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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy


Apr 28, 2011
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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

New Delhi, Nov 23, IRNA – India and Iran have been cradles of great civilizations and the messenger of spirituality, peace and friendship throughout the history, said Iranian Ambassador to New Delhi Mehdi Nabizadeh.

Addressing a three-day International Seminar on Hazrat Sheikh Sharafuddin Ahmad Yahya Muniri at Patna, capital city of Bihar State, the ambassador said love and affection as well as cultural interaction between the people of these two lands have been so strong and profound that even temporary political tensions during the course of history could not break down.

He reiterated that the seminar is in fact a tribute to the memory of the ancient spiritual and cultural ties and bonds between the people of the two friendly countries of Iran and India.

He said that Iran and India are the unique countries which have the 9000 years old history and 3,000-5,000 years old cultural heritage. Both countries have had common border for innumerable years and these two people enjoy numerous cultural commonalities, like the Persian language, architecture, music, art, several social etiquettes and traditions many of which still continue, added the Iranian official.

“The developments in these two countries should be properly studied after the independence of India and the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran,” said Nabizadeh.

The independence struggles of Iran and India have had many common features and both Imam Khomeini and Mahatma Gandhi believed in peaceful policies, he noted.

India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy
:woot:? No its not!

Old Persian and Sankrit have common origins. Doesn't mean that it came from Iran.

From what i have studied and read,the language comes from there only.North West,even the Rig Veda was written in the SWAT valley.

---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

Are you drunk. Sanskrit and old Persian originated from same old language but Sanskrit never originated in Iran.

Thats what i mean man,if it originated from the same language,same thing.

---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------

Old Persian was spoken about the same time as Classical Sanskrit (which developed in Pakistan).

Before Old Persian the common origin with Sanskrit was ....... ? fill in the blank if you can.

must be some language.they din bother giving names abck then,no political activism and identity politics.
Old Persian was spoken about the same time as Classical Sanskrit (which developed in Pakistan).

Before Old Persian the common origin with Sanskrit was ....... ? fill in the blank if you can.

You are joking right? Same Pakistan, that existed in the times of classical Sanskrit and old Persian:lol:

You can't claim the legacy of both the invader and invaded you know.
Old Persian was spoken about the same time as Classical Sanskrit (which developed in Pakistan).

Before Old Persian the common origin with Sanskrit was ....... ? fill in the blank if you can.

Classical Sanskrit!!! You are really an illiterate because your history textbook don't teach you that. There are two types of Sanskrit first phase is Vedic Sanskrit and Second later phase is the Classical Sanskrit.
Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.[9] Within the wider Indo-European language family, Sanskrit shares characteristic sound changes with the Satem languages (particularly the Slavic and Baltic languages), and also with Greek.[10]
In order to explain the common features shared by Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages, many scholars have proposed migration hypotheses asserting that the original speakers of what became Sanskrit arrived in what is now India and Pakistan from the north-west some time during the early second millennium BCE.[11] Evidence for such a theory includes the close relationship of the Indo-Iranian tongues with the Baltic and Slavic languages, vocabulary exchange with the non-Indo-European Uralic languages, and the nature of the attested Indo-European words for flora and fauna.[12]
The earliest attested Sanskrit texts are Hindu texts of the Rigveda, which date to the mid-to-late second millennium BCE. No written records from such an early period survive. However, scholars are confident that the oral transmission of the texts is reliable: they were ceremonial literature whose correct pronunciation was considered crucial to its religious efficacy.[13]
From the Rigveda until the time of Pāṇini (fl. 4th century BCE) the development of the Sanskrit language may be observed in other Vedic texts: the Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda, Brahmanas, and Upanishads. During this time, the prestige of the language, its use for sacred purposes, and the importance attached to its correct enunciation all served as powerful conservative forces resisting the normal processes of linguistic change.[14] However, there is a clear, five-level linguistic development of Vedic from the Rigveda to the language of the Upanishads and the earliest Sutras (such as Baudhayana)[15]
The oldest surviving Sanskrit grammar is Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī ("Eight-Chapter Grammar"). It is essentially a prescriptive grammar, i.e., an authority that defines correct Sanskrit, although it contains descriptive parts, mostly to account for some Vedic forms that had become rare in Pāṇini's time.
The term "Sanskrit" was not thought of as a specific language set apart from other languages, but rather as a particularly refined or perfected manner of speaking. Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class and educational attainment in ancient India and the language was taught mainly to members of the higher castes, through close analysis of Sanskrit grammarians such as Pāṇini. Sanskrit, as the learned language of Ancient India, thus existed alongside the Prakrits (vernaculars), also called Middle Indic dialects, and eventually into the contemporary modern Indo-Aryan languages.

