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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

After destroying their 50 odd cities what will be left are those lot who are currently destroying Indian railway tracks by defecating over it. maybe its their idea of Akhand Bharat, but majority will say, back to stone ages.
Even stones will be too radioactive for general use. Perhaps they have a vedic solution for that, who knows!?
India will never do that.We have air,land and sea based strike capability.Our nuclear triad has recently completed.
Do your first strike and then be ready for Pakistan' first,second and third strike.
India will never do that.We have air,land and sea based strike capability.Our nuclear triad has recently completed.
Do your first strike and then be ready for Pakistan' first,second and third strike.
we will see if you able to live for first , 2nd and 3rd strike.....
Its like begging to be feared. First they elected a Hindu terrorist then Surgical Strike and then Isolation and now this. Nothing is working.
look whos talking about terrorism . lol
School boy error. Even Pakistan is too big to be wiped out, if you are talking about making whole of Pakistan radioactive. Not going to happen. The fanboys dont understand what nuke strike does to a nation. All major population centers plus the military are the targets. you wipe them off, the state will cease to exist. We have plenty of fire power to achieve that many times over in relation to India. For the rural areas where people are living below poverty line, there were never part of our calculation and they shouldnt be anyway as they are irrelevant.

If your fire power is higher than us... you won't sit idle...funny thing is you only said wiping out us...
Agosta 90B! Rings any bell??

Problem is, your bullcrap figures doesnt hold and addup to what sources are saying about Pakistani firepower:


Pakistan could be world’s 3rd biggest nuclear power in 10 yrs


Pakistan to overtake Britain as world's fifth largest nuclear power


Report: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest


Pakistan's nuclear stockpile could become world's third largest, says report

I can understand the fanboyism, but the reality is what being reported in global media. All agree, that India lags behind. And yes I agree, only fools would underestimate their enemy, and hence rather rude realization among Indian establishment of "use it or loss it" scenario. And I agree, India strategic program is highly dependent on the tech transfer from Russia and now America. Where as in Pakistan we not only have evolved the Uranium enrichment but patent the technology. Pakistan-2 and Pakistan-3 centrifuges are actually thing of past, we have now moved on to laser enrichment. We are now focusing on smart nukes, smaller, compact in size, yet devastating, miniaturization is the key, a big loophole in Indian program which goes to show its limitations and dependencies on the input from powers to be like America.

As for the rouge state and other non sense, tomorrow, we will be parading Chinese and Saudi armed forces in our national day parade. Please do follow.

We will not only launch strike against Indian cities but also against the Indian strategic forces to neutralize them in first strike. That is the whole idea of first strike that you cripple your enemy in first blow. That is our doctrine from day one. The Indian establishment filled with empty bravado talking about "no first strike" as far as one can remember. It seems realization had struck into Indian establishment that there might be no functioning Indian state left to respond after Pakistani first strike.

You maybe living under the rock and novice, I can give you benefit of doubt but for your information, Shaheen 3 was specifically developed to neutralize Indian Islands of Nicobar and Andaman, far away from Indian mainland. Rest assured, not an inch of Indian territory is out of reach from Pakistan.

Your all big lines are good your for your own public consumption ..... but Its really a secret to the world, how much India has it in its stockpile..... No one knows , and few attempted to find it out and they were surprised with
figures .....

If your fire power is higher than us... you won't sit idle...funny thing is you only said wiping out us...

Again school boy error. You are saying that we should nuke you just to prove our d*** is bigger then yours? How old are you?

Your all big lines are good your for your own public consumption ..... but Its really a secret to the world, how much India has it in its stockpile..... No one knows , and few attempted to find it out and they were surprised with
figures .....
View attachment 385649


Only if you have read the sources, there is nothing for "own public consumption". Go and read it again, the sources are from all over the world, including India and Washington post.
Again school boy error. You are saying that we should nuke you just to prove our d*** is bigger then yours? How old are you?

