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India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

Mind Your tongue Mr/Mrs/Ms.... Opinions can be there, have you forgotten that in china even Aborted babies are considered eatable??? How would You feel If I call You "Aborted Baby Eater"??

In a debate, Its ok to loose patience but if it crosses over the Limit, You can get into danger...


That is an urban legend... that has been disproved over and over again.

Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends

Not surprising to see Indians indulging in this sort of "blood libel" though, good to "dehumanize" their enemies.
BigTree.CN said:
He called me chinis in the first place.

Chin=Hindi/Sankrit word for China, Chinis is Plural. We call (not always) China Chin and people Chinis. It's not a racial term

However ch*nki is racial.
Too late for that.

The last time someone brought up this urban legend, pretending that it was a fact, they were banned. :wave:

wot abot curry eater words ?if they given new meaning here ? And what about thankgiving below that post huh ? I must say they also get banned here
guys lets develop our self independently rather than becoming internet warriors..
we will see where indian-chinese interst will clash in future,till then no bashing plzzzzzz
chini is not raciai ok ,it means chinese in hindi and even urdu !! Ask mods for more clarification.
That still can not change the fact India has a low-capacity industry.

Where is the Fact, put forth the fact so that I could Disprove it, Words Coming out from you cannot be considered facts.... India is an Industrialized nation... And It has Indigenous Production in the Line of defense to Satisfy its needs as what is its primary motive....

The logic displayed in your arguement is flawed, India may be not buying Chinese weapons, but that does not mean you are capable of building weapons on your own. You are buying weapons from EU, Israel, Russia, and USA. You are even importing basic weapons such as rifles, how could you convince people you have superior weapons to offer?

We are not facing any Embargoes Like China is , So we are offered almost all the cutting Edge technologies unlike forced to reverse engineer, And India is No fool Ignore it, India is Comparing its domestic technologies with the ones Imported by them , and Given room fro Induction of Shown At par with those Imported and Could Compliment it....

If you have nothing to offer, what kind of business are you talkin about? That is the pure bragging I am refering to.

We have everything to Offer, But ours is Not Export oriented, As said by the DRDO Chief "The priority is to provide indigenous technology. “Export is only incidental,”.... We cannot compete with the USA and Russia in terms of technology when If Needed we can Sell too....

Taiwan has the ability to produce anything that can be produced by India, it is that they are not allowed to. However, they have much better offers from USA, why would they be interested in Indian weapons?

Well If Taiwan has the Ability we are happy, If Not our doors are open for them and No bloody reasons can Close it.... Well For the Question "why would they be Interested In Indian weapons??" the answer is simple... "Motive" ... As I said If they want Brahmos the only Supersonic Cruise missile in the world , We can give it to them... Who the Bloody hell are the People to question
Chin=Hindi/Sankrit word for China, Chinis is Plural. We call (not always) China Chin and people Chinis. It's not a racial term

However ch*nki is racial.

Chini, is about as racial, as curry-eater or noodle-eater (both confusing terms, since clearly Chinese are not the only people to eat noodles, same with India and curry).

Anyway, how hard is it to say "Chinese person"...

That is an urban legend... that has been disproved over and over again.

Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends

Not surprising to see Indians indulging in this sort of "blood libel" though, good to "dehumanize" their enemies.

Well, Facts cant be countered.... Its a Well know fact that Cannibalism is accepted in china if for health. I havent said anything wrong...
Well, Facts cant be countered.... Its a Well know fact that Cannibalism is accepted in china if for health. I havent said anything wrong...

Well then, why don't you try to provide some objective proof for your ridiculous and insulting claim here:

Opinions can be there, have you forgotten that in china even Aborted babies are considered eatable??? How would You feel If I call You "Aborted Baby Eater"??

I have given you that urban legends page, this racist urban legend been debunked time and time again... yet Indians are keen to indulge in more of this "blood libel".
Chini, is about as racial, as curry-eater or noodle-eater (both confusing terms, since clearly Chinese are not the only people to eat noodles, same with India and curry).


Apparently the name 'China' itself came from India (one of the theories).

How can the ancient term (still in use today in Hindi) for itself China be racial ?
[B.[16] Both these words are derived from the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन),[16] used as a name for China as early as AD 150[/B]

Then you need to lecture your own countryman on how to behave himself. He called me chinis in the first place.

And Who the hell are you to call me a curry eater for a Mistake not mine??:tdown:
Chini, is about as racial, as curry-eater or noodle-eater (both confusing terms, since clearly Chinese are not the only people to eat noodles, same with India and curry).

Anyway, how hard is it to say "Chinese person"...

hello!are you n*ts? Man!damn even DD NEWS USE THIS WORDS DURING HINDI TELECAST ,nw by your theory these people are racist ??
Well then, why don't you try to provide some objective proof for your ridiculous and insulting claim here:

I have given you that urban legends page, this racist urban legend been debunked time and time again... yet Indians are keen to indulge in more of this "blood libel".

Its hard to believe that You have know about Your countriy from a 3rd persons Mouth... Anyway

Reports of Contemporary Cannibalism in China

Apparently the name 'China' itself came from India (one of the theories).

How can the ancient term (still in use today in Hindi) for itself China be racial ?


Didn't you read my post? I said it was about as racial as "noodle eater", i.e. not racial at all.

The English name for "China", comes from the name Qin, and has been passed through India, Iran, the Middle East etc. before finally reaching the West.

However the true name for China... will always be Zhong guo.
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