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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack


  • What do you want to say about this? as per your logic.. lol

isn't that weird logic.. none of these countries involve directly...


before members say anything about India.. I would like to remind recent pak nuke warning based on fake news ...


Yeah we did. Do something about it LOL
I believe this is going to be true.

Unless India does that, it will be plunging into a "two-front-war-scenario" which is a non-viable situation for India. And why should India use nuclear weapons second when half of its fleet is already destroyed and it is already struggling to keep up against one enemy - Pakistan? It is indeed in the best interest of India to launch an offensive nuclear strike first, cause as much damage to Pakistan as it possibly can and save as much military power as it possibly can to confront second enemy - China.

NiamatAllah Shah Wali spoke about Turkey and Iran siding with Pakistan to defeat India. This only seems possible when Pakistan is a victim of Nuclear attack first.

To be able to strike back, Pakistan must diversity storage of its nuclear arsenal and it must come up with mechanisms which enable second strike using non-standard means, and I am talking about outside standard delivery mechanisms.
Preemptive strike could be a risky option since India doesn't have adequate firepower (totals 1 megaton, see below citation) to inflict critical damage on Pakistani forces. Moreover, Pakistan enjoys firepower supremacy (2.1 megatons) and could pose equivalent if not bigger damage on India in retaliatory second strike. I believe NFU is a safer doctrine, or at least only consider first-use in defensive arena when conventional forces are being over-run.
This time to do that you need balls.........This is not the Pakistan was in 1971...
so that means our missiles hit pakistan first and then your missiles hit India rt?
Not bad at least we will die knowing that you are dead. But you will die in anxiety of not knowing whether we will die or not. Dude that suspense will surely kill you. Due to higher points on psycho mental index we win over you. Pakistan has to go another notch up of screwed nuclear mentality to gain pyrrhic victory which of course will be matched by India. The cycle goes on....
Actually it is a stupid suicidal move on the part of India, just like the article itself.. Muslims do not have anxieties over death, you do..
india k achy Din gae ab. intizaar hai waar ka.. pakistan tuo bana hi hindu ko jahanum pochany k lia hai. ye hindu na tuo hm ko sakoon sy rehny dety hain na khod sakoon sy rehty hain. kaminy khod apny logo ko marwaty hain or ilzaam pakistan per lagty hain.

Gazw-e-Hind is coming .. ye war akhri war hogi india or pakistan k lia. hindu dum daba kr bhagay ga or pori Umat Muslima hindu k pichy hogi.
If india first drop atom Bomb they can't destroy pakistan capability to strike back with more destructive atomic bombs all around indian these cities listed below will be no more on map in few mins of india's first attack.
  • 1 - Mumbai.
  • 2 - Delhi.
  • 3 - Kolkata.
  • 4 - Bengaluru.
  • 5 - Hyderabad.
  • 6 - Chennai.
  • 7 - Ahmedabad.
  • 8 - Pune.
  • Bengaluru [Bangalore]
  • Surat
  • Jaipur
  • Kanpur
  • Lucknow
  • Ghaziabad
  • Nagpur
  • Ghaziabad
  • Indore
  • Coimbatore
  • Kochi
  • Patna
  • Kozhikode
Not only cities but the way india is growing and west is doing investment it will be all stopped. we are already facing war in the shape of terrorism so we will suffer less then you. and in last one kind advise for you go threat atom bomb someone else as a Muslim state we Muslims only fear Allah no power on earth can threaten us. we are a peaceful nation but if attacked then brutal nation.
What demonstration?Should we call BBC FOX?
We don't invite any media house during any trial..Our army don't need to advertise to mass..This is how India maintains it's soft image as a respectable nuclear power...

Thing is, your establishment is ever so keen to show case the tests of K series missiles from submerged "Pontoons", yet not on a single occasion, they have come forth with demonstration using an actual sub as a lunaching pad. Not once! As for the soft image non sense and "respectable" power, thats all non sense, not worth replying.

Underwater launch platform & nuclear missile launch capable subs both are different things..

Right! now point to me, in the baber test video, do you sea any tugs in open sea?

You see kiddo, the point of this whole argument was, the Indian establishment was making a chutiya out of billion plus people, when they were selling this false bravado that India can adsorb Pakistan first strike and retaliate later. These revelations now and ideas expressed by this so called Indian expert in the article under discussion, it is clear, that it is always been "use it to lose it" scenario for India.
Thing is, your establishment is ever so keen to show case the tests of K series missiles from submerged "Pontoons", yet not on a single occasion, they have come forth with demonstration using an actual sub as a lunaching pad. Not once! As for the soft image non sense and "respectable" power, thats all non sense, not worth replying.

