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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

Do not compare us with Sri Lanka. We are a long long distance away from falling into debt trap. Most important thing is, this Chinese submarine and naval base project is happening under supposedly 'India friendly' govt. in Bangladesh unlike Sri Lanka. Awami League is the best you got in Bangladesh, and they are doing this! Now you can only imagine what are the oppositions in Bangladesh. Even most of the Awami League supporters do not look favorably to Hasina's tie with India.
Awami league is not the best. It is just the best option for Bangladesh amongst only 2 options.

India is not happy with both but just adjusts. Since BD chose to antagonise India by buying equipment from China, India doesn't need to worry about antagonising Bangladesh

Forget about other things, even your so called 'Act East policy' is largely dependent on connectivity through Bangladesh. Chicken neck corridor is very inadequate even to connect your land-locked and remote North-Eastern states with mainland India, forget about connecting mainland India with vast regions like ASEAN and Asia-Pacific. Even the most promising connectivity corridors between North Eastern states and ASEAN goes like this, Guwahati-Agartala-Chittagong-Cox's Bazar-Sittwe-Mandalay-Yangon-Bangkok. Not through thousands of km mountainous-jungle terrain in North east India and Myanmar's hinterland through Moreh crossing. So even for the sake of this so called 'Act East policy' you should not ignore Bangladesh's concerns to cozy-up with Myanmar.

Bangladesh corridor vital to India’s ‘Act East’ policy

Anchoring India’s Act East Policy Through Bangladesh – Analysis
As if now, there is no connectivity via Bangladesh and we are managing well with Chicken neck corridor and naval link Myanmar and then to NE India. We can manage even without Bangladesh.

We are looking at it like every responsible govt. should, which is looking at it from the prism of human decency and humanitarianism, not petty regionalist rivalry at the expense of human suffering or sucking up to and cavorting with lawless thugs from Banana republics for gaining marginal oil and mineral exploration rights.

But coming from India, this was hardly unexpected, where humanitarian treatment (even for Indian poor people themselves, and even today) is in very short supply. Kanjoosi and betrayal not just in deeds but also in actions undertaken.
Talking of human decency? We know what kind of people BD has. It is not even long back that people elected BNP which was openly hostile with India and completely lacking decency and sucking up to barbarians and foreigners for assistance. Awami League is also hostile but doesn't simply express it openly. Yet, there is not much human decency visible.

Where else will the simians turn to? Except getting fourth-rate rejects from a third rate country like India. MM is a textbook example of a Pariah state now...

This story has the making of a practical joke on a massive scale. Indians hated the Kilos and wanted to get rid of them, now they can fob these defective subs off on MM on the pretext of 'defence cooperation'. Good income and political gain as well. Two birds with one stone. :-)
India operates 12kilo class submarine and it hates them? This is some strange logic. The submarines have 40 year life span. The current submarine is used for 27-28 years and 2-3 years under maintenance or repairs. So, it has life till about 2035. Moreover, this is just for training's sake, not the end of the line. Sice Myanmar navy has no submarine training, it will be foolish to handover latest submarine. Training and consistency for 3-4 years after that will demonstrate understanding of good practices. After that, one can get better and newer submarine.

That Kilo donated free is gonna be a 'dock-queen' in a few months. I can almost guarantee this.

What else can you expect from something rejected by Indian Navy?

Simians get played so easily....
Something that still has close to 15 years life left is not useless.

This is the time Bangladesh should stand up an assert its status as a regional power.
Regional power?:crazy::suicide::cuckoo:
BD chose to antagonise India by buying equipment from China, India doesn't need to worry about antagonising Bangladesh

BD did what was in its best interest, there is no need to watch out for other countries being antagonized. Still we give significant quarter and diplomatic leeway to India. Far more than Pakistan for example.

We can manage even without Bangladesh.

Go ahead and manage, who's stopping you? Your ministers come to Dhaka every couple of months begging for transit (even asking for land to expand regional airports on the border LOL), that doesn't seem like boastful 'bada baat' to us...

We know what kind of people BD has. It is not even long back that people elected BNP which was openly hostile with India and completely lacking decency

I'd say Bangladeshis treat Indian administrations with far more respect and regard than they get in return (which is almost filled with hate and animosity). People will elect who will serve their interests, this is true in both Bangladesh and India. If BNP has been hostile to India historically - it is because Bangladeshis have liked the treatment BNP meted out to India in the past (because Bangladeshis don't like Indian govt. activities). This doesn't make Bangladeshis any more decent or indecent compared to anyone.

India operates 12kilo class submarine and it hates them? This is some strange logic.

