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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

Most trade with Myanmar happens through sea ,india doesn't need to connect Bangladesh to connect with ASEAN as such ,it needs its North eastern states to connect with Myanmar ,Indian companies have taken over operations in sittwe port and Kaladhan multi modal corridor is also about to complete,again we want to connect through Myanmar because we have an "open border" and same ethnicities ,there won't be any ethnic conflicts,not just INS Sindhuvir deal for Tatmadaw but after india & Myanmar signing the defense cooperation agreement other deals are also on the horizon ,I speculate that Kamorta class ASW Corvette could also be on offeringView attachment 572110
OK, World bank, Eurasiareview and other media outlets got it wrong by projecting Bangladesh having some sort of relevance in this socalled 'Act East Policy'. Thank you for busting their false narrative. India will be superpower in 2030 with a lot of white servants, I promise.
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Shoved back you mean ? They were Chittagong Bengali to begin with

Right, that's again a valid point. :tup:

Bangladesh only accepted them on humanitarian ground not the other way around. Bangladesh is a responsible civilized country which has done it's job only by saving these helpless people from rape, murder and genocide.

Bangladeshis did a lot worse to the original inhabitant Bengali Hindu population, and minority tribal groups like Chakmas, santhals, etc. All this moral grandstanding doesn't suit you guys, it's hypocrisy.

Otherwise Myanmar's economy is in ruin and going through a downfall because of it. These savages now coming to Bangladesh and requesting Rohingyas to return like a cry baby.

Yeah right, these Rohingyas are great national assets and Myanmar is begging to bring them back for their economic growth...so don't give them back a single Rohingya.
Right, that's again a valid point. :tup:

Bangladeshis did a lot worse to the original inhabitant Bengali Hindu population, and minority tribal groups like Chakmas, santhals, etc. All this moral grandstanding doesn't suit you guys, it's hypocrisy.

Yeah right, these Rohingyas are great national assets and Myanmar is begging to bring them back for their economic growth...so don't give them back a single Rohingya.

Obvious they are for Arakan. They will only go after getting citizenship or they will stay along with land of Arakan in Bangladesh.
OK, World bank, Eurasiareview and other media outlets got it wrong by projecting Bangladesh having some sort of relevance in this socalled 'Act East Policy'. Thank you for busting their false narrative. India will be superpower in 2030 with a lot of white servants, I promise.
Opinions don't matters what matter is ground situation more you understand it ,it will be better for you
Bangladeshi government must do something about controlling the consumption of Yaba in Bangladesh, this is really becoming a serious mental health issue for them!

Why? Because you feel left out, as you belong to chamar Dharmic civilzation. Not from a glorious Abrahamic civilization? BDs maybe high on Yaba but I'm not, I'm on something else. BD need Pakistan, Israel, USA, EU, China to keep in check the Dharmic evil nexus of India-MM.
At that time our Su-30 SM and JF-17 with C-802AK will be also waiting from sky and will say hello as soon as they appeared in our radar. it could be hundred km away before detecting our sub. C-802AK and Su-30 may be an overkill for such tiny ships and heli?


Right now this is what BN can put up against MAF:

1 Ulsan class frigate with 3 simultaneous targets attacked out to 15km by SAMs - 4 CIWS
4 Type-056 corvettes with 2 simultaneous targets attacked out to 9km by SAMs - 2 CIWS per ship

This means that no less than 11 targets can be attacked at any one time with this fleet just by SAM missiles. I am not even taking into account CIWS and anti-aircraft guns on the other ships.

You would literally need to use the whole of your current air-force(31 Mig-29 and 6 JF-17) to just to put down the BN(remember BAF still has 8 Mig-29s and 16 F-7BGIs to distract your airforce from carrying out attacks on BN).

Even with your 16 JF-17s and 6 SU-30SMs that is still only 50 aircraft it will still take weeks and weeks of sustained attacks to sink the BN in total. It will be very hard to swarm the fleet(with missiles) that will have both their SAMs and finally CIWS to defeat attacks.

Once the next-gen frigates with their MFR AESA radars and medium-long range SAMs come into play, game is over for MN(8 will come online by 2030). These ships and the rest of the fleet will just swat your airforce out of the sky like flies.

