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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

Irresponsible Pakistan leaders are making situation worse by issuing warning every now and then. India receives the warning from Pakistan politician, their rulling party ministers, officials, scientists, people of every sphere of life. India can not take this warning lightly and may have to rethink on her nuclear doctrine. I pray almighty that no nuclear exchange take place between two countries who happened to be a single country before 7 decades.
Their warnings are fruit for us my friend..Have you wondered why we get Uranium from most of the other countries along with all techs although not being a member of NSG..?If you give threat on daily basis then you wouldn't be called a responsible nuclear power..

here non civilian means out of the purview of iaea safeguards and its total amount of plutonium bomb grade plus reactor grade.

dreams are tax free so is trolling

I know all indian achievements is just dream for you guys though we may already have achieved it. All our achievement is trolling for you. When We launched Mangal yaan, I heard pakistan media discussing " Are sach much main choda hoga bhi ya nahi". So keep saying all our achievements trolling. We shall keep progressing.
Sir ask them how many military reactors ie weapons grade plutonium production reactors they are running. Because power reactors do not produce weapons grade plutonium there is too much pu240 in them which defeats implosion by pre detonation. It ends up in a fizzle, that's why I asked him two indirect questions

They wont know such details, they are just copy/paste trolls from the east. Some think by running only hundred centrifuges producing 2% enriched uranium will give them the bomb! Fools.
They wont know such details, they are just copy/paste trolls from the east. Some think by running only hundred centrifuges producing 2% enriched uranium will give them the bomb! Fools.
lol Some fool don't know that India Nukes based Pu and not U and Since Pu bomb are compact and light weight and ,more efficient then Uranium bombs.

Pak learn that thing after 2000 and that's why now they are focusing on Pu bombs..... go and do some research..... BTW ,

you knowledge level can be understand from the fact you are only person in the world who claims PAK has Patent technology.
Ah sunshine like you won't get what I just have tried to say in my last comment..Let's me recite it briefly now,

By controlling the computerized rotation of the rotor in centrifuge in cascades you can easily maintain the amount of U235 or U238 you want..More you speed up the rotor more U238 will move out to the wall of centrifuge & can be separated..Anyway after processing Uranium ore the Uranium oxide you get contain a whooping 99% U238..LEU can easily be processed from that.To process HEU & concentrate U235 thousands of centrifuges are needed..Today's centrifuges are more efficient than that was in 1986..

HEU or LEU can't be garbage..Ignorance makes garbage..

Kiddo, I would suggest to put your reading glasses on and read what you copy/pasted in your previous replies.

You highlighted Indian "achievement" of enriching Uranium to the level of 2%. Obviously not knowing that 2% enriched Uranium is not even classed a LEU which is used in reactors as fuel. It is as good as you sprinkling it as masala on top of your Indian vegge curry. :omghaha: . You need around 90% enriched HEU to use as a core of the nuke.

But more importantly, when you were learning to crawl in the field of Uranium enrichment, we were developing and designing not P1, not P1, not P3 but P4 centrifuges. Do the math! Its another matter for debate that now Pakistan is primarily using Laser enrichment.

And lastly, if it was that "easy" to simply rotate the centrifuges at speed which will give pure HEU, any Tom dick and harry would have done it. That is why India has always struggled in this field because there was no Canadian reactor here to steal from. Even the Chinese were struggling in this field, till Pakistan set them up a plant.

We have fourth generation centrifuges since 2008 whereas your country was still stuck with obsolete second generation centrifuges.


.IN is as good as throwing your week old food in garbage without even smelling it. :omghaha:

Kiddo, we were building and designing P4s back in 1980s when you were learning how to crawl in this feild. :haha:

.IN is as good as throwing your week old food in garbage without even smelling it. :omghaha:

Kiddo, we were building and designing P4s back in 1980s when you were learning how to crawl in this feild. :haha:
Pakistan has FAILED TO deploy P4 :rofl::omghaha:
Likewise, based on procurement data and
interviews with knowledgeable officials, Pakistan is unlikely to have deployed large numbers of
centrifuges with carbon fiber rotors that would spin much faster and thus achieve a significantly
greater enrichment output than the P2 or P3 centrifuge, which has maraging steel rotors.

Also .in is a million times more reliable th a your .pk

Pakistani centrifuges are SO Obsolete that they still use maraging steel instead of carbon fibre.
lol Some fool don't know that India Nukes based Pu and not U and Since Pu bomb are compact and light weight and ,more efficient then Uranium bombs.