India operates nine Kilo class at this time as far as I know (ten Shindhughosh class bought). Nine are operational, one exploded and hence decommissioned. If Myanmar gets one then that will make total number of Kilos in IN eight.
Go ahead and manage, who's stopping you? Your ministers come to Dhaka every couple of months begging for transit (even asking for land to expand regional airports on the border LOL), that doesn't seem like boastful 'bada baat' to us...
Bangladesh refuses to give any transit to India. Bangladesh refused transportation of trains via its territory to connect NE and India. India asking for certain transit doesn't mean Bangladesh will give it. India is just taking a shot and checking if it gets lucky.

I'd say Bangladeshis treat Indian administrations with far more respect and regard than they get in return (which is almost filled with hate and animosity). People will elect who will serve their interests, this is true in both Bangladesh and India. If BNP has been hostile to India historically - it is because Bangladeshis have liked the treatment BNP meted out to India in the past (because Bangladeshis don't like Indian govt. activities). This doesn't make Bangladeshis any more decent or indecent compared to anyone
I was responding to accusations that India doesn't have decency while Bangladesh does. I just wanted to convey that Bangladesh has no right to preach. I have nothing more to speak
our kilo can fire Klub S missiles which is better than ur mings in anyway.

The free 'dock-queen' kilo you're getting doesn't fire KLUB S missiles. It is a rusted hunk-o-junk that is good for short snorkel trips and nice propaganda 'photo-ops' your Tatmadaw is very good at - feeding propaganda stories to local clueless idiots.

Out of nine kilos operational, India has only ONE that is capable of firing KLUB S, and you ain't getting it. Don't post lies.

At that time our Su-30 SM and JF-17 with C-802AK will be also waiting from sky

Don't count SU-30 Chickens before they hatch. :lol:

My bad brah!

How could you fight when you were too busy running! (and getting shot down).....(and lying!)

I am amused at the stories these tapeworm-infested Sanghis come up with everyday. Stories of bravado that is comical almost.

Reminds me of the Sanghi chant 'Kashmir mango to tor denge'.

Brrrr - I'm shaking now, hold me, I'm gonna collapse outta fear! :sarcastic:
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Let Bharat do whatever it want. We should not say anything. I only hope Awami League put behind it's anger and petty politics and mend it's relation with Pakistan. Hosting Qamar Javed Bajwa in Dhaka to discuss various defence related issues would have been very nice . But unfortunately, AL lives in 1971, not in 2019.
Well people do not forget oppression, no matter who did it. It is written in the books of history, and ingrained in the memory of people and that of our children. What we did in Bengal was our one biggest mistake for which we should beg forgiveness. Most of all we ravaged Jinnah's dream of Muslims of the sub-continent being in 1 country.

1971 was an error all-round for us and I think its time to admit this rather than beating around the bush. It has nothing to do with patriotism to admit your mistakes, particularly for the reason you do not repeat them again. Please forgive us. Military force should only be used against outsiders, not countrymen, unless there is no choice. Bhutto's power hunger and Yahya's brutality brought us to lose half our nation.
I am amused at the stories these tapeworm-infested Sanghis come up with everyday. Stories of bravado that is comical almost.

Reminds me of the Sanghi chant 'Kashmir mango to tor denge'.

Brrrr - I'm shaking now, hold me, I'm gonna collapse outta fear!

These dui fenir maal need a aukat update, their prime minister is a guzraati chai wala and half their farmers are OD'ing on bishor gulli.

There shouldn't be much else said, civility isn't in there genes. These people are void from embarrassment, another member earlier posted the boorish mentality of Indians and here they are bouncing up and down. Who blew these 2-bit phone call handlers horn?
The free 'dock-queen' kilo you're getting doesn't fire KLUB S missiles. It is a rusted hunk-o-junk that is good for short snorkel trips and nice propaganda 'photo-ops' your Tatmadaw is very good at - feeding propaganda stories to local clueless idiots.

Out of nine kilos operational, India has only ONE that is capable of firing KLUB S, and you ain't getting it. Don't post lies.

Don't count SU-30 Chickens before they hatch. :lol:

I am amused at the stories these tapeworm-infested Sanghis come up with everyday. Stories of bravado that is comical almost.

Reminds me of the Sanghi chant 'Kashmir mango to tor denge'.

Brrrr - I'm shaking now, hold me, I'm gonna collapse outta fear! :sarcastic:

you really need to do your homework
Of the 10 Kilo-class submarines inducted from 1986 to 2000, just the last one INS Sindhush came with the "tube-launched missile capability".
Three others, INS Sindhuratna, INS Sindhuvir, and INS Sindhugosh, have been refitted with the Klub-S missiles in Russia since then.
also the SU-30sm are about to hatch
The free 'dock-queen' kilo you're getting doesn't fire KLUB S missiles. It is a rusted hunk-o-junk that is good for short snorkel trips and nice propaganda 'photo-ops' your Tatmadaw is very good at - feeding propaganda stories to local clueless idiots.

