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India has done better than any country across world in vaccination: Bharat Biotech CMD

my point btw i wanted to make before with iran being powerful in a way that it can create problems for nations is very true for india iran can create big problems for india in a matter of weeks india would be already seeing that it would have to follow irans orders if we would push you and gave you demands you would have 0 choice we can push others that badly so dont think you are greater than america which in fact was a hard nut compared to the soviets the usa was really strong and now look at them
my point btw i wanted to make before with iran being powerful in a way that it can create problems for nations is very true for india iran can create big problems for india in a matter of weeks india would be already seeing that it would have to follow irans orders if we would push you and gave you demands you would have 0 choice we can push others that badly so dont think you are greater than america which in fact was a hard nut compared to the soviets the usa was really strong

Man, You are a different breed. We are not so brutish to think killing someone unaware as some heroism. Its murder no matter who does it. So please spare me your bravado. I have no interest. Move on.

This Mid-Easterns talks like Klingons from Star Trek.

"Take pride in Murder and deaths, :p:"
you learned very well how to behave towards your british masters so when we in future say jump than you better jump aswell and we might be able to fix this entire issue the british caused
How exactly America leaving Iran's victory? Lol.
dont worry about america they wont be around as united states anymore for another decade so they better worry about themselves while you worry about you
How exactly America leaving Iran's victory? Lol.
why you india not shut up and go into a corner you behaved like a bad child we might spank you later if you dont behave
you learned very well how to behave towards your british masters so when we in future say jump than you better jump aswell and we might be able to fix this entire issue the british caused

dont worry about america they wont be around as united states anymore for another decade so they better worry about themselves while you worry about you

Don't you think you are talking over your pay grade. STFU now.
Don't you think you are talking over your pay grade. STFU now.
when we iranians shouted
death to the soviet union
death to the soviet union
death to the soviet union
us stopping to curse our enemies and basically ignoring soviets came only because they were defeated and similar it is with the usa the usa is more than defeated its just ballooning its way forward it just needs us to put one needle on them and push
when we iranians shouted
death to the soviet union
death to the soviet union
death to the soviet union
us stopping to curse our enemies and basically ignoring soviets came only because they were defeated and similar it is with the usa the usa is more than defeated its just ballooning its way forward it just needs us to put one needle on them and push
Don't understand how US was defeated. They just choose to leave after killing over a million. I mean it takes a special kind to believe it is a victory.
Don't understand how US was defeated. They just choose to leave after killing over a million. I mean it takes a special kind to believe it is a victory.
you can win all the battles and lose the war still its a special kind of mentality to do this and the usa did it already many times before the vietnam case being specially notorious but this time the war was not just as simple as it was a war for global hegemony and the usa already lost here against iran now it must challenge china and see if it can win there maybe but the chances are little and their biggest failure was to take on first iran and west asia instead of east asia because atleast they would have won something in that case even if it was little but now they are totally lost they cant stay nowhere not even their islands in the pacific can be sustained for long under their control
Don't understand how US was defeated. They just choose to leave after killing over a million. I mean it takes a special kind to believe it is a victory.
to make things very easy for you the usa was never even close to be able to win any war against iran nor battles all it did was mess around in irans sphere of interest and lose everywhere and get thrown out all over the place humiliating itself over and over again and meanwhile getting humiliated by us aswell
you can win all the battles and lose the war still its a special kind of mentality to do this and the usa did it already many times before the vietnam case being specially notorious but this time the war was not just as simple as it was a war for global hegemony and the usa already lost here against iran now it must challenge china and see if it can win there maybe but the chances are little and their biggest failure was to take on first iran and west asia instead of east asia because atleast they would have won something in that case even if it was little but now they are totally lost they cant stay nowhere not even their islands in the pacific can be sustained for long under their control

to make things very easy for you the usa was never even close to be able to win any war against iran nor battles all it did was mess around in irans sphere of interest and lose everywhere and get thrown out all over the place humiliating itself over and over again and meanwhile getting humiliated by us aswell
I still don't get how Iran won. In what parallel world is Iran a super power?
Don't understand how US was defeated. They just choose to leave after killing over a million. I mean it takes a special kind to believe it is a victory.
you are counting on fantasies stop being hostile towards both china and pakistan and maybe you can work towards a future not being deluded by constant hostility but fixing your problems you cant even identify now because you are so worried about being hostile to everybody
I still don't get how Iran won. In what parallel world is Iran a super power?
iran is indeed a superpower you dont need nuclear weaponry to get there is what iran also proved on top because nothing in the world works aslong as iran doesnt want it to that is what it means to be a superpower being able to manifest your power globally and iran already showed it can manifest immense power regionally but globally its still a kind of shadow war because nobody wants to talk about it now since its so close to the usa
India has done better than any country across world in vaccination: Bharat Biotech CMD
PTI / Aug 15, 2021, 13:58 IST

