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India has done better than any country across world in vaccination: Bharat Biotech CMD

sorry to say so but india is simply idiotic its not even competent in its lying and i dont take them serious at all they have no future really with this nonsense they are up to
oh, omg. what we are gonna do now. a guy from Iran don't take us seriously , guys we are doomed.
india is posing as an enemy of islam and it is posing as a puppet of zionism and america india will be taken into the pinch soon and be mistaken do you think saudis the laughable ones will help you no they will be begging for forgiveness to have betrayed islam in many ways be it when it comes to palestine or be it in pakistans case a pakistan which was loyal to saudi arabia being this miserably betrayed so i dont think that you are in any position to talk the last words about any issues so just go and rub a cow or whatever you do to pray
we dont have enemies besides the usa and the zionist usurper entity and you are not relevant enough to call yourselves our enemies you jokers
Wah Ji, I mean your absurdity has no bounds. You come to thread on India, make all these claims and accusations and in the end you say we are not relevant. You take everyone for a fool like you?
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you indians better be careful because the moments you tried to make muslim and muslim fight for you was the moment you went way to far and this will get answered in due time
Ok, every religion has bad sides and bad practices to it.
Even Islam has bad practices.

See what Islam thinks about suicide bombings, they believe that those who kill themselves for Allah will get heaven in afterlife.
STFU hindu pagan, if you dont know anything about islam then shut up.

LMAO so you are smarter than god? idiotic Hindu.
Wah Ji, I mean your absurdity has no bounds. You come to thread on India, make all these claims and accusations and in the end you say we are not relevant. Now everyone is idiot like you.
in fact you arent relevant just because the usa has ballooned you up a little and allowed you to chestpuff means nothing we talk about the same usa we are slapping around like the losers they are so dont get over your heads you hinds
Abey dumb idiot. None of the statements are wrong. First statement is for those who think they can kill Hindus and get away with it. Second statement is clear we don't want stupid people shouting Azadi in our country based on religion. Third, Muslims did absolutely no favor by staying in India. It is India and Hindus that did a favor by letting them stay.
in fact you arent relevant just because the usa has ballooned you up a little and allowed you to chestpuff means nothing we talk about the same usa we are slapping around like the losers they are so dont get over your heads you hinds
I didn't want to talk about Iran. But what exactly is Iran's worth except for oil. If you all kill yourselves, world will sigh a relief.
Abey dumb idiot. None of the statements are wrong. We don't want stupid people shouting Azadi in our country. They will be booted out.

I didn't want to talk about Iran. But what exactly is Iran's worth except for oil. If you all kill yourselves, world will sigh a relief.
balkanization is what you mean because you cant boot anyone out really in this india
you indians better be careful because the moments you tried to make muslim and muslim fight for you was the moment you went way to far and this will get answered in due time

India is a very good friend with Muslim nations.
Other than Pakistan who has a hatred towards India, primarily due to Kashmir issue, India has good trade relations with everyone.

We do not see anyone as hindu, Muslim, etc.

Leaders like Yogi (who are communal) would have never made it this far, if not for the developmental policies and positive things he brings to the table.

Just to illustrate, UAE is making the first Hindu temple in middle East:

That shows our good relations with Muslim world.
Abey dumb idiot. None of the statements are wrong. First statement is for those who think they can kill Hindus and get away with it. Second statement is clear we don't want stupid people shouting Azadi in our country based on religion. Muslims did absolutely no favor. It is India and Hindus that did a favor by letting them stay.

I didn't want to talk about Iran. But what exactly is Iran's worth except for oil. If you all kill yourselves, world will sigh a relief.

the western world would sigh a relief when we iranians died because we strangle america as we speak we kill the zionists as we speak and we will bring death to the american empire the british the entire western world order because we are their nightmare
Opinion pieces are the quintessential shields of people who have destroyed temples in Bangladesh a few days back.
India is a very good friend with Muslim nations.
Other than Pakistan who has a hatred towards India, primarily due to Kashmir issue, India has good trade relations with everyone.

We do not see anyone as hindu, Muslim, etc.

Leaders like Yogi (who are communal) would have never made it this far, if not for the developmental policies and positive things he brings to the table.

Just to illustrate, UAE is making the first Hindu temple in middle East:

That shows our good relations with Muslim world.
Leave him, don’t feed the trolls.
Abey dumb idiot. None of the statements are wrong. First statement is for those who think they can kill Hindus and get away with it. Second statement is clear we don't want stupid people shouting Azadi in our country based on religion. Third, Muslims did absolutely no favor by staying in India. It is India and Hindus that did a favor by letting them stay.

I didn't want to talk about Iran. But what exactly is Iran's worth except for oil. If you all kill yourselves, world will sigh a relief.
the days of playing colonialist and running around the world and trying to humiliate and oppress people is over for the west we in fact put an end to them and they are horrified of us of course but its just natural for them to be because they are incapable to deal with what is going to happen so if the western world sigh a relief if all of iran died or not doesnt matter they dont matter anymore because we say so and we make it so
Lmao so gujurat riots and delhi riots did not happe eh?
Is being a liar part of indian DNA?
And your point being? So they happened. Now what?
the days of playing colonialist and running around the world and trying to humiliate and oppress people is over for the west we in fact put an end to them and they are horrified of us of course but its just natural for them to be because they are incapable to deal with what is going to happen so if the western world sigh a relief if all of iran died or not doesnt matter they dont matter anymore because we say so and we make it so
You are living in an alternative reality. You should tone down on Hashish. In what world Iran is so powerful. You are seen as a nuisance, nothing much. Now Shuuu..
And your point being? So they happened. Now what?

You are living in an alternative reality. You should tone down on Hashish. In what world Iran is so powerful. You are seen as a nuisance, nothing much. Now Shuuu..
in the conceptual world meaning iran is in the usa and messing with the usa from within as the usa did to many others as is iran doing in the zionist usurper entity britain and many other places around the world and this is just one example of power the conceptual power

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