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India deploys warships in South China Sea as part of 'Act East' policy

1. 1200sq km that China took is STOLEN LAND..but you're proud of that? (but Israel has been stealing Palestinian land for decade and you as a Muslim havent done crap about it since you were born. why? hypocrite!)
2. China took India by surprise when it took that 1200 sq km,
3. That 1200 sq km is mostly irrelevant land, just has strategic location and good place CHina thought it can use to harass India.
4. CHina cant steal anymore there, because India is now fuly aware and is beefing up its presence.
5. China cant defeat India militarily, because that is the old India, which i know you hate to hear and believe.


What is this!!
He said India is the only nuclear power whose 1200 sq km area was taken away from it by force, but this "nuclear power" decided to stay quiet.
This is the question, not if the occupation is on stolen land or re-capturing of your own claimed land.
Answer that.

Remember, the 26er until today has failed to accept and declared that China has taken 12000 sq km from India. According to him, not an inch is lost. :sarcastic:

26er sounds like Corrupt Shahbaz Sharif, who keep saying prove "Aik Paise" ki corruption but cannot answer how Rs 25 billions ended up in his bank account.:sarcastic::sarcastic:
You people have a history of defeat and surrender yet you talk big lol. The reason pla is recruiting men from Tibet and xinciang to fight Indians is obvious. Their epic beating at galwan and hiding their shame and casualties. And don't brag too much about that failed raid on IA hq, you people still have a nuisance value for us just like it has been always.

What's Indonesia stake in the SCS?


Oh boy, saying someone's who has history going back over 1000 years of enslavement and capture.

East Pakistan debacle was because you funded and trained Mukti Bahni, bought Mujeeb. People of East Pakistan were brought to fight against Pakistan.
PA army was only 30 K 40 K strong, with 1000 km distance and no supply chain.
Grow up dude.
You were beaten in your own land for over a 1000 years repeatedly with your own people with you, your supply lines safe.
I am beginning to doubt the quality of his daddy's sperm. :D

150 million sperms and he was the one that got through.....
What USA says and what USA is capable of doing in reality..... it's like comparing day and night.....

You would obviously believe what USA is saying I can understand why....

Understand it however you like, you Indians always twist things to suit your narrative anyway. The very fact an Indian poster on here thinks IN can seriously take on the PLAN also sums up what is wrong about you and your country.
Dude we don't need Punjabis or Haryanvi troops for 30-40 kg pla weaklings, that will be overkill, only boys in NCC are more than enough for those little emperors of commieland.
Enjoy your banned while China over run your weak Indian soldiers! :enjoy:
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India is sending a naval task force to the South China Sea this month to expand security ties with friendly countries, officials said on Wednesday, signalling its intent to play a bigger role in regional efforts to counter China.

The Indian military has been traditionally wary of antagonising China but the mood has hardened following clashes between troops on the disputed land border last year. The government has since drawn closer to the United States in efforts to push back against China.

Four ships including a guided missile destroyer and a missile frigate will be deployed for a two-month period to southeast Asia, the South China Sea and the western Pacific, the navy said in a statement.

"The deployment of the Indian Navy ships seeks to underscore the operational reach, peaceful presence and solidarity with friendly countries towards ensuring good order in the maritime domain..." the navy said.

The South China Sea has become one of many flashpoints in the testy relationship between China and the United States, with Washington rejecting what it calls unlawful territorial claims by Beijing in the resource-rich waters.

In June, a U.S. aircraft carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan entered the South China Sea as part of a routine mission and a British carrier group is due to undertake exercises in the Philippine Sea this month.

As part of their deployment, the Indian ships will take part in annual joint war drills involving the United States, Japan and Australia off the coast of Guam, the navy said.

The four countries make up the Quad, an informal group, that U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is promoting as a way to counter an assertive China.

"These maritime initiatives enhance synergy and coordination between the Indian Navy and friendly countries, based on common maritime interests and commitment towards Freedom of Navigation at sea," the Indian navy said in its statement.

China has in the past criticised multilateral military manoeuvres as destabilising to the region.

