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India has done better than any country across world in vaccination: Bharat Biotech CMD

we tell you what you do and what you dont do in future not the british neither the americans do you understand this so now you shuu and build some toilets btw iran is the global precursor to set iran on the same level as dprk is laughable at best you cant set yourself on the level as iran so dont think of yourself to high and mighty we would come over you like you couldnt imagine if you messed with iran you are just ignorant about it because indians didnt need to be scared of us for quite some while but look at how scared americans are these days and learn a few lessons maybe
India will make Iran beg to buy its oil. Now go prepare yourself for that eventuality. You are nobody in the world. You will remain so. F off.
India will make Iran beg to buy its oil. Now go prepare yourself for that eventuality. You are nobody in the world. You will remain so. F off.
hahaha sure the times iran needed to take part in usury system in the world and therefore depend on dollars and other nations was the past iran today is selfreliant and in those places it isnt it doesnt need to beg anyone because there are alot of friends in the neighborhood who will be ready to trade also you need energy so you need us you make it look as if we depended on you
India will make Iran beg to buy its oil. Now go prepare yourself for that eventuality. You are nobody in the world. You will remain so. F off.
if you forget for a second that indian fighting muslims again in future means fighting immense amount of muslims not just pakistan but iran afghanistan turkmenistan uzbekistan tajikistan azerbaijan iraq syria turkey immense amounts of people will move against india so make the list yourself its great than you must add that you are pinched between us and china so stop messing with both muslims and china you will be wrecked and instead start taking care of the problems of yours you are still ignorant about but i know which will destroy you soon and i already gave you enough hints
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hahaha sure the times iran needed to take part in usury system in the world and therefore depend on dollars and other nations was the past iran today is selfreliant and in those places it isnt it doesnt need to beg anyone because there are alot of friends in the neighborhood who will be ready to trade also you need energy so you need us you make it look as if we depended on you

if you forget for a second that indian fighting muslims again in future means fighting immense amount of muslims not just pakistan but iran afghanistan turkmenistan uzbekistan tajikistan azerbaijan iraq syria turkey immense amounts of people will move against india so make the list yourself its great than you must add that you are pinched between us and china so stop messing with both muslims and china you will be wrecked and instead start taking care of the problems of yours you are still ignorant about but i know which will destroy you soon and i already gave you enough hints

India has more Muslims than any nation you mentioned. And they live a far more civilized life than others. You do not find Muslims doing suicide bombing in India, nor is the situation Afghan like where groups are torturing women and capturing cities by force.

All 51 Muslim nations could not challenge a tiny Israel which is 9.1 million population, and you think about competing with India which has much bigger nuclear arsenal and 100x bigger military.

The most important human trait is that you have to learn to live with others. Your statements as how you do not make friends with non-muslims only show your failure on this basic human trait.
India has more Muslims than any nation you mentioned. And they live a far more civilized life than others. You do not find Muslims doing suicide bombing in India, nor is the situation Afghan like where groups are torturing women and capturing cities by force.

All 51 Muslim nations could not challenge a tiny Israel which is 9.1 million population, and you think about competing with India which has much bigger nuclear arsenal and 100x bigger military.

The most important human trait is that you have to learn to live with others. Your statements as how you do not make friends with non-muslims only show your failure on this basic human trait.
messing with muslims again means that you will suddenly find out that many millions of muslims inside your "india" will fight against you and it will be people beside you who fight you when you fight against us so go ahead nuke your own cities if you dare because we will make it this bad for you
India has more Muslims than any nation you mentioned. And they live a far more civilized life than others. You do not find Muslims doing suicide bombing in India, nor is the situation Afghan like where groups are torturing women and capturing cities by force.

All 51 Muslim nations could not challenge a tiny Israel which is 9.1 million population, and you think about competing with India which has much bigger nuclear arsenal and 100x bigger military.

