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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

India and MM are two countries responsible for direct hostilities with BD. Not other countries. MM belongs to Communist block and much of Chinese securities lies there. So China dont want foreign involvement in its backyard. Its understandable. But on the other hand China is good to BD. I put Pak+China to pressurize India. Also Pak Ummah feelings could be utilized on MM-China affairs regarding Rohingyas. (Pak+China>India). On the other hand BD has little relevance to western powers. Just trade. Some European countries have some limited good relations with BD regarding weapons. But BD need USA and Five Eyes active support regarding these issues. Acquiring techs and weapons etc. Normalizing relations with Israel could give easy access to those without hard labor, like external FDI. (Israel+USA>MM). These Ummah feelings are imaginary situation created by incompetent BDs. There will be no such thing as losing jobs in ME. Nobody notices these kamlas. I dont want to come up with any solution here. Just keep relevant and acquire necessities from different sources. These are imaginary situations and BD autistic establishment has no such desires. Lol

Living up to your name I see.
India and MM are two countries responsible for direct hostilities with BD. Not other countries. MM belongs to Communist block and much of Chinese securities lies there. So China dont want foreign involvement in its backyard. Its understandable. But on the other hand China is good to BD. I put Pak+China to pressurize India. Also Pak Ummah feelings could be utilized on MM-China affairs regarding Rohingyas. (Pak+China>India). On the other hand BD has little relevance to western powers. Just trade. Some European countries have some limited good relations with BD regarding weapons. But BD need USA and Five Eyes active support regarding these issues. Acquiring techs and weapons etc. Normalizing relations with Israel could give easy access to those without hard labor, like external FDI. (Israel+USA>MM). These Ummah feelings are imaginary situation created by incompetent BDs. There will be no such thing as losing jobs in ME. Nobody notices these kamlas. I dont want to come up with any solution here. Just keep relevant and acquire necessities from different sources. These are imaginary situations and BD autistic establishment has no such desires. Lol

Doctor Strange....the name fits. You go against the grain of typical BD....good luck to you :D

Living up to your name I see.

Get outta mah head ahhh!
It would only serve to feed our imagination about hypothesizing who would win in shooting match between two countries as the chance of full-blown war is close to nil.
Relationship has been strained since the crisis but not hot enough to pull the trigger . BD would not risk it.
There are chances of minor skirmish and clashes as in every border , not more than that.

However in an unlikely scenario of war ,
1. Ground forces would be facing each other in narrow Chittagong and Rakhine coastal area,
difficult to make a breakthrough. Simple.
2. Myanmar airforce will dominate the sky ( numbers are obvious ) , will do some shooting exercise inside BD territory .
But would not have enough firing power and bombs to show off SHOCK and AWE .
3. BD Navy have more ships , all of which would be confined in BOB , required to engage Myanmar Navy as well as airforce.

Full invasion of one another or even annexation part of it is not possible as , BD is full of Bangladeshi and Myanmar is full of Burmese. National pride will prevail and none have enough manpower , logistics and political standing to enforce it on the other population.

Comparing strenght and weakness ,
BD have more people . Islamic world will showe some sympathy. Some aids and some islamic volunteers will flow in .

Myanmar have more guns, and more battle-hardened troops . Burmese forces have been fighting actual battles for the last 70 years ( fight to kill , not peacekeeping forces ) and favoured by strategic depth and geography too.
Myanmar is far larger than BD with geographical barriers . I wont be surprised if not a single shot would even reach Burmese mainland.
On other hand, BD have densely populated in every part of its small territory. Intrudable for Myanmar fighters and , every bomb is sure to cause big mortality.
The area of engagement would be almost whole of BD versus small western portion ( region ) of Myanmar .