Right! now point to me, in the baber test video, do you sea any tugs in open sea?

You see kiddo, the point of this whole argument was, the Indian establishment was making a chutiya out of billion plus people, when they were selling this false bravado that India can adsorb Pakistan first strike and retaliate later. These revelations now and ideas expressed by this so called Indian expert in the article under discussion, it is clear, that it is always been "use it to lose it" scenario for India.
You have to come to the reality that India can absorb Pakistan first strike and retaliate later. Do yo know why ? because of our huge mass.
In reality , there is no absorb. Since we don't have a "no first use " policy againt a Nuclear nation. If India is fooling the nation why your new godfather, China went to UN.
India is toooo big to be wipe out.. When you are counting no of nukes then count area size... Even if you launched strike Radiation will haunt Pakistan for generations.. think normally not abnormal..

School boy error. Even Pakistan is too big to be wiped out, if you are talking about making whole of Pakistan radioactive. Not going to happen. The fanboys dont understand what nuke strike does to a nation. All major population centers plus the military are the targets. you wipe them off, the state will cease to exist. We have plenty of fire power to achieve that many times over in relation to India. For the rural areas where people are living below poverty line, there were never part of our calculation and they shouldnt be anyway as they are irrelevant.
PLZ do it but remember you tried i before. I donot want to quote indian authors who wrote about the fact that indian generals were sure that they will lose indian punjab.
If Pakistan and some Indian generals are sure about India losing Punjab,dsnt that gve more incentive to Pakistan to attack India and take Punjab and Kashmir.

And again the reason i posted on this thread is because someone said India will not think of attacking first as china is with Pakistan and i asked a simple question to give one advantage for china to fight India for Pakistan.
School boy error. Even Pakistan is too big to be wiped out, if you are talking about making whole of Pakistan radioactive. Not going to happen. The fanboys dont understand what nuke strike does to a nation. All major population centers plus the military are the targets. you wipe them off, the state will cease to exist. We have plenty of fire power to achieve that many times over in relation to India. For the rural areas where people are living below poverty line, there were never part of our calculation and they shouldnt be anyway as they are irrelevant.
School boy error. Even Pakistan is too big to be wiped out, if you are talking about making whole of Pakistan radioactive. Not going to happen. The fanboys dont understand what nuke strike does to a nation. All major population centers plus the military are the targets. you wipe them off, the state will cease to exist. We have plenty of fire power to achieve that many times over in relation to India. For the rural areas where people are living below poverty line, there were never part of our calculation and they shouldnt be anyway as they are irrelevant.

San Marino thinks you are a big country not INDIA. You don't have enough fire power to shake India.If you think otherwise we can't help you.
A leading nuclear strategist Vipin Narang said yesterday, at a conference on nuclear policy, that there is increasing evidence that India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent.

“There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

He added that the first strike will not be aimed at urban centres and conventional targets of a retaliatory strike intended to punish and prevent an escalation, but against Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal, to preempt a nuclear attack altogether.

“India’s opening salvo may not be conventional strikes trying to pick off just Nasr batteries (launch vehicles for Pakistan’s tactical battlefield nuclear warheads) in the theatre, but a full ‘comprehensive counterforce strike’ that attempts to completely disarm Pakistan of its nuclear weapons so that India does not have to engage in iterative tit-for-tat exchanges and expose its own cities to nuclear destruction,” he said.

As evidence for his theory, Narang cited recent remarks and policy prescriptions from leading Indian strategists and a book by Shivshankar Menon, who oversaw nuclear targeting for India as National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Narang also quoted Menon as telling Ajai Shukla, a defense analyst with Business Standard, that “India’s nuclear doctrine has far greater flexibility than it gets credit for”.

Narang supported his theory by citing this paragraph from Menon’s book, “Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy”, which was released in November : “There is a potential grey area as to when India would use nuclear weapons first against another NWS (nuclear weapon state). Circumstances are conceivable in which India might find it useful to strike first, for instance, against an NWS that had declared it would certainly use its weapons, and if India were certain that adversary’s launch was imminent.”

New Delhi declared its no-first use strike policy in 2003, undertaking to not start a nuclear war in a neighbourhood.

Times of India released a report today in which it said there are also worries in India that New Delhi might not have full information on the whereabouts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tactical warheads that are much smaller and mounted on lorries to be driven around to escape detection through satellite imagery.
All this Chutzpah over some damn professor claiming some nonsense in a conference...As far as I know..Both Indian and Pakistani leadership are sensible enough to not to lob bombs at each other.
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