Out of nine kilos operational, India has only ONE that is capable of firing KLUB S, and you ain't getting it. Don't post lies.

Dont post lies is what i should tell to u. This one was upgraded in Russia to have ability of firing klub S missiles. And again, docking and upgrading with indigenous stuffs underwent in India just last 2 years ago. Moreover, Myanmar official already confirmed to maintain original weapon systems in interview with BBC. He also have confirmed this is only for training and negotiating with Russia for more subs.
Dont post lies is what i should tell to u. This one was upgraded in Russia to have ability of firing klub S missiles. And again, docking and upgrading with indigenous stuffs underwent in India just last 2 years ago. Moreover, Myanmar official already confirmed to maintain original weapon systems in interview with BBC. He also have confirmed this is only for training and negotiating with Russia for more subs.

Good Luck!


Forget about other things, even your so called 'Act East policy' is largely dependent on connectivity through Bangladesh. Chicken neck corridor is very inadequate even to connect your land-locked and remote North-Eastern states with mainland India, forget about connecting mainland India with vast regions like ASEAN and Asia-Pacific. Even the most promising connectivity corridors between North Eastern states and ASEAN goes like this, Guwahati-Agartala-Chittagong-Cox's Bazar-Sittwe-Mandalay-Yangon-Bangkok. Not through thousands of km mountainous-jungle terrain in North east India and Myanmar's hinterland through Moreh crossing. So even for the sake of this so called 'Act East policy' you should not ignore Bangladesh's concerns to cozy-up with Myanmar.

Bangladesh corridor vital to India’s ‘Act East’ policy

Anchoring India’s Act East Policy Through Bangladesh – Analysis
Most trade with Myanmar happens through sea ,india doesn't need to connect Bangladesh to connect with ASEAN as such ,it needs its North eastern states to connect with Myanmar ,Indian companies have taken over operations in sittwe port and Kaladhan multi modal corridor is also about to complete,again we want to connect through Myanmar because we have an "open border" and same ethnicities ,there won't be any ethnic conflicts,not just INS Sindhuvir deal for Tatmadaw but after india & Myanmar signing the defense cooperation agreement other deals are also on the horizon ,I speculate that Kamorta class ASW Corvette could also be on offering
images - 2019-08-02T170242.089.jpeg
Dude, BD already has 2 anti-sub Durjoy class with the latest Chinese sonars and torpedoes to sink this ancient sub.2 AW159 Anti-sub helicopters are on order to provide extra assistance if required.

If the MN sailors do not die due to accident or fault on this ancient submarine, BN will be waiting with ships and helicopters to send it to the bottom of the Bay of Bengal.

Please if your care for Myanmar do not give this death trap to them!:(

@Aung Zaya

Myanmar shoved a million or two jihadis down Bangladesh's rear, and those are now breeding like guinea pigs inside Bangladesh, what Bangladesh could do about it? Myanmar can shove a couple of millions more into Bangladesh at will, and Bangladesh cannot do anything about it. Online bravado doesn't result in real capabilities on the ground.

Since Bangladesh/East Pakistan fueled this Rohingya mujahidin movement, now the consequences of it are unavoidable for them.
Myanmar shoved a million or two jihadis down Bangladesh's rear, and those are now breeding like guinea pigs inside Bangladesh, what Bangladesh could do about it? Myanmar can shove a couple of millions more into Bangladesh at will, and Bangladesh cannot do anything about it. Online bravado doesn't result in real capabilities on the ground.

Since Bangladesh/East Pakistan fueled this Rohingya mujahidin movement, now the consequences of it are unavoidable for them.

Bangladesh only accepted them on humanitarian ground not the other way around. Bangladesh is a responsible civilized country which has done it's job only by saving these helpless people from rape, murder and genocide.

Otherwise Myanmar's economy is in ruin and going through a downfall because of it. These savages now coming to Bangladesh and requesting Rohingyas to return like a cry baby.
Myanmar shoved a million or two jihadis down Bangladesh's rear, and those are now breeding like guinea pigs inside Bangladesh, what Bangladesh could do about it? Myanmar can shove a couple of millions more into Bangladesh at will, and Bangladesh cannot do anything about it. Online bravado doesn't result in real capabilities on the ground.

Since Bangladesh/East Pakistan fueled this Rohingya mujahidin movement, now the consequences of it are unavoidable for them.

Shoved back you mean ? They were Chittagong Bengali to begin with

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