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Hey India may very well pass China in overall GDP. It could happen but is it going to happen the way the article describes?

You can always argue the merits of the article. But you don't have to show your attitude about it. Yes, we get it, you are richer than us and successful than us. We admire you for that. Heck we are even jealous( take it as a complement). But remember only couple of decades ago you are poorer than us.

I said it before I'll say it again, you tend to pass judgments on this forum. Like you are some authority and we have to believe you. You are sometimes arrogant as well. Please cut down on it for your own credibility sake.
So we have to believe only that China is going to cross US in 2 decades..but not this? thanks but no thanks. Unless we believe we can, there is no point in trying. And please keep your haughtiness to yourself.

Who said you "have" to believe anything? :no:

Those predictions are made by Western institutions like Goldman Sachs, not by us.

Future predictions are worthless, you can only really count on what you have today, and work hard for the future. Personally I don't care about being the number 1 economy at all, and I hope that China never tries to be the "global policeman" like America currently is.

As for the topic at hand, Indians are always predicting that they will reach "double-digit growth"... but they never have.
i always happy if India is Next to china @ any time...

Hahahaha. . :rofl: :rofl:

nice joke. . . very nice. .

come on what's next. . . "INDIA HAS A HIGH CHANCE OF TAKING OVER THE WORLD" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
India's Growth rate is likely to exceed China's.

India has only just begun, it is like 20 years ago in China.
China's current growth rate, it is lower than 20 years ago.

China has already reached the limit of the potential. India has only just begun.
India's Growth rate is likely to exceed China's.

India has only just begun, it is like 20 years ago in China.
China's current growth rate, it is lower than 20 years ago.

China has already reached the limit of the potential. India has only just begun.

Perhaps but China's growth doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon
India's economy has ability to fly like China's.
But India need to resolve some problems: Infrastructure, National Education, National Health, Security issues(Terrorists and Maoists), Corruption, and so on......
India's economy has ability to fly like China.
But India need to resolve some problems: Infrastructure, National Education, National Health, Security issues(Terrorists and Maoists), Corruption, and so on......

I'll rank them in terms of what I think are their relative importance.

National leadership
National Health/nutrition
National Education
Security issues
Can anyone please tell me why the country India can't get passed China.

I mean if we are looking at growth we would also need to look at the form of governance both countries have.

India has a democratic form of governance where a decision cannot be made by the government alone. For instance if a building is to be erected, it would need approval from various govt agencies and most importantly from the community which resides there. This would mean slower decision making process and therefore delayed outcome. But the end result is decided after all parties agree.

China follows a form of socialistic governance where decisions are made and imposed at the top level. If we take the above instance itself the construction of building will start immediately following the decision taken by the authorities. Whether there are any conflicting views with regards to the decision taken at the higher level is of no paramount importance to anyone.Here the decision taken is fast and implemented without second thoughts. China has seen an unprecedented growth only and only because of its one track policies.

I am not condemning either methods of governance. Its just a way to approach the end result. One takes a longer time than the other.

So whether Indians can move ahead from China would depend how fast they can bring their policies to implementation.

This view is at odds with facts. In China, we will respect the property rights of all people. However, their property rights stop at the edge of their property. The buildings will still go up of course, just have to be creative with either building design or convincing them to leave with more money. The #1 cost in China of construction is land aquisition due to every tiny piece of land being owned by someone else.



I'll rank them in terms of what I think are their relative importance.

National leadership
National Health/nutrition
National Education
Security issues

Confucius said: "Among the state, the people and the army, if we had to lose 1, lose the army first. But if we had to lose another, lose the state."

Health and education is #1.
Perhaps but China's growth doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon

In the next 5 years probably. Initial growth is easier than later growth. China has to modify it's current economic model if it wants to continue to grow. I am hoping for a similar transition to what other East Asian nations (Japan, SK, Taiwan) went through.
In the next 5 years probably. Initial growth is easier than later growth. China has to modify it's current economic model if it wants to continue to grow. I am hoping for a similar transition to what other East Asian nations (Japan, SK, Taiwan) went through.

South Korea and Taiwan never transisted. They are still unable to build their own factors of production, especially photolithography equipment and for south korea, even machine tools. It is China's ultimate shame that we are unable to build photolithography equipment and chemical analysis machines (HPLC, GCMS).
Confucius said: "Among the state, the people and the army, if we had to lose 1, lose the army first. But if we had to lose another, lose the state."

Health and education is #1.

What I should say is that these are synergistic. Each has an impact on the other, the one with the biggest impact for India I think is good national leadership. The first step being abolishing this de facto political class that has grown up. Chuck the Gandhi-Nehrus out.
I'll rank them in terms of what I think are their relative importance.

National leadership
National Health/nutrition
National Education
Security issues

I can not agree it.
Education is the first, that is no doubt!
Even if people starve to death, not let the children do not read book!

When the Korean War has just ended in China, When most Chinese people are still hungry, China began implementation of free education. Compulsory education!
Government must provide free education, Otherwise contrary to law, Officials dismissed.
Age appropriate Children must be educated, Otherwise contrary to law, the guardian go the prison.
South Korea and Taiwan never transisted. They are still unable to build their own factors of production, especially photolithography equipment and for south korea, even machine tools. It is China's ultimate shame that we are unable to build photolithography equipment and chemical analysis machines (HPLC, GCMS).

Really? I am dead sure that I've use Made in China HPLC's before. MS is probably not something Chinese companies can do yet.
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