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India, Iran to resume talks on gas pipeline through Pak

InDia shoudl focus on cow fuel and other sources of power generation I think the boat has sailed on the Iran gas pipeline project long time ago, its ok to let it go and focus on other ideas


Its a natural , bio friendly environment friendly alternative

The cows are indigneously produced , and are also abundent in India
On a lighter vein, even if India doesnt get any of the gas from Iran, its good that Pakistan is buying it. Because India has a stake in the South Pars fields from where the gas gets supplied to Pakistan.

Hopefully, Pakistanis dont have any issues buying gas from an entity with an Indian stake. :-)

Your Talking abt Qatar's South Pars Field or Iranian Side of South Pars Field ?
InDia shoudl focus on cow fuel and other sources of power generation I think the boat has sailed on the Iran gas pipeline project long time ago, its ok to let it go and focus on other ideas


Its a natural , bio friendly environment friendly alternative

The cows are indigneously produced , and are also abundent in India

Yes its used mostly in villages. Its a comparatively better fuel cow/buffalo dung also generates bio gas which is used for various purposes.
Yes its used mostly in villages. Its a comparatively better fuel cow/buffalo dung also generates bio gas which is used for various purposes.

Not sure if its enough to power an entire home. for instance, in the US, people are experimenting with pig's waste, cow's waste and other organic wastes to generate biofuel but despite millions of dollars of research poured in, it has not gone very far. The energy output per unit weight of a biowaste and the required power requirements are too far off. Geothermal is more promising - that is, energy from within the hot rocks of the Earth. But right now Oil,Water, Wind, Nuclear and Coal are the kings.Brazil has a much more robust biofuel program than the US has. We'll see what the future looks like.
Your Talking abt Qatar's South Pars Field or Iranian Side of South Pars Field ?

I think the Qatar's portion is called as the "North Dome" while the Iranian portion is referred to as "South Pars".

India buys a lot of gas from Qatar, but I am not aware of any Indian company having any stake in the Qatari portion of the gas fields.

However, India does have a significant stake in the Phase 12 of South Pars gas fields... which is ofcourse, on the Iranian side.
InDia shoudl focus on cow fuel and other sources of power generation I think the boat has sailed on the Iran gas pipeline project long time ago, its ok to let it go and focus on other ideas


Its a natural , bio friendly environment friendly alternative

The cows are indigneously produced , and are also abundent in India

If this is a serious suggestion then also such naive posts does not suit a senior member like you..
But going by your past posts , if this was posted as sarcastic remark then i cant say a thing about this...Dont forget to suggest the same to the millions of poor people in your own country who are not fortunate enough:hitwall:
New Delhi is also upset with Iran’s frequent changes in gas price. Iran had originally priced its gas at $ 3.2 per mmBtu but later in 2007 revised the rates to $ 4.93 per mmBtu at $ 60 a barrel crude oil prices, which was accepted by India. Last year, it unilaterally revised it and according to the new pricing formula, the fuel will cost New Delhi $ 8.3 at an $ 60 per barrel oil price at the Iran—Pakistan border.

Added to this would be a minimum of $ 1.1—1.2 per mmBtu towards the transportation cost and transit fee that India would have to pay for wheeling the gas through Pakistan, they said.

LOL GOI had the opportunity of the life to secure natural gas prices as negotiated by Two governments at 3.2/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu but Some genius from Indian side decided to get a better price by playing a game with Iran so they decided to play games(lets call it security concerned games which were no where to be seen when they decided originally to start negotiating with Iran.
we want it No we don't we want it No we don't thinking eventually Economically sanctioned Iran will offer a better price which backs fired Iranians did revised the price and offered the same gas at.$ 4.93 per mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu i congratulate the negotiator from GOI for job well done but GOI decided to keep playing the same game again thinking if price should go back to 2007 level or better so Iranians made the offer evens sweater $ 8.3/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu wonderful skills of negotiating for Indian tax payers if i say so my self.:rofl:

I am no accountant but 3.2+1.2=4.4 which would have been still cheaper for GOI then paying for Gas from KG Basin - 4.2$mmBtu because the well is not owned by GOI and is owned by private corporation so as the price of Natural gas rises so will the cost to buy from KG basin but gas coming from Iran would have been secured at a set price for some years to come.

