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India is Inter Continental power

I just cant get it , that whenever there is a prase of india/indians for working hard for the goals set by owr elders why do pakistanies feel that we indians are rediculing them ? as in some thread i said similar thing that praising india is not undermining pakistan in any sense ?

You can praise yourself on your accomplishments, nobody can stop you.


Shuuper Pawar by 20XX....... Someone have to shake you, otherwise bhartiiis actually start acting like Shuuper Pawar even decades before their own projections. :)
I just cant get it , that whenever there is a prase of india/indians for working hard for the goals set by owr elders why do pakistanies feel that we indians are rediculing them ? as in some thread i said similar thing that praising india is not undermining pakistan in any sense ?

i already told them this in post number 28
Foreign analysts says," India is a Regional Super Power". And we accept it.

In which region is India acting as a Super Power. For the answer we look at the foreign analysts. To them, India is only a Super power among Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Burma and Pakistan. In short, South Asia.

And our mind is also set to believe like that.

Is that our Region? How many Indians do believe like that. If you believe like that then you are not seeing the broad picture.

India`s region consists of a wide area that exists around the Indian Ocean Rim. India`s position is of strategic importance in that region. If we have a will, within years, we can assert our supremacy in the IOR region.

We should get out of the mind set that we are only a South Asian super power. We are an Inter-Continental Power. What should we do to acquire that status?

First of all, make a point that we are an Inter-Continental Power. We can assert our power among some important African nations such as S. Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, and Somalia etc. Somalia is a breeding ground for terrorism and our fight against terrorism should include Somalia. We should think about establishing naval bases near Africa.

Friendly countries like Mauritius, Seychelles or Madagascar should be used to build our Naval bases. Currently India has only two fleets in its Navy. That should be changed. The current wars involving the US are showing that a growing power needs a strong navy and air force. India should develop at least 2 more fleets of which one will manage the African area and the second will manage the ASEAN region.

A good chunk of Indian narcotics are transmitted through Kenya. To prevent narcotics transaction from India, we have to assert some pressure in that region. And East African region imports a large amount of automobiles, steel and plastics. Including it in India`s economic zone will only improve Indian exports.

A naval and air power presence in that region will also help India to assert its influence in the Gulf region. India`s growing Oil demands will force India to consider Gulf in its economic zone.

In order to check the growing American influence in the Indian Ocean region, we also have to develop a defensive structure in Maldives. A kind of Early Warning system should establish in Maldives, which could counter a surprise attack by US from their Diego Garcia bases.

Developing a 2nd Eastern Naval Fleet is a necessary situation because of the growing Chinese presence in Bay of Bengal region. In order to keep the Chinese out and to check Burma in the future we need a big naval and air force presence in that region. And South East Asia is one of the largest economic zones in the world. India should develop its Andaman and Nicobar Islands into both a Defense Zone and a tourist zone. Andamans will certainly attract the tourists who come to South East Asia from Europe and US and also tourists from South East Asia looking for a new location.

That area is also a growing base for terrorists. So in order to check that we need to establish our presence there.

Australia seems to be a peaceful nation, but it is also a growing threat to India`s supremacy in that region. If Australia decides to establish a naval presence in its Cocos Islands, then it will be a threat to India. The Andaman naval/air establishment will be able to make sure India`s interest in those regions are safe guarded.

In order to achieve these, our Political leadership should begin to think that India is an Inter-Continental Super Power.

India is not just a Regional Super Power


Just dont post these hype articles.India has a lot of good but there is a long way to go and be assured we ll also take the longest time to get there.Just relax and if you want to help India,help yourself.Get a good job and help your local community,be a good example to ur nearby society and things ll sort themslves out.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

India might have some influence in its region i.e:sri lanka,nepal,bangladesh or bhutan.. which seems to be also under chinese influence... as for sri lanka(pro Pak-China)... none else where.

China has minimal influence in most of these places,they may have money and investment power but culturally zukk and culture if lfe and death in the subcontinent.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

India is far from perfect but pakistan ahs no aukaat to judge india.
India should watch for a 2 ocean China, if Singapore tilts towards China again.

Africa is going to be a big battlefield for all major powers. US, EU, Russia, China and India will all battle for supremacy in Africa, because the 2nd to last unexploited resources in the world that are not guarded by giant nuclear arsenals are there.
The time of superpowers is passed. Spain and Britain only achieved it through naval and trade domination, and the US/Russian domination was an anomaly of WW2. China will remain ahead of India anyway, which at this rate can't sustain itself.
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