The most important human trait is that you have to learn to live with others. Your statements as how you do not make friends with non-muslims only show your failure on this basic human trait.
seriously why do you think we are beating the usa around and that they cant simply use nukes because the war with the usa is not inside iran its inside many other places the usa assaulted specially inside the usa it oppresses people the most these days so the usa cant hardly nuke itself can it and it cant nuke us for conceptually beating it despite its huge propaganda we are still right and they still lose with our words only more so foreshadowing their demise
messing with muslims again means that you will suddenly find out that many millions of muslims inside your "india" will fight against you and it will be people beside you who fight you when you fight against us so go ahead nuke your own cities if you dare because we will make it this bad for you

Lol, that's funny.

Muslims will die fighting for India than joining hands with foreign power. In all our wars against Pakistan, there have been good share of Muslims that fought Pakistan. Not even a single Muslim in India fought India from inside.
So situation is unlikely to change in the future.

According to an Indian Muslim, they are "humans for 6 million years, Indian for 20,000 years, Hindu for 2000 years, Muslims for last 1400 years".

This is what we teach them.
India has more Muslims than any nation you mentioned. And they live a far more civilized life than others. You do not find Muslims doing suicide bombing in India, nor is the situation Afghan like where groups are torturing women and capturing cities by force.

All 51 Muslim nations could not challenge a tiny Israel which is 9.1 million population, and you think about competing with India which has much bigger nuclear arsenal and 100x bigger military.

The most important human trait is that you have to learn to live with others. Your statements as how you do not make friends with non-muslims only show your failure on this basic human trait.
just continue your arithmetic maybe you learn 1 +1 = 2 you know your numbers matter nothing only when you are slapped in your face and tought so again and again you learn something that matters as the usa was tought so please continue your all around insolence against everybody around you and you will learn the hard way because the usa never came to anyones rescue and it always did forsaken its "friends"
Lol, that's funny.

Muslims will die fighting for India than joining hands with foreign power. In all our wars against Pakistan, there have been good share of Muslims that fought Pakistan. Not even a single Muslim in India fought India from inside.
So situation is unlikely to change in the future.

According to an Indian Muslim, they are "humans for 6 million years, Indian for 20,000 years, Hindu for 2000 years, Muslims for last 1400 years".

This is what we teach them.
you think you are conceptually stronger than we are than try again we will teach you soon what to think
Lol, that's funny.

Muslims will die fighting for India than joining hands with foreign power. In all our wars against Pakistan, there have been good share of Muslims that fought Pakistan. Not even a single Muslim in India fought India from inside.
So situation is unlikely to change in the future.

According to an Indian Muslim, they are "humans for 6 million years, Indian for 20,000 years, Hindu for 2000 years, Muslims for last 1400 years".

This is what we teach them.
anyway india suffers my point to you is truely meant to safe you from destruction safe the countless millions of mostazafin in india from your ignorance about them and to allow you to look at your own situation with a little bit more foresight before you fall to ruin as you are not even slightly sustainable but a huge mess
just continue your arithmetic maybe you learn 1 +1 = 2 you know your numbers matter nothing only when you are slapped in your face and tought so again and again you learn something that matters as the usa was tought so please continue your all around insolence against everybody around you and you will learn the hard way because the usa never came to anyones rescue and it always did forsaken its "friends"

you think you are conceptually stronger than we are than try again we will teach you soon what to think
do you really believe it will lead to any meaningful victory if you brainwash muslims oppress them mistreat and oppress people in the many millions and basically act as if its okay because a minority you can use as example is doing this and that you must really stop deluding yourself and listen not to us muslims go listen to the chinese if you cant listen to them and not to us than we pinch you and eat you up like a sandwich so easy it will work
Yeah and RSS treats them like shit.

Iran has China. You are small fish.

That's non-sense and false information.
Surely there are some pro-Hindutva elements in current gov, but they have also done great for Muslims.

In first 6 years of BJP rule, Muslim enrollment in higher education rose by 37 pc.
Far better than any previous government.

People complain about government making Ram Mandir and call it communal.
They simply ignore the Haz House which is made in Delhi for Muslims (for 97 crore INR):

They complain about how Hindus are getting CAA, they forget the fact that Muslims are given citizenship as well.
ahh it turns out indian dependence day was right one of these days so happy dependence day you are truely dependent indeed
Yeah and RSS treats them like shit.

