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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

A leading nuclear strategist Vipin Narang said yesterday, at a conference on nuclear policy, that there is increasing evidence that India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent.

“There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

He added that the first strike will not be aimed at urban centres and conventional targets of a retaliatory strike intended to punish and prevent an escalation, but against Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal, to preempt a nuclear attack altogether.

“India’s opening salvo may not be conventional strikes trying to pick off just Nasr batteries (launch vehicles for Pakistan’s tactical battlefield nuclear warheads) in the theatre, but a full ‘comprehensive counterforce strike’ that attempts to completely disarm Pakistan of its nuclear weapons so that India does not have to engage in iterative tit-for-tat exchanges and expose its own cities to nuclear destruction,” he said.

As evidence for his theory, Narang cited recent remarks and policy prescriptions from leading Indian strategists and a book by Shivshankar Menon, who oversaw nuclear targeting for India as National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Narang also quoted Menon as telling Ajai Shukla, a defense analyst with Business Standard, that “India’s nuclear doctrine has far greater flexibility than it gets credit for”.

Narang supported his theory by citing this paragraph from Menon’s book, “Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy”, which was released in November : “There is a potential grey area as to when India would use nuclear weapons first against another NWS (nuclear weapon state). Circumstances are conceivable in which India might find it useful to strike first, for instance, against an NWS that had declared it would certainly use its weapons, and if India were certain that adversary’s launch was imminent.”

New Delhi declared its no-first use strike policy in 2003, undertaking to not start a nuclear war in a neighbourhood.

Times of India released a report today in which it said there are also worries in India that New Delhi might not have full information on the whereabouts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tactical warheads that are much smaller and mounted on lorries to be driven around to escape detection through satellite imagery.

Check out the mindset. Indian politicians are not there for "Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas", but ready to speak war 24/7. Pity.
india k achy Din gae ab. intizaar hai waar ka.. pakistan tuo bana hi hindu ko jahanum pochany k lia hai. ye hindu na tuo hm ko sakoon sy rehny dety hain na khod sakoon sy rehty hain. kaminy khod apny logo ko marwaty hain or ilzaam pakistan per lagty hain.

Gazw-e-Hind is coming .. ye war akhri war hogi india or pakistan k lia. hindu dum daba kr bhagay ga or pori Umat Muslima hindu k pichy hogi.
Why after Hindus yaar. The discussion is about options at the time of War and you have started about Hindus. If god wanted to end Hindus then Hindus would have been long gone. See the cradle of Hinduism which is in Pakistan is no more a place for Hinduism. But the matter of fact is that Pakistan came into existence to save Hindus of India.
Check out the mindset. Indian politicians are not there for "Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas", but ready to speak war 24/7. Pity.
Don't feel pity...When India talk "Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas", our neighbor is planning how to snatch Kashmir or how to destabilize India or whom can I befriend with to break India's thread of unity .
Naturally, We will have few discussions in the WAR ROOM...to beads India together.

Why after Hindus yaar. The discussion is about options at the time of War and you have started about Hindus. If god wanted to end Hindus then Hindus would have been long gone. See the cradle of Hinduism which is in Pakistan is no more a place for Hinduism. But the matter of fact is that Pakistan came into existence to save Hindus of India.

A little correction...but the matter of fact is that Pakistan came into existence to save Hindus and Muslims of India
Don't feel pity...When India talk "Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas", our neighbor is planning how to snatch Kashmir or how to destabilize India or whom can I befriend with to break India's thread of unity .
Naturally, We will have few discussions in the WAR ROOM...to beads India together.

A little correction...but the matter of fact is that Pakistan came into existence to save Hindus and Muslims of India
I am so thankful to Jinnah and God almighty for Partition. Imagine General Musharraf being a dictator of Indian Pakistan and Bangladesh combined.
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Imagination gives you a vast playing field, where anything is possible. For example India can nuke Pak first, I could start studying today, Sunny Leone can be a virgin really anything is possible...
I am so thankful to Jinnah and God almighty for Partition. Imagine General Musharraf being a dictator Indian Pakistan and Bangladesh combined.
We even thank Jinnah for the partition. We are on same page.
If India pakistan and Bangladesh combined Mushrraf would have retired as a peon or maximum gate watchman . So no question of word "Dictator or General" comes in to this picture.

