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India deploys Heavy infantry and moves heavy artillery near LOC

Kashmir is GB &AK in Pakistan, J&K in India and Aksai Chin in China. So are you saying there are issues in all areas?
For india issues are everywhere but i'm sorry to say they never seemed serious in resolving any of the issue instead they always pushed the situation in more awkward position that is what india is doing always.
Now now. Do not confuse yourself. You wanted UN plebiscite to happen. Me as well.

UN definition of Kashmir is what I said. Do you disagree with that?

let's have a plebiscite does india agree to it on the international level? your opinon is not your government opinon
it ever occur to you the rest of the world thinks the same about Pak people? I'm sure you know what UK thinks for sure, that's where you're typing.

The whole worlds thinks thar indian hindus are sub humans and would be thankful to Pakistan if we destroy these monsters. Trust me.
You have lost your mind ; I have been reading your posts since the last two days

Quite sane actually. Go through my posts entirely .. not past 02 days. show me anywhere I have been wrong so far. Check the news of attack and its details, my posts of details what time I posted and what time the official statements came on media. In few weeks kashmir will be snowed in. So why are you pushing troops in to valley? Let us assume a strike into GB area, in winters? My dear you are insane .. no joker can fight in 36 feet of snow!

Leave this fight to the youngsters in the Army ; they are seething with RAGE


left it for these youngsters.

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Nuclear war basic arse saving ...?

Its raining heavily here

to dig 7x7x3 and get an inch 10 micron plastic sheet and put a 15 inch over head protection ? too much of a bother, i will take the effects :enjoy:

And become a hulk!!!:partay:

Dig 7x7x3. My houses ground is bricked. I can't dig through that without some serious effort.

10 inch micron plastic sheet. Don't have that and don't know where to get it.

15 inch head protection. Dont have that and don't think bike helmets cover that.

And the best part. I am in lahore and have housing in both lahore and sheikhupura. Both of these cities border India.
you went for pop corns expecting nukes by page 4!!!
The feeling is mutual. :P

Still, its fun here!! lolz

Yup .. viper was launching 3 corps by now .... I died tagged him into cold start to read and come .. I had written few things there
Days after suspected militants killed 18 Indian soldiers in Uri sector of held Kashmir, India deployed heavy infantry to front posts along the Line of Control (LoC), BBC Urdu reported Thursday.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent most of the time in military operation room on Thursday where he oversaw troops’ activities along LoC, reported BBC’s correspondent in Srinagar, Riaz Masroor.

India has reportedly beefed up security in held Kashmir following Uri attack. New Delhi’s move comes in the wake of military exercise by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), which took place in northern areas of the country.

Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakria on Thursday said the drills were a part of PAF’s routine training. The spokesperson, however, added that Pakistan’s armed forces were prepared to defend the motherland.

Top Indian defence officials told BBC on condition of anonymity that Indian Army has deployed heavy and light infantry along LoC. As of now, officials said, the army has deployed canons in Uri sector.

India, however, denies the reports that such weapons have been deployed to tackle any military escalation with Pakistan. According to Indian Army, the development is a part of routine exercise ahead of winter season.


We can laugh on stupidity of Indians army after a week news will come heavy artillery sent back
How old are you? Have you seen real war? stop wishing for it. Soldiers will die and every soldier is not a number but a human with family and dreams.

Can you swear an oath that you be the first to the front line when it starts, instead of cheering leading for one behind your keyboard.


War is a horrible thing, i hope People get rational and start thinking for prosperity. but after all these messages on pdf from both sides, i Think People need to taste it. After destruction we can discuss how stupid we have besn
How old are you? Have you seen real war? stop wishing for it. Soldiers will die and every soldier is not a number but a human with family and dreams.

Can you swear an oath that you be the first to the front line when it starts, instead of cheering leading for one behind your keyboard.

Dig 7x7x3. My houses ground is bricked. I can't dig through that without some serious effort.

10 inch micron plastic sheet. Don't have that and don't know where to get it.

15 inch head protection. Dont have that and don't think bike helmets cover that.

And the best part. I am in lahore and have housing in both lahore and sheikhupura. Both of these cities border India.

Don't worry, worry only when Nasr with nuke is fired .. till then enjoy :partay:

I am too lazy inspite of having the space!!!!:cheesy:
Quite sane actually. Go through my posts entirely .. not past 02 days. show me anywhere I have been wrong so far. Check the news of attack and its details, my posts of details what time I posted and what time the official statements came on media. In few weeks kashmir will be snowed in. So why are you pushing troops in to valley? Let us assume a strike into GB area, in winters? My dear you are insane .. no fucker can fight in 36 feet of snow!

The professionals in the Army know what they are doing

A lot of fighting happened in 1971 December on the Western sector on the LOC

Secondly from December 2001 LOC skirmishes started and continued till
the Ceasefire in 2003

So snow is not a factor
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