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India is humiliatedbby Modi and BJP

Nothing darpoke about it...it was chinese territory in the first place...my complain is why did modi escalate this matter when he knew he couldnt stand up to chinese?ok, if we have achieved the purpose of making china stop their road building, I am more than happy with modi...but the statements of both the countries reveal that china is going to continue with road.
But for how long the Chinese will stop building roads? And why was it such an issue? After all they were building on Chinese territory?
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You mean to say, at first Chinese started building road without any assessments..Thats ssome shody worek even from communist point of view:partay:
Huh, bro seriously? This topic is already closed, and we know the strategic outcome. Please spell check your post btw.:azn:. Another thing, the road in Doklam plateau is already complete. :rofl:
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