Diplomatically, China and India would favour Myanmar due to its geopolitical value.
However actual manpower help might come to BD from sympathetic islamists from far away lands . ( but as in every other place, their presence will be bigger headache . No sane Bangladeshi would want radicalised Chechens in their home )

Who would lose from being in the war , in terms of material and life, both would lose.
Who would lose more , BD much much much more.
1. Bay of Bengal would be theater of war . Whole of BD coastline would be closed and along with it, go its ports and shipping and exports and all its economy .
2. Myanmar have far longer coastline . BOB not even made half of its maritime territory. Gulf of Martaban would be still safe ( No BD ships would come this far in Myanmar-dominated sky beyond Coco islands ) .
Economy is mainly resource-based, spreading all over the country where effect of the war would be nil. Its mainly trading routes with China and Thailand are thousand miles away from Rakhine .
3. BD largest advantage of larger population means more stomachs to feed. Myanmar in its whole history did not have mass famine whatever the cause is . Opposite is true for BD.
So in terms of human and economic losses , BD would suffer much.

Any armed conflicts would halt FDI flows to BD in the forms of factories and production lines . Say Bye Bye to GDP growth . It is not worth risking a war for no obvious casus belli or prize worth of reward.

For Myanmar , as long as its current location between China , India and Asean
as long as jades and rubies and oils and gas and teaks are there to extract and exploit , come what may .

I might be right or not. After all, wars happened out of the miscalculation.
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It would only serve to feed our imagination about hypothesizing who would win in shooting match between two countries as the chance of full-blown war is close to nil.
Relationship has been strained since the crisis but not hot enough to pull the trigger . BD would not risk it.
There are chances of minor skirmish and clashes as in every border , not more than that.

However in an unlikely scenario of war ,
1. Ground forces would be facing each other in narrow Chittagong and Rakhine coastal area,
difficult to make a breakthrough. Simple.
2. Myanmar airforce will dominate the sky ( numbers are obvious ) , will do some shooting exercise inside BD territory .
But would not have enough firing power and bombs to show off SHOCK and AWE .
3. BD Navy have more ships , all of which would be confined in BOB , required to engage Myanmar Navy as well as airforce.

Full invasion of one anotheror even annexation part of it is not possible as , BD is full of Banglashi and Myanmar is full of Burmese. National pride will prevail and none have enough manpower , logistics and political standing to enforce it on the other population.

Comparing strenght and weakness ,
BD have more people . Islamic world will showe some sympathy. Some aids and some islamic volunteers will flow in .

Myanmar have more guns, and more battle-hardened troops . Burmese forces have been fighting actual battles for the last 70 years ( fight to kill , not peacekeeping forces ) and favoured by strategic depth and geography too.
Myanmar is far larger than BD with geographical barriers . I wont be surprised if not a single shot would even reach Burmese mainland.
On other hand, BD have densely populated in every part of its small territory. Intrutable for Myanmar fighters and , every bomb is sure to cause big mortality.
The area of engagement would be almost whole of BD versus small western portion ( region ) of Myanmar .

Diplomatically, China and India would favour to Myanmar due to its geopolitical value.
However actual manpower help might come to BD from sympathetic islamists from far away lands . ( but as in every other place, their presence will be bigger headache . No sane Bangladeshi would want radicalised Chechens in their home )

Who would lose from the being in war , in terms of material and life, both would lose.
Who would lose more , BD much much much more.
1. Bay of Bengal would be theater of war . Whole of BD coastline would be closed and along with it, go its ports and shipping and exports and all its economy .
2. Myanmar have far longer coastline . BOB not even made half of its maritime territory. Gulf of Martaban would be still safe ( No BD ships would come this far in Myanmar-dominated sky beyond Coco islands ) .
Economy is mainly resource-based, spreading all over the country where effect the war would be nil. Its mainly trading routes with China and Thailand are thousand miles away from Rakhine .
3. BD largest advantage of larger population means more stomachs to feed. Myanmar in its whole history did not have mass famine whatever the cause is . Opposite is true for BD.
So in terms of human and economic losses , BD would suffer much.

Any armed conflicts would halt FDI flows to BD in the forms of factories and production lines . Say Bye Bye to GDP growth . It is not worth risking a war for no obvious casus belli or prize worth of reward.

For Myanmar , as long as its current location between China , India and Asean
as long as jades and rubies and oils and gas and teaks are there to extract and exploit , come what may .

I might be right or not. After all, wars happened out of the miscalculation.

A very reasonable analysis.