Good news is Indians have saved themselves 1.2 so far as they have not signed on yet on the doted line bad news is price have more then doubled from 3.2 to 8.3 which i am sure will rise again as the American economy comes back on track.so yes it looks like Pakistan did get hurt in this deal :rofl:
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LOL GOI had the opportunity of the life to secure natural gas prices as negotiated by Two governments at 3.2/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu but Some genius from Indian side decided to get a better price by playing a game with Iran so they decided to play games(lets call it security concerned games which were no where to be seen when they decided originally to start negotiating with Iran.
we want it No we don't we want it No we don't thinking eventually Economically sanctioned Iran will offer a better price which backs fired Iranians did revised the price and offered the same gas at.$ 4.93 per mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu i congratulate the negotiator from GOI for job well done but GOI decided to keep playing the same game again thinking if price should go back to 2007 level or better so Iranians made the offer evens sweater $ 8.3/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu wonderful skills of negotiating for Indian tax payers if i say so my self.:rofl:

I am no accountant but 3.2+1.2=4.4 which would have been still cheaper for GOI then paying for Gas from KG Basin - 4.2$mmBtu because the well is not owned by GOI and is owned by private corporation so as the price of Natural gas rises so will the cost to buy from KG basin but gas coming from Iran would have been secured at a set price for some years to come.

Good news is Indians have saved themselves 1.2 so far as they have not signed on yet on the doted line bad news is price have more then doubled from 3.2 to 8.3 which i am sure will rise again as the American economy comes back on track.so yes it looks like Pakistan did get hurt in this deal :rofl:

Not really. Iran would have never offered a fixed price contract. The price would be tied to some global variable index such as the NY Crude or Gas Futures or whatever. No one these days offers fixed prices for volatile commodities such as Gas. If, per the index, the Gas price has risen to $8.3, then India would have had to pay that one way or the other. Why would Iran or India want to sign a bad deal? This contract cancellation is not over price. It may be due to:
- US pressure on India
- India has access to cheaper sources of Gas
- India's powerful internal industry lobby not wanting its government to sign on to this deal
- India's security concerns and dependence on Pakistan
Man what is there to be sarcastic about

**Cow bio fuel , is a natural way to create energy ,
light and other stuff

India has million and million of cows , and the fuel product is not utalized properly just create projects to use the massive amount of cow's carbon deposits.

India is an agricultural country so logical step if there is no Iran - Pakistan gas pipeline.

Cow bio fuel is commonly used also in Pakistan - and also its sacred in India so I see no problem

India has a chance to be a positive member in Regions

a) India delayed the negotiations, for 10 years
b) Then they backed out completely
c) To make matters worse they backstabbed Iran in UN sanctions
d) Then took US , nuclear deal to rub salt in iran's wounds
e) Then they went ahead with Russia and rubbed salt in USA dreams
f) They shrugged off Pakistan pissing it off
g) They they come up with audacious projects to carry gas lines
underwater , endangering wild life in Pakistani waters

Listen guys , China is building a rail link from Gawadar to China
China will also construct , gas supply route from Pakistan to China

The only oppourtunity that remains is the Tajakistani , gas supply which is India's last chance to secure gas for it civilian populations

Don't mess it up ....

You gain benefit of 100 dollar and you pay pakistan 10 dollar its a win win situation its a no brainer but if you think we will let you pass a line under water or above in sky etc those are just dreams
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Man what is there to be sarcastic about

**Cow bio fuel , is a natural way to create energy ,
light and other stuff

India has million and million of cows , and the fuel product is not utalized properly just create projects to use the massive amount of cow's carbon deposits.

India is an agricultural country so logical step if there is no Iran - Pakistan gas pipeline.

