LOL GOI had the opportunity of the life to secure natural gas prices as negotiated by Two governments at 3.2/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu but Some genius from Indian side decided to get a better price by playing a game with Iran so they decided to play games(lets call it security concerned games which were no where to be seen when they decided originally to start negotiating with Iran.
we want it No we don't we want it No we don't thinking eventually Economically sanctioned Iran will offer a better price which backs fired Iranians did revised the price and offered the same gas at.$ 4.93 per mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu i congratulate the negotiator from GOI for job well done but GOI decided to keep playing the same game again thinking if price should go back to 2007 level or better so Iranians made the offer evens sweater $ 8.3/mmBtu + 1.2/mmBtu wonderful skills of negotiating for Indian tax payers if i say so my self.
I am no accountant but 3.2+1.2=4.4 which would have been still cheaper for GOI then paying for Gas from KG Basin - 4.2$mmBtu because the well is not owned by GOI and is owned by private corporation so as the price of Natural gas rises so will the cost to buy from KG basin but gas coming from Iran would have been secured at a set price for some years to come.
Good news is Indians have saved themselves 1.2 so far as they have not signed on yet on the doted line bad news is price have more then doubled from 3.2 to 8.3 which i am sure will rise again as the American economy comes back on yes it looks like Pakistan did get hurt in this deal