developing their infra.I mean,what the ****??Who stopped Pakistan to develop dams in the first place?

The theory is
Yahood O Hanood have bribed the corrupt politicians of theirs to roadblock the work on those Dam projects!
If my memory serve one of the main artery which feeds Kabul river comes from Pakistan, I believe Kunar river. Pakistan I think told the Afghans to chill out a while back. I maybe wrong though.

What % of drainage basin of Kunar is in Pakistan?

A river does not take all its water from its source of origin. It picks up water as it flow downstream; so even if Kunar originates in Pakistan, Pakistan could not control water flow in Kunar for the portion of drainage basin that lies in Afghanistan.
India out to damage Pakistan’s water interests on Kabul river

ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan’s authorities with the help of Indian experts have completed the feasibilities and detailed engineering of 12 hydro-power projects with capacity to generate 1,177MW of electricity to be built on the river Kabul.

If the 12 projects get completed, they will store 4.7 million acre feet of water squeezing the flow in the river reaching Pakistan.

India, which also helped Afghanistan in repairing the Friendship Dam (Salma Dam) on the river Chishti-e-Sharif in Herat province, is already erecting the hydro-power projects on the Chenab, Jhelum and Indus with an objective to get the capacity to maneuver water flows destined to reach Pakistan and is now active to squeeze the water artery coming from Afghanistan.

According to a document exclusively available with The News, Indian experts have completed the feasibilities and detailed engineering of the 12 projects to be built on the river Kabul. The authorities in Kabul after completing the tendering process will be initiating construction of multi-purpose water projects on the tributaries of the river Kabul with assistance from the international community. India plans to assist Afghanistan in this initiative, which will adversely impact on Pakistan. The documents also show that the World Bank will provide funding for the 12 dams that will cost $7.079 billion.

The most ironic part of the whole episode is that Pakistan’s authorities have failed to develop water uses on the river Kabul as they failed to build the Kalabagh Dam at the site on the Indus where the river Kabul merges with the river Indus.

Similarly, Pakistan’s authorities have also failed to construct the Munda Dam on the river Kabul. The failure in developing water uses has weakened Pakistan’s case against the resolve of Afghanistan to build the 12 hydro-power projects on the river Kabul.

The documents unveil that four hydro-power projects will be constructed in the Punjshir sub-basin. These include the $332 million Totumdara project which will generate 200MW of electricity and have water storage capacity of 332,510 acres feet; the $1.174b Barak project which will generate 100MW of electricity and store 429,830 acres feet of water; $1.078 billion Panjshir (100MW) project with the capacity to store 105,4300 acres feet of water; and the $607 million Baghdara (210MW) project with the capacity to store 324,400 acres feet of water.

In the Logur Upper Kabul sub-basin on the river Kabul four more dams are to be built which include the $72 million Haijana project (72MW) with water storage capacity of 178,420 acres feet; $207 million Kajab (15MW) project with water storage capacity of 324,400 acres feet; the $356 million Tangi Wadag (56MW) project with capacity to store 283,850 acres feet; and $51m Gat (86MW) project with water storage capacity of 405,500 acres feet. Four more dams will be built in the Lower Kabul sub-basin, including the $442 million Sarobi project (210MW) with the capacity to store 324,400 acres feet of water; the $1.434 billion Laghman project (1251MW) with water storage capacity of 233,568 acres feet; and the $1.094 billion Konar (A) (94.8MW) and Kama projects (11.5MW).

Pakistan and Afghanistan currently share nine rivers with annual flows of about 18.3 million acres feet (MAF) of which the river Kabul accounts for 16.5MAF, while River Chitral, which originates from Pakistan, contributes about 8.5MAF. After it enters Afghanistan this river is called River Kunar. It joins the river Kabul near Jalalabad and then re-enters Pakistan.

However, the documents say: “Ninety percent of Afghanistan’s land area is located in the five river basins namely: Panj-Amu Darya River Basin, Northern River Basin, Harirud-Murghab Basin, Helmand River Basin and river Kabul basin. The total storage capacity of these dams is around 4.7 million acre feet. It is further estimated that the planned dams will utilise 0.5 MAF water to irrigate additional 14,000 acres of land.

