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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

Pakistan and China should finish this terrorist nation off for the greater peace and benefit of the humanity.
Both Pakistan and China don't have the firepower to finish India off.... Only Russia and USA does.
very funny
India, Pakistan and China all possess only credible deterrence. All three countries' nukes are current deployed for defensive purposes.
Of course there is the issue of what happens after a country uses nukes against another, especially if civilian populations are targeted.
Well Pakistani defense minister can nuke countries based on a fake Twitter tweet, so I guess one can't take chances with that country. Better to go all out when things seem certain.

Pakistan anyways has an uncertain future. The original Pakistan didn't survive for 25 years. Given its current situation with rampant extremism and all, how long this entity has is anybody's guess.

Now even Hafiz Saeed has formed a political party and who know someday he might end up having his finger on the Pakistani Nuke button. If that happens, I doubt countries like India or Israel will sit around and await destruction.
Of course, we know it better than any other country. That's why we are able to give sleepless nights to a nasty enemy nine times bigger than us. We really know your psyche, in and out. But you need certainly more to know that.

:what: yeah right... keep harping to the same logic which 9 out of 10 times fail's you, we are way ahead of your game plan. You guys are nothing more than mosquito bite! yeah you have to scratch from time to time.
Pakistans fat man like bombs are barely going to kill 10's of millions of Indians.
Finish off doesn't mean to kill each person. Plus do not produce unsubstantiated facts from your rear end since you have no idea about Pakistan's nuclear program and I see that you lack even the basic faculty to understand nuclear technology.
Now even Hafiz Saeed has formed a political party and who know someday he might end up having his finger on the Pakistani Nuke button. If that happens, I doubt countries like India or Israel will sit around and await destruction.
In last 70 years none of the extremist was elected as a prime minister in Pakistan, however in your country this doesn't seem to be true.
Finish off doesn't mean to kill each person. Plus do not produce unsubstantiated facts from your rear end since you have no idea about Pakistan's nuclear program and I see that you lack even the basic faculty to understand nuclear technology.

Unsubstantiated facts? foreign sources have Pakistans highest Nuke test at around 20-25kt, similar to fat man bomb the USA dropped on Japan.... Dude everyone knows Pakistan deploys low yield tactical nukes, and the yield of these nukes is low.

India, Pakistan and China all possess only credible deterrence. All three countries' nukes are current deployed for defensive purposes.
Of course there is the issue of what happens after a country uses nukes against another, especially if civilian populations are targeted.
Both India and Pak have atomic bombs not megaton h-bomb deployed, I know India has way more tritium and fissile material to make H-bomb, which will improve your firepower:(
A leading nuclear strategist Vipin Narang said yesterday, at a conference on nuclear policy, that there is increasing evidence that India could launch a preemptive first strike against Pakistan if it feared a nuclear attack was imminent.

“There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

He added that the first strike will not be aimed at urban centres and conventional targets of a retaliatory strike intended to punish and prevent an escalation, but against Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal, to preempt a nuclear attack altogether.

“India’s opening salvo may not be conventional strikes trying to pick off just Nasr batteries (launch vehicles for Pakistan’s tactical battlefield nuclear warheads) in the theatre, but a full ‘comprehensive counterforce strike’ that attempts to completely disarm Pakistan of its nuclear weapons so that India does not have to engage in iterative tit-for-tat exchanges and expose its own cities to nuclear destruction,” he said.

As evidence for his theory, Narang cited recent remarks and policy prescriptions from leading Indian strategists and a book by Shivshankar Menon, who oversaw nuclear targeting for India as National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Narang also quoted Menon as telling Ajai Shukla, a defense analyst with Business Standard, that “India’s nuclear doctrine has far greater flexibility than it gets credit for”.

Narang supported his theory by citing this paragraph from Menon’s book, “Choices: Inside the Making of Indian Foreign Policy”, which was released in November : “There is a potential grey area as to when India would use nuclear weapons first against another NWS (nuclear weapon state). Circumstances are conceivable in which India might find it useful to strike first, for instance, against an NWS that had declared it would certainly use its weapons, and if India were certain that adversary’s launch was imminent.”

New Delhi declared its no-first use strike policy in 2003, undertaking to not start a nuclear war in a neighbourhood.

Times of India released a report today in which it said there are also worries in India that New Delhi might not have full information on the whereabouts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tactical warheads that are much smaller and mounted on lorries to be driven around to escape detection through satellite imagery.

Make sense if your satellites provide you credible info of enemy preparing for nuclear attack ... no first use policy will not make sense at that time .. destroy them before they attack you .
Make sense if your satellites provide you credible info of enemy preparing for nuclear attack ... no first use policy will not make sense at that time .. destroy them before they attack you .
Plus we don't have a proper 2nd strike capability.... which is why we have 1st use policy....
Plus we don't have a proper 2nd strike capability.... which is why we have 1st use policy....

Which is why we have no first use policy bcz of our satellite cover and working BMD system soon to be operational .
Unsubstantiated facts? foreign sources have Pakistans highest Nuke test at around 20-25kt, similar to fat man bomb the USA dropped on Japan.... Dude everyone knows Pakistan deploys low yield tactical nukes, and the yield of these nukes is low.

Both India and Pak have atomic bombs not megaton h-bomb deployed, I know India has way more tritium and fissile material to make H-bomb, which will improve your firepower:(

WRONG......EPIC FAIL.......That sounds like the same vehement indian claims that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. We all know what happened to that indianism. Just as then so is now.

Pakistan has had thermonuclear/H-bomb capability since AT LEAST early 2011:


Fact is that Pakistan has enough nukes with extremely high yields to wipe india off the face of the planet. That's why india is now considering the possibility of a pre-emptive nuclear 1st strike on us. That is why india was so weak, powerless and helpless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 and uri 2016 even though they are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.

The indian military high command are well aware of Pakistan's TRUE military capabilities.

India has deployed 2nd strike capability or you guys still working on it?

Pakistan already has a minimum 2nd strike deterent as we have SLCM capability:

India has deployed 2nd strike capability or you guys still working on it?

With INS Airhant in Indian Ocean and its sister ship jioning her soon ... i will be good with saying that we have a credible second strike capability

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