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India is humiliatedbby Modi and BJP

You are free to quote any bravado% according to your wish dude :enjoy:
Noks, I am at least saner than your friend Bala. What I questioned and debated are factual in nature, all from official MEA and MOFA statements, not some fanboy anal lyst. The facts are clear:

1) India withdrew unilaterally.
2) China will continue to patrol and be stationed at Doklam.
3) China will continue road building.

My belief is China halted road construction for Modi's visit in September, and using weather as an excuse. It will most likely continue after winter.
Noks, I am at least saner than your friend Bala. What I questioned and debated are factual in nature, all from official MEA and MOFA statements, not some fanboy anal lyst. The facts are clear:

1) India withdrew unilaterally.

Yes true but :pleasantry:

2) China will continue to patrol and be stationed at Doklam. .

So is Bhutan army :partay:

3) China will continue road building.


Now here is the point "We Will stop again" . I cant simplify more than this dude :D:D
Yes true but :pleasantry:

So is Bhutan army :partay:

Now here is the point "We Will stop again" . I cant simplify more than this dude :D:D
No problem with Bhutan patrolling, it's disputed afterall, as long as there are no dark people coming in. You can try stopping again, but please don't run this time, stay there and wait for the response.

If after Marathon Warning, Stilll unable to lay brick, sure, consider it as your Consolation Prize:D
After marathon warning and you withdrew like cowards? :rofl:. No bullet used and no blood loss, only one *** kicked in Ladakh.:enjoy:.

When does 'continue to construct roads' equate to road cessation?
When does 'continue to construct roads' equate to road cessation?
The same time a unilateral retreat coupled with other side publicly declaring no concession given in a big slap to Modi's face is a huge victory for India the unilateral retreating shupa powa! Jai Hind!
Yet it was the Indian Army who chickened out and ran away, abandoning Bhutan's territory for China? :P

So you have started building Road i suppose:rofl::rofl:

After marathon warning and you withdrew like cowards? :rofl:. No bullet used and no blood loss, only one *** kicked in Ladakh.:enjoy:.

When does 'continue to construct roads' equate to road cessation?

We always wanted to return to status quo, you were the one who wanted Road...:enjoy:

Is road being build under mountain??
So you have started building Road i suppose:rofl::rofl:

We always wanted to return to status quo, you were the one who wanted Road...:enjoy:

Is road being build under mountain??

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing:rofl:
Just in, second confrimation of permanent troop stationed at Doklam near Doka La.


Question: What role did the Chinese military play in resolving the Dong Lang incident? What measures will the military take to safeguard national sovereignty as well as national interests and rights?

Answer: Since the Dong Lang incident happened, the Chinese military has closely monitored the development of the situation. Not a single moment have we forgotten our responsibility of safeguarding our motherland and upholding peace. Not in a single moment have we relented in our targeted preparation for military struggle. We took on-site emergency response measures, strengthened border control, pushed forward operational deployment and enhanced targeted training so as to firmly safeguard territorial integrity, national sovereignty and our legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, through military diplomacy and border defense exchange channels, we lodged numerous representations with the Indian military and played an important role for the proper settlement of the Dong Lang incident. The Chinese military will continue to carry out its missions and responsibilities, beef up patrol and troop station in the Dong Lang area and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security.:rofl:

Question: The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the other day that the Chinese border defense troops continued with patrolling and stationing in the Dong Lang area. Could you tell us how they would do that specifically?

Answer: Dong Lang is China’s inherent territory. We will never give up each inch of the beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland. The Chinese armed forces will firmly carry out its sacred mission of safeguarding territorial sovereignty and protect every inch of the land in the Dong Lang area.
I realise something new.

I am so stupid, Doklam and Doklam plateau are two different things, China wanted to own Doklam not just the plateau, the road till Doka La essentially already covers the whole Doklam plateau. When we station troops there, we have de-facto control of Doklam plateau. Strategically, it was the plateau that mattered, the last big piece of flat land there facing Siliguri. Use google 3D, the plateau area is only at the top left quarter of Doklam, the rest are essentially river valleys with no strategic use.

Map from Indian analyst


Map from Chinese MOFA

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing:rofl:

You mean to say, at first Chinese started building road without any assessments..Thats ssome shody worek even from communist point of view:partay:
There is a lot we have achieved. Time never ends today.

1. Next time if chinese play this game they can't give the same solution as this time.
2. chinese have clearly removed their construction equipments and their soldiers withdrawn to pre-conflict position.
3. They can never lay road or even a egg at Doklam again.
4. They have legitimized India's intervention in case of future misbehavior.
5. The place is disputed without doubt.
Dont tell ur lies u lost shamefully without a fight don't say next time becoz next time they will thrash u even harder
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