NEW DELHI: India has done better than any country in the world as regards to affordability and the reach to the people of Covid-19 vaccines, Bharat Biotech Chairman and Managing Director Krishna Ella said on Sunday.
In his Independence Day speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India takes pride in having the world's largest vaccination programme, and over 54 crore people have already taken the Covid-19 vaccines.
The prime minister also lauded those involved in vaccine manufacturing in the country and said India did not have to depend on the outside world for vaccines against the coronavirus.
Highlighting the enormity of the task of vaccination, Ella said, "When you have 1.3 billion people to be given a vaccine in a certain period of time, it is challenging."
The US has more vaccines than India, but only 16 crore people there are vaccinated. "In India, I'm proud to say that we have done a great job," he added.
"We have done better in terms of affordability and the reach to the people. We've done better than any country in the world," Ella said at the TIMES NOW India at 75: The Freedom Summit.
About the contribution and efforts of Bharat Biotech in regards to vaccination efforts, Ella said that apart from Covaxin, the company has also developed a intranasal vaccine for Covid-19.
"We are working on a combination of Covaxin followed by nasal, so that Covaxin primes the system of innate immunity and then the boost by the nasal which produces three immune responses – the IgG, the IgA and then mucosal immunity," he said.
All three immunities are powerful and can protect a person from getting infected, he added.
"We might have, in the next two months, a lot of data coming out of that. So, we are working on not just this but also a booster dose of Covaxin," Ella said.
On being asked if a third dose is required, Ella replied in affirmative and said, "Yes, we will give the data to the government, it's for the government to take the decision with its regulatory agencies but we are certainly working on the nasal to plug in along with this. If the nasal works out very well, our production capacity doubles. This is what we're hoping too."
The first nasal vaccine against Covid-19, developed by Bharat Biotech, has received the regulator's nod for conducting phase-2 clinical trials, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) had said on Friday.
"Bharat Biotech's intranasal vaccine is the first nasal vaccine that has received the regulatory approval for phase-2 trials," DBT had said in a statement.
Phase-1 clinical trial has been completed in age groups ranging from 18 to 60 years, it had added.
BBV154 is an intranasal replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus SARS-CoV-2 vectored vaccine.
Earlier on August 6, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Mansukh Mandaviya had said in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha that facility augmentation of Bharat Biotech and three public sector enterprises is being supported for enhancing production of Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin.

Haha jhoottt... Moooodddiii DoooooooGgggg
you are counting on fantasies stop being hostile towards both china and pakistan and maybe you can work towards a future not being deluded by constant hostility but fixing your problems you cant even identify now because you are so worried about being hostile to everybody
Hostility towards China and Pakistan? What's in it for Iran? Pakistan is a gone case. China hostility is important for our own power ambitions. China became a power after it made itself hostile to America. No country can become militarily powerful if they don't have a powerful enemy. China, India, US all play this game. None will go to war. Iran and NK are just deluded. Power comes from economy not by one's capability to murder. Now Shuuuu.....
Hostility towards China and Pakistan? What's in it for Iran? Pakistan is a gone case. China hostility is important for our own power ambitions. China became a power after it made itself hostile to America. No country can become militarily powerful if they don't have a powerful enemy. China, India, US all play this game. None will go to war. Iran and NK are just deluded. Power comes from economy not by one's capability to murder. Now Shuuuu.....
we tell you what you do and what you dont do in future not the british neither the americans do you understand this so now you shuu and build some toilets btw iran is the global precursor to set iran on the same level as dprk is laughable at best you cant set yourself on the level as iran so dont think of yourself to high and mighty we would come over you like you couldnt imagine if you messed with iran you are just ignorant about it because indians didnt need to be scared of us for quite some while but look at how scared americans are these days and learn a few lessons maybe

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