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India hosting Myanmar leader doesn’t give good impression: Bangladesh leader

That Kilo donated free is gonna be a 'dock-queen' in a few months. I can almost guarantee this.

What else can you expect from something rejected by Indian Navy?

Simians get played so easily....
It already is a dock queen. It's 31 years old & breathing last breaths.

Old 35G would have been a much better choice. But hey that kilo of shit is free anyway! :lol:
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If only Bangladesh's military capabilities could match even a fraction of the ludicrous claims delusional pdf Bangladeshis make online. :)

Please try understand. They reel from the angst at being humiliated each day at their workplace. As one of them said recently...they keep being asked is Bangladesh a city in India :rofl:.....the kind of "trying to be friendly" small talk that some local ppl try to have with the overworked-underpaid vindaloo-servers I suppose!
Please try understand. They reel from the angst at being humiliated each day at their workplace. As one of them said recently...they keep being asked is Bangladesh a city in India :rofl:.....the kind of "trying to be friendly" small talk that some local ppl try to have with the overworked-underpaid vindaloo-servers I suppose!

Dude, BD already has 2 anti-sub Durjoy class with the latest Chinese sonars and torpedoes to sink this ancient sub.2 AW159 Anti-sub helicopters are on order to provide extra assistance if required.

If the MN sailors do not die due to accident or fault on this ancient submarine, BN will be waiting with ships and helicopters to send it to the bottom of the Bay of Bengal.

Please if your care for Myanmar do not give this death trap to them!:(

@Aung Zaya
This is the time Bangladesh should stand up an assert its status as a regional power.
Do Bangladeshis seriously think India cares about what they think? Myanmar is an important strategic partner of India, and will always remain so.
I'm just going by Bengali claims


I didn't think of it as such but I've heard a lot of progress has been made and thought now is the time to show it.
Ha ha and you have to believe those posts? Every one has right to day dream.
Progress like what? Hasina government is corrupt at core..no human rights no election...unlimited bank looting by BAL related people...that's not progress is it? There are thousands of opposition party members either in jail or in hiding or simply killed by torture.
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Ha ha and you have to believe those posts? Every one has right to day dream.

True that. I did have my doubts and you are reaffirming them, I hope Bangladesh learns and starts beefing up the military more other wise these goons will not stop with their demands and BD will not have much of a choice.
True that. I did have my doubts and you are reaffirming them, I hope Bangladesh learns and starts beefing up the military more other wise these goons will not stop with their demands and BD will not have much of a choice.
Right now nothing will change. We dont have independent media either. Just look it up almost 90 percent tv channels are own by BAL party members same with newspapers.
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