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India developing but long way to go ...

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:blah: :blah: :blah:

In real, hard data based HDI, India leads.

In telephone survey based Global Happiness index, which ranks Nicaragua ahead of South Korea & Somalia ahead of Sri Lanka, Pakistan wins hands down. It's not like a survey with a sample set of 1000 people in a country of 1.3 billion is going to suffer any sort of sampling bias...oh wait:lol:

Yes India leads by a big margin....India is ranked at 131 in HDI and Pakistan ranks at 145, hardly any difference here, both countries ranks are abysmal.

HDI index was developed by a Pakistani Mahbub-ul-haq, BTW. Also Pakistan HDI is lower in the last few years because of the WOT, for more than 50 years Pakistan HDI, per capita income was more than India...

I accept the current corruption level in the PMLN government is the main reason...waiting for the next clean and incorruptible new government.

KPK in Pakistan is doing the best in HDI, for the last three years. Health budget increased to 68 billion from just 18 billion Rs. Education budget increased to more than 130 billion RS, from less than 30 billion RS. Health cards of 0.6 million for 70 % of the population.
Yes India leads by a big margin....India is ranked at 131 in HDI and Pakistan ranks at 145, hardly any difference here, both countries ranks are abysmal.

India's HDI score is 0.624, with an annual growth rate of 1.45%
Pakistan's HDI score is 0.550 with an annual growth rate of 0.95%.

for more than 50 years Pakistan HDI,was more than India...

No it wasn't. Refer the image above.
the biggest difference between India and Pakistan is the degree of insecurity.

Both are very corrupt, with large constituencies of backward thinkers.

The insecurity of Pakistanis is why they are compelled to spend more time comparing with India than doing anything worthwhile themselves. Look at this own OP kaptan - he starts a thread comparing and then within 3 sentences is into a foaming rage of what ails India.

Says a Bangladeshi. You lots need another good lecture from @Nilgiri on why not to believe BBS quality data !!!

They are seething now that Harvard put less than 3% long term growth for them and they couldn't pin that on an Indian author. Poor chaps.
can you give these figures in USD ......
Yes India leads by a big margin....India is ranked at 131 in HDI and Pakistan ranks at 145, hardly any difference here, both countries ranks are abysmal.

HDI index was developed by a Pakistani Mahbub-ul-haq, BTW. Also Pakistan HDI is lower in the last few years because of the WOT, for more than 50 years Pakistan HDI, per capita income was more than India...

I accept the current corruption level in the PMLN government is the main reason...waiting for the next clean and incorruptible new government.

KPK in Pakistan is doing the best in HDI, for the last three years. Health budget increased to 68 billion from just 18 billion Rs. Education budget increased to more than 130 billion RS, from less than 30 billion RS. Health cards of 0.6 million for 70 % of the population.
Lungi commando dosenot even know the diff between GDP and HDI :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Dhoti brain fails to understand if the government fudges with its GDP figures it could always fudge with other such stats.

Yawn...Do you want me to post stats about undernourishment in Bangladesh ?

Dude even you know that if such shitstorm begins, it will be you who will be in the deeper shit.

Global shithole for a reason. :lol:
can you give these figures in USD ......

This is financial year 20015-16 figure...now increased more in the current budget. Consider the rupee to USD parity of 1 USD =103 Rupees.
Dhoti brain fails to understand if the government fudges with its GDP figures it could always fudge with other such stats.

Sure, it is easy to fudge data pertaining to healthcare, education etc which are reviewed by numerous global orgs

Dude even you know that if such shitstorm begins, it will be you who will be in the deeper shit.

Says someone from a low HDI LDC shithole with 17% undernourishment. No amount of BBS fakery can save you from the reality.
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