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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

Dumb article, it says:
"India could launch a pre-emptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent."
So, if the nuclear attack is imminent, it means that the Pakistani nuclear missiles are ready to launch, and thus the response time is near a few seconds..So by the time the Indian nuclear missiles are launched, the Pakistanis ones will also be launched.. hence it is not possible for India to destroy the Nuclear bases with their missiles..
This article is obviously based on false premises..and scaremonger propaganda..
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India "no first strike" doctrine which it has sold to the world historically got the same value as its claim to be a secular state.

These doctrines are worth the paper they are written on. That is why Pakistan never officially mention its nuclear policy. We will use it when we deem necessary.

What this article actually tell us, there is rude awakening within Indian policy makers that Pakistan first strike can actually wipe them out from existence, hence the shift from "no first strike". For India, now, its also the case of "use it or lose it".

India is toooo big to be wipe out.. When you are counting no of nukes then count area size... Even if you launched strike Radiation will haunt Pakistan for generations.. think normally not abnormal..
india needs to look on the map, pakistan is located right next door plus conecting with many countries which are also muslim plus friend china which has approx 40 to 60 billion pound investment cpec and would like to connect to gawador and iran to turkey. Then india has to look at its own population which has good percentage muslims and also seperatist groups.

nuking pak would be like poking and cracking open a beehive, with wild bees out to sting in all directions. This for india would lead to ultimate bloodbath in all directions and from within. internally and externally punished.

plus radation spreading - its time for builiding a small town like mad max barter town except it be called mad massoud barter town.

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LOL our nukes have put these Indians in some quandary and predicament. What a dilemma. So utterly confused. So many conflicting thoughts.

This is excellent news. This is an admission that the Indians clearly don't have a concise doctrine in place. They are struggling with the idea to strike first. This is the result of Pakistan gaining nuclear parity.


  • What do you want to say about this? as per your logic.. lol

india needs to look on the map, pakistan is located right next door plus conecting with many countries which are also muslim plus friend china which has approx 40 to 60 billion pound investment cpec and would like to connect to gawador and iran to turkey. Then india has to look at its own population which has good percentage muslims and also seperatist groups.

nuking pak would be like poking and cracking open a beehive, with wild bees out to sting in all directions. This for india would lead to ultimate bloodbath in all directions and from within. internally and externally punished.

plus radation spreading - its time for builiding a small town like mad max barter town except it be called mad massoud barter town.

isn't that weird logic.. none of these countries involve directly...


before members say anything about India.. I would like to remind recent pak nuke warning based on fake news ...

I nuclear war is not the end of the world for India and Pakistan as most or all memebers here on PDF claim to see. During the Cold War US and Ussr made thousands of war heads because they knew just by hitting the population centers and few big cities won't end a country. If that was the case making 500 nukes each would be enough.

Now coming to reality as many members here claim by destroying Delhi and Mumbai India would role over and die. To burst ur bubble the economy would go down by 2% of GDP and it would take 5-6 years to just bounce back. Nuking military assets would just make new once after the war. 50% of Indian GDP is farming and Pakistan neither has the will or the means to destroy every inch of India even by using everything in their arsenal. Matter of fact even US can't if it wanted. IT industry and other Industries would simply shift to different cities example Hyderabad vizag chennia and another 20 cities. Large scale industries wouldn't be effected as all of them are located in the outskirts of cities. With the system in place the economy would just bounce back in a decade at max.
Same goes with Pakistan, India US or any other country with nukes can't destroy Pakistan out of its existence. But the problem arises with the aftermath. The first aggressors to go nuclear would be dumped with a pile of sanctions for the next century. Barely any country including china would conduct trade with it unless they give up their nukes. Actually China would be the first one to give up on them considering they gave up musharaffs voice recording to the world the munite war broke out.
And though Pakistanis hate US it's their politicians favorite business partner and their largest export market. The munite US lays scantions any country that has trade relations with US has to give up trade. Look at Russia. Their economy is down by some figures as high as 40%.And considering nawaz just opened the Afghan border considering the repercussions by wto gives a picture how much the political system cares about keeping the economy together. Pakistan will always give up to fight another day. Look back at history 71, 99. If they really wanted to fight till death they wouldn't have surrendered in 71 knowing American 7th fleet is on its way and in 99 they wouldn't go running to US for a cease fire. Only people who will fight to death are ppl here on PDF sitting infront of their screens.