And please post more often.
OK, World bank, Eurasiareview and other media outlets got it wrong by projecting Bangladesh having some sort of relevance in this socalled 'Act East Policy'. Thank you for busting their false narrative. India will be superpower in 2030 with a lot of white servants, I promise.

Post of the month bhai! :lol:
@Thiha the Lion I appreciate your thoughts on this subject from the Burmese point of view. But I want to make some difference with the points you have raised here
1. Ground forces would be facing each other in narrow Chittagong and Rakhine coastal area,
difficult to make a breakthrough. Simple.
Bangladesh and Myanmar share 271 km border. This is more then enough to make any kind of maneuver. Egypt and Israel share just 208 km border, but that was the scene of some of the biggest battle post WW2. The main obstacle in Bangladesh-Myanmar border is not the lack of space but the natural barrier like mountainous jungle and Naf river in much of the border areas.
2. Myanmar airforce will dominate the sky ( numbers are obvious ) , will do some shooting exercise inside BD territory
It is true. For at least in the earlier stage. But if that hypothetical war continue to drag on like Iraq-Iran war than Bangladesh will pretty quickly obliterate the gap assuming arms embargo not imposed on both countries and both countries remain free to procure arms. Larger economy of Bangladesh compared to Myanmar will pay-off in a longer run.
Myanmar have more guns, and more battle-hardened troops . Burmese forces have been fighting actual battles for the last 70 years ( fight to kill , not peacekeeping forces )
fighting insurgency and fighting conventional war are two different things. And how much Burmese army battle hardened is open to dispute. Due to several reasons, 1. success of Burmese army against various rebel groups are not impressive, they suffer huge number of casualties, rebel groups control vast swath of Burmese territory. 2. Burmese army often poorly equipped and poorly trained. A large percentage are child soldiers and many men were forcefully recruited into army. These factors do not give a picture of battle hardened, dedicated fighting men. 3.Most importantly, fighting numerous rebel groups within Myanmar will obviously handicap Myanmar army to fully engage it's men and materials against Bangladesh. While Bangladesh is totally free from these constrains.
and favoured by strategic depth and geography too.
Myanmar is far larger than BD with geographical barriers . I wont be surprised if not a single shot would even reach Burmese mainland.
Although Myanmar is geographically larger than Bangladesh, but the strategic depth advantage is not decisive. Consider about areal bombing. From Sittwe(nearest Myanmar air base to BD) to Dhaka is 260 nautical miles. On the other hand, from Cox's Bazar(nearest Bangladeshi base to Myanmar) to Yangon is 362 nautical miles. Both of these distance are fairly easy to cover by modern fighter jets. Other major Burmese cities like Mandalay and Naypyidaw are even nearer to Cox's Bazar then Yangon. So both country are capable to hit each other in it's vital installation using fighter jets.
On other hand, BD have densely populated in every part of its small territory. Intrutable for Myanmar fighters and , every bomb is sure to cause big mortality.
The area of engagement would be almost whole of BD versus small western portion ( region ) of Myanmar .
No, not whole Bangladesh. It would be more like between Chittagong division of Bangladesh and Rakhine state of Myanmar. I think both country will refrain from going beyond that, knowing , any bombing on Dhaka will result in bombing in Yangon or vise versa. Much like Iran Iraq war or India Pakistan war. They avoided bombing each other's densely populated cities. But if that hypothetical war between Bangladesh and Myanmar turn really that savage, then areal bombing will cover all the major cities of both countries. Here Myanmar will not get any extra advantage due to larger geography. As I have shown, the distance of major cities of both countries are not that great for a fighter jet.
Diplomatically, China and India would favour to Myanmar due to its geopolitical value.
I doubt that they will support Myanmar against Bangladesh in a war. Most likely they will turn neutral or engage in diplomacy to stop the war or worse sale weapon to both sides. China shields Myanmar from UN resolution does not mean, it will actively assist Myanmar against Bangladesh in a war. China do not consider shielding Myanmar from Western punishment in Rohingya cause as something hostile to Bangladesh. Chinese investment and economic engagement in Bangladesh is noway less than Myanmar. Same is true for India.
However actual manpower help might come to BD from sympathetic islamists from far away lands . ( but as in every other place, their presence will be bigger headache . No sane Bangladeshi would want radicalised Chechens in their home )
It is laughable that, to imagine possible support for Bangladesh, you only thought about foreign militant groups. But not the Western countries or Muslim world.
Who would lose from the being in war , in terms of material and life, both would lose.
Who would lose more , BD much much much more.
1. Bay of Bengal would be theater of war . Whole of BD coastline would be closed and along with it, go its ports and shipping and exports and all its economy .
2. Myanmar have far longer coastline . BOB not even made half of its maritime territory. Gulf of Martaban would be still safe ( No BD ships would come this far in Myanmar-dominated sky beyond Coco islands ) .
Why you are assuming that, any naval engagement will obviously be concentrated in Bangladeshi water? With Frigate, Corvette and Submarine, it could be anywhere in the BoB, even in the Gulf of Martaban. distance is not that great. If Bangladesh can gain upper hand in naval battle, it is the Burmese side which will face greater disruption to sea borne trade. Smaller land area and coastline also has it's advantage, it means, your logistics are simpler, each unit of area is better protected by more denser concentration of man and equipment, one example being air defence installation.
3. BD largest advantage of larger population means more stomachs to feed. Myanmar in its whole history did not have mass famine whatever the cause is . Opposite is true for BD.
So in terms of human and economic losses , BD would suffer much.
Famine occured in Bangladesh mainly during colonial period. Most often due to bad govt. policy than actual food shortage. Bangladesh has bigger population but it also has bigger agricultural production than Myanmar. Bangladesh's food production is twice as large as compared to Myanmar. In most of the food items, Bangladesh is self sufficient or close to self sufficient. With some war time rationing, Bangladesh can feed it's population quite easily even in war time.
Any armed conflicts would halt FDI flows to BD in the forms of factories and production lines . Say Bye Bye to GDP growth . It is not worth risking a war for no obvious casus belli or prize worth of reward.
Yes, war is not worth considering the vast potential. And it is not happening in anyway. Actually Bangladesh and Myanmar have not big enough reason to go to war. Not certainly for 1 million Rohingyas. Both land and maritime border are well demarcated between these two countries, there is no claim or counter claim of territories, no other serious dispute. Hopefully Rohingya repatriation will start soon and bilateral relation will change for betterment.
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It is my hypothetical calculation based on my limited knowledge from my perspective .So it would , for me , hard to disagree or agree with your points . As I know better and more about Myanmar, while you grew up with BD data . The views were destined to be different .

