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India deploys Heavy infantry and moves heavy artillery near LOC

The professionals in the Army know what they are doing

A lot of fighting happened in 1971 December on the Western sector on the LOC

Secondly from December 2001 LOC skirmishes started and continued till
the Ceasefire in 2003

Not in Kashmir. Along LC it has been just minor raid on each others posts.

So snow is not a factor

Hmmm ... Tell that to the soldier who trudges in 36 -40 feet of snow in avalanche prone reaches of LC.
How old are you? Have you seen real war? stop wishing for it. Soldiers will die and every soldier is not a number but a human with family and dreams.

Can you swear an oath that you be the first to the front line when it starts, instead of cheering leading for one behind your keyboard.


Please, No need to act as over smart ***....I and my fellow countrymen know what to do....I m wishing all the best to my forces and people who are living at border....May Allah keep them safe and sound...

And to Indian soldiers...Well, soldiers need to be respected but Indians ------------

I won't say further...:)
I don't consider indians as humans. They are sub-human savages lower than vermin. Everything about them from the way they physically look to the way they think makes me want to vomit. They ate the most disgusting creatures in the entire universe.

But you are missing the point.....God made humans however they are, or look. I don't see anything wrong with Indians. Some work for me, and some I work with every day in different areas. In fact, many, I can't differentiate by looking that they are Indians or Pakistani until they tell me so.

I don't think its the right thing to challenge God's creation and him directly, just because you have personal issues due to India - Pakistan. No matter what the issues are, you have got to respect the other humans as they exist, their country and ethnicity. That's the right thing to do, you don't have to agree with their religious beliefs or political structure. But basic human respect should never go away, all issues aside!!
it ever occur to you the rest of the world thinks the same about Pak people? I'm sure you know what UK thinks for sure, that's where you're typing.

Difference is Pakistanis don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them. indians do. If Pakistanis cared what the rest of the world thought of them then we would not have become a nuclear weapons state.
You must visit the cold start doctrine thread, and read what I have written there. Again ... strike corps are sitting in their own locations, nothing is moving. It is going to be snow time in another few weeks in Kashmir in higher reaches, what will IA do? Squat.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is burning funds ... lol

There is no reason for Pakistani forces to burn anything without a reason.
I have a bad feeling that this situation is different. Army wont let anyone get away with murdering 17 of their own. Modi's options might be limited here. I see a big big escalation coming in Balochistan and LOC . India should brace for the fallout coz Pakistan is not going to sit quiet either.

The biggest risk is the impact on Indian economy in the short term. Stock market will tank and FDI will be frozen but this will be short term coz of India's overwhelming superiority in conventional warfare. Its just so so unfortunate.
Not a nice post. Even when you talk to your enemies, be a bigger enemy. Give them the courtesy and not insult their nation, and personal stuff. That's beyond humans. Always deal with conflicts with grace and dignity that the other side remembers that you treated them fairly, even in the middle of animosity.

Agreed. Do not ever sink to their level.
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You mean grass? Isn't that your PM said Pakistan should eat to develop nuclear capability.

On topic: Please refrain from making such comments about fellow human beings.

indians are not my fellow anything. they are different breed of creatures to the rest of humanity.
Hmmm ... Tell that to the soldier who trudges in 36 -40 feet of snow in avalanche prone reaches of LC.

That is true for Both sides as the temperature and the weather is the same

And we can ALSO use the conditions to our advantage in certain sectors
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