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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

Myanmar sending strong message to China...
Talk about it before next Security Council meeting.. :)
Its hilarious third world 2000 per capita poor indiots want to challenge China lmao. China can and will use myanmar as its personal bitch if it cross the line. Indiots neither have permanent member in UN nor they have financial capabilities to counter China. And unlike third world india china manufacturing most arms by them self fully self sufficient. I guess china now will increase more arms supply to all the Myanmar insurgents Haha enjoy.
You had done nothing. But you finally came to steal our glory from us.
It's Bangladeshi common folks fought under East Bengal regiment. And later you invaded Pakistan and also sent your army to formerly east Pakistan and now Bangladesh.

You successfully robbed some glory of our freedom fighters because snobbish Pakistani soldiers surrendered to you. They ( Pakistan) also mistakenly believed that Bangladesh is a result of your conspiracy.

In reality our freedom fight was internal matter of Pakistan ; it was war between West and East Pakistan when we declared independence and then we achieved it. From where does India come here? It's achieved by our freedom fighters and all credit go to them, India has zero credit, case closed.

They surrendered to us cos we are the soverign country back then. BD hasnt been formed. If not for our training, our food, our weapons you guys would have been wiped clean and nobody would have ever known. Even US wasnt supporting us.

If not for our shift end, the war would have gotten extended for one - two years, leaving 9 million dead (considering its 3 million numbers dead for a few months). So have some shame. Being grateful for one's help is the biggest character of a Muslim. Well Bangladeshis are bangladeshis. Greatless.
If not for our training, our food, our weapons you guys would have been wiped clean and nobody would have ever known. Even US wasnt supporting us.
Big talk. East Bengal regiment were trained by PMA not by you. And they were enough to train our common men.
You only trained some force like Qaderia Bahini, Mujib Bahini, who were not direct freedom fighters. Yes they fought, but excluded from mainstream mukti force.

And food? peoples fled to your country and you gave food, and now like an impolite person you are reciting it. You should not declare if you feed someone in your house. However few people crossed border and we were feeding the rest. So if the few didn't leave, we also could feed them.

If not for our shift end, the war would have gotten extended for one - two years, leaving 9 million dead (considering its 3 million numbers dead for a few months).
Firstly death figure is highly debatable. But that doesn't a matter. 3 millions or 3 lakhs or even figure) 30 thousands ( Pakistani official figure) really doesn't reduce the crime of killers. If even one innocent died by hundreds of men together, still the hundreds of men should be punished to take the life of one man. So number isn't matter.

However what even 9 millions of people died what's the problem? It's better to die than living a live of subservient. Since we declared war so we did it by knowing that we all could die. So no big deal here.

So have some shame.
Perhaps you should be ashamed now ( if have any shame though), who became a good host and then beating chest that you feed some of our people. What a low minded people can be!

Being grateful for one's help is the biggest character of a Muslim
Yes I know that and if you really helped without bad intention I would be grateful.

But you only helped us because we were the part of your enemy Pakistan. If we were the part of any other country ( even any other Muslim country) you wouldn't help a bit, I can bet my house on it.
Well Bangladeshis are bangladeshis. Greatless.

If you are so kind, why don't you help Rohingyas and confront miyanmer? Simply because miyanmer isn't Pakistan.

So if we were part of another country, you would sent army to crush us unlike you did in 1971, what you now call as help.

So your help was related to breaking of Pakistan, not to freed us.

That's why I don't give any flying hoot to India. Again you never ever helped us, but your intention were to break Pakistan. If we were part of any other country, you would sent your army to kill us.

Well Bangladeshis are bangladeshis. Greatless.
Yes a proud nation who really love true friends, and hate enemies.

Ps: Just to avoid misunderstanding I must say something and that is I am neither anti India nor pro India , and I want friendly relationship with every country including India. But when some Indian shows attitude, I just can't stand it.

But again I am friend of a fresh friend, and enemy with them who want to buy it.

In the end I am a pro Bangladeshi nationalistic person and I am proud of it.

Keep an eye out on whats happening in Kashmir.

This choo tia Indian government is learning from the Israelis.

BJP India is dangerous man.