Pak learn that thing after 2000 and that's why now they are focusing on Pu bombs..... go and do some research..... BTW ,

you knowledge level can be understand from the fact you are only person in the world who claims PAK has Patent technology.

Kiddo, ping me when your super duper scientists and engineers have miniaturized and compacted your warhead with Pu you been stealing from the forigen provided reactors. How many TNWs you got? oh I forgot, you dont have any. LOL. :omghaha:

Logic talks while bullshit walks. Any one would see the pattern of development in Pakistan where the warheads have been miniaturized to fit into even small battlefield missiles like NASR. Even the development of RAAD and Babur is ample indication that Paksitani nukes are really compact. Even Musharraf once mentioend that Pakistani nukes are now size of golf ball. Pakistan has moved onto smart nukes. This is the reality of today. Where is India in his, sitting on mythical huge stock piles of Pu , yet cant do a jack when it comes to miniturzation? Did the daddy not pass on the blueprints of TNWs? :laughcry:

Any sane person would understand when the world recognize Pakistani "designed" and "build" new generations of centrifuges, as globally accepted fact, only Indian trolls would have issues swallowing the bitter pill.

Kiddo, I would suggest to put your reading glasses on and read what you copy/pasted in your previous replies.

You highlighted Indian "achievement" of enriching Uranium to the level of 2%. Obviously not knowing that 2% enriched Uranium is not even classed a LEU which is used in reactors as fuel. It is as good as you sprinkling it as masala on top of your Indian vegge curry. :omghaha: . You need around 90% enriched HEU to use as a core of the nuke.

But more importantly, when you were learning to crawl in the field of Uranium enrichment, we were developing and designing not P1, not P1, not P3 but P4 centrifuges. Do the math! Its another matter for debate that now Pakistan is primarily using Laser enrichment.

And lastly, if it was that "easy" to simply rotate the centrifuges at speed which will give pure HEU, any Tom dick and harry would have done it. That is why India has always struggled in this field because there was no Canadian reactor here to steal from. Even the Chinese were struggling in this field, till Pakistan set them up a plant.


.IN is as good as throwing your week old food in garbage without even smelling it. :omghaha:

Kiddo, we were building and designing P4s back in 1980s when you were learning how to crawl in this feild. :haha:
Oukkkk whatever floats your boat :)
Pakistan has FAILED TO deploy P4 :rofl::omghaha:


Also .in is a million times more reliable th a your .pk

Pakistani centrifuges are SO Obsolete that they still use maraging steel instead of carbon fibre.


P4-type: Western intelligence data suggest that Pakistan developed an ad-
vanced centrifuge in the mid-1980s.
Accordingly, this machine is based on a
Durch Urenco design, designated SLM, later known as the TC-10.22 Report-
edly, the rotor has a diameter of 14.5 cm, a length of 3.2 m, and is operated
at 508 m/s. The separative performance of the P-4 has been quoted as 21

LOL another one crawled from its hole. :omghaha:

while the papers written by the experts refer P4 as Pakistani design and build centrifuges, its another matter for debate that we are now using Laser enrichment.

Oukkkk whatever floats your boat :)

Back to the hole you came from. :sniper:
P4-type: Western intelligence data suggest that Pakistan developed an ad-
vanced centrifuge in the mid-1980s.
Accordingly, this machine is based on a
Durch Urenco design, designated SLM, later known as the TC-10.22 Report-
edly, the rotor has a diameter of 14.5 cm, a length of 3.2 m, and is operated
at 508 m/s. The separative performance of the P-4 has been quoted as 21
Pakistan has completely failed to deploy the P4:
Likewise, based on procurement data and
interviews with knowledgeable officials, Pakistan is unlikely to have deployed large numbers of
centrifuges with carbon fiber rotors that would spin much faster and thus achieve a significantly
greater enrichment output than the P2 or P3 centrifuge, which has maraging steel rotors.
lol you don't aware would work culture. Some Working London getting information about Canberra lol what a man are you .....lol :sarcastic: So that he can mount an operation on London using Canberra local information lol... What a man are you ......aka..

you might Fed Information to you Navy Chief What IA doing in NE , so that he can plan its naval activating in NE erre in West side..... only these kind of foolish thing expected from your side.

You are one who patented the Things, but I still didn't get your patent No? What happened to the Patent ,did it get rejected? :omghaha::omghaha:

Right, so the American generals looking after the hotbed region in whole world where the chances of nukes exchange are the highest wont exchange their notes? LOL. Mate , you are getting silly with each passing day.

  1. 1.
    past and past participle of build.

  1. 1.
    a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made.


lol Look who is talking , India even now designing its own reactor , dude , grow up ......

