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India Developing, but still a long way to go

I figure there's about a 100 of the above posted IT Parks, SEZ's all over, of which the above and the below pic.'s blow one's mind. New India looks like is cgi (computer generated imaging) then. I've been to the above dlf and bottom Raheja one many times, middle TCS one, no!

TCS Siruseri, SIPCOT IT Park
TCS complex is like the anchor tenant of this park with many other building complexes and standalone office buildings.

Raheja Hyderabad


Posted before, but what the heck. Can we post all and proposed IT parks and SEZ's etc. in one shot.
Looks are not everything, even so:welcome: to India's mega IT industry. Inside, it's mostly brains.
Skyscrapercity sure has a page on India IT Parks & SeZ's, maybe just the link. By the way, with new IT policy and now new govt., there's word of mega IT regions of 50,000 acres :woot: each, work's on in Ban., Hyd., Chennai, Pune and will spread.

Which One Is This?

India's Telecom Revolution

- Is this Fahad Khan?
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Sad, I was hoping they'd rather temporary slum re-hab. housing so re-development can take off ;).

It's time to Dubai-fy and Singapori-choo India's coastal cities with off-shore island, marina's and anchored recreation development. If Pakistan can do this with Karachi, check:


So if yahoo Pak.'s Krunchy City can dream the above and move on it, witness below ...

and if Chennai can have TCS Siruseri butterfly complex; meanwhile even shoo-shaan Dubai don't do this:


... there's no holding back India now ... n'est pas?
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Sad, I was hoping they'd rather temporary slum re-hab. housing so re-development can take off ;).

It's time to Dubai-fy and Singapori-choo India's coastal cities with off-shore island, marina's and anchored recreation development. If Pakistan can do this with Karachi, check:

Have been hearing about this for years now.And I guess you know that this kind of reclamation is illegal in India.
Illegal-shillegal. What's legal in India?

For the majority, historical Mughal Sharia Law type rule and then Colonial Penal Law type rule meant what?
For the majority riding a horse was illegal. Walking with your head held high was illegal. Spirituality was illegal, remember Aurangzeb's Jazia tax? Riding a train was illegal, Gandhi was tossed out of his seat. Walking the street was illegal. Everything that the majority, 'enslaved' and oppressed, people did was illegal.

I like Modi's ideas on governance.
Governance is the difference between legal Vs. illegal. Now's the time to dream big, think reclamation.

Things change

Lake Palace, Jaipur

Faluknama Palace


Hafeez Contractor Architected Hiranandani & dlf Commercial-Residential Complexes








Ok, so I'm thinking India's famed Kings, Sultan's, Nizam's lived in fabled palaces which took centuries to mature.
  • Compared to today's upper middle-class homes, it sure looks like India's come a long way, :woot: !
Relatively open, educated, upper middle class is almost royal, That's just 1-2 builders, ready in 3-5 yrs. only. All illegal, so sorry.
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Re: Indian infra., from pic.'s here it feels that critical mass is in the bag. Some class and taste is visible. Next?

Broadening, deepening and mass reach-out seems logical. Nice to see incremental, quality and quantity upgrade.

If Hero is Showing-Off Bike Protos Like Below:

what does the future hold?

Prototypes like these are mind benders, yet Indian products are 1/2 way there.

I mean bikes are like motherhood re: India, so if locals start building bikes for utility, commuter and bling;
or cell-phones (both are big in India - local and Global manufacture) there's no telling what other stuff ... the sky's the limit!

dlf's Gurgaon, all Grown Up






I see Delhi NCR ringed with mid-rise towers like above. Personally, I like dlf+Contractor enough that I don't mind if Delhi NCR was lock, stock and barrel handed over to this Co.+architect, never mind politics.

dlf's work is so much better then China's mega city, 1/2 commie block mid rise towers. Pricey, but class projects.

I also like Hiranandani, godrej, Unitech, Calcutta builders, recent Mahindra and Tata's work. Prices gotta come down.
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Exports may touch $ 360 b this fiscal

Rafeeque Ahmed, FIEO President said -
  • “This fiscal export may touch $ 350-360 billion.
    But the Government has to take several steps to boost exports further,”
Exports may touch $360 b this fiscal | Business Line

Dil Chahta Hai- Title Song - YouTube

I'm thinking, like Turkey, India can be like this in real give it 10 good yrs. of modification, no big deal. Perhaps, that's the thing ... every 2'nd hot-shot real-estate mega project comes with helipads and technically speaking, 2-3 local Co.'s either make, part-make, or pitch or sell helicopters. Which are getting affordable re: real-estate prices.

India's Middle Class


Aiylaa, India fultoo masst country chehhe, bole to. I'm witness to ... speak from experience ;) ..

Made-In-India Pakistani Song:

- Glasses, clothes., even ppl. - cheap. Local, refurbish Yezdi bike. about $ 1000. Crew, peanuts. Attitude: priceless, no?

Kochi Tech Parks



India's over $ Trillion (in PPP terms) out-of-this-world IT industry is on a high.
Modification of the Indian IT, version 2.0 is set for take off, note 1/2 speak Gujarati or close to Gujju at home;).
Think Tata's TCS, Premji's Wipro or even Patni, now iGate was a Marwari Co. Time to buy tier II & III Co. IT stock.
Lot's of Marwari IT multi-millionaires in Gujju city Mumbai.

My thought is that a 1/2 dozen IT Parks, 1/2 dozen hardware e-assembly parks, 1/2 a dozen steel related metal fab. park, a dozen large call centers and a few industrial local parks can transform any medium size Asian city. India looks set to get there fast, and may take-over said industry verticals.
  • Modi should make it a policy so that it soaks up the low-mid low classes with jobs. Also rip-and-roar up the place, blitz the country with construction projects to mop up the lower classes.
Today's Indian middle class can handle itself, it's self sustaining with an eco-system of schools, jobs, airports, self-teach and self-help courses, corporate jobs, MNC outsourcing jobs, bank loans to study specialisations abroad, online student or other visa app.'s to US, Oz., Gulf, EU, Africa etc.

Result: 60 yrs. of BJP rule, after 60 yrs. of Congress. Whynot?
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Please don't post Mumbai Metro pics. It is painful to see that ugly thing.
What sins had Mumbai done that of all the cities, Mumbai metro is in hands of Reliance? :hitwall:
Please don't post Mumbai Metro pics. It is painful to see that ugly thing.
What sins had Mumbai done that of all the cities, Mumbai metro is in hands of Reliance? :hitwall:

whichever project goes in the lap of reliance...gets delayed.
Please don't post Mumbai Metro pics. It is painful to see that ugly thing.
What sins had Mumbai done that of all the cities, Mumbai metro is in hands of Reliance? :hitwall:
To make it worse,it will be run by Veolia Transport :lol:

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