I don't know if this action can be undone. Kashmiris have only one way and that is to declare freedom. Because I don't feel that any other Muslim countries will help kashmir now as they are not too strong and also busy screwing each other.

And UN will do nothing against India as India has USA back up. What is your opinion on this whole situation ? Is there any solution or Kashmir is really going to be another Palestine ?
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Big talk. East Bengal regiment were trained by PMA not by you. And they were enough to train our common men.
You only trained some force like Qaderia Bahini, Mujib Bahini, who were not direct freedom fighters. Yes they fought, but excluded from mainstream mukti force.

And food? peoples fled to your country and you gave food, and now like an impolite person you are reciting it. You should not declare if you feed someone in your house. However few people crossed border and we were feeding the rest. So if the few didn't leave, we also could feed them.

Firstly death figure is highly debatable. But that doesn't a matter. 3 millions or 3 lakhs or even figure) 30 thousands ( Pakistani official figure) really doesn't reduce the crime of killers. If even one innocent died by hundreds of men together, still the hundreds of men should be punished to take the life of one man. So number isn't matter.

However what even 9 millions of people died what's the problem? It's better to die than living a live of subservient. Since we declared war so we did it by knowing that we all could die. So no big deal here.

Perhaps you should be ashamed now ( if have any shame though), who became a good host and then beating chest that you feed some of our people. What a low minded people can be!

Yes I know that and if you really helped without bad intention I would be grateful.

But you only helped us because we were the part of your enemy Pakistan. If we were the part of any other country ( even any other Muslim country) you wouldn't help a bit, I can bet my house on it.

If you are so kind, why don't you help Rohingyas and confront miyanmer? Simply because miyanmer isn't Pakistan.

So if we were part of another country, you would sent army to crush us unlike you did in 1971, what you now call as help.

So your help was related to breaking of Pakistan, not to freed us.

That's why I don't give any flying hoot to India. Again you never ever helped us, but your intention were to break Pakistan. If we were part of any other country, you would sent your army to kill us.

Yes a proud nation who really love true friends, and hate enemies.

Ps: Just to avoid misunderstanding I must say something and that is I am neither anti India nor pro India , and I want friendly relationship with every country including India. But when some Indian shows attitude, I just can't stand it.

But again I am friend of a fresh friend, and enemy with them who want to buy it.

In the end I am a pro Bangladeshi nationalistic person and I am proud of it.

I don't know if this action can be undone. Kashmiris have only one way and that is to declare freedom. Because I don't feel that any other Muslim countries can help kashmir now as they are not too strong.

And UN will do nothing against India. What is your opinion about this situation?

I was not the first person to say "India did not do nothing for the war". When you greatlessly shamelessly bash India, I will point out 100 times, what India and its taxpayers have done for the delusional greatless bunches of you.

We had 3 million of your refugees. Armed, trained and what not. ANd then you claim here we did nothing....

Mirjafars... Shame...
I was not the first person to say "India did not do nothing for the war". When you greatlessly shamelessly bash India,
So what. Telling the truth is not bashing a nation. Anything else?
I will point out 100 times, what India and its taxpayers have done for the delusional greatless bunches of you.
You can point out nothing. All you can do is just making story.
We had 3 million of your refugees. Armed, trained and what not. ANd then you claim here we did nothing....
Oh so it's down from 10 millions? Hahaha great. Actually what you can do other than spreading rumors and making fake story like your govt?

Listen 3 million is not refugee you imbecile. The popular figure of 3 million is martyr. And the popular figure of refuge is 10 millions.

However I didn't deny that you didn't feed the refuge. Yes you did. But in order to get our independence you had done nothing.

Look Rohingays are tortured by their country and fled to Bangladesh and we are feeding them . ARSA is trying to get freedom from Miyanmer army. But since we are taking the responsibility of Rohingays, gave them shelter, that doesn't mean that we are helping them to form a separate state.

If we sheltered Rohingays then it's all for humanity. And you shameless guys did something maybe for humanity and now trying to say that our independence is a gift from you. How shameless creatures are they who claim it.

Listen if you have real humanity, just attack miyanmer and free Rohingays. But are you doing so? You are just making them stronger by giving them submarine.

