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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

First strike or no first strike, Cold start doctrine died a painful cold death.

lol Mr intelligent, care you tell us your Stockpile of on weapon grade U and P in KGS? and ur reactor capacity ?

Oh man so secretive of PAK nuke program that only one reactor can produce so many KG of PO /U then India's 10's of reactor which is bigger then any PAK reactor. This is called living in LA LA land.

you patent the technologies of P1 and P2 really ? the same P1 and P2 for which you bring Magnetic rings from China? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

yes that why they reached Lahore.....:))
You can make billion more nuclear bombs, get it through your thick skull, if one nuclear bomb explodes India has already lost. You Indians are so dimwit seeing nuclear prowess in isolation. Your power projection game was done and dusted the day Pakistan tested its weapons, from then it is just playful banter upgrading here and there for full spectrum deterrence. Pakistan doesn't even require full spectrum deterrence for Indians. It is just we like keeping indians on toes. Mate if you crawled out from your hole today feeling super Hanumanii, 'lets scare emm few Pakistanis today cuz we got bigger and badder Nucs' aint happeing mate!
lol Mr intelligent, care you tell us your Stockpile of on weapon grade U and P in KGS? and ur reactor capacity ?

Oh man so secretive of PAK nuke program that only one reactor can produce so many KG of PO /U then India's 10's of reactor which is bigger then any PAK reactor. This is called living in LA LA land.

you patent the technologies of P1 and P2 really ? the same P1 and P2 for which you bring Magnetic rings from China? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

BTW - report published in 2000, now after 15 yrs you can calculate how much more P/U India will have, lol as per PAK logic it will decrease in Indian case.

You know smartarse, if I knew exactly how much stockpile of fissile material Pakistan posses, I would be sitting in SPD or in some dark ISI run dungeon where I would never see the daylight again.

Since you cant comprehend what patent technoligies mean, I wont carryon the dissusion further, but do remember one thing, Iranian whole nuke program is based on older, discarded Pakistani centrifuges.

Read what your sugardaddies are saying, these are the people who are relevent in real terms.


Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of the U.S. Central Command, said longtime assumptions that India had an edge in the South Asian strategic balance of power were questionable, at best.

Don’t assume that the Pakistani nuclear capability is inferior to the Indians,” said Zinni, the senior U.S. officer responsible for the Middle East and South Asia.

Other military and intelligence officials, as well as an intelligence analysis of South Asia’s nuclear balance obtained by NBC News, shed more light on the revised view. NBC News is the broadcast partner of the MSNBC.com joint venture.

“They both have a capability,” said one senior military official. “Pakistan’s may be better than India’s, with more weapons and more capability.

“You can’t underestimate the Pakistani program,” said the official. Like most of the officials NBC News contacted, this one would speak only on condition of anonymity.

This news came back in 2003. Do the maths. :coffee:
First strike or no first strike, Cold start doctrine died a painful cold death.

You can make billion more nuclear bombs, get it through your thick skull, if one nuclear bomb explodes India has already lost. You Indians are so dimwit seeing nuclear prowess in isolation. Your power projection game was done and dusted the day Pakistan tested its weapons, from then it is just playful banter upgrading here and there for full spectrum deterrence. Pakistan doesn't even require full spectrum deterrence for Indians. It is just we like keeping indians on toes. Mate if you crawled out from your hole today feeling super Hanumanii, 'lets scare emm few Pakistanis today cuz we got bigger and badder Nucs' aint happeing mate!
lol, One nuke wont make India lost..... their is things called physics / Geo, read it.

you still live in the ear where one Muslims = 10 Hindus and despite that Kashmir is with India. heard about S400/ ABM systems Plus Nuke with Indian which make your storage area radiated in first strike and make it inoperable.

Empty utensils make lot of noise , by now every Indian KID knows PAK favourite line on Nukes by heart. What a pity, u need to keep us reminding us day in and day out that u have nuke , which keeps on forgetting.
A leading nuclear strategist Vipin Narang said yesterday, at a conference on nuclear policy, that there is increasing evidence that India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent.

“There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

He added that the first strike will not be aimed at urban centres and conventional targets of a retaliatory strike intended to punish and prevent an escalation, but against Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal, to preempt a nuclear attack altogether.

“India’s opening salvo may not be conventional strikes trying to pick off just Nasr batteries (launch vehicles for Pakistan’s tactical battlefield nuclear warheads) in the theatre, but a full ‘comprehensive counterforce strike’ that attempts to completely disarm Pakistan of its nuclear weapons so that India does not have to engage in iterative tit-for-tat exchanges and expose its own cities to nuclear destruction,” he said.

As evidence for his theory, Narang cited recent remarks and policy prescriptions from leading Indian strategists and a book by Shivshankar Menon, who oversaw nuclear targeting for India as National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Narang also quoted Menon as telling Ajai Shukla, a defense analyst with Business Standard, that “India’s nuclear doctrine has far greater flexibility than it gets credit for”.