Nice, Indian navy can sail around HaiNan island wt us . PLAN is coward and can' even defend it Hainan, can't fight in real war without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979 :laugh:


  • Activities in waters near Hainan, Paracel and Spratly islands have ‘threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security’, Naval and Merchant Ships says
  • Matter must be ‘taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner’, it says
Liu Zhen
Liu Zhen
in Beijing
Published: 7:00pm, 25 Apr, 2021

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP
Vietnam is building up its maritime militia in the South China Sea in an apparent challenge to Chinese efforts to dominate the disputed waterway, according to a Chinese military magazine.

Beijing claims almost all of the South China Sea, but Hanoi is one of several rival claimants. Like China, the Southeast Asian country has a long tradition of using its maritime militia to defend its claims.
“Vietnam’s maritime militia force and their activities in waters near Hainan, the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands have threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security,” Naval and Merchant Shipsmagazine said in an article published last week.

The matter must be “taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner”, it said.

Vietnam passed a law in 2009 that authorises its maritime militia to conduct sea patrols and surveillance, and confront and expel intruding foreign vessels in defence of Vietnamese-controlled islands and reefs.

While the European Union has estimated that about 8,000 fishing boats and 46,000 fishermen are part of Vietnam’s maritime militia, the magazine said the latter figure could be over 70,000. When not catching fish, these trained militiamen took part in a range of missions, sometimes in cooperation with the Vietnamese navy, it said.

The missions included covert spying on Chinese military facilities and ships, and sometimes deliberately clashing with Chinese coastguard vessels to attract Western media attention, the magazine said.

This was intended to put the ideas of “humanitarian incidents” and “Chinese coercion” into the minds of the international public, it said.

“The guerilla warfare tactics could offset Chinese law enforcement ships’ advantages in terms of vessel size and technologies … [and] if they get captured, the economic cost is limited but diplomatic and political gain could be huge, so they have little fear,” it said.
Nice, Indian navy can sail around HaiNan island wt us . PLAN is coward and can' even defend it Hainan, can't fight in real war without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979 :laugh:


  • Activities in waters near Hainan, Paracel and Spratly islands have ‘threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security’, Naval and Merchant Ships says
  • Matter must be ‘taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner’, it says
Liu Zhen
Liu Zhen
in Beijing
Published: 7:00pm, 25 Apr, 2021

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP

Vietnam passed a maritime militia law in 2009. Photo: AFP
Vietnam is building up its maritime militia in the South China Sea in an apparent challenge to Chinese efforts to dominate the disputed waterway, according to a Chinese military magazine.

Beijing claims almost all of the South China Sea, but Hanoi is one of several rival claimants. Like China, the Southeast Asian country has a long tradition of using its maritime militia to defend its claims.
“Vietnam’s maritime militia force and their activities in waters near Hainan, the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands have threatened China’s maritime law enforcement and national defence security,” Naval and Merchant Shipsmagazine said in an article published last week.

The matter must be “taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner”, it said.

Vietnam passed a law in 2009 that authorises its maritime militia to conduct sea patrols and surveillance, and confront and expel intruding foreign vessels in defence of Vietnamese-controlled islands and reefs.

While the European Union has estimated that about 8,000 fishing boats and 46,000 fishermen are part of Vietnam’s maritime militia, the magazine said the latter figure could be over 70,000. When not catching fish, these trained militiamen took part in a range of missions, sometimes in cooperation with the Vietnamese navy, it said.

The missions included covert spying on Chinese military facilities and ships, and sometimes deliberately clashing with Chinese coastguard vessels to attract Western media attention, the magazine said.

This was intended to put the ideas of “humanitarian incidents” and “Chinese coercion” into the minds of the international public, it said.

“The guerilla warfare tactics could offset Chinese law enforcement ships’ advantages in terms of vessel size and technologies … [and] if they get captured, the economic cost is limited but diplomatic and political gain could be huge, so they have little fear,” it said.
Vietnam victory. :lol:
It is actually we returning the favour of intruding the Indian Ocean.

No one owns Indian Ocean, have you forgotten what your master say "Freedom of Navigation" is everyone right.
We own Natuna sea, none can pass to SCS or from SCS into Malacca strait withouth passing our sea territory ( as archipelagic nation, we get the right from UN to have Natuna sea as our territory)

We have Navy, Air Force, and Army base there, including submarine base.

