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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

I can understand the fanboyism, but the reality is what being reported in global media. All agree, that India lags behind. And yes I agree, only fools would underestimate their enemy, and hence rather rude realization among Indian establishment of "use it or loss it" scenario. And I agree, India strategic program is highly dependent on the tech transfer from Russia and now America. Where as in Pakistan we not only have evolved the Uranium enrichment but patent the technology. Pakistan-2 and Pakistan-3 centrifuges are actually thing of past, we have now moved on to laser enrichment. We are now focusing on smart nukes, smaller, compact in size, yet devastating, miniaturization is the key, a big loophole in Indian program which goes to show its limitations and dependencies on the input from powers to be like America.

As for the rouge state and other non sense, tomorrow, we will be parading Chinese and Saudi armed forces in our national day parade. Please do follow.

We will not only launch strike against Indian cities but also against the Indian strategic forces to neutralize them in first strike. That is the whole idea of first strike that you cripple your enemy in first blow. That is our doctrine from day one. The Indian establishment filled with empty bravado talking about "no first strike" as far as one can remember. It seems realization had struck into Indian establishment that there might be no functioning Indian state left to respond after Pakistani first strike.

You maybe living under the rock and novice, I can give you benefit of doubt but for your information, Shaheen 3 was specifically developed to neutralize Indian Islands of Nicobar and Andaman, far away from Indian mainland. Rest assured, not an inch of Indian territory is out of reach from Pakistan.

You have already started assuming.Then we can also say your most techs are stolen blueprint(Thanks to AQ Khan) & mostly Chinese mercy.Going by the level your infrastructure,R&D & the level of mind your universities produce you couldn't even have had own nuclear program without mercy of others..:lol:

We are now making own reactors..First make one for yourself at least then boast..:D

You were asking for our enrichment programs.So let's see when our production has been started.....

India's uranium enrichment program in the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) was started to begin operations in 1985.

Weapon-grade plutonium production has been produced in two reactors: the 40 MWt CIRUS and the 100 MWt Dhruva, both located in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) complex near Mumbai & started production in 1985.

Let's get into clearing your confusion-----

The assumption in all those English articles you have posted are in context of data released by ISIS on August 2015.At that time Pakistan used to operate four plutonium production reactors,India operated one. By going through that production rate Pakistan had the capability to produce perhaps 20 nuclear warheads annually,India had about five warheads annually...

Now on 2017 India has 21 reactors active in 7 power plants & more is going to come in 2017...

Lack of availability of Uranium had limited our stockpiles.We use most of those HEU for research purpose & powering submarine.So we have to import more from other countries.This is the reason now we are moving towards Plutonium.Plutonium is in most respects more desirable than HEU as a material for nuclear weapons, given that less of it is required for an equivalently powerful fission bomb, which makes plutonium warheads lighter and more suitable for delivery by ballistic missile.India has a larger stockpile of plutonium than Pakistan & has been producing at 30 times more in amount than Pakistan annually.

The Fissile Materials Organisation data now shows India as producing 3.2 tonnes of 'weapons grade' HEU and 5.7 tonnes of non-civilian plutonium annually. The same source gives the estimate of Pakistan’s fissile production at 3.1 tonnes of HEU and 0.19 tonnes of plutonium.

Also India is currently constructing a secret Nuclear City in the state of Karnataka to produce thermonuclear weapons. It is expected to be completed by 2017, becoming the subcontinent’s largest complex of nuclear centrifuges. This will help India to get an extra stockpile of enriched uranium fuel that could be used in new hydrogen bombs, significantly increasing the explosive force of those in its existing nuclear arsenal.Will further enlarge thermonuclear program..

Also we will continue getting fissile materials(Mostly enriched Uranium) from Australia,Canada.Also have civil nuclear agreement with those countries along with UK,Japan.Mind it we are no member of NSG.:)

So lots of things are going on under the shed.So you should do a check out after 10 years...

