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India is humiliatedbby Modi and BJP

How exactly is Tibet equated to a thin slice of chicken neck around 20km wide? Tht's a lame methaphor bro. Try harder. :rofl:

With Pakistan - We sure have to try hardere
With China though, you guys are a nation of chickens. All we need to do shout 'pakak pakak pakak' and you will scramble away like you just did in Dokhlam.
With Pakistan - We sure have to try hardere
With China though, you guys are a nation of chickens. All we need to do shout 'pakak pakak pakak' and you will scramble away like you just did in Dokhlam.
Erm, how does someone who just ran away call another person chicken? :rofl::rofl::rofl:. No use calling names now cow ward, YOU RETREATED like a cow ward.
Don't be so emotive man, China has no mean to contain India with Donglang affaire and certainly not mean to cut India's chicken neck, I think China and India should settle peace over this region for ever, just let Bhutan go to have diplomatic relation with China instead of spend energy and resource to compete each other over influence, both can take cooperative attitude and concentrate both of our energy to taking more serious issues.

Just claim not fact [emoji38]
The problem with dwelling in revisionism is that you tend to move away frog reality and become locked in an eternal state of denial.

Your cheerleader has the same problem. Too much revisionism.
If Indian just want status quo why start this shit in the beginning? Makes no sense, and making China an enemy. You can bet that in international affairs China will not consider India's feeling when engaging south Asia after the stunt pulled by India
There are no free meals.

China has already tried to block india's entry into NSG and others stunts played there are general information. Blocking the bid to declare Masood Azhar as global terrorist is another. India is bound to respond in kind. Status quo was not getting achieved without force. We all know about the artificial islands and how status quo was achieved.

Personally, I feel this was a masterstroke by India since
1. It was a kinetic option.
2. It was a legitimate reason.
3. Objectives were reached.
4. It was seen as a nationalistic move but india had a diplomatic win.

Drawbacks is there could be more dokhlam/confrontations ahead of us. The problem here is it is going to be people's war if there is some threshold crossed since both sides carry civilizational baggage with them.

Interestingly, I would want some data about the chinese exports to india numbers.


BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese border troops are continuing their patrolling and defending the Dong Lang (Doklam) area, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

On June 18, over 270 armed Indian troops with two bulldozers crossed the boundary into Dong Lang (Doklam), Chinese sovereign territory, to obstruct infrastructure construction.

China Monday confirmed that India had withdrawn personnel and equipment from Dong Lang (Doklam) after a military stand-off lasting more than two months.

Dong Lang (Doklam), which borders India's Sikkim state to the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan to the south, is part of Chinese territory and has been under Chinese rule for a very long time.

Hua said for a long period of time, China has constructed infrastructure facilities including roads to meet the needs of soldiers and civilians, and improve their living conditions.

1) China did not withdraw
2) China will continue construction.


"Details remain sketchy of how the worst border dispute between the two countries in more than three decades was defused after both sides announced on Monday they had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of troops from a remote Himalayan plateau.

...........Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said.

....“India has got exactly what it has wanted. It was a humiliating defeat for China to cave in to pressure from India despite all the tough talk,” Yue said. "
I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.

High time you start reading websites other than Wire and Scroll

Well India originally claimed that Donglang was 100% Bhutan's territory .

Even now we are saying the same

, and that they had to protect Bhutan due to their mutual defence treaty. So they have climbed down quite a lot, now they are fine with a permanent Chinese military presence in Donglang .

Yes we have to protect them which is why our army chief said if china tries to change status quo more doklam like incidents . Hope this clarifies ur point dude :partay:

High time you start reading websites other than Wire and Scroll

Even now we are saying the same

Yes we have to protect them which is why our army chief said if china tries to change status quo more doklam like incidents . Hope this clarifies ur point dude :partay:

Tries? They already did bhai, the road is still there in Doka La, 30-40% completed.

High time you start reading websites other than Wire and Scroll

Even now we are saying the same

Yes we have to protect them which is why our army chief said if china tries to change status quo more doklam like incidents . Hope this clarifies ur point dude :partay:

Tries? They already did bhai, the road is still there in Doka La, 30-40% completed.


BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese border troops are continuing their patrolling and defending the Dong Lang (Doklam) area, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

On June 18, over 270 armed Indian troops with two bulldozers crossed the boundary into Dong Lang (Doklam), Chinese sovereign territory, to obstruct infrastructure construction.

China Monday confirmed that India had withdrawn personnel and equipment from Dong Lang (Doklam) after a military stand-off lasting more than two months.

Dong Lang (Doklam), which borders India's Sikkim state to the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan to the south, is part of Chinese territory and has been under Chinese rule for a very long time.

Hua said for a long period of time, China has constructed infrastructure facilities including roads to meet the needs of soldiers and civilians, and improve their living conditions.

1) China did not withdraw
2) China will continue construction.

Tries? They already did bhai, the road is still there in Doka La, 30-40% completed.

Tries? They already did bhai, the road is still there in Doka La, 30-40% completed.

You are free to quote any bravado% according to your wish dude :enjoy:
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