Historically speaking, I see Burmese as more of war-like and care free ( though we are personally very nice and the most smilest people on earth possibly) .Just in last 250 years , Burmese marched from Thailand and Laos to Assam and Manipur, and prevailed in Sino-Burmese wars . Burmese are not defenders we attacked .
Even in first Anglo-Burmese war, Burmese were triumphant in both Ramu and Sylhet, ready to overrun Bengal before British tactical landing in Rangoon changed the course of the war. Then more wars . Then armed revolts here and there throughout colonial time, then civil war since independence.

Some and many of the battles and operations in Myanmar involved tens of thousands of troops , even though it is against internal rebels.They are not angry locals with arms , but fully trained with ranks and artilleries and firepower and some of the strongest defence lines in SE Asia.
The war dragged on, not because it could not be ended . But do not have will to end it . Power politics and business inolved .

I never see Bangladeshi as hostile race , knowing many by myself and their history.
BD people being known for SME , restaurants and literature ( and to be frank, talk really really big , I dont know why ???).
Not for military.
Until Mughals come , whole coastline were annually ravaged by Rakhine. Only in 1667 Rakhine lost Chittagong to Mughals.
History could be the past . But Genes are inherited . Stereotypes are real .

These are just part of my thinkings .
To compare each and every sticks both sides have and all technical details are too much to write down.

Frankly speaking, I never saw BD as a threat to Myanmar.
Before the communal tensions flared up in 2012 , that was the front I totally forgot so did many of Bangladeshi regarding Myanmar .
Our traditional rival is our closest brothers to the east who fortunately we have warm relationships now . And the thing that can threaten the existence of Burmese identity is not from BD.
As for BD too, I still see it as a part of Indian society who worship different god . And that too much cultural similarity, shared history and geography made it very vulnerable to be swallowed up from the other sides . Not from Myanmar .
Until recently BD govt try to be friendly and want to co-operate with Myanmar , in my opinion , to have land connection through Myanmar to China . Looks like it is not going to happen soon.

