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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

Historically speaking, I see Burmese as more of war-like and care free ( though we are personally very nice and the most smilest people on earth possibly) .Just in last 250 years , Burmese marched from Thailand and Laos to Assam and Manipur, and prevailed in Sino-Burmese wars . Burmese are not defenders we attacked .
Even in first Anglo-Burmese war, Burmese were triumphant in both Ramu and Sylhet, ready to overrun Bengal before British tactical landing in Rangoon changed the course of the war. Then more wars . Then armed revolts here and there throughout colonial time, then civil war since independence.
Warlike or not, Burmese kings never dared to attack Bengal before East India Company took over. When the native rulers were gone and a Company took over the charge, Burmese king miscalculated the company being weak and put up outrageous demands. For which they paid dearly subsequently. Burmese attention were always in the east doing warfare with Thais and Bengal to the west. There was only one episode in history when Bengal Sultanate and Burmese kingdom clashed. That was during 14th century, when Burma attacked and captured Arakan. It's king fled to Gaur, the capital of Bengal, then Sultan assisted him with 20,000 soldiers. With this troops, Arakan king defeated the Burmese and restored his kingdom. Next 150 years, Arakan remained vassal of Bengal Sultanate.
I never see Bangladeshi as hostile race , knowing many by myself and their history.
BD people being known for SME , restaurants and literature ( and to be frank, talk really really big , I dont know why ???).
Not for military.
Until Mughals come , whole coastline were annually ravaged by Rakhine. Only in 1667 Rakhine lost Chittagong to Mughals.
History could be the past . But Genes are inherited . Stereotypes are real
Your theory of Bengali being not military type of person is not correct. Most of the history Bengal was independent kingdom/Sultanate controlling whole Bengal and neighboring Indian regions like Bihar, Odisha. Most of the pan Indian empire like Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, Pala Empire had their nucleas in present day north west Bangladesh. It was the people from Bengal under those local dynasty who expanded their realm in Gangetic plains and made them pan-Indian empire. even Mughal faced their stiffest resistance at conquering Bengal. It took them 30 years to finally put their hold into Bengal. Bengalis being non martial race was deliberately propagated by the British as they faced maximum rebellion and anti-colonial agitation from Bengal. They correctly perceived Bengalis to be non-loyal and made decision to not to include Bengalis in military. The 1857 sepoy mutiny started in Bengal. Bengal was the center of nationalistic, anti colonial movement. That's why they promoted their loyal group of ethnicities as martial race and non loyal ethnicities like Bengalis as non Martial race. Before British period, such theory was unknown in the sub continent.

now come to the Rakhine ravage of coastline. It did happened only during 16th and 17th century roughly 100 years period. Due to some exceptional circumstances. That was the golden age of Portuguese piracy. Arakanese pirate came into contact with Portuguese pirate and learned modern navigation technique. Both Portuguese and Arakanese jointly raided coastal settlement in Bengal. They operated on hit and run tactic. This is something is very difficult to defeat in conventional warfare by the land based empire or kingdom. Even Caribbean pirates terrorized the British for a long time in America. That does not mean, Caribbean pirates were more powerful than British or British did not know how to fight. Finally Mughal ruler of Bengal defeated the Portuguese-Arakanese nexus in the Bay of Bengal and captured Chittagong in 1666AD. That was the beginning of the end for Arakanese kingdom. It went into terminal decline and was captured by Burmese in the next century.

So your gene theory of Bengali being less capable to fight is laughable at best.
I always think if the people involved in the crisis are Pashtuns, or Chechens or Punjabi , there would be a hell of fight and nastier mess ( again genes )
Well Rohingyas put a good fight during 1940s and 1950s. When they controlled northern Arakan. But they were inherently disadvantaged as they did not receive any outside support (particularly from East Pakistan/Bangladesh). Also their number is very small. It only recently that their number crossed 1 million. And Burmese state put them into a very precarious position by revoking their citizenship and all fundamental rights. They were step by step reduced to a miserable existence without any leadership or any means to defend themselves. How can you give example of Pashtun and Punjabis? Had they ever were as small and downtrodden as Rohingyas? No. It may be easy for you to give easy explanation like Gene without deeply analyzing how precarious the position of Rohingyas in the world. But after putting each circumstances into their right context, it become clear about the fallacy of such theory.
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what glory do you bhikare have?