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No one can stop innocent passage. Not even territorial water. This is specified under UNCLOS. Territorial water is not the same as land territory.
India captured entire Arunachal Pradesh (87k sq kms territory) in 1986 by landing paratroopers in this land and declared it as a part of Indian union

Where do you read your history? Arunachal Pradesh was always part of India and part of NEFA/Assam at one point. The british marked the border with the then-Tibet govt (pre-CCP). In 1987 it gained statehood from a union territory. You are writing a bollywood movie script here.
Where do you read your history? Arunachal Pradesh was always part of India and part of NEFA/Assam at one point. The british marked the border with the then-Tibet govt (pre-CCP). In 1987 it gained statehood from a union territory. You are writing a bollywood movie script here.

Arunachal Pradesh was out of indian governance till 86..... India captured entire territory by landing paratroopers without caring about china reactions.... A PLAIN SIMPLE FACT..... more hurting fact is china can't do anything about it even today.....
Arunachal Pradesh was out of indian governance till 86..... India captured entire territory by landing paratroopers without caring about china reactions.... A PLAIN SIMPLE FACT..... more hurting fact is china can't do anything about it even today.....

Are you an idiot or take too much of drugs?

Formerly known as the North East Frontier Agency (from the British colonial era), the area was part of Assam until it was made the Indian union territory of Arunachal Pradesh in 1972, and in 1987 it became an Indian state.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Arunachal-Pradesh

In 1912–13 the British Indian government made agreements with the indigenous peoples of the Himalayas of northeastern India to set up the Balipara frontier tract in the west, the Sadiya frontier tract in the east, and the Abor and Mishmihills and the Tirap frontier tract in the south. Together those tracts became the North East Frontier Agency, which is now Arunachal Pradesh. The northern boundary of the territory (now of the state) determined at that time became known as the McMahon Line; it is about 550 miles (885 km) long and has been a lasting point of contention between India and China.
Are you an idiot or take too much of drugs?

Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Arunachal-Pradesh

Whatever the sources it was out of indian governance and China always claimed it as a part of dragon claw.... India simply ran over it and right now your claw part is under our command..... Go do whatever you can do about it....

Want it back??? Open up a front and take it from us instead of indulging in to cheap border incursions.....

Ohh best you can steal some unguarded land and boast about how mighty china has set up village etc etc.....
Whatever the sources it was out of indian governance and China always claimed it as a part of dragon claw.... India simply ran over it and right now your claw part is under our command..... Go do whatever you can do about it....

Want it back??? Open up a front and take it from us instead of indulging in to cheap border incursions.....

Ohh best you can steal some unguarded land and boast about how mighty china has set up village etc etc.....
INDIAN CAPTURED Header_3170876_1.1.jpg
Whatever the sources it was out of indian governance and China always claimed it as a part of dragon claw.... India simply ran over it and right now your claw part is under our command..... Go do whatever you can do about it....

Want it back??? Open up a front and take it from us instead of indulging in to cheap border incursions.....

Ohh best you can steal some unguarded land and boast about how mighty china has set up village etc etc.....

WTF are you talking about? If you don't know history of your own country, stop sprouting nonsense in open forum.
Here's my challenge to you - prove your statement with record/documents from verifiable places in Internet or delete your account from here.

India captured entire Arunachal Pradesh (87k sq kms territory) in 1986 by landing paratroopers in this land and declared it as a part of Indian union

Prove this - or delete your account from here. Idiots making Indian territory as Chinese with fake WhatsApp forwards.

These people call themselves as nationalists, but doesn't read our own history. Bloody faketurds.

From official arunachal pradesh govt website:
Arunachal has become full-fledged State on February 20, 1987. Till 1972, it was known as the North- East Frontier Agency (NEFA) . It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and renamed as Arunachal Pradesh.On August 15, 1975 an elected Legislative Assembly was constituted and the first council of Ministers assumed office. The first general election to the Assembly was held in February 1978.

Source: https://www.arunachalpradesh.gov.in/at-a-glance-2/
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