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Hey u think u r going to be a superpower? well it may happen. but if u go in to a nuclear war with Pakistan than? u may win the war but it will left India in such a way that it will be unable to survive the future. Dont think u r japan! after a nuclear war even india wins, china will have some of ur territory and even Bangladesh have some. A nuclear war will make u unable to prevent further attack. So wake up from wet dreams

We have TEN nukes reserved for Bangladesh :-)
We have TEN nukes reserved for Bangladesh :-)
Lol so u r believing? A nuclear war with Pakistan will make u weaker and vulnerable? u cant survive the aftermath? probably u can nuke us but others? some one will come and rule u like the British again! May be some people from Ghana or Uganda:rofl:!
"Don't revive a settled matter" - Confucius

Aziz Arkadashim!! Didn't the matter already settle when Rahmetli Zia-ul Hak paid a short "cricket sports" visit to late Rajiv Gandhi in the 80s?? He said "Innalillahi Ve Innailahi Rajeun (verily we belong to Allah and shall return to HIM)". And, the best of the Indian Brahmin and Parsi folks, themselves descendents of Aryans and worked in the Muslim Sultans' courts, with the world-class style and substance understood it perfectly. The Sunderji doctrine was put back to the shelf!!! Now, do these Dravidian folks also have something else to add????
Aptly put. Paranoid delusions have turned to delusions of grandiosity.
lol, china cant have anything... Have your ever heard thing called ABM??

lol..... Muslims, Complete PAK wiped out and even if half of India survived , BD don't have even have capacity t fight with even one Indian state ...lol nice dream , keep it up.
Hey ABM is far from reality right now. Even US cant totally depend on them. And ur ABM will take another 10/15 years to become mature.
lol, china cant have anything... Have your ever heard thing called ABM??

lol..... Muslims, Complete PAK wiped out and even if half of India survived , BD don't have even have capacity t fight with even one Indian state ...lol nice dream , keep it up.
Are u thinking pak will nuke ur desert? They will nuke ur population centers! Even half Indian soil survives! where will be its population? Food water electricity?
Hey ABM is far from reality right now. Even US cant totally depend on them. And ur ABM will take another 10/15 years to become mature.
Well 1st level of ABM is ready to deployed or might be deployed , who knows , S400 System ?

Ever heard iron Dome? most difficult thing to hit is unguided rocket. when those rockets cant be hit, Missile is easy.

ABM only reduced the no of incoming missile, After 1st strike by India , PAK would have very few missile left to fire and ABM will take care of it.

way above your knowledge level, ABM only fails if large number of missile salvo launched .
Yes we have decided to FINALLY call on your Nuclear BLUFF

Let us see if you are really suicidal ; it is all a Big Bluff
Most of those are fed for glorification purpose & amour propre..
Less they talk on fact & revolves around religion & such BS..Now you get their mental paranoia.Better don't mend with them & stoop to their level..
Are u thinking pak will nuke ur desert? They will nuke ur population centers! Even half Indian soil survives! where will be its population? Food water electricity?
lol Indian largest population, NE , Deep South , Food water elect.... way above your knowledge level , dude.
These things are complex, India hit PAK nuke / missile site , reduced the no of missiles, the balance missile which r left will be taken care by ABM.
Most of those are fed for glorification purpose & amour propre..
Less they talk on fact & revolves around religion & such BS..Now you get their mental paranoia.Better don't mend with them & stoop to their level..

All their Elites have lots of Property

The Military too has Lots of REAL estate holdings

They are not suicidal ; they dont want any escalation
better go to RSS website which is claiming that muslims are more than 350 millions and BD has 200 millions..
now better you calculate yourself.. :omghaha:
lol u can uses which ever u want for fulfilling your fantasy... more then 900 million Hindus also lol
lol Indian largest population, NE , Deep South , Food water elect.... way above your knowledge level , dude.
These things are complex, India hit PAK nuke / missile site , reduced the no of missiles, the balance missile which r left will be taken care by ABM.
OH great than why u r not attacking pakistan right now? U have no fear ur Brahmmos and ABM can take care of Pakistani nuclear weapons or might even china? correct me if i m wrong?
Against a nuclear wepon state , We should avoid " No first use policy ".
I would say Pakistan should strike India first with full scale nuclear strike like about 50 nuclear warheads, finish them in first strike. You never let enemy hit you first

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