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India deploys Heavy infantry and moves heavy artillery near LOC

Speak for yourself. I can tell an indian from a Pakistani a mile away. They don't resemble us in the slightest. I've been in situations where I couldn't tell the difference between a Turk and a Pakistani. And no, I don't consider indians as humans. They are the eternal enemy of the Pakistani people. They also happen to be the most ugliest form of life on the planet.

You obviously don't know a lot of Indians and Pakistanis from different regions. Use some common sense, Pakistan didn't come out of Mars. It was a part of the older India. So the people on both sides are the same and look the same. Sindhi and Punjabis (many of them) look very much like the people from Mumbai side and the Indian Punjab. The Kashmiri's look the same on both sides. Unless they are in traditional outfits, or from South India with their accent, you won't have a clear identity in all cases.
If war does indeed break out...it will be added to the long list of wars initiated by false flags.
Speak for yourself. I can tell an indian from a Pakistani a mile away. They don't resemble us in the slightest. I've been in situations where I couldn't tell the difference between a Turk and a Pakistani. And no, I don't consider indians as humans. They are the eternal enemy of the Pakistani people. They also happen to be the most ugliest form of life on the planet.

You can say ANYTHING ; we dont mind

Today we are at a stage where words DO not matter

We will let the GUNS do the talking
Yea but will ur countery hold refrendum there no ur governent know people dont want to live with india

Why would Indian government hold a referendum there?. We hold the land. Pure and Simple. No one can take it away.

Would you give away your home to some guy?
i know this is going to sound ridiculous but media are not allowed on either side of the LOC, do you think india has retaliated on positions already at the LOC and the pak army is just sucking it up?
Now it just feels like Indian tactic is to try and scare Pakistan to get an apology of some sorts. But Pakistan isn't likely to budge on its Kashmir stance.
Speak for yourself. I can tell an indian from a Pakistani a mile away. They don't resemble us in the slightest. I've been in situations where I couldn't tell the difference between a Turk and a Pakistani. And no, I don't consider indians as humans. They are the eternal enemy of the Pakistani people. They also happen to be the most ugliest form of life on the planet.

Sorry Bhai but never seen a more stupid guy in life. Come, harm us, do whatever you can !
Ok that is really really racist just stop it man and anyway this thread isn't about someone's race.

It's our race versus their's. Don't know about you but I love my race and will always back them against our hideous enemies.
NO it is not ; it is INDIA's territory
and this is the RIGHT time to convince Pakistan to
stop meddling in Kashmir

If it takes a war to do so ; so be it
how many more wars you want to try and resolve this issue?
the last three/four havent helped!

thanks to great minds like you the problem stays, on ground, for the world to see.
Come on my friend. Calm down. We do not need war. We should never go to war over Kashmir. We have lot of things to take care of first with that money. Why do you want to waste it? A speech here, troop movement there. Thats it. I mean, you do understand it all started with a speech, Right?

So does our soldiers lives do not matter

i know this is going to sound ridiculous but media are not allowed on either side of the LOC, do you think india has retaliated on positions already at the LOC and the pak army is just sucking it up?

What was your FIRST clue

Yes it has Begun ; LOC battles are going on for the last two days
No need for reinforcements. AJK residents are enough to repulse any attack across the border. Just provide us weapons.
I think you people are waiting for Indian rats and dispatch them straight to the hell; their permanent abode and free the paradise of Kashmir from their vile existence.
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