The root cause of all is those more than 1 million people. Unfortunately it is now in difficult position for both countries not to lose face.Those people themself would want to belong to somewhere, which I can see as a human being .
I always think if the people involved in the crisis are Pashtuns, or Chechens or Punjabi , there would be a hell of fight and nastier mess ( again genes )

Anyway, re-accepting all of them back to Myanmar will only serve for another communal tensions to be happened and politically not possible for govt. Both communites are not ready yet . not there yet.
However , I think many of their ambitions are beyond Myanmar and BD now . None of them is as attractive as 3rd country somewhere far away.
The crisis would be solved by some or not , find a way itself or adapted as all the things that happened before .
Time will tell .
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what glory do you bhikare have?
Not much glory, who can compete with this ? :lol:
It is my hypothetical calculation based on my limited knowledge from my perspective .So it would , for me , hard to disagree or agree with your points . As I know better and more about Myanmar, while you grew up with BD data . The views were destined to be different .

Historically speaking, I see Burmese as more of war-like and care free ( though we are personally very nice and the most smilest people on earth possibly) .Just in last 250 years , Burmese marched from Thailand and Laos to Assam and Manipur, and prevailed in Sino-Burmese wars . Burmese are not defenders we attacked .
Even in first Anglo-Burmese war, Burmese were triumphant in both Ramu and Sylhet, ready to overrun Bengal before British tactical landing in Rangoon changed the course of the war. Then more wars . Then armed revolts here and there throughout colonial time, then civil war since independence.

Some and many of the battles and operations in Myanmar involved tens of thousands of troops , even though it is against internal rebels.They are not angry locals with arms , but fully trained with ranks and artilleries and firepower and some of the strongest defence lines in SE Asia.
The war dragged on, not because it could not be ended . But do not have will to end it . Power politics and business inolved .

I never see Bangladeshi as hostile race , knowing many by myself and their history.
BD people being known for SME , restaurants and literature ( and to be frank, talk really really big , I dont know why ???).
Not for military.
Until Mughals come , whole coastline were annually ravaged by Rakhine. Only in 1667 Rakhine lost Chittagong to Mughals.
History could be the past . But Genes are inherited . Stereotypes are real .

These are just part of my thinkings .
To compare each and every sticks both sides have and all technical details are too much to write down.

Frankly speaking, I never saw BD as a threat to Myanmar.
Before the communal tensions flared up in 2012 , that was the front I totally forgot so did many of Bangladeshi regarding Myanmar .
Our traditional rival is our closest brothers to the east who fortunately we have warm relationships now . And the thing that can threaten the existence of Burmese identity is not from BD.
As for BD too, I still see it as a part of Indian society who worship different god . And that too much cultural similarity, shared history and geography made it very vulnerable to be swallowed up from the other sides . Not from Myanmar .
Until recently BD govt try to be friendly and want to co-operate with Myanmar , in my opinion , to have land connection through Myanmar to China . Looks like it is not going to happen soon.

The root cause of all is those more than 1 million people. Unfortunately it is now in difficult position for both countries not to lose face.Those people themself would want to belong to somewhere, which I can see as a human being .
I always think if the people involved in the crisis are Pashtuns, or Chechens or Punjabi , there would be a hell of fight and nastier mess ( again genes )

Anyway, re-accepting all of them back to Myanmar will only serve for another communal tensions to be happened and politically not possible for govt. Both communites are not ready yet . not there yet.
However , I think many of their ambitions are beyond Myanmar and BD now . None of them is as attractive as 3rd country somewhere far away.
The crisis would be solved by some or not , find a way itself or adapted as all the things that happened before .
Time will tell .
what you say make sense but in the end the BD members are just going to troll you with stupid lines
@Dubious to call other people or country as simian, it is acceptable?