Imagination gives you a vast playing field, where anything is possible. For example India can nuke Pak first, I could start studying today, Sunny Leone can be a virgin really anything is possible...
So you are back from Imagination. Till yesterday you and your politicians were blabbering all day about nuking India..noe what happens ? we changed our policy yesterday.
Right! now point to me, in the baber test video, do you sea any tugs in open sea?
Again first of all you don't have any capable submarine that can be fitted with or may have but I commented in context of what your media have circulated...

You see kiddo, the point of this whole argument was, the Indian establishment was making a chutiya out of billion plus people, when they were selling this false bravado that India can adsorb Pakistan first strike and retaliate later. These revelations now and ideas expressed by this so called Indian expert in the article under discussion, it is clear, that it is always been "use it to lose it" scenario for India.

There is no point of making "Chutya" if you are well aware about FACTS & STATS..India now produces 30 times more non civilian plutonium (And HEU but most of those are used to power submarines & research) annually than what Pakistan produces..Also each year or two we are adding more nuclear power plants,inducting new & more capable reactors..You are not even a starter in this field..Going by the estimation Plutonium & HEU production India has lots more firepower than what has been circulated in media.It's just an eyewash for who can easily be manipulated.Only fool would underestimate their enemy...


India receives fissile materials from Canada,Australia also critical technologies from Russia,USA although not being a part of NSG..That's the advantage of projecting herself as a SOFT POWER which I wouldn't expect you to understand..
Other side Pakistan is considered is a rogue state & irresponsible nuclear power by world media..

During strike although Pakistan can launch strike at 50 major cities,in retaliation there will be no Pakistan..Pakistan doesn't process that capable medium to deliver any warhead deep inside of whole India & also geographically India is too big to cover at once..
You have to face our all tier air defense along with S300 S400 which are made to hunt MRBMs.Your Mirages which will be carrying nukes are 60's tin cans & can easily be destroyed by our Baraks Prithwis...

Ditching NO FIRST USE is no chutyapa but a clear signal to Pakistan that we are no longer in defensive mode & we are more than capable to do that..
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You have to come to the reality that India can absorb Pakistan first strike and retaliate later. Do yo know why ? because of our huge mass.
In reality , there is no absorb. Since we don't have a "no first use " policy againt a Nuclear nation. If India is fooling the nation why your new godfather, China went to UN.

How old are you kid? Your mass doesnt matter, all it matter that your cities and military will turn to dust and with it goes your statehood.
We even thank Jinnah for the partition. We are on same page.
If India pakistan and Bangladesh combined Mushrraf would have retired as a peon or maximum gate watchman . So no question of word "Dictator or General" comes in to this picture.

So you are back from Imagination. Till yesterday you and your politicians were blabbering all day about nuking India..noe what happens ? we changed our policy yesterday.
Ok lets get serious.First learn the basics of nuclear doctrine and why and how it is constructed. What is Mutually assured destruction and escalation ladder. Why initially Pakistan had to opt for first use policy and why India didn't. Why this is an admission of Cold Doctrine failure by your worthy nuclear strategist and why this is not 'I am gonna rape your mom' online contest which you Indians are so fond of playing. Nuclear strategy isn't mine is thicker or longer than yours contest either. Pakistan can pre empt your pre epmting and on and on till it will become a joke. Do not become a joke.
San Marino thinks you are a big country not INDIA. You don't have enough fire power to shake India.If you think otherwise we can't help you.

Again, stupidity at full exposure from Indian trolls. No one give flying fck in Pakistan as to how big or small India is. We are world fourth biggest nuke power, we got enough to wipe all Indian cities and Indian military many times over and hence ending the statehood of present day India.
Again, stupidity at full exposure from Indian trolls. No one give flying fck in Pakistan as to how big or small India is. We are world fourth biggest nuke power, we got enough to wipe all Indian cities and Indian military many times over and hence ending the statehood of present day India.
They are high on 'monkey troupe mentality' aka group mentality. Euphoria plus mania is making them think in terms of ' after destroying 50 cities and we will still be there' lol, Drinking corpse water from Ganga is giving them Mad hindu disease!
School boy error. Even Pakistan is too big to be wiped out, if you are talking about making whole of Pakistan radioactive. Not going to happen. The fanboys dont understand what nuke strike does to a nation. All major population centers plus the military are the targets. you wipe them off, the state will cease to exist. We have plenty of fire power to achieve that many times over in relation to India. For the rural areas where people are living below poverty line, there were never part of our calculation and they shouldnt be anyway as they are irrelevant.

