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India deploys warships in South China Sea as part of 'Act East' policy

1. 1200sq km that China took is STOLEN LAND..but you're proud of that? (but Israel has been stealing Palestinian land for decade and you as a Muslim havent done crap about it since you were born. why? hypocrite!)
2. China took India by surprise when it took that 1200 sq km,
3. That 1200 sq km is mostly irrelevant land, just has strategic location and good place CHina thought it can use to harass India.
4. CHina cant steal anymore there, because India is now fuly aware and is beefing up its presence.
5. China cant defeat India militarily, because that is the old India, which i know you hate to hear and believe.

This move from china was a calculated move knowing fully well India won't start a full blown war over 1200 sq km STOLEN land with a big military like China during corona pandamic and economy affected.... In fact nobody would..... they keep stealing Islands in SCS and other countries bordering them with same trick.....

But now situation is under control my friend..... Except from military drills and fire power demonstration china can't do anything else....
India got absolutely destroyed by the PLA last year. Indian military is weak and unprofessional. Taiwan military is tougher to beat than Indian military.
India got destroyed? but so did about 40 of your soldiers too! PLA still wont publicly announce those deaths, and they did deter China.

WHAT will China get from India on the border now that - 1) they cant use weapons adn 2) INdia is full aware China is in land-grab mode and can block it??
Fanboys here chest thumping about China stealing land with cheap tricks and not by showing a true courage..... after 1962 small victory by beating up ill equipped India there's nothing much in dragon's kitty...

Guys do you know what is a true courage????

India in 1975 annexed entire Sikkim 7096 sq kms territory.... which is one nail of your mighty dragon......

Do you know what is a real courage????

India captured entire Arunachal Pradesh (87k sq kms territory) in 1986 by landing paratroopers in this land and declared it as a part of Indian union..... another nail in dragon finger was cut down with Indian nail cutter...

Do you know what was mighty dragon reaction????

He sent a letter to USA saying he would teach India a lesson for this misadventure.....

I guess this is a lesson in 2021 he's stealing land with cheap tricks with some 1k sq kms and thumping chest.....
Latest news I heard is mighty dragon is backing off from Dogra.....
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In that case pla Navy should engage the Indian Navy. It will be beneficial for the Chinese navy as it will be their first naval combat experience. Chinese will gain combat experience but lose their navy.
On topic, everyone is partying in the south china sea except China :lol:

Are you intellectually hobbled? Do you not even know about the PLAN? They have a Space station, you guys are going to go a whole year without building a single Tejas.

They have a carrier killer missile, you do not even have enough planes for your carrier.

They make more subs every two years then you have in your entire Navy.

They could launch a nuke strike from sea and wipe Indian out before you have a chance to respond.

They are currently building a carrier that weighs more then your two carriers COMBINED.

The US Navy have stated they would lose to the PLAN if they were fighting them close to China. If they took on the IN they would use it as a handy training exercise for real war.
Olympic gold will not save your experiance less and China made weapons equipped navy, trust me:D:

Trust you? The last action you took you were beaten and tossed into a running river and couldn’t do anything. Got struck in broad day light and shot down and you shot your own helicopter. 😂

To top it of after the parliament attack you mobilized on the border and lost more men without firing a single bullet. 😂

And your chutiya *** talking about experience.
Trust you? The last action you took you were beaten and tossed into a running river and couldn’t do anything. Got struck in broad day light and shot down and you shot your own helicopter. 😂

To top it of after the parliament attack you mobilized on the border and lost more men without firing a single bullet. 😂

And your chutiya *** talking about experience.

You people have a history of defeat and surrender yet you talk big lol. The reason pla is recruiting men from Tibet and xinciang to fight Indians is obvious. Their epic beating at galwan and hiding their shame and casualties. And don't brag too much about that failed raid on IA hq, you people still have a nuisance value for us just like it has been always.
What's Indonesia stake in the SCS?
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Are you intellectually hobbled? Do you not even know about the PLAN? They have a Space station, you guys are going to go a whole year without building a single Tejas.

They have a carrier killer missile, you do not even have enough planes for your carrier.

They make more subs every two years then you have in your entire Navy.

They could launch a nuke strike from sea and wipe Indian out before you have a chance to respond.

They are currently building a carrier that weighs more then your two carriers COMBINED.

The US Navy have stated they would lose to the PLAN if they were fighting them close to China. If they took on the IN they would use it as a handy training exercise for real war.

What USA says and what USA is capable of doing in reality..... it's like comparing day and night.....

You would obviously believe what USA is saying I can understand why....
You people have a history of defeat and surrender yet you talk big lol. The reason pla is recruiting men from Tibet and xinciang to fight Indians is obvious. Their epic beating at galwan and hiding their shame and casualties. And don't brag too much about that failed raid on IA hq, you people still have a nuisance value for us just like it has been always.

What a stupid logic u can come up with.. According to your theory, India is facing defeat with desperate attempt to recruit tibetan and manipur to help them to fight instead of usual Punjabi, Bengali or Dravidian.

Who is the one charging at PLA officer? Doesnt look Indian. :enjoy:

What's Indonesia stake in the SCS?

We own Natuna sea, none can pass to SCS or from SCS into Malacca strait withouth passing our sea territory ( as archipelagic nation, we get the right from UN to have Natuna sea as our territory)

We have Navy, Air Force, and Army base there, including submarine base.


What a stupid logic u can come up with.. According to your theory, India is facing defeat with desperate attempt to recruit tibetan and manipur to help them to fight instead of usual Punjabi, Bengali or Dravidian.

Who is the one charging at PLA officer? Doesnt look Indian. :enjoy:

Dude we don't need Punjabis or Haryanvi troops for 30-40 kg pla weaklings, that will be overkill, only boys in NCC are more than enough for those little emperors of commieland.
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