“Afghanistan has the right to utilise water from the river Kabul as the total flow of Kabul River is 21,000 million cubic meter. But the river Kunar, which contributes 15,000 million cubic meter to the river Kabul, originates from Pakistan.

“In the absence of major dams in Pakistan, it is feared that Pakistan will have to buy electricity from Afghanistan, which is the underlying purpose of the above mentioned plan of the Afghan government in collaboration with India.”

However, Syed Mehr Ali Shah, Joint Secretary (Water Wing) in the Ministry of Water and Power said that all the water uses of river Kabul are 100 percent committed up to Kotri Barrage. Pakistan is the country which is facing water deficit and has total water flows in its rivers and dams stand at 137 MAF and these water uses have been developed for the last many decades and no upper riparian country like Afghanistan can utilize the committed water uses of Pakistan.

Mr Shah said that Afghanistan could utilize 2.5 MAF water for irrigation purposes at the maximum. However, at Warsak, Pakistan has committed water flows of river Kabul of 16-17 MAF out of which 8-8.5 MAF water comes from the river Chitral which generates from Pakistan. “No doubt it is the failure of the authorities and political leadership of not building the Kalabagh Dam and Munda Dam, but if the said dams are not built, even then Pakistan’s water uses of river Kabul are established and Pakistan’s case is very strong if needed to move any international forum,” he claimed.

When asked about the huge quantum of 36 MAF water that went down the drain during the flood season, Mr Shah said that it was flood water which could not be stored. However, in the remaining months, Pakistan faces the water deficit and the Kabul water uses are 100 percent committed in Pakistan. He said since there is no water treaty with Afghanistan, but under the international convention Pakistan has the right to utilise 17 MAF water in river Kabul as the said water uses are committed in lower riparian country. Likewise Afghanistan uses 1.8 MAF which is its developed water rights. Both the countries under the international convention are bound to continue to utilise their developed water uses. To a question Mr Shah said that Munda is being built on Sawat basin which is Pakistan’s own basin.

Talking about the 4.7 MAF water to be stored in 12 hydropower project being built on river Kabul, Mr Shah said that it was not correct as the water storage would not be more than 2 MAF. However, in the initial filling, the said projects may store the water more than 2 MAF, but after that projects will not be able to store more than 2 MAF. However, the Afghanistan if tries its best, it can use 2.5 MAF water from river Kabul to irrigate its plain lands at the maximum.
Wow the paranoia of some in Pakistan is just mind boggling, now it seems that in addition to India the World Bank is also in cahoots with Afghanistan to damage Pakistan!

PS : There are well establishment world conventions that regulate how water is shared between countries, Afghanistan will utilize its waters based on those conventions and as matter of fact it has been in talks with Pakistan on how to build a dam on the Kunar river so that the generated electricity can be shared with Pakistan.

Moral of the story : We need a pan regional mindset and folks like the writer are still stuck in the 80s. All these dams when built will better regulate water assets and share the generated electricity with Pakistan and rest of the neighbouring countries.


No problem. Afghanistan tries anything stupid with regards to water supply to Pakistan and we'll send 5 million+ Afghans from Pakistan back home. On top of that we'll seal the border to prevent all supplies and provisions reaching you. We will unleash the biggest starvation crisis to hit a nation on to your country. Then we'll see if india who has at least 33% of the world's severely malnourished and extreme poor will come and save you. Please try. Boys in green are waiting in the mist.

Part of the CPEC initiative is to eventually increase water/energy supplies and create multiple dam projects. This will eventually curtail the water crisis in Pakistan. It's not going to happen over night but will take time to realize.
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Good!! Good!!! Do that ASAP.

India produces enough foodgrain to feed whole of subcontinent on its own. These shenanigans would give us an opportunity to rush food aid via Iran to Afghanistan thus gaining even more popularity in Afghanistan, while at the same time, Pakistan would become an even bigger villan.