The simians (tatmadaw) are idiot enough to walk right into the US trap of being slapped hard with sanctions North Korea style. Simians need not worry - more to come. :lol:

Or blatant insults like this one

Look at the piece from one of the delusional poor, malnourished, beggars and naked Burmese!!
@Dubious to call other people or country as simian, it is acceptable?

Or blatant insults like this one

Sadly there have been intolerable amount of abuse permitted towards Burmese posters in this sub forum by certain mods.. @waz Pls look in to this bro.. Religious bias should not be a excuse to ignore
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Sadly there have been intolerable amount of abuse permitted towards Burmese posters in this sub forum by certain mods.. @waz Pls look in to this bro.. Religious bias should not be a excuse to ignore

Its mods decision to judge, but ... I will left it there
Historically speaking, I see Burmese as more of war-like and care free ( though we are personally very nice and the most smilest people on earth possibly) .Just in last 250 years , Burmese marched from Thailand and Laos to Assam and Manipur, and prevailed in Sino-Burmese wars . Burmese are not defenders we attacked .
Even in first Anglo-Burmese war, Burmese were triumphant in both Ramu and Sylhet, ready to overrun Bengal before British tactical landing in Rangoon changed the course of the war. Then more wars . Then armed revolts here and there throughout colonial time, then civil war since independence.
Its not only burma but entire south east asian nations were savage like barbar in its entire history and tried to eliminate one by the others. On the other hand Bengalis a ethnic group part of the bigger Indic group always faught for a unified India throughout its history. Big empire like Maryo, Gupta, Pala all were eastern Indian empire spread as far as Indonesia and included entire burmese coast line. Comparing Burmese with Benagalis in war and politics are laughable.

Some and many of the battles and operations in Myanmar involved tens of thousands of troops , even though it is against internal rebels.They are not angry locals with arms , but fully trained with ranks and artilleries and firepower and some of the strongest defence lines in SE Asia.
The war dragged on, not because it could not be ended . But do not have will to end it . Power politics and business inolved .
Throughout the history Bengal empire mobilized millions of troops.

I never see Bangladeshi as hostile race , knowing many by myself and their history.
BD people being known for SME , restaurants and literature ( and to be frank, talk really really big , I dont know why ???).
Bengal considers NAF river is the natural boundary of the state. It never has any ambition beyond that as long as they dont create nuisance.
Not for military.
Until Mughals come , whole coastline were annually ravaged by Rakhine. Only in 1667 Rakhine lost Chittagong to Mughals.
History could be the past . But Genes are inherited . Stereotypes are real .
It was after the decline of Bengal sultanate, Arakan which was the proxy of Bengal sultanate started advancing in Chittagong and they were mostly Muslim and Protugese soldiers.
These are just part of my thinkings .
To compare each and every sticks both sides have and all technical details are too much to write down.

Frankly speaking, I never saw BD as a threat to Myanmar.
Before the communal tensions flared up in 2012 , that was the front I totally forgot so did many of Bangladeshi regarding Myanmar .
you are right on this.
Our traditional rival is our closest brothers to the east who fortunately we have warm relationships now . And the thing that can threaten the existence of Burmese identity is not from BD.
As for BD too, I still see it as a part of Indian society who worship different god . And that too much cultural similarity, shared history and geography made it very vulnerable to be swallowed up from the other sides . Not from Myanmar .
Until recently BD govt try to be friendly and want to co-operate with Myanmar , in my opinion , to have land connection through Myanmar to China . Looks like it is not going to happen soon.

The root cause of all is those more than 1 million people. Unfortunately it is now in difficult position for both countries not to lose face.Those people themself would want to belong to somewhere, which I can see as a human being .
I always think if the people involved in the crisis are Pashtuns, or Chechens or Punjabi , there would be a hell of fight and nastier mess ( again genes )

Anyway, re-accepting all of them back to Myanmar will only serve for another communal tensions to be happened and politically not possible for govt. Both communites are not ready yet . not there yet.
However , I think many of their ambitions are beyond Myanmar and BD now . None of them is as attractive as 3rd country somewhere far away.
The crisis would be solved by some or not , find a way itself or adapted as all the things that happened before .
Time will tell .

You have to take Rohingya back no matter what for your own good.

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