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India grounds entire Sukhoi-30 fleet


First of all---they are just grounded---it does not mean that they are impotent. Secondly----what if it is a deception----.

You Pakistani kids are so senseless----just don't think with your brains.

First of all---they are just grounded---it does not mean that they are impotent. Secondly----what if it is a deception----.

You Pakistani kids are so senseless----just don't think with your brains.
If it's a deception it'a damn nice one. But I highly doubt it. It's more of SOP.
Lol.. SU-30 or rather indians generally prefer 2 seaters. Even the pak-fa Indians wanted 2 seaters. Do you know the real reason why?? Indians generally prefers 2 seaters because Indian courts have ruled that homo-faggotry is a "natural" practice. So when they are up there, the 2 men in the cock-pits ;DD can cork their cocks in the other's pit. Indians are so cool to have though of their faggotry needs even when flying a multi million dollar plane. hmmm..packing shit behind their wives back 30,000ft in the air..hmmm.. bhindia zindabad.

@Horus @Oscar @WebMaster @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz
Take care of this troll please
India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs

Latest Update:

IAF now says the crash cause is that both ejection seats fired; HAL needs to ramp up overhaul capacity for SU-30MKIs.
Oct 22/14: Grounded. IAF spokesperson Wing Commander Simranpal Singh Birdi says that the IAF’s SU-30MKIs are all grounded, which removes a substantial chunk of India’s front-line airpower.
“The fleet has been grounded and is undergoing technical checks following the latest accident in Pune. It would be back in air only after a thorough check…. A Court of Inquiry is in progress to ascertain the actual cause of accident…”
Meanwhile, the need to deal with the Sukhoi fleet’s various issues means that HAL needs to ramp up their ability to overhaul India’s SU-30s, from the current pathetic rate of 2 per year to 15 or so. Sources: IBNS, “India temporarily grounds Sukhoi-30 fighter jets” | Hindustan Times, “Cloud over cause of Sukhoi crash”.

India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs
India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs

Latest Update:

IAF now says the crash cause is that both ejection seats fired; HAL needs to ramp up overhaul capacity for SU-30MKIs.
Oct 22/14: Grounded. IAF spokesperson Wing Commander Simranpal Singh Birdi says that the IAF’s SU-30MKIs are all grounded, which removes a substantial chunk of India’s front-line airpower.
“The fleet has been grounded and is undergoing technical checks following the latest accident in Pune. It would be back in air only after a thorough check…. A Court of Inquiry is in progress to ascertain the actual cause of accident…”
Meanwhile, the need to deal with the Sukhoi fleet’s various issues means that HAL needs to ramp up their ability to overhaul India’s SU-30s, from the current pathetic rate of 2 per year to 15 or so. Sources: IBNS, “India temporarily grounds Sukhoi-30 fighter jets” | Hindustan Times, “Cloud over cause of Sukhoi crash”.

India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs

thnxxx for the info. Looks like rempant overhauling capabilities are need of the hour.
MKIs back in the sky.
Care to Quote any official sources for the claim???
As far as the Lockheed martin website goes, the 17 airframes provided to Pakistan with Block 52 standards are the once that are upgraded in terms of avionics..The older Block 15s were Given MLU to enhance the Airframe life and Engine Life but it has nothing to do with avionics upgradation..

Here is a copy of DSCA notification on fas:


Current status is 18 block 52, 45 MLUed F-16s and 13 ex Jordanian ADFs.
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Excluding the crashes how many are still in service??The exact numbers???
I think there had been 9 crashes of F16 throughout the history of their Induction till date..
Excluding the crashes how many are still in service??The exact numbers???
I think there had been 9 crashes of F16 throughout the history of their Induction till date..

As I said 45 MLUed, 18 block 52 and 13 ex Jordanian ADFs for a total of 76. The crashed ones were replaced by second hand F-16 acquisitions.
Sir i compared J10 because same engines are used in both aircrafts. J10 and MKI. Saturn AL-31 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It does, most of the SU family is powered by the AL-31 variants. But we are not discussing J10 procurement for PAF are we? better stay on topic as we do have a separate thread for J10 :)

Care to Quote any official sources for the claim???
As far as the Lockheed martin website goes, the 17 airframes provided to Pakistan with Block 52 standards are the once that are upgraded in terms of avionics..The older Block 15s were Given MLU to enhance the Airframe life and Engine Life but it has nothing to do with avionics upgradation..
You are so so wrong on this dear, you may want to go through the following link and learn more about the up gradation program,
PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects
that is, if you want to :)

India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs

Latest Update:

IAF now says the crash cause is that both ejection seats fired; HAL needs to ramp up overhaul capacity for SU-30MKIs.
Oct 22/14: Grounded. IAF spokesperson Wing Commander Simranpal Singh Birdi says that the IAF’s SU-30MKIs are all grounded, which removes a substantial chunk of India’s front-line airpower.
“The fleet has been grounded and is undergoing technical checks following the latest accident in Pune. It would be back in air only after a thorough check…. A Court of Inquiry is in progress to ascertain the actual cause of accident…”
Meanwhile, the need to deal with the Sukhoi fleet’s various issues means that HAL needs to ramp up their ability to overhaul India’s SU-30s, from the current pathetic rate of 2 per year to 15 or so. Sources: IBNS, “India temporarily grounds Sukhoi-30 fighter jets” | Hindustan Times, “Cloud over cause of Sukhoi crash”.

India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs
Only 2 aircraft per year? :what:
It does, most of the SU family is powered by the AL-31 variants. But we are not discussing J10 procurement for PAF are we? better stay on topic as we do have a separate thread for J10 :)

You are so so wrong on this dear, you may want to go through the following link and learn more about the up gradation program,
PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects
that is, if you want to :)

Only 2 aircraft per year? :what:

Two is better then zero. Need of the hour is to increase the numbers while ensuring quality finished product.
Even French mirage upgrade are only few per year.. 50 aircrafts will take around 15 years I think..

It does, most of the SU family is powered by the AL-31 variants.
Only 2 per year ?


Since it's the beginning only 2 per year . Even the OEM haven't started it remember ?
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