What swampland fellows have to do with glory or civilization!!

Following Abrahamic civilization itself is a glory. Associating yourself to evolved human civilization. On the other hand neanderthal Dharmic people cant call themselves fully evolved human beings. Its bewond funny when cow worshipper Dharmics ask about civilization.
Following Abrahamic civilization itself is a glory. Associating yourself to evolved human civilization. On the other hand neanderthal Dharmic people cant call themselves fully evolved human beings. Its bewond funny when cow worshipper Dharmics ask about civilization.

Knowing that Bangladeshis are inherently bigoted, I would ignore the bigotry you have been peddling here, but simple association doesn't automatically bring civilization and glory, otherwise Bangladeshis would have become civilized by now. A kings pet dog is still a dog. :)
It would only serve to feed our imagination about hypothesizing who would win in shooting match between two countries as the chance of full-blown war is close to nil.
Relationship has been strained since the crisis but not hot enough to pull the trigger . BD would not risk it.
There are chances of minor skirmish and clashes as in every border , not more than that.

However in an unlikely scenario of war ,
1. Ground forces would be facing each other in narrow Chittagong and Rakhine coastal area,
difficult to make a breakthrough. Simple.
2. Myanmar airforce will dominate the sky ( numbers are obvious ) , will do some shooting exercise inside BD territory .
But would not have enough firing power and bombs to show off SHOCK and AWE .
3. BD Navy have more ships , all of which would be confined in BOB , required to engage Myanmar Navy as well as airforce.

Full invasion of one another or even annexation part of it is not possible as , BD is full of Bangladeshi and Myanmar is full of Burmese. National pride will prevail and none have enough manpower , logistics and political standing to enforce it on the other population.

Comparing strenght and weakness ,
BD have more people . Islamic world will showe some sympathy. Some aids and some islamic volunteers will flow in .

Myanmar have more guns, and more battle-hardened troops . Burmese forces have been fighting actual battles for the last 70 years ( fight to kill , not peacekeeping forces ) and favoured by strategic depth and geography too.
Myanmar is far larger than BD with geographical barriers . I wont be surprised if not a single shot would even reach Burmese mainland.
On other hand, BD have densely populated in every part of its small territory. Intrudable for Myanmar fighters and , every bomb is sure to cause big mortality.
The area of engagement would be almost whole of BD versus small western portion ( region ) of Myanmar .

Diplomatically, China and India would favour Myanmar due to its geopolitical value.
However actual manpower help might come to BD from sympathetic islamists from far away lands . ( but as in every other place, their presence will be bigger headache . No sane Bangladeshi would want radicalised Chechens in their home )

Who would lose from being in the war , in terms of material and life, both would lose.
Who would lose more , BD much much much more.
1. Bay of Bengal would be theater of war . Whole of BD coastline would be closed and along with it, go its ports and shipping and exports and all its economy .
2. Myanmar have far longer coastline . BOB not even made half of its maritime territory. Gulf of Martaban would be still safe ( No BD ships would come this far in Myanmar-dominated sky beyond Coco islands ) .
Economy is mainly resource-based, spreading all over the country where effect of the war would be nil. Its mainly trading routes with China and Thailand are thousand miles away from Rakhine .
3. BD largest advantage of larger population means more stomachs to feed. Myanmar in its whole history did not have mass famine whatever the cause is . Opposite is true for BD.
So in terms of human and economic losses , BD would suffer much.

Any armed conflicts would halt FDI flows to BD in the forms of factories and production lines . Say Bye Bye to GDP growth . It is not worth risking a war for no obvious casus belli or prize worth of reward.

For Myanmar , as long as its current location between China , India and Asean
as long as jades and rubies and oils and gas and teaks are there to extract and exploit , come what may .