Mr Patent , We expect to have little bit Tech info , But you don't even have iota of technical Info, even in India , Basic kid have more info then you have.

We steal it, for exploding nuke and we steal it from Dutch LAB and also from China, lol:haha::haha::haha::haha:

Kiddo, we gathering from all over the world which was readily available is far from stealing. We paid for what we needed.

BUT, before we even started assembling our plants, you lot had already stolen the Pu from the Canadian reactor only to blow it up in Rajistan and call it "smiling Buddha". Funny thing is, the NSG for which you are licking Chinese boots and begging them to let you in, the organization itself was created AFTER your stealing from Canadian reactor and as a result of "smiling Buddha" test, to ensure this doesnt happen again. :omghaha::omghaha:

You lot are pathetic.

lol.... Mr Patent, lol care to tell the world which Alien technology on which F16 will fly so many KM without stopping /getting detected??? ... it will create a world Record isn't ?? Which pill do you take????:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: not to forget Radar In Egypt / Sudan/SA etc.. and not to mentioned Warships present in RED seas....

oppes just Check where is Mecca City.... If you take Red sea it will be something 8K-9K KM of air distance , it will create a world record flying for F-16 without getting detected then.


Ofcourse, according to Indian logic they will paint the big bright "star of david" on their F16s, advertise it to whole world before flying to bomb Pakistani nuke facility. Listen kid, Israel dont act alone, it always had American nod and blessing. Just like they manage to destroy Iraqi nuke plant right under the nose of countries, muslim countries to be precise, its no big deal to fly out using red sea route with American military/refeullers supporting them. There are many scenarios that can happen. One of which, with Isrealis flying under American flag.

Dont put your punny India brain to over drive. :laughcry:

lol yes we know your patented Advance Centrifuges way back in 80's :sarcastic::omghaha:, Oh yes 80% were outside IAEA control...... now just check how many Reactors you have in 1990 vs India.. and then do the maths again.

if you cannot able to digest the fact that India has 4x /5X Rectors then PAK by 1990 .

What an idiot. :omghaha:

Which part of Pakistan following the enrichmenat path, completely different to India, does not go through your head?

no of reactors are irrelevant if you understood the above.

Dont beat around the bush, just give me number of your reactors working outside IAEA judristriction and under military and strategic use. You could have hundreds of reactors , no one care, just let us know how many of those are outside IAEA reach.

Indian weapons based on Pu, which is far more efficient / and compact in design then U for the same amount of destruction.

Brilliant! I was expecting this from you.

But there is a strong anamoly here. With the mythical huge Pu stockpile India sitting on, there is a utter failure to achive compactness and miniaturization by Indian scientists and engineers. How many TNWs you got? oh I know, ZERO!! NADA !! ZILCH!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Crawl back to the hole you came from.

Pakistan has completely failed to deploy the P4:

Your link is saying that Pakistan developed P4s in 1990s where as Pakistan has already developed P4s way back in 1980s.

Having said that, India was never in this game to being with.

I am here where I was.. :D
You need to do some back flips & do some digging if you consider my suggestion else all iz well..

You are on the Pakistani domain kiddo and your stench is over powering, obviously you cant be from the land of pure, and the smell you carry is a give away to where you belong.
Your link is saying that Pakistan developed P4s in 1990s where as Pakistan has already developed P4s way back in 1980s.

Having said that, India was never in this game to being with.
The fact that Pakistan has been not able to deploy P4 shows that P4 development was a failure.
Kiddo, ping me when your super duper scientists and engineers have miniaturized and compacted your warhead with Pu you been stealing from the forigen provided reactors. How many TNWs you got? oh I forgot, you dont have any. LOL. :omghaha:
Nothing bullshit can be expected from a person who is going to show patent technology centrifuge :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Its ,Pu 4KG /2.86" sphere Vs U-15KG /4.48" Sphere for same intensity of TNT
15Kg Pu Vs 50Kg uranium

Even Nursery Kid Can now understand which can he lighter for same intensity , but anyone who can patent Centrifuge technology , its way beyond their knowledge.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

a) Plutonium needed to make a bomb:
- 4 kilograms: Weight of a solid sphere of plutonium just large enough to achieve a critical mass with a beryllium reflector. Diameter of such a sphere: 2.86 in (7.28 cm). Diameter of a regulation baseball: 2.90 in (7.36 cm).
- 4.4 kilograms: Estimated amount used in Israel's fission bombs.
- 5 kilograms: Estimated amount needed to manufacture a first-generation fission bomb today.
- 6.1 kilograms: Amount used in "Trinity" test in 1945 and in the bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
- 15 kilograms: Weight of a solid sphere of plutonium just large enough to achieve a critical mass without a reflector. Diameter of such a sphere: 4.44 in (11.3 cm). Diameter of a regulation softball: 3.82 in (9.7 cm).