Iran has China. You are small fish.
iran has the iranian people each of which are worth a million hinds because guess what each iranian is pretty much capable to build toilets we are truely blessed with alot of capabilities specially sanitation and non of our leaders has to make a fool of himself and declare internationally that iran can now build toilets because we invented pretty much a quarter of what the world is about so toilets we used while europe was still tribal savages
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In no other country millions died like dogs or were thrown away like dogs, these fools keep counting the number of tests or vaccine shots and keep feeling great

India has done better than any country across world in vaccination: Bharat Biotech CMD
PTI / Aug 15, 2021, 13:58 IST

NEW DELHI: India has done better than any country in the world as regards to affordability and the reach to the people of Covid-19 vaccines, Bharat Biotech Chairman and Managing Director Krishna Ella said on Sunday.
In his Independence Day speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India takes pride in having the world's largest vaccination programme, and over 54 crore people have already taken the Covid-19 vaccines.
The prime minister also lauded those involved in vaccine manufacturing in the country and said India did not have to depend on the outside world for vaccines against the coronavirus.
Highlighting the enormity of the task of vaccination, Ella said, "When you have 1.3 billion people to be given a vaccine in a certain period of time, it is challenging."
The US has more vaccines than India, but only 16 crore people there are vaccinated. "In India, I'm proud to say that we have done a great job," he added.
"We have done better in terms of affordability and the reach to the people. We've done better than any country in the world," Ella said at the TIMES NOW India at 75: The Freedom Summit.
About the contribution and efforts of Bharat Biotech in regards to vaccination efforts, Ella said that apart from Covaxin, the company has also developed a intranasal vaccine for Covid-19.
"We are working on a combination of Covaxin followed by nasal, so that Covaxin primes the system of innate immunity and then the boost by the nasal which produces three immune responses – the IgG, the IgA and then mucosal immunity," he said.
All three immunities are powerful and can protect a person from getting infected, he added.
"We might have, in the next two months, a lot of data coming out of that. So, we are working on not just this but also a booster dose of Covaxin," Ella said.
On being asked if a third dose is required, Ella replied in affirmative and said, "Yes, we will give the data to the government, it's for the government to take the decision with its regulatory agencies but we are certainly working on the nasal to plug in along with this. If the nasal works out very well, our production capacity doubles. This is what we're hoping too."
The first nasal vaccine against Covid-19, developed by Bharat Biotech, has received the regulator's nod for conducting phase-2 clinical trials, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) had said on Friday.
"Bharat Biotech's intranasal vaccine is the first nasal vaccine that has received the regulatory approval for phase-2 trials," DBT had said in a statement.
Phase-1 clinical trial has been completed in age groups ranging from 18 to 60 years, it had added.
BBV154 is an intranasal replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus SARS-CoV-2 vectored vaccine.
Earlier on August 6, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Mansukh Mandaviya had said in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha that facility augmentation of Bharat Biotech and three public sector enterprises is being supported for enhancing production of Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin.

actually we ruled indian subcontinent better than you indians do the same can be said about the pakistani ancestors which were the mughals who also did quite a good job so what do you have to show because everything you claim makes you great we actually build in the past either us iranics which pakistan is ethnically part of or muslims who came after us which i kind of consider as us being a muslim aswell
basically you indians are imposters that is what you are you are imposters and what you claim is mostly lies so what makes you different to the jewish losers who right to this days have 1000s of their soldiers being in therapy unable to stop to cry just listen to the zionists you will figure out i tell you the truth so do you seek to be like them whiny losers because china can forgive you if you stop your hostility iran can forgive you if you stop your hostility and even pakistan if you truely meant it and i mean truely meant it which is right now impossible than pakistan would forgive maybe aswell never forget but forgive but this is right now far from being ever realistically possible with tea servant modi chestpuffing for america against everybody like an aggressive cow monkey hybrid either way india you have only a future if we your neighbors accept you
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