I might be right or not. After all, wars happened out of the miscalculation.
The war won't be prolonged. It will be ended in a couple of days or so.
Myanmar has no intention to seize any ground for BD.
In the first few hours of the war, Cox Bazar air field will be neutralized by MAF.
SHORAD & obsolete BAF are just nothing and are completely useless against MAF.
Without proper air cover BD ground troops and BN are going to be destroyed.
RIP second-hand navy, obsolete air force and tiny ground forces.
Knowing that Bangladeshis are inherently bigoted, I would ignore the bigotry you have been peddling here, but simple association doesn't automatically bring civilization and glory, otherwise Bangladeshis would have become civilized by now. A kings pet dog is still a dog. :)

Idiot evolved civilizations dont work like that. Master-Slave-Dog etc. Its the characteristic of Dharmic gangadeshi civilization. Brahmin master>Namasudra Dog etc. BD civilization couldnt evolve because these stray Dharmic dogs still left inside the country.
The war won't be prolonged. It will be ended in a couple of days or so.
Myanmar has no intention to seize any ground for BD.
In the first few hours of the war, Cox Bazar air field will be neutralized by MAF.
SHORAD & obsolete BAF are just nothing and are completely useless against MAF.
Without proper air cover BD ground troops and BN are going to be destroyed.
RIP second-hand navy, obsolete air force and tiny ground forces.

So the single ulsan class frigate and 4 Type-056 corvettes are "second-hand"?
Its not only burma but entire south east asian nations were savage like barbar in its entire history and tried to eliminate one by the others. On the other hand Bengalis a ethnic group part of the bigger Indic group always faught for a unified India throughout its history. Big empire like Maryo, Gupta, Pala all were eastern Indian empire spread as far as Indonesia and included entire burmese coast line. Comparing Burmese with Benagalis in war and politics are laughable.

Throughout the history Bengal empire mobilized millions of troops.

Bengal considers NAF river is the natural boundary of the state. It never has any ambition beyond that as long as they dont create nuisance.

It was after the decline of Bengal sultanate, Arakan which was the proxy of Bengal sultanate started advancing in Chittagong and they were mostly Muslim and Protugese soldiers.

you are right on this.

You have to take Rohingya back no matter what for your own good.

Barbarian or not, most of ASEAN civilization got ruled by warlike tribes in its entire history, waging prolonged wars after wars, even super power like Chola empire, Manchuria dynasty, Ming and Mongol empire cant subdue us completely and only western power after great sail era capable to subdue us. Champa, Khmer, Thai, Viet, Majapahit, Srivijaya, Malacca Sultanate, Burma, all of us had empire like history and retain their National identity until today. BTW, why lingering in the past meanwhile what is important is today, most of ASEAN is progressing economically at fast rates since 2000, at five to six percentage a year average without pause. Most got stable and working government system.
So the single ulsan class frigate and 4 Type-056 corvettes are "second-hand"?
We can attack them with all our second hand boats when the sea state is greater than 4 and they are all doomed. Our flag will rise high in Yangoon port and the queen bee will run away to Mandalay for cover... ;)
We need to tug that Indian submarine to Chittagong for extensive investigation too.
The war won't be prolonged. It will be ended in a couple of days or so.
Myanmar has no intention to seize any ground for BD.
In the first few hours of the war, Cox Bazar air field will be neutralized by MAF.
SHORAD & obsolete BAF are just nothing and are completely useless against MAF.
Without proper air cover BD ground troops and BN are going to be destroyed.
RIP second-hand navy, obsolete air force and tiny ground forces.
u just bought a 40 years old junkie with "india" name on it.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Idiot evolved civilizations dont work like that. Master-Slave-Dog etc. Its the characteristic of Dharmic gangadeshi civilization. Brahmin master>Namasudra Dog etc. BD civilization couldnt evolve because these stray Dharmic dogs still left inside the country.

Jamati Rajakar zombies like you didn't understand who is the master even after getting shoved in your rear with Indian boots in 1971, and now being hanged regularly for your crimes.
u just bought a 40 years old junkie with "india" name on it.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sour grapes?
You are wrong. We are not buying. They are just giving.
31 yrs old junkie with Klub S anti ship cruise missile is more than enough to tackle the second-hand BN.
u just bought a 40 years old junkie with "india" name on it.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
So is your Chinese ming sub, with no air defense and cruise missile... :disagree::disagree::crazy::crazy:

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we only have one year difference, idiot.

Screenshot 2019-08-03 at 7.45.47 PM.png
Jamati Rajakar zombies like you didn't understand who is the master even after getting shoved in your rear with Indian boots in 1971, and now being hanged regularly for your crimes.

Idiot Namasudra. Jamatis are your masters, not BD's. You boot lick Jamaatis in West (Pakistan) and East (WB).
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