a) Uranium-235 needed to make a bomb:
- 15 kilograms:
Weight of a solid sphere of 100 percent uranium-235 just large enough to achieve a critical mass with a beryllium reflector. Diameter of such a sphere: 4.48 in (11.4 cm). Diameter of a regulation softball: 3.82 in (9.7 cm).
- 50 kilograms: Weight of a solid sphere of 100 percent uranium-235 just large enough to achieve a critical mass without a reflector. Diameter of such a sphere: 6.74 in (17.2 cm), comparable to an average honeydew melon.
- 60 kilograms: Reported amount used in Hiroshima bomb "Little Boy."

I know all the above is beyond your knowledge / understanding, come and talk when you have little "Technical " knowledge rather that writing your fancy stories ;)

Logic talks while bullshit walks. Any one would see the pattern of development in Pakistan where the warheads have been miniaturized to fit into even small battlefield missiles like NASR. Even the development of RAAD and Babur is ample indication that Paksitani nukes are really compact. Even Musharraf once mentioend that Pakistani nukes are now size of golf ball. Pakistan has moved onto smart nukes. This is the reality of today. Where is India in his, sitting on mythical huge stock piles of Pu , yet cant do a jack when it comes to miniturzation? Did the daddy not pass on the blueprints of TNWs? :laughcry:

Any sane person would understand when the world recognize Pakistani "designed" and "build" new generations of centrifuges, as globally accepted fact, only Indian trolls would have issues swallowing the bitter pill.


Well pattern also we have seen .
A) Dutch Stolen Design lol
B) asking for AK khan black market proof
C) Displaying China nuke bomb design ( Called made in PAK design bomb) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

D) Even Musf spoke told that, no Pak soldiers in Kargil ,
F) even Mush asked to ready missile of NK origin during kargil, but which can drop in Karachi or even Islamabad itself due to faulty guidance system.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Lol , TNW , I just showed you how many Kg Pu required to reach the desired effect against the qty of U , hmm just read above post and bang your head, come when you have single iota of knowledge on Nuclear...

Right, so the American generals looking after the hotbed region in whole world where the chances of nukes exchange are the highest wont exchange their notes? LOL. Mate , you are getting silly with each passing day.

  1. 1.
    past and past participle of build.

  1. 1.
    a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made.


Kiddo, we gathering from all over the world which was readily available is far from stealing. We paid for what we needed.

BUT, before we even started assembling our plants, you lot had already stolen the Pu from the Canadian reactor only to blow it up in Rajistan and call it "smiling Buddha". Funny thing is, the NSG for which you are licking Chinese boots and begging them to let you in, the organization itself was created AFTER your stealing from Canadian reactor and as a result of "smiling Buddha" test, to ensure this doesnt happen again. :omghaha::omghaha:

You lot are pathetic.

Ofcourse, according to Indian logic they will paint the big bright "star of david" on their F16s, advertise it to whole world before flying to bomb Pakistani nuke facility. Listen kid, Israel dont act alone, it always had American nod and blessing. Just like they manage to destroy Iraqi nuke plant right under the nose of countries, muslim countries to be precise, its no big deal to fly out using red sea route with American military/refeullers supporting them. There are many scenarios that can happen. One of which, with Isrealis flying under American flag.

Dont put your punny India brain to over drive. :laughcry:

What an idiot. :omghaha:

Which part of Pakistan following the enrichmenat path, completely different to India, does not go through your head?

no of reactors are irrelevant if you understood the above.

Dont beat around the bush, just give me number of your reactors working outside IAEA judristriction and under military and strategic use. You could have hundreds of reactors , no one care, just let us know how many of those are outside IAEA reach.

Brilliant! I was expecting this from you.

But there is a strong anamoly here. With the mythical huge Pu stockpile India sitting on, there is a utter failure to achive compactness and miniaturization by Indian scientists and engineers. How many TNWs you got? oh I know, ZERO!! NADA !! ZILCH!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Crawl back to the hole you came from.

Your link is saying that Pakistan developed P4s in 1990s where as Pakistan has already developed P4s way back in 1980s.

Having said that, India was never in this game to being with.

You are on the Pakistani domain kiddo and your stench is over powering, obviously you cant be from the land of pure, and the smell you carry is a give away to where you belong.

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