Cow bio fuel is commonly used also in Pakistan - and also its sacred in India so I see no problem

India has a chance to be a positive member in Regions

a) India delayed the negotiations, for 10 years
b) Then they backed out completely
c) To make matters worse they backstabbed Iran in UN sanctions
d) Then took US , nuclear deal to rub salt in iran's wounds
e) Then they went ahead with Russia and rubbed salt in USA dreams
f) They shrugged off Pakistan pissing it off
g) They they come up with audacious projects to carry gas lines
underwater , endangering wild life in Pakistani waters

Listen guys , China is building a rail link from Gawadar to China
China will also construct , gas supply route from Pakistan to China

The only oppourtunity that remains is the Tajakistani , gas supply which is India's last chance to secure gas for it civilian populations

Don't mess it up ....

You gain benefit of 100 dollar and you pay pakistan 10 dollar its a win win situation its a no brainer but if you think we will let you pass a line under water or above in sky etc those are just dreams
Our problem is not with paying you money but getting the security of these pipelines that are going to be kilometres long. I am sure you won't allow a contingent of our troops on your soil to guard them nor would there be any point in doing anything or apologizing once the pipeline is blown up by the militants.

I think it would be sensible if our government pays Iran for the amount of gas that enters India only and let the Iranians talk the security of pipelines with your leaders.
LOL GOI had the opportunity of the life to secure natural gas prices as negotiated by Two governments at 3.2/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu but Some genius from Indian side decided to get a better price by playing a game with Iran so they decided to play games(lets call it security concerned games which were no where to be seen when they decided originally to start negotiating with Iran.
we want it No we don't we want it No we don't thinking eventually Economically sanctioned Iran will offer a better price which backs fired Iranians did revised the price and offered the same gas at.$ 4.93 per mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu i congratulate the negotiator from GOI for job well done but GOI decided to keep playing the same game again thinking if price should go back to 2007 level or better so Iranians made the offer evens sweater $ 8.3/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu wonderful skills of negotiating for Indian tax payers if i say so my self.:rofl:

I am no accountant but 3.2+1.2=4.4 which would have been still cheaper for GOI then paying for Gas from KG Basin - 4.2$mmBtu because the well is not owned by GOI and is owned by private corporation so as the price of Natural gas rises so will the cost to buy from KG basin but gas coming from Iran would have been secured at a set price for some years to come.

Good news is Indians have saved themselves 1.2 so far as they have not signed on yet on the doted line bad news is price have more then doubled from 3.2 to 8.3 which i am sure will rise again as the American economy comes back on track.so yes it looks like Pakistan did get hurt in this deal :rofl:

The Iranian gas price is not set for life...it is pegged to the global price of oil. as oil goes up the gas price goes up. Pakistan got the same deal offered to India. If oil goes back to 140 dollars a barrel best of luck paying for the gas coming from Iran.
We have guarenteed price for gas for 25-50 years , so its not our problem you have to figure out how to find gas and the global price for gas

We will be reducing out Petrol imports by 40-60% after our gas pipeline projects are completed and 2000% increase in electrical input from cooperation with Iran
We have guarenteed price for gas for 25-50 years , so its not our problem you have to figure out how to find gas and the global price for gas

We will be reducing out Petrol imports by 40-60% after our gas pipeline projects are completed and 2000% increase in electrical input from cooperation with Iran

Yes..as a percentage of the global price of oil. So if oil goes up price of Iranian gas goes up.
Dirty negotiation tricks paying off. ANy private sector company which has done business with GoI knows of dirty bearucrats mind sitting there.
Not really. We have the nuclear deal to substitute total requirements and emulate France in terms of relying on nuclear civil energy while redirect all of our gas and oil imports soley for consumption rather than generating electricity.

Gas is an important part in generating electricity now and this once replaced with nuclear power completely will reduce the pressure on government. It might be a considerable loss for us overall but if needed, we're willing to take it considering the consequences if we go ahead with the deal.

You don't need gas just for generating power. Your own gas fields are depleting and it is natural. Hopefully new ones shall come on production. However if your oil and gas development does not match the growth than you have a problem.

What shall you use in the kitchen, in the vehicles and industry. I am sure you are not thinking about providing a nuclear reactor to every household.
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