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India deploys warships in South China Sea as part of 'Act East' policy

Chinese Navy is nothing. They are just trying to bully some small neighbours. Their navy is just a joke. They will simply cry and will do nothing.

After this post the 2 cents army will come up with how great chinese navy is and after completion of exercise they will issue chinese warnings :lol:

PLAN is like an insect which will just cause irritaion nothing else. Just a shoo and insect will go away.

This is the most stupid and ill informed post I have read by an Indian poster on this forum, and trust me that is some pretty stiff competition. US Navy worried about PLAN taking over from them. They are LIGHT YEARS ahead of IN.

They will be fielding a carrier in the Ford class size and SSBNs in the Indian Ocean soon, with a massive base in Gwadar. You guys send 4 ships for a few weeks.

F**king joker
Indian navy is nothing, it's just a show of loyalty to its master US like what UK and Germany did. This so called the message is just a joke, no one can outproduce China in shipbuilding now.
stop distracting from the fact that you've now "irritated" India with your movements and issues on the border near Ladakh.

If you treat INdia like a kid, to me, that means you are still living in year 2010 and prior years. India isnt big enough to beat up a big player, but India is big enough to not get beat up by big players.
stop distracting from the fact that you've now "irritated" India with your movements and issues on the border near Ladakh.

If you treat INdia like a kid, to me, that means you are still living in year 2010 and prior years. India isnt big enough to beat up a big player, but India is big enough to not get beat up by big players.

India got absolutely destroyed by the PLA last year. Indian military is weak and unprofessional. Taiwan military is tougher to beat than Indian military.
stop distracting from the fact that you've now "irritated" India with your movements and issues on the border near Ladakh.

If you treat INdia like a kid, to me, that means you are still living in year 2010 and prior years. India isnt big enough to beat up a big player, but India is big enough to not get beat up by big players.

India is the only nuke power which lost huge chuck of its territory against other big nation and didnt even make noise about it. PLA conquered 1200 sq kms of Indian claimed territory recently without firing a single bullet! Top that, PLA enforced buffer zones within India own territory! Where are your ideas about India coming from??
Indians will claim victory if their sailors don't have to swim back to home port

Where are your ideas about India coming from??
Reality and predicted national trajectory? Where do yours come from?
India got absolutely destroyed by the PLA last year.
in a border section, but no weapons were used right? plus PLA lost 30-50 lives TOO!
Indian military is weak and unprofessional.
Only on the border with China. India potentially the best artillery in the world and large ground forces, so India doesnt have to win, India just has to prevent its enemy from winning, and how will China "WIN" if it cant even use weapons on India? plus lets talk money, cuz China loves business money- how will you beat up potentially your largest nearby market???
Taiwan military is tougher to beat than Indian military.
LMAO. do you hate INdia so much that you will give Taiwan credit it cant even apply for ? smh
Reality and predicted national trajectory? Where do yours come from?

Which part of 1200 sq kms of Indian territory conquered by PLA you didnt understand? Which "reality" you live in? The one mentioned by Ahemdinejad? LOL

Wish you all the best :D

Which part of 1200 sq kms of Indian territory conquered by PLA you didnt understand? Which "reality" you live in? The one mentioned by Ahemdinejad? LOL

Wish you all the best :D

1. 1200sq km that China took is STOLEN LAND..but you're proud of that? (but Israel has been stealing Palestinian land for decade and you as a Muslim havent done crap about it since you were born. why? hypocrite!)
2. China took India by surprise when it took that 1200 sq km,
3. That 1200 sq km is mostly irrelevant land, just has strategic location and good place CHina thought it can use to harass India.
4. CHina cant steal anymore there, because India is now fuly aware and is beefing up its presence.
5. China cant defeat India militarily, because that is the old India, which i know you hate to hear and believe.
1. 1200sq km that China took is STOLEN LAND..but you're proud of that? (but Israel has been stealing Palestinian land for decade and you as a Muslim havent done crap about it since you were born. why? hypocrite!)
2. China took India by surprise when it took that 1200 sq km,
3. That 1200 sq km is mostly irrelevant land, just has strategic location and good place CHina thought it can use to harass India.
4. CHina cant steal anymore there, because India is now fuly aware and is beefing up its presence.
5. China cant defeat India militarily, because that is the old India, which i know you hate to hear and believe.
1. You have absolutely no say in anything regarding Muslims and the Palestinian conflict. You are no one to call hypocrite.

Moron can't understand geography. Go back to winging on twitter about why Netanyahu didn't mention muh India in his tweet about muh phull sappport.

2. China took India by surprise? Boohoo its a military tactic. Blame raw for not being able to intercept the 'attack' that you started.

3. 1200sqkm is mostly irrelevant? Awww isn't that something? The land you took in 65 and 71 was irrelevant. But you Indians kept saying it was important. But now the roles are reversed and suddenly what China had taken off you is irrelevant? The horror!!

4. China can't steal anymore or its happy with what it's got? Pretty sure it's the latter considering how they taught you a pretty big lesson.

5. China can't beat India militarily? Hahahaha. That is cute. Really cute. Tell me. If India can't beat Pakistan militarily what hopes does it have against a larger and much more technologically advanced enemy? Bro you just gonna get bombed to glass. Have you seen what their air force has stationed near your border?
Only if indians or others could have understand the real "game".

What difference has it or will have on the economic development of china by passing ships through sea close to china?

US has already been doing it, others can do it as well. It wont change anything except for few photo op and single line headline.
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