Sanskrit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
here we have one more news

India cautious about expansion of energy relations with Iran
'India cautious about expansion of energy relations with Iran' - Economic Times

and here, even if we have to face a street level politics, when two people are fighting with each other, the first rule is not to interfere between them no matter whom you find right and how many things go wrong. Even if things start going from bad to worse, we may hardly call police but interfering in between two people fighting with each other is just not a wise move. And here, I can ask a question, why India is worried for any concern of US/ EU about Iran while ISI can create enough problems for India, single handed? and if India wants to think more than that then we have new big power China also who will have enough strengths in future to engage India? How it matters whether Iran can build nuclear weapons while India will have threats from its neighbours only? while Iran has publicly declared that it has no intention to build nuclear weapons and their nuclear program is for electricity only? No matter how big threat the West has from Iran, how does it affect India’s health? I mean, Japan, a close US’s ally, was the biggest buyer of Iranian oil in 2010, and after Japan, China and South Africa, while India was fourth placed as a buyer of oil and gas from Iran in 2010, then why India is so much cautious with more energy buying from Iran, which is on the closest geographical proximity from India also as compare to any of the top 3 buyers of Iran?

Disputes in South China Sea for oil/ gas exploration are just a start. India has already seen energy bargaining in terms of uranium. Its just Russia who has close economic ties with Kazakhstan which has 15% of world Uranium reserves, otherwise, ….. . But its no doubt that the world is moving towards energy blackmailing and ability to pay for the energy is going to be less important in future without closer political ties with the suppliers. And here, Mr Chanakya has said, “Commitments based on common enemies are much more stronger and trustworthy than the commitments based on common friends.” On one hand Arab league treats Iran as a step brother then on the other hand, friendship of India with West looks less attractive for India in future. (World is changing rapidly and Western countries always have something to fix to solve their problems. friendship with West will only create problems and losses for India in future.) There can’t be comparison of India’s friendship with Mauritius, Bhutan, Russia as compare to other nations while Russia is the country who has hands in all the major strengths of India, whether it proposed manned space mission of India or partnership in the 5th gen aircrafts, or purchase of nuclear reactors as no matter how much bargaining is being done in NSG, Russia is set to transfer reprocessing techs (ENR) to India. also It is still a question, why Indian air force finds Mig29K a capable aircraft and signed deal to buy 29 more Mig29Ks recently in 2010 while they were not satisfied with dual engine Mig35 which is nothing but a better version of Mig29K? and also Mig35 is much cheaper to buy than Rafale or Eurofighter for MRCA deal? also, how a 4.5 gen aircraft like Rafale or Eurofighter is useful for IAF which will come in production from 2015 onwards in India while Indo-Russian 5th generation stealth aircraft, PAK FA/ FGFA, is expected to come in production from 2018 onwards? Why there is any delay in signing the biggest defense deal of India for buying six stealth submarines, project P-75I, from Russia, which may be fitted with Brahmos missiles also while its also true that we can't expect full tech transfer from either Germany, France or Spain even if it is argued that German stealth submarines are little more capable than that of Russian one.