What foreigners like you think of us is of no consequence or matter. We don't give a toss about the opinions of your kind. We want to lighten the burden on our economy and nation by kicking the Afghans out. Despite your nation having at least 33% of the world's severely malnourished and extreme poor, if you want to help the Afghans, go right ahead. Could not care less. It would in fact lighten our burden and economic stress. If the Americans can't improve or feed them and they're still pouring into Pakistan then it is very doubtful that the indians can do anything. Or the Iranians for that matter.
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Good!! Good!!! Do that ASAP.

India produces enough foodgrain to feed whole of subcontinent on its own. These shenanigans would give us an opportunity to rush food aid via Iran to Afghanistan thus gaining even more popularity in Afghanistan, while at the same time, Pakistan would become an even bigger villan.

He is a troll, don't fall for his trap because he will bring you to his level. Anyways if you follow at least some of the leading Pakistani ( English ) media you will realize that majority of articles indicate a different picture which is that Pakistan must change its polices via-a-vis Afghanistan and the region from security centric to one based on commerce and development.

Those views matters and not some troll who lives in UK giving folks on ground in the region advice how to live their lives.


:D Joke of the day

Pakistan will buy electricity from afghanistan? :D

Instead we will throw out afghanis back to afghanistan and electricity usage will drop in Pakistan because we are facilitating 3 million afghan refugees. :D :D :D

Ok that was funny, I had a brief smile :)

On a serious note, yes Afghans must return back to Afghanistan asap. Though I doubt Afghans living in Pakistan have any big impact on Pakistani energy shortages.
What foreigners like you think of us is of no consequence or matter. We don't give a toss about the opinions of your kind. We want to lighten the burden on our economy and nation by kicking the Afghans out. Despite your nation having at least 33% of the world's severely malnourished and extreme poor, if you want to help the Afghans, go right ahead. Could not care less. It would in fact lighten our burden and economics stress. If the Americans can't improve or feed them and they're still pouring into Pakistan then it is very doubtful that the indians can do anything. Or the Iranians for that matter.
point is unlike other nations we try to make them competent enof so they can earn there own living by building dams and hospitals and roads and other infra and not trying to force or dictate owr agends in return rather than spoon feeding them & dictating them and thats the main reason why Afghans like india and indians even a very large majority of pashtoons in afghanistan ... Got IT :azn:
point is unlike other nations we try to make them competent enof so they can earn there own living by building dams and hospitals and roads and other infra and not trying to force or dictate owr agends in return rather than spoon feeding them & dictating them and thats the main reason why Afghans like india and indians even a very large majority of pashtoons in afghanistan ... Got IT :azn:

Well, if you people are helping them then you are seriously doing a bad job of it. Everyday over 100, 000+ Afghans are trying to pour into Pakistan. That's nearly as bad as during the Soviet invasion. When we try to reduce the number of Afghans coming to our country, your friends the Afghan government scream that we are trying to commit genocide and oppression. If you are building infrastructure in Afghanistan they are having a hard time finding it.

He is a troll, don't fall for his trap because he will bring you to his level. Anyways if you follow at least some of the leading Pakistani ( English ) media you will realize that majority of articles indicate a different picture which is that Pakistan must change its polices via-a-vis Afghanistan and the region from security centric to one based on commerce and development.

Those views matters and not some troll who lives in UK giving folks on ground in the region advice how to live their lives.


Ok that was funny, I had a brief smile :)

On a serious note, yes Afghans must return back to Afghanistan asap. Though I doubt Afghans living in Pakistan have any big impact on Pakistani energy shortages.

Biggest trolls on planet earth are the ungrateful, uncouth Afghans living in Pakistan.
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No problem. Afghanistan tries anything stupid with regards to water supply to Pakistan and we'll send 5 million+ Afghans from Pakistan back home. On top of that we'll seal the border to prevent all supplies and provisions reaching you. We will unleash the biggest starvation crisis to hit a nation on to your country. Then we'll see if india who has at least 33% of the world's severely malnourished and extreme poor come and save you. Please try. Boys in green are waiting in the mist.

