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do you really think that the situation in the usa the last decade is normal and that its happening all by itself you must be kidding me
in the conceptual world meaning iran is in the usa and messing with the usa from within as the usa did to many others as is iran doing in the zionist usurper entity britain and many other places around the world and this is just one example of power the conceptual power
Now you are just blanking out. Conceptual power? Lol. Do you even know what that means. You just play a role of maniac suicidal in the world. Somehow you think that is power. It's just hilarious.
And your point being? So they happened. Now what?

You are living in an alternative reality. You should tone down on Hashish. In what world Iran is so powerful. You are seen as a nuisance, nothing much. Now Shuuu..
we have a 1 million big militia ready to die for their freedoms in the usa all around the usa we have revolutionaries ready to fight the usa this is what iran works with while the usa is all around us declining and has to retreat we are growing all around it and even inside the usa there are mostazafin plenty who seek liberation from the oppression
Now you are just blanking out. Conceptual power? Lol. Do you even know what that means. You just play a role of maniac suicidal in the world. Somehow you think that is power. It's just hilarious.
its the ultimate power its all the thoughts you believe your paper your hold is worth something because you are told the other paper is important because you are told its all conceptual the entire world you just hold two papers they have the same value and you believe the value is different its conceptual all of it just as the entire world is conceptual and iran is very powerful in this area
we have a 1 million big militia ready to die for their freedoms in the usa all around the usa we have revolutionaries ready to fight the usa this is what iran works with while the usa is all around us declining and has to retreat we are growing all around it and even inside the usa there are mostazafin plenty who seek liberation from the oppression
You have that since when? What have you been doing with it. As I can see USA and Israel are flourishing and your Iran is suffering from Sanctions. Yet you claim some power. You are suffering from delusions. Iran and North Korea are both seen as pariah states with stupid leadership. That's all.
its the ultimate power its all the thoughts you believe your paper your hold is worth something because you are told the other paper is important because you are told its all conceptual the entire world you just hold two papers they have the same value and you believe the value is different its conceptual all of it just as the entire world is conceptual and iran is very powerful in this area
Do you even make sense to you?
You have that since when? What have you been doing with it. As I can see USA and Israel are flourishing and your Iran is suffering from Sanctions. Yet you claim some power. You are suffering from delusions. Iran and North Korea are both seen as pariah states with stupid leadership. That's all.

Do you even make sense to you?
only because they dont tell you that they are hit doesnt mean we dont hit them
btw that person was human trash a real nazi scum he tried to educate people on arabs being worth less than jews so he is better dead
dont count on america or jews to come to your rescue we will have them dead infront of us before you noticed
only because they dont tell you that they are hit doesnt mean we dont hit them
btw that person was human trash a real nazi scum he tried to educate people on arabs being worth less than jews so he is better dead

What are you rambling about now? No body consider it a power if you can kill someone. Anyone can do that. You clearly a low life who sees life as simply killing and getting killed. You really have no future.
You have that since when? What have you been doing with it. As I can see USA and Israel are flourishing and your Iran is suffering from Sanctions. Yet you claim some power. You are suffering from delusions. Iran and North Korea are both seen as pariah states with stupid leadership. That's all.

Do you even make sense to you?

Because USA is now focusing on South China Sea.
They have pulled our their military from Afghanistan and started being soft on Iran, removing a lot of sanctions.

Hence, people in middle East are having goosebumps that somehow USA might be collapsing, hence they are doing so. In reality, it is just a shift of focus towards China.
let me explain something very easy to you and that is that you are not sustainable you will suffer under famine because the ones who created the project of india didnt see it surviving after 2030 you were supposed to fight pakistan win and soon after collapse into many little pieces but you did now win did you so the ones who created india basically want to repurpose you against china because china doesnt want to enslave itself as it was planned china is way to proud so it revolted and now you idiots who failed against pakistan will seriously take on china its just a parody seriously iam not kidding

overall you india are way out of your depth you dont even know how bad things truely are for you i wouldnt even want to explain it to you because its really history mostly that i also would have to explain simply said you have less to eat in future than you have today and you will not be able to deal with that china will also be in a problem but htey will handle unlike you

you are only here to entertain us arent you and your modi can serve us tea as he already served the westerners their tea and they are done with him it seems now i want tea aswell so modi can get back to work
There is a thing called full stop, which is supposed to be used to complete sentences and make it understandable..
India has so done so much better that now corpses from Indian side float into our side of the Ganges. Let's applaud this outstanding achievement. :tup:
What are you rambling about now? No body consider it a power if you can kill someone. Anyone can do that. You clearly a low life who sees life as simply killing and getting killed. You really have no future.
our enemy considers it a strength so we will give them the same answer so dont be suprised this weak game is theirs they started it and we just end it for them i know its pathetic to go after individuals instead of waging war but the jews call it "war between wars" and think they are really smart doing this kind of thing so we showed them that we pretty much own the streets of palestine in this case which in a war would look very different
There is a thing called full stop, which is supposed to be used to complete sentences and make it understandable..
it needs intellect to be able to read this but its possible easily i mean people are capable for so much and you already fail because of missing points how miserable of an excuse you are
our enemy considers it a strength so we will give them the same answer so dont be suprised this weak game is theirs they started it and we just end it for them i know its pathetic to go after individuals instead of waging war but the jews call it "war between wars" and think they are really smart doing this kind of thing so we showed them that we pretty much own the streets of palestine in this case which in a war would look very different
Man, You are a different breed. We are not so brutish to think killing someone unaware as some heroism. Its murder no matter who does it. So please spare me your bravado. I have no interest. Move on.

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