These Hallucinating Hindus think that Pak nuclear weapons will do the type of damage that firing bullets in a mud hill or a sand slope would.

They need to think Pak nuclear weapons as .375 magnum fired by a sharp shooter at the vital organs of a human target less than 25m distance. Maybe then this lot will understand what would happen to India if we fire our nukes. The body will still be there but it will not function.
Again first of all you don't have any capable submarine that can be fitted with or may have but I commented in context of what your media have circulated...

Agosta 90B! Rings any bell??

There is no point of making "Chutya" if you are well aware about FACTS & STATS..India now produces 30 times more non civilian plutonium (And HEU but most of those are used to power submarines & research) annually than what Pakistan produces..Also each year or two we are adding more nuclear power plants,inducting new & more capable reactors..You are not even a starter in this field..Going by the estimation Plutonium & HEU production India has lots more firepower than what has been circulated in media.It's just an eyewash for who can easily be manipulated.Only fool would underestimate their enemy...


India receives fissile materials from Canada,Australia also critical technologies from Russia,USA although not being a part of NSG..That's the advantage of projecting herself as a SOFT POWER which I wouldn't expect you to understand..
Other side Pakistan is considered is a rogue state & irresponsible nuclear power by world media..

During strike although Pakistan can launch strike at 50 major cities,in retaliation there will be no Pakistan..Pakistan doesn't process that capable medium to deliver any warhead deep inside of whole India & also geographically India is too big to cover at once..
You have to face our all tier air defense along with S300 S400 which are made to hunt MRBMs.Your Mirages which will be carrying nukes are 60's tin cans & can easily be destroyed by our Baraks Prithwis...

Ditching NO FIRST USE is no chutyapa but a clear signal to Pakistan that we are no longer in defensive mode & we are more than capable to do that..

Problem is, your bullcrap figures doesnt hold and addup to what sources are saying about Pakistani firepower:


Pakistan could be world’s 3rd biggest nuclear power in 10 yrs


Pakistan to overtake Britain as world's fifth largest nuclear power


Report: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest


Pakistan's nuclear stockpile could become world's third largest, says report

I can understand the fanboyism, but the reality is what being reported in global media. All agree, that India lags behind. And yes I agree, only fools would underestimate their enemy, and hence rather rude realization among Indian establishment of "use it or loss it" scenario. And I agree, India strategic program is highly dependent on the tech transfer from Russia and now America. Where as in Pakistan we not only have evolved the Uranium enrichment but patent the technology. Pakistan-2 and Pakistan-3 centrifuges are actually thing of past, we have now moved on to laser enrichment. We are now focusing on smart nukes, smaller, compact in size, yet devastating, miniaturization is the key, a big loophole in Indian program which goes to show its limitations and dependencies on the input from powers to be like America.

As for the rouge state and other non sense, tomorrow, we will be parading Chinese and Saudi armed forces in our national day parade. Please do follow.

We will not only launch strike against Indian cities but also against the Indian strategic forces to neutralize them in first strike. That is the whole idea of first strike that you cripple your enemy in first blow. That is our doctrine from day one. The Indian establishment filled with empty bravado talking about "no first strike" as far as one can remember. It seems realization had struck into Indian establishment that there might be no functioning Indian state left to respond after Pakistani first strike.

You maybe living under the rock and novice, I can give you benefit of doubt but for your information, Shaheen 3 was specifically developed to neutralize Indian Islands of Nicobar and Andaman, far away from Indian mainland. Rest assured, not an inch of Indian territory is out of reach from Pakistan.

Easier said than done. Use of nuclear weapons has to be justified and India being the bigger player will never be able to justify unless it's armed forces are totally decimated and Pakistan occupies large chunks of India
There exist significant extremist elements in Indian ranks, cant rule-out such plans by India. They had done it in 1965 and they can do it again. International community should take notice of this.
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They are high on 'monkey troupe mentality' aka group mentality. Euphoria plus mania is making them think in terms of ' after destroying 50 cities and we will still be there' lol, Drinking corpse water from Ganga is giving them Mad hindu disease!

After destroying their 50 odd cities what will be left are those lot who are currently destroying Indian railway tracks by defecating over it. maybe its their idea of Akhand Bharat, but majority will say, back to stone ages.
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