Only if you have read the sources, there is nothing for "own public consumption". Go and read it again, the sources are from all over the world, including India and Washington post.
lol, if the news published against PAK , you declined the same Washington post , India as False..

lol grow up, real source it is , if you can read the source n do maths talk, India operating since ages these plants and in huge number and someone Kid telling me less number of plants and will less production year they can produce more......lol

I have given more reliable source then news things which is your own consumption.

In fact your Country telling world India has 2K nuke weapons capability , either PAK govt is mad and ur more intelligent...or they good in Drama..
Again school boy error. You are saying that we should nuke you just to prove our d*** is bigger then yours? How old are you?

Only if you have read the sources, there is nothing for "own public consumption". Go and read it again, the sources are from all over the world, including India and Washington post.

Lol childish argument...
lol, if the news published against PAK , you declined the same Washington post , India as False..

lol grow up, real source it is , if you can read the source n do maths talk, India operating since ages these plants and in huge number and someone Kid telling me less number of plants and will less production year they can produce more......lol

I have given more reliable source then news things which is your own consumption.

In fact your Country telling world India has 2K nuke weapons capability , either PAK govt is mad and ur more intelligent...or they good in Drama..

Sunshine, Pakistan being well on its way to become world third biggest nuke power , that is something being mentioned and reported globally. Your argument about accepting or declining certain media source is self defeating.

Real source? LOL, something written back in 1998 without any knowledge of Pakistani nuke programe which is one of the most secretive in the whole world. Pathetic!

We churn fissile material like hot cakes, hell we patent the technologies the P1 and P2 centrifuges. Iran's whole nuke program was established on discarded , old generation of used Pakistani centrifugues, yet here Indian fanboy talking about less number of plants?

Jog on son.
So far indians maintained the view that Pak's nuclear program is to counter not only indi and thatan nuclear factor but also indian superior numbers and that's why Pak has chose the First USE of Nukes policy.

Now, when india is also shifting towards First Use policy, it's an official admission that, despite the numerical advantage in all 3 forces, with their aggressive plans like Cold start doctrine and spending billions of $$$ and proclaiming herself a Super duper power....india is unable to counter Pak....it's the ground reality now.
If Pakistan and some Indian generals are sure about India losing Punjab,dsnt that gve more incentive to Pakistan to attack India and take Punjab and Kashmir.

And again the reason i posted on this thread is because someone said India will not think of attacking first as china is with Pakistan and i asked a simple question to give one advantage for china to fight India for Pakistan.
If Pakistan and some Indian generals are sure about India losing Punjab,dsnt that gve more incentive to Pakistan to attack India and take Punjab and Kashmir.

And again the reason i posted on this thread is because someone said India will not think of attacking first as china is with Pakistan and i asked a simple question to give one advantage for china to fight India for Pakistan.
Indian army in 65 was beaten at Punjab sector according to Indian army soldiers book. Your general ran away leaving his jeep and wireless set.
Sunshine, Pakistan being well on its way to become world third biggest nuke power , that is something being mentioned and reported globally. Your argument about accepting or declining certain media source is self defeating.

Real source? LOL, something written back in 1998 without any knowledge of Pakistani nuke programe which is one of the most secretive in the whole world. Pathetic!

We churn fissile material like hot cakes, hell we patent the technologies the P1 and P2 centrifuges. Iran's whole nuke program was established on discarded , old generation of used Pakistani centrifugues, yet here Indian fanboy talking about less number of plants?

Jog on son.

lol Mr intelligent, care you tell us your Stockpile of on weapon grade U and P in KGS? and ur reactor capacity ?

Oh man so secretive of PAK nuke program that only one reactor can produce so many KG of PO /U then India's 10's of reactor which is bigger then any PAK reactor. This is called living in LA LA land.

you patent the technologies of P1 and P2 really ? the same P1 and P2 for which you bring Magnetic rings from China? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

BTW - report published in 2000, now after 15 yrs you can calculate how much more P/U India will have, lol as per PAK logic it will decrease in Indian case.

Indian army in 65 was beaten at Punjab sector according to Indian army soldiers book. Your general ran away leaving his jeep and wireless set.
yes that why they reached Lahore.....:))
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