If you really are so kind first attack miyanmer and make Arakan free ( as you claim that you attack Pakistan in order to make us free) . Why can't give the same treatment for rohingyas? They are also victims and already million of them take refuge in Bangladesh. You can't help them getting the independence of arakan,because they are not part of Pakistan?

If you can't convince your sanghi govt to help in the freedom fight of Arakan , just shut your fu.cking gob.
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Keep an eye out on whats happening in Kashmir.

This choo tia Indian government is learning from the Israelis.

BJP India is dangerous man.

I dunno if Hasina is too chalak or a fool.
These chu ti ya bahkts going to pull another Kashmir in Assam.

BD & Saghi India is on road to a serious clash. Don't think anyone in the GOB still taking that threat seriously
I never really saw India as a real threat to BD.

But I’m beginning to think otherwise.
A snake is going to bite. Always. Anytime. It's in their nature.

Mir Jafar was just a puppet. Remember who the puppeteers was?
A snake is going to bite. Always. Anytime. It's in their nature.

Mir Jafar was just a puppet. Remember who the puppeteers was?

So then my question is:

Whats up with this Hasina government who seems not to hold the same view?
So then my question is:

Whats up with this Hasina government who seems not to hold the same view?
They need the Gangadeshi buffer to save themselves from international criticism & pressure.

USA etc needs India to counter China, India meeds Hasina to check a hostile BD. It pays of for each other.

But tbh a military modernisation is possible only by Hasina. Since she is a card, she gets a few card of herself. BNP scrapped many plans under Bharti pressure in past. I.e. sub purchase, mig purchase, cancellig Ulsan Class program.

For the time being Home minister is saying, Gagus "assured" him NRC is not going to impact BD.

Though experts & intellectuals don't buy that crap. They are writing & creating awareness on hindutva agenda.

No one in BD holds sanghis in good light. I don't think gov. can ignore the public opinion for too long.

They might not be afraid of it but they have to consider it to stay relevant & comfy.
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They need the Gangadeshi buffer to save themselves from international criticism & pressure.

USA etc needs India to counter China, India meeds Hasina to check a hostile BD. It pays of for each other.

But tbh a military modernisation is possible only by Hasina. Since she is a card, she gets a few card of herself. BNP scrapped many plans under Bharti pressure in past. I.e. sub purchase, mig purchase, cancellig Ulsan Class program.

For the time being Home minister is saying, Gagus "assured" him NRC is not going to impact BD.

Though experts & intellectuals don't buy that crap. They are writing & creating awareness on hindutva agenda.

No one in BD holds sanghis in good light. I don't think gov. can ignore the public opinion for too long.

They might not be afraid of it but they have to consider it to stay relevant & comfy.

What to do man?

India is no friend. Not quite an enemy. But certainly no friend.
What to do man?

India is no friend. Not quite an enemy. But certainly no friend.
For now they will trynna make our life uncomfortable.

If they succeed in gobbling up Kahmir, it's Assam & non hindi belt next.

They are helping bamars to keep the Rohingya fiasco alive & flaming for that reason only.

Don't think we have to wait much, 2-3 years max. this whole NRC issue will will break it for sure.
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For now they will trynna make our life uncomfortable.

If they succeed in gobbling up Kahmir, it's Assam & non hindi belt next. They are helping bamars to keep the Rohingya fiasco alive & flaming for that reason only.


I am concerned.

I worry about this AL crap.

Economic development is a requite I understand.

But what good is that if you lose yourself along the way.

India (BJP led), at least internally, has to be seen as a threat.

I am concerned.

I worry about this AL crap.

Economic development is a requite I understand.

But what good is that if you lose yourself along the way.

India (BJP led), at least internally, has to be seen as a threat.
Problem is these BNP-BAL gang wasted too much time in infighting instead of economic development to a point where it can't be ignored anymore.

We need to buy time & find a counterpoint, internally & externally.

Till then world somehow has to maintain the current status quo.

Problem is other than China Axis, West is ignoring the flaming saffron mole on their butt.

Though likes of NYT/Guardian makes some hue & cry, but not anything near the attention it deserves.

A facist India is going to cost the world big time. Very dangerous.
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