Right now this is what BN can put up against MAF:

1 Ulsan class frigate with 3 simultaneous targets attacked out to 15km by SAMs - 4 CIWS
4 Type-056 corvettes with 2 simultaneous targets attacked out to 9km by SAMs - 2 CIWS per ship

This means that no less than 11 targets can be attacked at any one time with this fleet just by SAM missiles. I am not even taking into account CIWS and anti-aircraft guns on the other ships.

You would literally need to use the whole of your current air-force(31 Mig-29 and 6 JF-17) to just to put down the BN(remember BAF still has 8 Mig-29s and 16 F-7BGIs to distract your airforce from carrying out attacks on BN).

Even with your 16 JF-17s and 6 SU-30SMs that is still only 50 aircraft it will still take weeks and weeks of sustained attacks to sink the BN in total. It will be very hard to swarm the fleet(with missiles) that will have both their SAMs and finally CIWS to defeat attacks.

Once the next-gen frigates with their MFR AESA radars and medium-long range SAMs come into play, game is over for MN(8 will come online by 2030). These ships and the rest of the fleet will just swat your airforce out of the sky like flies.
Bro, you are assuming that they can get 100% of their fleet up in the air(practically impossible) :D

Russian birds are notorious for being hangar queens. Just getting 50% air worthiness would be a huge achievement for these "tut tuts" :D
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Why? Because you feel left out, as you belong to chamar Dharmic civilzation. Not from a glorious Abrahamic civilization? BDs maybe high on Yaba but I'm not, I'm on something else. BD need Pakistan, Israel, USA, EU, China to keep in check the Dharmic evil nexus of India-MM.

I hope you know that China is closer to dharmic civilisation than to Abrahamic. So, there goes your theory!

By the way, Israel & Christianity helping BD is just a joke. Remember that Turkey was once Byzantine? Remember that Israeli enemies are muslims? How can they help unless EU is given Turkey back and Israel is given full Jerusalem?
LOL.....yaba-brain confirmed

Yeah anyone not showing collective impotence or incompetence as a typical BD sign is now yaba brain. Lol

I hope you know that China is closer to dharmic civilisation than to Abrahamic. So, there goes your theory!

By the way, Israel & Christianity helping BD is just a joke. Remember that Turkey was once Byzantine? Remember that Israeli enemies are muslims? How can they help unless EU is given Turkey back and Israel is given full Jerusalem?

China is atheist (Communist as mentioned in previous reply above). Anyone non Dharmics are useful against fascist savage Dharmic chamar India-MM. Any non India-MM Dharmics are also useful. In any of the places they can have problems with other Muslims. Its no concern. If they are nice to BD, they are welcome.
Yeah anyone not showing collective impotence or incompetence as a typical BD sign is now yaba brain. Lol

It just funny you put even China and Israel in that assertion lol.

China, the country that made sure Burma got the job done on the ground regarding rohingya.

Israel, the country you won't even recognise coz ur ummah feelz and backlash from middle east contruction workers losing jobs.

You realise how miniscule BD diplomacy even is to begin with? First get to 4 or 5 billion of FDI external stock so people even start to take notice.
It just funny you put even China and Israel in that assertion lol.

China, the country that made sure Burma got the job done on the ground regarding rohingya.

Israel, the country you won't even recognise coz ur ummah feelz and backlash from middle east contruction workers losing jobs.

You realise how miniscule BD diplomacy even is to begin with? First get to 4 or 5 billion of FDI external stock so people even start to take notice.

India and MM are two countries responsible for direct hostilities with BD. Not other countries. MM belongs to Communist block and much of Chinese securities lies there. So China dont want foreign involvement in its backyard. Its understandable. But on the other hand China is good to BD. I put Pak+China to pressurize India. Also Pak Ummah feelings could be utilized on MM-China affairs regarding Rohingyas. (Pak+China>India). On the other hand BD has little relevance to western powers. Just trade. Some European countries have some limited good relations with BD regarding weapons. But BD need USA and Five Eyes active support regarding these issues. Acquiring techs and weapons etc. Normalizing relations with Israel could give easy access to those without hard labor, like external FDI. (Israel+USA>MM). These Ummah feelings are imaginary situation created by incompetent BDs. There will be no such thing as losing jobs in ME. Nobody notices these kamlas. I dont want to come up with any solution here. Just keep relevant and acquire necessities from different sources. These are imaginary situations and BD autistic establishment has no such desires. Lol

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