Part of the CPEC initiative is to eventually increase water/energy supplies and create multiple dam projects. This will eventually curtail the water crisis in Pakistan. It's not going to happen over night but will time to realize.

Its astonishing how you people think CPEC is going to be a remedy for all the ills pakistan is facing and that this project will make pakistan more mighty in the world... What a Grand delusion..

OTOH, CPEC is just a 50 billion dollar project that is sparsely spread over 15 years, i.e. hardly 4 billion dollars an annum and you are going to payback with 18% Return on Investment... trust me.. this CPEC is going to cripple your economy... it will kill the exports in your country... no more jobs in SMEs.

You are going to payback IMF loans from next year.. already 45% of your budget is marked for debt servicing... Pakistani bonds are given "JUNK" status in bond market.. you still blow your trumpet for CPEC... god save you and your country...
:D Joke of the day

Pakistan will buy electricity from afghanistan? :D

Instead we will throw out afghanis back to afghanistan and electricity usage will drop in Pakistan because we are facilitating 3 million afghan refugees. :D :D :D

Actually YES, you would but electricity from Afghanistan.

Think of it in this way: If India develops hydro-electric power plants in Afghanistan, but there is no demand for that electricity in Afghanistan due to low level of development, then Afghanistan would be selling that electricity, either to Pakistan or Iran.

The very reason that Afghanistan is underdeveloped improve the odds that you will be buying electricity from them. If Afghanistan develops, the odds of Pakistan importing electricity from Afghanistan would reduce as Afghanistan would ahve no electricity to spare.
Well, if you people are helping them then you are seriously doing a bad job of it. Everyday over 100, 000+ Afghans are trying to pour into Pakistan. That's nearly as bad as during the Soviet invasion. When we try to reduce the number of Afghans coming to our country, your friends the Afghan government scream that we are trying to commit genocide and oppression. If you are building infrastructure in Afghanistan they are having a hard time finding it.

Biggest trolls are Afghans living in Pakistan.
well ask any afghan about how and why they view indians as friends but not as villians and you will find it very strange

now as per 100K afghans coming everyday means 3.65 million every year that means in last one decade alone 36.5 millon so in last 30 years 109.5 millon afghans came and settelled in Pakistan but what is there current population in pakistan ?

point is you cant bully every one and you cant get away with your past mistakes they will come back to haunt you weather you like it or not... think about it :tup:
Actually YES, you would but electricity from Afghanistan.

Think of it in this way: If India develops hydro-electric power plants in Afghanistan, but there is no demand for that electricity in Afghanistan due to low level of development, then Afghanistan would be selling that electricity, either to Pakistan or Iran.

The very reason that Afghanistan is underdeveloped improve the odds that you will be buying electricity from them. If Afghanistan develops, the odds of Pakistan importing electricity from Afghanistan would reduce as Afghanistan would ahve no electricity to spare.

Your statements includes lots of "IF".

In few years we will overtake loadshedding in Pakistan and we wont need to import it. Afghanistan should produce electricity for itself first because making hydro power projects require years not hours.
well ask any afghan about how and why they view indians as friends but not as villians and you will find it very strange

now as per 100K afghans coming everyday means 3.65 million every year that means in last one decade alone 36.5 millon so in last 30 years 109.5 millon afghans came and settelled in Pakistan but what is there current population in pakistan ?

point is you cant bully every one and you cant get away with your past mistakes they will come back to haunt you weather you like it or not... think about it :tup:

That 3.5 million figure you state is the "legal" documented Afghans in Pakistan. There are however many times more "illegal" Afghans in Pakistan who are very reluctant to go back to their homeland. Anyone who has recently been to Pakistan's major cities will tell you that it feels like all of Afghanistan is in Pakistan.
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Indians always do a cheap act,Forget their own weaknesses.

So,They want Pakistan to become a desert and at last they find themselves on a losing side.
A lot of fear mongering by GEO network
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