Narang supported his theory by citing this paragraph from Menon’s book, “Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy”, which was released in November : “There is a potential grey area as to when India would use nuclear weapons first against another NWS (nuclear weapon state). Circumstances are conceivable in which India might find it useful to strike first, for instance, against an NWS that had declared it would certainly use its weapons, and if India were certain that adversary’s launch was imminent.”

New Delhi declared its no-first use strike policy in 2003, undertaking to not start a nuclear war in a neighbourhood.

Times of India released a report today in which it said there are also worries in India that New Delhi might not have full information on the whereabouts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tactical warheads that are much smaller and mounted on lorries to be driven around to escape detection through satellite imagery.
Probably in their wet dreams. A single nuclear missile can send india in stone age :mod:
You know smartarse, if I knew exactly how much stockpile of fissile material Pakistan posses, I would be sitting in SPD or in some dark ISI run dungeon where I would never see the daylight again.

Since you cant comprehend what patent technoligies mean, I wont carryon the dissusion further, but do remember one thing, Iranian whole nuke program is based on older, discarded Pakistani centrifuges.

Read what your sugardaddies are saying, these are the people who are relevent in real terms.


Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of the U.S. Central Command, said longtime assumptions that India had an edge in the South Asian strategic balance of power were questionable, at best.

Don’t assume that the Pakistani nuclear capability is inferior to the Indians,” said Zinni, the senior U.S. officer responsible for the Middle East and South Asia.

Other military and intelligence officials, as well as an intelligence analysis of South Asia’s nuclear balance obtained by NBC News, shed more light on the revised view. NBC News is the broadcast partner of the MSNBC.com joint venture.

“They both have a capability,” said one senior military official. “Pakistan’s may be better than India’s, with more weapons and more capability.

“You can’t underestimate the Pakistani program,” said the official. Like most of the officials NBC News contacted, this one would speak only on condition of anonymity.

This news came back in 2003. Do the maths. :coffee:

lol, till Mr Intelligent you always giving me Fiction stories.

You are Very funny, Care to tell me your Technology, Patent NO? Mr smart pants....:omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not even US knows when India conducted Nuke Test despite having sats in sky/ spies in India.... you talking about that US GEN which don't even have iota of knowledge of Indian program to certify???:omghaha::rofl::sarcastic:

Again, Do you have Data / Facts / Figures /KG / Capacity of your reactor to backup your claims? Quote Facts and Figures rather then fancy lines, who said what.

I love your confidence you claim to made more cake by using 4 reactors vs 10+ Indian rectors ( which more powerful) :omghaha::omghaha:

Probably in their wet dreams. A single nuclear missile can send india in stone age :mod:
yes, yes and Japan was non-existence in the world as of today , since it is smaller then India and had 2 nukes
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lol, One nuke wont make India lost..... their is things called physics / Geo, read it.

you still live in the ear where one Muslims = 10 Hindus and despite that Kashmir is with India. heard about S400/ ABM systems Plus Nuke with Indian which make your storage area radiated in first strike and make it inoperable.

Empty utensils make lot of noise , by now every Indian KID knows PAK favourite line on Nukes by heart. What a pity, u need to keep us reminding us day in and day out that u have nuke , which keeps on forgetting.
So S400 is from all this Bravado coming from? This means entire US nuclear threat has been neutralised by Russia?
I stop myself from replying to dimwits, I don't know what are you all high on, whatever it is , its good!

Beta beta so jao werna India first strike ker dega! :fie:
lol, till Mr Intelligent you always giving me Fiction stories, I Cleary asked you , have you proof to back up your claims , then telling fancy stories?

Not even US knows when India conducted Nuke Test despite having sats in sky/ spies in India.... you talking about that US GEN which don't even have iota of knowledge of Indian program to certify???:omghaha::rofl::sarcastic:

Again, Do you have Data / Facts / Figures /KG / Capacity of your reactor to backup your claims? Quote Facts and Figures rather then fancy lines, who said what.

Fiction? stories? I am referring you to the media reports, people as high the Generals. I have not made up anything on my own. Ah but surely a troll from India is all knowing! NOT

Forget about US, Pakistan put America on notice atleast a week before Indian test about Indian intentions. Its all part of history. I guess you were still sucking on milk bottle back then, might not remember?

No nuclear capable state worth it salt will reveal actual stockpile, get through your punny head. Thats where people like American general comes in, using their intel sources and estimations, and ofcourse , from Pakistani side, there will always be plausible deniability, neither confirm nor deny, and in the process, see the Indians twist and turn in anguish. Its actually funny when I recall the time, when Indian used to say that Pakistan is bluffing about its nuke capability, and then came 6 nukes being tested right on their faces.


Well you don't have point to argue...apart childish claims..

Enlighten when as to what you were implying when you said "why Pakistan is sitting idle" . I understand you are daring Paksitan to blow your country sky high?
Again school boy error. You are saying that we should nuke you just to prove our d*** is bigger then yours? How old are you?

Only if you have read the sources, there is nothing for "own public consumption". Go and read it again, the sources are from all over the world, including India and Washington post.