Western Mindset can’t accept any power equal with them while India wants to have better techs and being more capable than US in every area? West defines democracy for those countries who accept to become their followers, similar to colonies, or Western rulers then try to fix that country. how long India can walk with US/ West this way? China is competing with US in open while India is also doing the same but hesitates to use clear words with a hope that there will be more benefits while watching matches between US and China? here I ask, why so much efforts were made by India to develop 'Chah Bahar' port in Iran, with spending big money to make a road link through Afghanistan to Central Asia also, if India will finally have to fall on the hands of West for energy black mailings in future? as its also true that mining/ production in Kazakhstan must be cheaper than that of a Western country as Kazakhstan is a middle order country which has labor availability for less salaries. I mean, why don’t India start making close trade ties with its old Cold War allies like Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia for supply of oil/ gas/ minerals/ Metals etc? even Russia has almost two times coal reserve than Australia, coal which is the third biggest source of energy after oil and gas, and Kazakhstan is itself a net coal exporter with other minerals/ Metals?

also, why Indian government wants its civilians to buy expansive and more polluted oil while price of Gas is much cheaper than oil and cause very less pollution also? Indian government would just import as much gas as they can from Iran, the country having second largest Gas reserve in world, and also remove taxes from the production of those vehicles which will be run by gas to reduce overall pollution level of cities at a much cheaper price of gas than oil. I also read somewhere that even Pakistan first checked the price of Gas pipeline through ‘sea route’ from Iran as compare to land route as it is now said that it’s now cheaper to make gas pipeline through sea route than through land. Why don’t India build a gas pipeline of a big cross sectional area through sea route and negotiate gas price at a cheaper rate than market rates from Iran, and also from Oman/ Qatar/ UAE as these countries are also willing to join the proposed sea route gas pipeline project of India-Iran, I read somewhere? An oil pipeline from Iran, with keeping Oman/ Qatar/ UAE also somewhere, at a cheaper price than market rates would also be useful.

Why don’t India prepare itself for a closer military and trade ties with Mr Putin’s proposed Eurasia which currently includes Kazakhstan, one of the closest Russian ally. Mr Chanakya has also said, “Friendship with everyone simply means friendship with no one.” And Russia is the time tested friend of India, a rising power and listed in emerging economic groups BRICS/ G7. Russia is a Veto power holder in UN and the successor of SU/ USSR who used its Veto Power many times in favor of India. if we have a close look on the current international disputes, India will finally have to take a side in future................

(also, I remember, it was being discussed on an Indian forum in 2006, “whether US will offer F35/ JSF to India or not”. it was the time when Ms Rice was foreign secretory of US and Indo-US friendship was on top on the name of democracy. And now time has changed in the way that it has been widely accepted that twin engine PAK FA/ FGFA is much more capable than single engine JSF and with delays in JSF program, both of these aircrafts would come in production on almost the same time also. and now US is offering F35/ JSF every second – third month to India and now India finds ‘feel bad’ to refuse US’s best aircraft, F35, every time as US doesn’t listen by one time and keep asking for their cheap tech aircrafts to India. Why don’t Indian strategic makers accept that US’s time is over now and a closer friendship with US/ West will only result in losses and problems? Most of the Technologies of West have been lost to BRICS and whatever techs they still have, they are going to lose. And if we have a look on the recent debt problems of US and EU, its look like they are now going to lose their credibilities also. EU first asked help from China for debts with a ‘Katora’ in hands recently and then China refused also, isn’t it going to be a shame to have closeness with West in future?)

I think, the time Russia take a strike on West’s disputes with Syria or Iran if any, India would also straight kick US’s *** that time and take side with Russia.
Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.[9] Within the wider Indo-European language family, Sanskrit shares characteristic sound changes with the Satem languages (particularly the Slavic and Baltic languages), and also with Greek.[10]

Wikipedia. That's convincing :tup:

How do you explain that Old Persian and Classical Sanskrit existed about the same time, if Old Persian is an ancient relative of Sanskrit?

The Vedic form of Sanskrit is most likely older than Old Persian.
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