Now coming to the radiation fallout. The fall out would be just over the city that is nuked. There is a difference between a nuclear break down(which produces radiation continuesly) and a nuclear explosion. Nuking Karachi wouldn't effect gujarat or Islamabad. That is a myth that fall out would stream all over the country. There have been over 1350 nuclear tests in atmosphere and underwater including tsar and others. By that theory the planet could be destroyed many times over if radiation could spread 100's of miles. For further reference check (Forum:Why_does_everyone_think_200_years_would_get_rid_of_all_the_radiation%3F?useskin=oasis) in google, I can't post the link.
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Where does it support your claim that India will never do it ?
Your last post figured:666::lol:
coz coward enemy never strike first second it's triggered China involve that might be go further to world war:coffee:
Your last post figured:666::lol:
coz coward enemy never strike first second it's triggered China involve that might be go further to world war:coffee:
I dont want to get into who is coward or brave,because its all perception and where he is.
Tell me one advantage for china to get into a war with India for Pakistan.
another Attention seeker from our Neighborhood , Come on guys wake up both countries using half of their stockpile will obliterate the region and its weather .. million will die and Billions will suffer for another hundreds of year .
Not only that, an MIT study, done during one of those "bickering" periods, shows that the global climate will take a hit and the food supply chain will be heavily affected. Not to mention billion+ folks on the move!!! It's a Kiamet like situation. Next thing, you know, all the purses are opened!!!!!!

I believe this is going to be true.

Unless India does that, it will be plunging into a "two-front-war-scenario" which is a non-viable situation for India. And why should India use nuclear weapons second when half of its fleet is already destroyed and it is already struggling to keep up against one enemy - Pakistan? It is indeed in the best interest of India to launch an offensive nuclear strike first, cause as much damage to Pakistan as it possibly can and save as much military power as it possibly can to confront second enemy - China.

NiamatAllah Shah Wali spoke about Turkey and Iran siding with Pakistan to defeat India. This only seems possible when Pakistan is a victim of Nuclear attack first.

To be able to strike back, Pakistan must diversity storage of its nuclear arsenal and it must come up with mechanisms which enable second strike using non-standard means, and I am talking about outside standard delivery mechanisms.
According to the US reports, Pak is continuously moving their nukes. So, pinpointing where they is is a gamble with a very high degree of uncertainty. Why would India take such a risk?????
Not only that, an MIT study, done during one of those "bickering" periods, shows that the global climate will take a hit and the food supply chain will be heavily affected. Not to mention billion+ folks on the move!!! It's a Kiamet like situation. Next thing, you know, all the purses are opened!!!!!!

According to the US reports, Pak is continuously moving their nukes. So, pinpointing where they is is a gamble with a very high degree of uncertainty. Why would India take such a risk?????

I hope there are mechanisms in place and I hope Pakistan is already doing the needful. But expect India would try to take Pakistan's nuclear advantage away before it uses its non-conventional assets. And that means India would want to "Surprise Pakistan" and strike with nuclear weapons even before war is seen imminent.
"India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent."
So, if the nuclear attack is imminent, it means that the Pakistani nuclear missiles are ready to launch, and thus the response time is near a few seconds..So by the time the Indian nuclear missiles are launched, the Pakistanis ones will also be launched.. hence it is not possible for India to destroy the Nuclear bases with their missiles..
so that means our missiles hit pakistan first and then your missiles hit India rt?
Not bad at least we will die knowing that you are dead. But you will die in anxiety of not knowing whether we will die or not. Dude that suspense will surely kill you. Due to higher points on psycho mental index we win over you. Pakistan has to go another notch up of screwed nuclear mentality to gain pyrrhic victory which of course will be matched by India. The cycle goes on....
Try it you guys get all your answers But as I said India never do it or may be in articles and dreams.
you too can try,and i can say we can capture all your cities in less than 24 hrs and we can make sure none of NW are launched,i too can claim many things with out logic.if you cannot reply logically please dont quote me.

I just asked one advantage for china to fight India for Pakistan and you couldnot even comeup with one,just one reason.
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