"Don't revive a settled matter" - Confucius

Aziz Arkadashim!! Didn't the matter already settle when Rahmetli Zia-ul Hak paid a short "cricket sports" visit to late Rajiv Gandhi in the 80s?? He said "Innalillahi Ve Innailahi Rajeun (verily we belong to Allah and shall return to HIM)". And, the best of the Indian Brahmin and Parsi folks, themselves descendents of Aryans and worked in the Muslim Sultans' courts, with the world-class style and substance understood it perfectly. The Sunderji doctrine was put back to the shelf!!! Now, do these Dravidian folks also have something else to add????
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If India use nuclear than two Pakistan size will be erased from India map and that also Hindu dominated area...:flame:
So better not to even think about it
Fiction? stories? I am referring you to the media reports, people as high the Generals. I have not made up anything on my own. Ah but surely a troll from India is all knowing! NOT
US gun knowledge is far less then what CIA has, Even CIA didn't know much about Indian nuke program, forget about US Gen of which India didn't even come under his Area of report.

In Short, the US Gen you quoting even didn't get briefing on India by its own Army/CIA.

Forget about US, Pakistan put America on notice atleast a week before Indian test about Indian intentions. Its all part of history. I guess you were still sucking on milk bottle back then, might not remember?

I am still waiting for patent No , ? didn't you know your own Patent No ? When you find your super duper technology patent no , do let me know

PAK always has the habit of crying wolf , but when real wolf comes , no one care. Despite notice it failed to detect. PAK only crying about it because Indian govt made it intention cleared.

Same PAK also claimed Israeli F-16 In India trying to bomb PAK nuke test site. but forget to tell the world that how f-16 travel from other part of world.

No nuclear capable state worth it salt will reveal actual stockpile, get through your punny head. Thats where people like American general comes in, using their intel sources and estimations, and ofcourse , from Pakistani side, there will always be plausible deniability, neither confirm nor deny, and in the process, see the Indians twist and turn in anguish. Its actually funny when I recall the time, when Indian used to say that Pakistan is bluffing about its nuke capability, and then came 6 nukes being tested right on their faces.


if you don't know have knowledge , their is something called reactor capacity. Indian has 20+ Nuke rectors working , against your 4 nuke rectors. Now even Nursery Failed can do maths... But you Cant..? hats off man.....

If India use nuclear than two Pakistan size will be erased from India map and that also Hindu dominated area...:flame:
So better not to even think about it
but their wont be any pak left other then desert , Stil still live , cheers.....
US gun knowledge is far less then what CIA has, Even CIA didn't know much about Indian nuke program, forget about US Gen of which India didn't even come under his Area of report.

In Short, the US Gen you quoting even didn't get briefing on India by its own Army/CIA.

I am still waiting for patent No , ? didn't you know your own Patent No ? When you find your super duper technology patent no , do let me know

PAK always has the habit of crying wolf , but when real wolf comes , no one care. Despite notice it failed to detect. PAK only crying about it because Indian govt made it intention cleared.

Same PAK also claimed Israeli F-16 In India trying to bomb PAK nuke test site. but forget to tell the world that how f-16 travel from other part of world.

if you don't know have knowledge , their is something called reactor capacity. Indian has 20+ Nuke rectors working , against your 4 nuke rectors. Now even Nursery Failed can do maths... But you Cant..?

but their wont be any pak left other then desert , Stil still live , cheers.....
That's better for us.. instead of living miserably like you after war.. might be muslim along with bangladeshi will rule... who knows ;)
I am Reminded of a BOLLYWOOD SONG

The lines from this song can be used here

Hoga kisi din yeh faisla

Voh ghadi aayegi, aayegi Jaana,

Tune abhi yeh kahan jaana hai

Kise jeena hai aur kisko mar jaana hai

Jo hai khilaadi unhe khel hum dikhaayenge

Apne hi jaal mein shikaari phas jaayenge

Voh ghadi aayegi, aayegi ; Waqt aane pe tujhko yeh samjhaana hai

Kise jeena hai aur kisko mar jaana hai
lol, till Mr Intelligent you always giving me Fiction stories.

You are Very funny, Care to tell me your Technology, Patent NO? Mr smart pants....:omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not even US knows when India conducted Nuke Test despite having sats in sky/ spies in India.... you talking about that US GEN which don't even have iota of knowledge of Indian program to certify???:omghaha::rofl::sarcastic:

Again, Do you have Data / Facts / Figures /KG / Capacity of your reactor to backup your claims? Quote Facts and Figures rather then fancy lines, who said what.

I love your confidence you claim to made more cake by using 4 reactors vs 10+ Indian rectors ( which more powerful) :omghaha::omghaha:

yes, yes and Japan was non-existence in the world as of today , since it is smaller then India and had 2 nukes
Hey u think u r going to be a superpower? well it may happen. but if u go in to a nuclear war with Pakistan than? u may win the war but it will left India in such a way that it will be unable to survive the future. Dont think u r japan! after a nuclear war even india wins, china will have some of ur territory and even Bangladesh have some. A nuclear war will make u unable to prevent further attack. So wake up from wet dreams

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